It's almost like you played an imaginary Skyrim which is very different from the one I know.
It certainly wasn't imaginary, but it could be very different from the one you played.
It's almost like you played an imaginary Skyrim which is very different from the one I know.
When do I get to the second island?
I tell you what, I love a more focused and driven approach to the main story, while leaving a giant non-scripted playground to mess around in. It's literally the best of both worlds in one big package. It's like playing games like Uncharted and wishing you could just take a break from the story and go off into the world and do what the hell you wanted with Drake in a big, adventurous environment that is full of both danger and shit to do. That is what makes this game so special, in my view.
When do I get to the second island?
If you are on PC I think it's F9/F11
You know I've probably put about 8-9 hours in and I couldn't tell you if I've made it to the 2nd island or not. In fact I forgot that the game was divided up like that until you posted this. I just think of it as one giant landmass.
And to clarify, does the game lock you out of parts of the map from the beginning? Doesn't it all just open up right away and if you want to travel to the furthest point, then just go for it?
You know I've probably put about 8-9 hours in and I couldn't tell you if I've made it to the 2nd island or not. In fact I forgot that the game was divided up like that until you posted this. I just think of it as one giant landmass.
And to clarify, does the game lock you out of parts of the map from the beginning? Doesn't it all just open up right away and if you want to travel to the furthest point, then just go for it?
You're right. Even if I roam there, the maps from shops are unlocked only when you reach the second island through the story. Well, I'm glad I haven't start to make a visit there.You won't unlock fast-travel on the second island until shortly after you "officially" reach it through story-related missions.
It seems like Ledsen has taken Derrick's place for the time being.
I really wouldn't be able to stand having two people shit all over this glorious experience this early on =P
Got a bit of a question, about the cave you find early in the game.
How often can you return there andtake the drugs?
Got a bit of a question, about the cave you find early in the game.
How often can you return there andtake the drugs?
I tell you what, I love a more focused and driven approach to the main story, while leaving a giant non-scripted playground to mess around in. It's literally the best of both worlds in one big package. It's like playing games like Uncharted and wishing you could just take a break from the story and go off into the world and do what the hell you wanted with Drake in a big, adventurous environment that is full of both danger and shit to do. That is what makes this game so special, in my view.
Different strokes, different folks.It seems like Ledsen has taken Derrick's place for the time being.
I really wouldn't be able to stand having two people shit all over this glorious experience this early on =P
Different strokes, different folks.
I personally love the game, but if it doesnt float his boat, then what can ya do?
It seems like Ledsen has taken Derrick's place for the time being.
I really wouldn't be able to stand having two people shit all over this glorious experience this early on =P
ha haThis post represents all the groupthink bullshit I loathe about GAF and especially OT's. Just as you're free to love the game and discuss your love for it as much as you want, I'm free to not like it as much and also discuss that as much as I want. If you disagree then you're probably a very insecure person who can't handle people disagreeing with you about this "glorious experience" without trying to force them to leave so you don't have to deal with them. Damn posts like this make me angry.
Game is too easy even on the hardest difficulty.
The drag stealth-killed enemies is laughably bad. You drag them so slow and if you let go you can't pick them back the hell was this decided on?
I don't understand.
This post represents all the groupthink bullshit I loathe about GAF and especially OT's. Just as you're free to love the game and discuss your love for it as much as you want, I'm free to not like it as much and also discuss that as much as I want. If you disagree then you're probably a very insecure person who can't handle people disagreeing with you about this "glorious experience" without either forcin them to leave so you don't have to deal with them, or ridicule their opinion to try and validate your own. If you want to tell me something then tell me instead of talking around me with this passive-aggressive bullshit. Damn posts like this make me angry.
ha ha
you're a drama queen, i just realized it, i'd actually be surprised if you owned the game at all.
Music is not quite as memorable.
Go on....The framerates on the ps3 are.......interesting
Ledsen has a point on his previous post and this type of shit responses with accusations that only serve to call the other posters attention to generate a pointless anger-induced argument have really no place here at all. Well done
What the fuck is wrong with this Rongo guy in this game? I'm gonna take a break for now, I can't handle the stupidity of this dude.
I don't even know who Rongo is..?
You meet him've burned the weed fields. Then you go to some rice fields where you rescue this guy from a mine field and some soldiers.
Ledsen has a point on his previous post and this type of shit responses with accusations that only serve to call the other posters attention to generate a pointless anger-induced argument have really no place here at all. Well done
Ledsen. Could you please bullet point your criticisms.
O yeah, that mission can be annoying indeed because it's basically a babysitting mission and those are the WORST.
Man, the vehicles drive so goood compared to FC 2.
Don't worry about it, Lesden. Not everyone is going to agree on things. This just so happens to be my GOTY, but I am not going to question those who don't dig it. I can probably look in anyone's collection of games and find titles they love that I think are complete shit, but I am not going to confront them on it. Who the hell am I to do so? On the flip side, I always appreciate it when others take the same approach towards me and what I like... and the world goes around.
Personally I think they feel the same, if not a little more sensitive.