Everyone seems to be playing on PC. How is 360 version?
Fine here. Have it installed and it plays great.
Everyone seems to be playing on PC. How is 360 version?
Fine here. Have it installed and it plays great.
I have 20 unused skill points because I haven't done any main missions. It's so stupid that they lock you out.
You unlock almost all skill points after only a handful of missions, just do those and you're good to go. I can even tell you which mission if you're so inclined.
Pet hyenas in FC4 please.
Meh. Installed it and it still seems to run below 30 at regular levels. Tears a lot too.Everyone seems to be playing on PC. How is 360 version?
No, I've done all the outposts and side missions on the first island now, all that's left is the main quest. I... kinda feel like not playing anymore though :/ The outposts were the best part.
Second Island feels different. Not the same Ubisoft studio worked on them maybe?
one thing this game is hilariously terrible at is side-mission NPCs and such. I swear there's just 3 different models. Everyone is exactly the same, not even a change of clothes.
That's weird to say when you haven't played any story missions, good sir. You could start a new game, do the first few story missions, unlock a bunch of skills and THEN go out and about the island.
Because you kind of ruined it for yourself, unfortunately. With all outposts gone there are hardly any enemies left to fight, and you will never experience the joy of stabbing someone in the throat, grabbing his knife and throwing it in the back of another pirate. Or pull a pirate off a ledge into the sea and stab him in the heart before he even knows what the hell just happened. or run faster while crouching. Or jump from a ledge on top of a pirate while you lodge your machette in his collar bone. Or better yet, jump on two pirates and stab them both in the kidney.
Yeah, start over dude.
And they have about 4 animations that they periodically and randomly go through, despite the context of the thing they're saying. "PLEASE SIR, HELP US! *shrugs shoulders*"
No, I've done all the outposts and side missions on the first island now, all that's left is the main quest. I... kinda feel like not playing anymore though :/ The outposts were the best part.
I don't really care for such theatrics, I have the "death from above" move and haven't even used it once. I haven't used the melee kill outside of the assassination missions. Sniper rifle+unique silenced smg or LMG+rocket launcher and a handful of mines/C4 is all I needAlso I don't start games over unless I really really love them, and there's no reason to in this case. Either I continue or I stop playing altogether. Right now I've been roaming around the island for 10 hours doing sidequests and outposts, and now that I've only got the main quest to do I'm not having that much fun anymore. I think I'll shelve this game for now. Maybe I'll return to it, maybe I won't.
Play the game dude.
Everyone seems to be playing on PC. How is 360 version?
Not to be a dick, but how would you even know?
Some of the missions make the outposts seem like a joke. Some of the mission are outpost missions, just on steroids.
Almost all the missions have been pretty fun, since you can approach most of them *any* way you want to. Play the game dude.
For real. At the very least, don't return a game because you refuse to play it.
I LOVED the main quest.
I put in a few more hours into this game yesterday, and I want to like it, but I just can't get into it. It's clear there are a lot of great systems in the game--the wildlife simulation is robust, the guns feel good, the stealth mechanics are solid--but nothing seems worth doing. I'm not compelled to move the story forward via the missions, the island feels too sparse to bother exploring, and I don't feel like killing pirates/climbing towers/hunting for collectibles offer any satisfying rewards. It doesn't help that even on the hardest difficulty I don't feel challenged. Maybe I'd feel different if there was more richness to the island's narrative outside of the main missions. At least in Skyrim you felt that each dungeon or cave had its own story.
Am I the only one who feels this way? I'm not trying to invalidate anyone else's enjoyment of the game, but it seems like in order to have fun, you have to find the gameplay emergent from the game's systems worthwhile in and of itself.
Guys I ate all the appetizers... now I don't feel like eating dinner. Whatever, appetizers where the best part anyway, even though I don't know what's for dinner.
Although I definitely like the game, and experience this obsessive compulsion to keep on coming back to it after every working day, I can still really relate to this. The game feels like a throwback to open world games from before Skyrim, and, well, you can't really go back after Skyrim.
The single most important innovation that game brought was that every side quest had a meaningful story (+arc) associated with it. Far cry 3 rewards exploration with gamey bits, but Skyrim rewarded you with a new story. For me that was much more worthwhile. It made going out on a tangent feel important instead of a digression.
story missions are fucking terrible so far. Easily the worst part of the game.
They've been plagged with completely useless QTEs (walking on a ledge where a big "press A to move left through this ledge, A! A! A!" when I could just.. you know, move through it normally? why does it have to bea timed QTE knowing I would press the exact same fucking key to move left? baffling), a fucking laughable tail mission where I had to follow a guy WALKING through a town, at a ridiculously slow speed that just made no sense whatsoever, and some other equally bad stuff.
On the first island, I disliked all missions involving the compass and knife. IIRC, the first half wraps up with them and it left a bad impression on me. Thankfully the second island campaign quests are mostly of the outpost variety.
Does anyone feel like they are poor all the time? Buying ammo is a drag, haha! In Far Cry 2 it was free if I remember.
Any tips for money? I loot every body I kill and am barely scrapping by.
The single most important innovation that game brought was that every side quest had a meaningful story (+arc) associated with it. Far cry 3 rewards exploration with gamey bits, but Skyrim rewarded you with a new story. For me that was much more worthwhile. It made going out on a tangent feel important instead of simply a digression.
Out of curiosity, how many missions have you done?
I like splice up outposts with missions. I can't imagine doing outposts for 20 hours, i'd be bored as well, doubly so as you haven't even unlocked the best skills yet which makes the encounters more interesting.
Saying you don't like the missions that you have yet to complete is some backwards ass mentality.
Pyronite said:Right? Isn't that more engaging than a simple cutscene playing?
The single most important innovation that game brought was that every side quest had a meaningful story (+arc) associated with it. Far cry 3 rewards exploration with gamey bits, but Skyrim rewarded you with a new story. For me that was much more worthwhile. It made going out on a tangent feel important instead of simply a digression.
I would actually argue that "a game like this" is exactly the only place where "cinematic or linear missions" are acceptable.I've only been playing for 10 hours. I said I don't like cinematics or linear missions in a game like this
i thought they were a nice change of pace actually, tomb raider/uncharted ish, Buck is a terrible character, and i mean that in the best way possible.
please tell me you're not serious when you say skyrim innovated with story in side quests.
Phrase it however you want, it doesn't matter to me. My opinion is my own, you're free to have yours.
Every TES game has done that since Morrowind. If anything, Skyrim has less story because it's fully voiced instead of text only.
That's where the potential lies.
It's almost like you played an imaginary Skyrim which is very different from the one I know.The game feels like a throwback to open world games from before Skyrim, and, well, you can't really go back after Skyrim.
The single most important innovation that game brought was that every side quest had a meaningful story (+arc) associated with it. Far cry 3 rewards exploration with gamey bits, but Skyrim rewarded you with a new story. For me that was much more worthwhile. It made going out on a tangent feel important instead of simply a digression.
I guess that game changed my perspective on open world games, because whereas before I was mostly content with that, right now when I play Far Cry 3 I just can't help but sigh about all the missed potential and how dull it feels when I do something else than a main story mission.
And they have about 4 animations that they periodically and randomly go through, despite the context of the thing they're saying. "PLEASE SIR, HELP US! *shrugs shoulders*"
I would actually argue that "a game like this" is exactly the only place where "cinematic or linear missions" are acceptable.
An entirely linear game would be unbearable (as they usually are to me), while an open world game with few, isolated moments which make that extra effort to feel unique, can offer the best of both worlds.
I can't wait to see some mods for this game. Maybe to randomly respawn enemies at outposts.
The sound design in this game is great. I love all the little touches when a character moves, jumps, changes weapons, etc.
I've only been playing for 10 hours. I said I don't like cinematics or linear missions in a game like this, that's different than what you said. I did all the outpost stuff first because roaming around without interruptions simply playing with the emergent systems is what I like the most in these types of games. Even doing only the things I enjoy the most, I still started getting bored after several hours. So there's really no point in me continuing right now, is there?
I don't get why some people (not necessarily you) get so aggressive.