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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Listening to the Observer Radios from the last week, damn Dave Meltzer buried Bo Dallas after RAW, in his weird optimistic way.




Let's see...

Mankind, In Your House, Money In the Bank Anthology, History of WWE, and maybe Raw 20th Box Set. LOL @ HHH Biography. I'm not buying a DVD that was made only to stroke the ego of the future owner. I made that mistake already when I bought the MR. McMahon DVD. I couldn't even make it through the whole thing.

National Pro Wrestling Day starts in 30 minutes. You can order the event at www.smvod.com

Here are the two cards. A CZW and House of Hardcore match have been added.

Afternoon Matches - 1:00 PM

Wrestling is Art presents:
Mike Quackbush vs. Colt Cabana

PWInsider presents:
Rey de Voladores
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Jo Jo Bravo vs. Oliver Grimsley vs. Shane Hollister
Bolt Brady vs. Surfer Mitch vs. ACH vs. Lukas Sharp

Ring of Honor presents:
The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs. Steve Corino & Jimmy Jacobs

Wrestling is Fun presents:
Juan Francisco de Coronado vs. Saturyne

Beyond Wrestling presents:
Sugar Dunkerton & Aaron Epic vs. Eric Corvis & Chris Dickinson

CWF Mid-Atlantic presents:
Arik Royal & Chiva Kid vs. Ric Converse & Trevor Lee

Kaiju Big Battel presents:
Neo Teppen & American Beetle vs. Cube's Super Minions

Wrestling is Respect presents:
Drew Gulak vs. Francis O'Rourke

Absolute Intense Wrestling presents:
Ethan Page with Seleziya Sparx vs. Josh Alexander

Evening Matches - 7:00 PM

CHIKARA presents:
Los Ice Crerams vs. FIST vs. The Colony vs. 3.0

Evolve presents:
AR Fox vs. Shane Strickland

Wrestling Is Heart presents:
Mat Russo & Heidi Lovelace vs. Reed Bentley & Tripp Cassidy

New York Wrestling Connenctio presents:
Apollyon & Tony Nese vs. Alex Reynolds & John Silver

Women Superstars Uncensored presents:
Marti Belle vs. Ezavel

Wrestling Is Awesome! presents:
Devastation Corporation vs. Proud Oak & Thunderfrog

International Wrestling Cartel presents:
John McChesney vs. Logan Shulo

Fighting Spirit Wrestling presents:
Wil & Joel Maximo vs. Angel Ortiz & Mike Draztik

Resistance Pro Wrestling presents:
??? vs. ???

PWInsider.com presents:
Tornamanent Final: Rey De Voladores
to be announced


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I'm hoping they do Brock vs McMahon at Mania, I'm sure Vince can still go, and he's probably still in great shape under that suit.
Going to have to skip National Pro-Wrestling Day unfortunately, as I won't be around for the afternoon show and the evening show doesn't look as promising, imo. Oh well.

Here's Riki Choshu singing a song;

Riki Choshu - Oath of Tomorrow

What ever happened to the once great tradition of wrestlers releasing awful albums?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Apparently I missed an awesome $5 Wrestling last night. Ended up watching a movie with someone. It was strange.

Going to have to skip National Pro-Wrestling Day unfortunately, as I won't be around for the afternoon show and the evening show doesn't look as promising, imo. Oh well.

Here's Riki Choshu singing a song;

Riki Choshu - Oath of Tomorrow

What ever happened to the once great tradition of wrestlers releasing awful albums?

Zack Ryder is keeping the torch burning.
It was a great show, Cliff Compton bled like a stuck pig. Probably a 7 or 8 on the Muta scale.

Juan Francisco de Coranado and Saturyne just had a fantastic match on the NPWD show.
I fell asleep after the Freight Train match :(

BillRiccio said:
I hear you dude. The ladies of G.L.O.W. brought it back in the day.

Holy shit, GLOW, that takes me back - did any of the ladies ever make it big, other than Ivory?

BillRiccio said:
Juan Francisco de Coranado and Saturyne just had a fantastic match on the NPWD show.

Good to hear - JFDC has impressed me a hell of a lot on the Wrestling is Fun! shows, I really enjoy his gimmick, and Saturyne shows good promise.


It downloads, I can't wait. Also I don't understand the deal with the PPV tonight with freight train in it, I have to get a 1 day pass for highspots? It just don't make no sense.
Holy shit, GLOW, that takes me back - did any of the ladies ever make it big, other than Ivory?

A couple of the girls had a cup of coffee in the WWF but that about it.

I always loved the little skits they had inter spliced throughout the episodes.

GLOW Skits


Ethan Page vs. Josh Alexander is up now. I was looking forward to this one.


Chiva Kid from CWF Mid-Atlantic has been very impressive in his match so far.


Rock can't change the title. Punk can't change the title. We're stuck with that John Cena shit till we all die.



WCW Fall Brawl 9/17/2000

Sadly, this is a 24/7 airing, which means editing and music dubbing.

Kwee Wee vs Elix Skipper 100 Kilogram and Under Championship

DMX should have sued WCW for the blatant rip off of Party Up. It isn't even a JHV, it's just a straight rip off. This is a rematch from Prime Time's very first title defense. Prime Time was crazy athletic and agile, but didn't really have the best grasp of actual in ring stuff. He did a Dragon suplex for 2. Madden calls Gunns' camel toe a "caribou hoof". Prime Time does a top rope Asai moonsault and drills the camera with his foot on the way down.


It was either a $20,000 camera, or worth $100,000. There were conflicting reports. Kwee Wee counters the Play of the Day with a powerbomb. The NBT come out to he stage. With the ref tending to Prime Time on the floor, Mike Sanders hits Kwee Wee in the leg with Vito's stick ball stick. Overdrive for the win. Prime Time retains.

Show run down. Awesome vs Jarrett Bunkhouse Brawl, Shane/Torrie vs Kidman/Madusa Scaffold match, Steiner vs Goldberg No DQ, Nash vs Booker WCW Championship Caged Heat. Only NINE more matches to go.

3 Count vs MIA

Jesus Christ, the full song? What a waste of time. Guaranteed there will be at least two matches that will be way shorter than they should be because they've wasted time on backstage stuff or a full playing of 3 Count's song. And probably both the US and Canadian national anthems. This is an unannounced match. Wall did a press slam into a spinebuster that was pretty cool. This match isn't interesting at all. Lash did a spring board X-Factor. A table was set up and it led to a dive sequence over it. Holy shit, was that the Destroyer sitting in the crowd? Wall gets superkicked off the apron through the table. Triple suplex was counter. MIA tried a double suplex, which was also countered into a double DDT. Lash pins Shane with the Whiplash.

EARLIER TODAY. A kid asks the NWO CW Vortex XD BloodSugarSexMagik for an autograph. The kid didn't have enough money for Nash. "He's smiling after Nash buried him!" "Doesn't everybody?"

The Harris Brothers vs Kronik First Blood Chain Match.

This is a terrible match to make people pay for. All four go into the crowd. This is awful. A ref bump. He missed a twin being busted open and wakes to see Crush bleeding. Harris Brothers win. Awful.

TO THE BACK. Paula is with Hugh and the MIA. the match will be dedicated to Jim Duggan. HOOOOO! He's the special enforcer, tough guy!

Lance Storm vs General Rection Canadian Championship

Full playing of the Canadian anthem. Surprisingly, the US anthem didn't get played at all. Crowd is weirdly dead for this except for when Duggan starting USA chants. Brutal German from Hugh.


Lance bails and Duggan throws him back in. Hugh goes for the moonsault when Duggan hit him with the 2x4! SWERVE! Hugh is out and Lance retains. Jim Duggan takes his ref shirt off to reveal a Maple Leaf! This was half as long as the 3 Count/MIA match.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with the NBT. Mike Sanders pretends to be Konnan. "Heeeey, real good impression there, ya prick. What about the rest of you piss ants? Anyone else want to do impressions?" "Hey, blow it out your ass, O'Haire, I got guys who can take out your knee caps!" Chuck prevents O'Haire from hitting Gene. Salty Mean Gene is my favorite.

NBT vs Filthy Animals Elimination Tag

During the NBT entrance, we went TO THE BACK to see the Animals leads someone with a towel over his head to the ring. IT'S TAZ! IT'S GOTTA BE KANE! IT'S SAMOA JOE! Stasiak says Konnan has a "homo complex". It's....MR. WONDERFUL!


Also, Vito is on the Animals team. Jindrak and Rey start out. This is a 12 man elimination tag. You know, I like Mark Jindrak, but he has negative charisma. In actual wrestling terms, he was probably better than O'Haire. Falcon arrowish move from O'Haire to Juvi. Vito is now in with Jindrak. He's POTATOing this guy. Disco tags himself in. So far, only Jindrak and O'Haire have been in. Fucking Konnan. His stupid spin into the X-Factor was stupid. Did he think it looked cool and SMOOV? It didn't. It looked fucking stupid. Konnan gets bumped into Disco, who accidentally gives him the Last Dance. Konnan is the first man out. Dangerous spinebuster from JBT. No one will tag into Disco. Vito punches him and Reno rolls the dice. Disco is eliminated. Vito does a Mafia kick to Reno, but then is put in the Torture Rack from Chuck. He gets out and hits his big DDT, but the pin is broken up. Reno ducks the stick ball bat, only for Vito to run into a kendo stick shot. Vito has been eliminated.

We're down to Rey, Juvi, and Orndorff, but they're acting like Orndorff isn't actually a part of the match. They've also claimed it was 5 on 5 and 6 on 6 3 different times during the match. Why did he come out in wrestling gear if he wasn't a part of the match? Poetry in Motion, kind of. Juvi Driver to Reno! Reno was a LEGIT SHOOT fighter, you know. Reno has been eliminated. Juvi gets caught trying to do a plancha and again takes the crazy double hip toss from the floor into the middle of the ring. Juvi is eliminated Orndorff gets in the ring. I guess he is a part of the match since the ref isn't telling him to get out. WIGGLY ELBOW!


The Bull attacks with a kendo stick. Piledriver from Orndorff. JBT is eliminated. Paul is moving very slow and looks like half his body isn't working. He hits a piledriver on Jindrak, but doesn't get up. He's pinned and eliminated, but he's completely motionless on the mat as the match continues. The trainer is now in the ring with Paul and the match continues. Charles Robinson finally calls for the match to end. The match is officially ruled a no contest. This is for real, and you can tell because everyone is clearly shook and has no idea what to do. Rey looks like he's about to cry and begins kissing his crucifix necklace. Although, it is pretty gross that they've kept the camera on him being attended to pretty much the whole time. Orndorff is finally taken away on a stretcher.


TO THE BACK. Paula is with Kidman and Madusa. Talk about mood whiplash. Paula's boobs are ludicrous.

Shane Douglas/Torrie Wilson vs Kidman/Madusa Pittsburgh Plunge Scaffold Match

Shane immediately goes for cheap heat by saying he'll send Kidman to the hospital along with Paul Orndorff. It's unfortunate A. This match was booked in the first place B. It had to happen right after Orndorff was hurt for real. Obviously, someone is going to have to get stretchered out after the bump. It's pretty wobbly, but it is a good 10 feet wide.


I certainly wouldn't be wanting to take bumps on it. Madusa tries to climb down the ladder, but has to keep stop because guys are taking bumps. Shane tries to kick her off. He eventually succeeds and she falls onto the most obvious and softest of crash pads. That was hilarious. I think she fell on a Temper Pedic bed. Kidman is tossed off through the stage. Apparently, the rules were the first team to climb down would be the winners. Well, Kidman and Madusa are both of the scaffold, so shouldn't they win? Shane and Torrie win. Kidman totally deserved to get thrown off a scaffold.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Sting. Regardless of whether if Sting wins or loses, he gets a title shot tomorrow on Nitro. Jeff ambushes him. "Jeff Jarret, you crazy bastard!" Lol, Gene. Jeff says he'll get the title shot tomorrow.

TO THE INTERVIEW. Seriously, on a PPV? Tenay went to David Flair's house. "Are you by yourself?" "I'm all alone.". Minus the camera man and boom operator. David's house is trashed. Pizza boxes, beer bottles, and news papers everywhere. Tenay asks what it's like to have your fiance say her baby isn't yours on your wedding night on national TV. Have a little tact, Mike. Why is this on PPV? Shouldn't this be on Nitro? David thinks it is Reid. David bolts to attack the mail man. The mail man that had his own camera man following him. David puts the mail man in the figure four in his front yard while in his boxers. This was on PPV. People paid for this show. That's what they got.


Vampiro vs Sting vs The Great Muta

Muta and Vamp enter separately. Muta comes out to a NINish remix of his music. The announce team for the match is Mark Madden and ICP. Sting comes out to weird funeral music. What? How strange. Muta's paint looks awesome tonight. Vamp does a double tug pumpkin plant on the floor to Sting. They all head into the crowd. They go past The Destroyer. The Destroyer was so awesome.


This is such a nothing match. Muta and Vamp fight when Vamp broke up a pin after the moonsault. Sting gets back in with the bat, gets rid of Vamp and ICP, and pins Muta. I guess the music makes sense since this is a WWE broadcast. Doesn't make sense that they wouldn't use Sting's pre-Crow music, though. Seems strange to compose brand new music that sounds nothing like any of Sting's themes when they have a Sting thing in their library. After the match, Sting saves Muta from ICP.

. Awesome arrived in the Love Mobile. Double P asked him what was up. Awesome had a special guest. Gary Coleman! Gary can't fuck her now that she said "Whatchu taking bout?". Let us not forget that Gary Coleman was an 80s star. Mike Awesome is That 70s guy.


Mike Awesome vs Jeff Jarrett Bunkhouse Brawl

Jeff is wearing his Titans jersey in front of the Buffalo Bills. A bunch of football heeling. "Because the 70s are dead, and after this match, your career is gonna be dead." Too late, Jeff. Tony says this match favors Jeff. Why? Awesome was ECW Champion before he jumped ship. He's pretty used to hardcore brawls. I see a noose, a table with barbwire on it, a branding iron, and some shovels. What is a Bunkhouse, anyway? I've never heard of it outside of wrestling. Lol. They're doing Awesome/Tanaka spots. When I think Jeff Jarrett, I think of hardcore Japanese wrestling. Awesome got back dropped on his face from the top through a table.


Jarrett goes into the "bobbed"wire table a few times and gets hit with a pop up powerbomb, but he kicked out. I like that the font on Awesome's tights are now in flowery cursive. The Bills jump the rail. This Southern Gentleman is being assaulted by a group of large black men! What's crazy is that all of these guys make Mike Awesome look small. Not just height, but size. Jeff looks like a kid around them. Gary Coleman comes out to hit Jeff in the balls a few times. He gets the biggest pop of the night. As he's celebrating, his hat with the padding falls off. He puts it back on and Jeff hits him with the guitar. Sting comes out and hits the death drop, allowing Awesome to win. Gary Coleman is carried out like a baby.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Steiner. Shit is about to get real. He's going to beat Goldberg's ass and head back to the hotel to jizz all over the place. "Has he had his medication?" "...I'm sure he has..."

Scott Steiner vs Goldberg No DQ

This is going to be awesome. Think about this: Goldberg is small by NFL standards. Steiner immediately barrels Bill into the corner and unloads. Goldberg does a shoulder block and press slam into power slam. Steiner bails. Goldberg has his right arm taped up and he's favoring it, Steiner looked to have hurt his back on the first move. Steiner does a Diamond Cutter? Weird. OUTTA NOWHERE!


"Face first goes Dolph Goldberg." Tombstone reversal spot ending in an effortless powerslam from Goldberg. Spear into the corner. Goldberg definitely pulled short on that, but then he catches Scott Steiner off the top into a powerslam. Jesus. Goldberg is scary strong.


Midajah returns! Goldberg is bleeding after going head first into the steps. He looks out on his feet. Overhead belly to belly to Goldberg. Spear! He's about to hit the jackhammer when Vince Russo attacks with a bat. Goldberg kicks out! Body slam through a half set up table on the floor. Steiner Recliner! Goldberg gets out by doing a crazy throwing electric chair.


Steiner immediately gets up and drills him in the face with a clothesline. Goldberg and Midajah play pinata with Bill while he's on the ropes. Steiner does a super belly to belly which sees Goldberg land on his dome. Goldberg gets out of another recliner, but he can barely stand. SHOOT spinning neck breaker since Steiner was too blown up to go with it. Russo gets back in the ring only to get choked. Steiner hits Goldberg in the ribs and then the head with the pipe. Steiner Recliner. Goldberg is out. Scott Steiner wins. This was a WAR and it was awesome. Big dudes taking big bumps and fucking each other up.

Booker T. vs Kevin Nash WCW Championship Steel Cage

It sounds like JB did the ring introductions. So weird. The Wolfpac theme was played, but it was clearly over dubbed with dubbed crowd noises and silent commentators. Booker's was the same way. If they had the rights to the music, why did they have to overdub stuff? This is a normal cage match I've been thinking it was Caged Heat. The door busts opens right away on the first Irish whip of the match. Not even into the cage, just a normal Irish whip. Orndorff suffered a stinger earlier. What's the point of exposed turn buckle spots in a cage match? Body slam and ax kick to Nash. I feel like Nash didn't really get body slammed too often. Nash hits a chokeslam, but takes too much time to go for the cover. Nash gets busted open, not on the cage, but the turn buckle. "I often wonder what a man feels when he sees his own fluid running down his face." Nash tried the jackknife too close to the corner. Book got top on the top and hit the missile dropkick. Booker gets out of a jackknife again and pins Nash completely clean with the Book End. Besides the clean victory over Nash, it wasn't particularly memorable. I remember thinking it was better than what it was. There was really no reason for the cage. It didn't get used until after Nash was busted open, and it was only to ram his head into it once or twice. That's it. The match would have been exactly the same without the cage. Actually, there was no reason to end Booker's reign in the first place. It was about the same thing as ADR winning the title so shortly into Punk's reign. But a main event for the WCW Championship with no ref bumps, no interference, and a completely clean finish is refreshing. Booker now has clean wins over Nash, Goldberg, and Sting in the last 2 months.



that Goldberg vs Steiner match looks nuts. Goldberg is small by NFL standards?

Yes. The Buffalo Bills were there. They all made Mike Awesome look small. Mike Awesome was a good 3 inches and 20 pounds bigger than Goldberg. I know Goldberg had a lot more weight on him when he played football, but he was dwarfed by the Bills when he walked off with them after the match.
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