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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF is done and will be live on Monday.

Hey dudes I'm going to Japan in March. Was going to check out this AJPW show:


Is that a decent card? There's only 3 matches announcedand there's a guy named Funaki but he doesn't look like Funaki.
Also is Ryogoku a big stadium? Tickets start at 4000Y but I'm not sure whether they will be any good.

Definitely worth it man, that looks like a great card so far. Sumo Hall is a very historic and prestigious venue, it should be great seeing a show there. As for the matches, Masakatsu Funaki is the current Triple Crown champion and defends the belt against Suwama - Funaki is an MMA-influenced, hybrid wrestler with a lot of strikes and submissions in his game, while Suwama is a true powerhouse heavyweight and one of the most popular guys in All Japan, so it should prove to be an excellent title match. As for the other match, Get Wild of Takao Omori & Manabu Soya defend the AJPW World Tag Championships against Go Shiozaki & Jun Akiyama. This one is interesting because Shiozaki & Akiyama recently defected to All Japan from the NOAH promotion, while Get Wild have beaten pretty much everyone in the tag division. Jun Akiyama is a veteran of All Japan in the 90's, and was the man Funaki beat for the Triple Crown earlier this year, while Go Shiozaki is one of the hardest hitting men in wrestling and the protégée of Kenta Kobashi.

Here's a few videos of all six guys;

Masakatsu Funaki; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEzFa2diySc - Funaki's Triple Crown championship win against Jun Akiyama.

Suwama; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndq_kn3sFGU - excellent match between Suwama & Daisuke Sekimoto from last year.

Takao Omori; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_U7N-_RUJg - great match as Omori challenges Akiyama for the Triple Crown.

Manabu Soya; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rUYG-iYcXw - very hard-hitting match against Yoshihito Sasaki from a BJW show last month

Jun Akiyama; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCLQZYRQ1hM - highlight video of Akiyama's career

Go Shiozaki; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0SKABcD8vw - good match as Go Shiozaki takes on New Japan legend Yuji Nagata.
For so cal peeps

Awesome fatal four way match right now on Championship Wrestling from Hollywood
Johnny yuma vs Ray Rosas vs Johnny Goodtime vs Peter Avalon.

For so cal peeps

Awesome fatal four way match right now on Championship Wrestling from Hollywood
Johnny yuma vs Ray Rosas vs Johnny Goodtime vs Peter Avalon.


Wish I would've been home a few minutes earlier to catch this. I love when I just randomly see wrestling on a local channel. It happens almost every time I'm in Vegas. I just always hope to see some wrestler I recognize. Last time it was Daivari. Dude got swoll as fuck. Definitely on the juice.
Wish I would've been home a few minutes earlier to catch this. I love when I just randomly see wrestling on a local channel. It happens almost every time I'm in Vegas. I just always hope to see some wrestler I recognize. Last time it was Daivari. Dude got swoll as fuck. Definitely on the juice.

They're on every Sat night at 1am. Some good wrestlers come out on it. Cage, Shaun Ricker w/Percy"Paul Bearer" Pringle, Scorpio Sky, Willie Mack, Cabana.



WCW Monday Nitro 9/18/2000

Booker T is your new champion, David Flair puts his mail man in the figure four, Jim Duggan defected to Canada, Scott Steiner beat Goldberg.

Rey Mysterio/Tygress vs Jindrak/O'Haire/Palumbo/Sanders

This is a continuation of the match that was stopped due to Paul Orndorff's injury the previous night. Victory roll gets rid of O'Haire. Rey was already wearing heavy duty knee braces in 2000. Meat gets involved. I don't know why the ref isn't making him get out of the ring or disqualifying someone. He's not in the match. He and Chuck do the World's Greatest Tag Team leap frog. Kwee Wee came out and hit Meat with a chair. Chuck hit the FFF on Rey. A double pin saw Rey and Stasiak get eliminated. But Stasiak wasn't even in the match. Tygress rolled up Chuck in the confusion. Down to Tygress and Mike Sanders. X-Factor and Tygress pinned Mike Sanders. So she pinned Chuck, Stasiak, and Sanders tonight, and also pinned Reno the night before. Wat.


TO THE BACK. Nash says the NBT need a coach. Goldberg's door is shown. Coach Nash has a diagram for the NBT.


Show run down. Instead of a run down, Goldberg's music hits. But Vince Russo came out of his locker room and got the entrance. Crowd booed as soon as Goldberg's music hit, but they were in Canada, so that's probably why. Russo comes out and has a letter he'd like to read. It was from Goldberg. TNT again muting asshole chants. The letter says that Goldberg is officially resigning from WCW. Goldberg also suggested that the kids should look up to Vince Russo. Vince brings out Steiner. Goldberg sucks chants. Canada obviously holds grudges. Steiner says he'll be the champion next week guaranteed. Russo never said he'd get a shot next week. This brings out Jeff Jarrett. They argue. Russo breaks it up and says he's the only one to decide who will get a title shot. But Cat is back in charge, and he trumps Russo, so Cat is really the only one to make title matches. Kevin Nash comes out. The ex champ gets the first title shot. Everyone knows that. A tag match is booked. Steiner/Jarrett vs Nash/Russo. The winner of the fall gets a title shot next week. It's been Russo's life long dream to be the WCW Champion. As a kid growing up in Long Island in the 70s and 80s?


TO THE BACK. NWO Gen 2.5 argue. They try to convince Nash to get this shit fixed.

Shane Douglas/Torrie Wilson vs Kwee Wee/Paisley

Torrie looks like she's wearing some of Bob Holly's old gear, but she wears it much better.


"Cut the damn music!" *Music plays for 30 more seconds* Kidman aggravated his crushed larynx taking the bump last night. Wat? Why did it take Steamboat months to recover from that, but Kidman came back in about 3 weeks? Kwee Wee kisses Torrie. She didn't like it. Franchiser to Kwee Wee, but the YAKS want to fight. Shane wouldn't tag Torrie in because he wanted to Franchise dat ass. 5 count on Paisley for the win.

TO THE BACK. Russo is on his 1000th push up. He and Nash go over game plan. Get the heat, hot tags, all that stuff. Nash with another hidden message.


Paula is with Sting and Booker. They face each other tonight for the title. Sting gets a bit testy. Booker punches him in the face. They brawl until being separated by refs. "BOOYA! BOOYA Booker!" Disco presents his new visual aid: The Disco Duck. That's a plastic goose. He tells Cat he sucks and he can do a better job than Cat. Cat makes a match between them. Disco puts the Animals tag titles against being commissioner for a day. Sting and Booker are mad in their locker rooms.


The Cat vs Disqo

Cat got in his gear in record time. The Animals are pissed at Disqo in the back. Cat wins in about 10 seconds. The Animals are stripped of the tag titles. They come out and chase Disco into the crowd while Cat celebrates with Ms. Jones.

Jeff and Steiner are talking. Nash comes in and says he's out of the match. Disco runs to his car and drives off.

TO THE INTERVIEW. They replay Tenay's talk with David at his house. So what was the fucking point of taking up 6 minutes of the PPV to show this if they were going to show it in full the next night on Nitro? Nitro, where it should have been from the start. This shouldn't have been on the PPV.

SMOOV is in the ring. He calls David Flair out. If the price is right, he can find out who the father is. David flies out with the crowbar. SMOOV wears a watch on both arms. SMOOV gets "culprit" and "corporate" confused. He has a Kid Cam video with the corporate. They make the exchange, but David hits SMOOV with the crowbar once his back is turned. He didn't take back the money. What's the point of hitting him, then?

TO THE BACK. Russo is reading Flex magazine. Steiner and Jeff come in and yell at him. Russo suggests Kronik replace Nash. David insists a production truck guy play the tape. He then hits the guy. Surely there is a VCR somewhere in the building. Red Rooster tells Mike Sanders that Russo wants to see him. Russo has a tape he wants delivered to Kronik.

Booker T vs Sting WCW Championship

Okay. Once again, the championship match is in the first hour, while the number one contender match is the main event. Except this time, Vince Russo is in the main event. Canada proves they've been Canada for years by booing all the faces, even Sting/Goldberg/Booker. Curiously, they cheered for Cat, despite him disparaging Canada and Lance Storm IN Canada just a few weeks ago. I can't believe a Vince Russo match is main eventing over a title match. I don't think this if the first time for that, either. I'm pretty sure Flair/Russo in a cage was the main event over a title match on Nitro. This goes on a few minutes before Jeff and Steiner come out. Sting is hit with the guitar. Segment ends with Sting in the figure four and Booker in the recliner.


TO THE BACK. Mike Sanders delivers the tape to Wrath. Jimmy Hart tells David that SMOOV has a VCR in his limo. David thanks him and hits him with the crowbar. Kronik get a match booked against Steiner/Jarrett for tonight.

Team Canada come out. Lance Storm introduces the newest member, Jim Duggan. Hacksaw has shaved and got a hair cut. He's still hilariously ugly.


He turned because American fans treated him like a joke and when Goldberg crushed his other kidney, the fans chanted Goldberg. No, they didn't. Well, I guess kind of if you count "Goldberg sucks" as chanting for Goldberg. He calls for the Canadian anthem, but MIA hit the ring.

Team Canada vs MIA

I don't like that MIA are now super patriots. Canadian Stampede from Duggan, followed by the Maple Leaf knee drop. Prime Time tries to plancha Wall for no reason and gets chokeslammed through a table for it. Hugh again crushes Lance with a German. Duggan gets the 2x4 involved, which the ref doesn't care about, but then Lance distracts the ref so he can hit Hugh with it. Duggan pins Rection. After the match, they Pillmanize Hugh's leg with a chair and the 2x4.

TO THE BACK. Steiner and Jeff flip out at Russo. The Love Mobile/Boogie Bus/That's 70s Bus arrives. Awesome and Gary Coleman get out. Gary is mad at Awesome and wants revenge on Jarrett. Awesome just left his bus parked in the middle of a road. ICP and Vamp were out there and may be stealing the bus.

Kronik vs Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner doesn't happen

Nash comes out with the NBT before the match. Sanders and JTB get volunteered for the match.

Kronik vs NBT

Kronik dominates them 2 by 2 until Jeff and Steiner come out and attack. Steiner and Jarrett win.

TO THE BACK. Russo knocks at someone's door. 3 Count stooge off ICP for spray painting Mike's bus. The locker room Russo walked in was Sting's. He begs Sting to be his partner tonight. Russo convinces him. The main event is now Jarrett/Steiner vs Russo/Sting.


Awesome comes out and challenges Vampiro to a hardcore match.

Mike Awesome vs Vampiro Hardcore Match

Awesome still does his giant tope even in loafers. They head into the crowd where Vamp jumps off a small balcony. Holy Shit chants are muted. Back in the ring, a top rope LARIATOOOO. Vamp gets out of the Awesome Bomb and uses a trash can. Awesome Bomb over the top! I think that's the first one he's done in WCW. Awesome wins the match, but loses the career.


TO THE BACK. Booker confronts Russo. David has just watched the video in SMOOV's limo and runs off. I don't know why he had to go to a limo to watch it. It was 2000. There were still VCRs everywhere.

Steiner/Jarrett vs Sting/Vince Russo

Russo's music hits, but Booker comes out. Russo somehow convinced Booker to take his place? But he's the champion. So does whoever makes the pin now become the champion? Or do they get a title shot? If Booker wins, does he get to choose his challenger? If Booker wins, does that mean Russo gets the title shot? Midajah hits Book with the pipe. Ms. Jones comes out and pulls her out of the ring. Body slam on the floor! The YAKs head to the back. Before this, Sting and Book were dominating. Faces make a comeback. Booker pulls off Steiner's face mask. Kronik attack Jeff while on the floor with Sting. Steiner unleashes some of his dick based offense. Booker is in the recliner! Russo limps out with a torn shirt and won't allow the ref to call for the bell. Steiner decks him. Booker uses the bat and hits Scott in the face. Book puts Russo on top of Steiner. Vince Russo is the number one contender. Lol. Russo pinned Scott Steiner the night after Steiner beat Goldberg. Vince "I will never be on TV" Russo will now be in his second title match of the month.

Bret is right

I am just surprised that he said that, since he is still affiliated with WWE
It's not like he's employed by the company. He's just done appearances lately. It's not like when he came back and did the program with Vince.

And he's basically just expressing his opinion. He came up during the 70s and worked until the turn of the century. He's regarded as one of the greatest technical wrestlers and is known for his great matches, so I'd take his opinion seriously.

And let's be honest, anyone here who was watching the WWF in the late 90s will tell you, HHH was forced down our throats. I really didn't think he deserved to be in the main event picture at the time. And thanks to his marriage and Vince having a hard on for huge guys, he managed to get over. He's a solid worker but if we were to dissect his work (promo, angles, matches, etc), we'd see he doesn't deserve to be in the WWE top 10.

Austin and Rock were no mat geniuses but what they did have was the "it" factor. They captured the audience. It wasn't being shoved down our throat.

With the Austin 3:16 promo and his work with Brett (how's he pop up in here), Austin definitely became a fan favorite and was the archetype for the Attitude era.

Rock was hated by the audience. "Die, Rocky, die!!" I'm surer he WWF at the time were thinking Johnson could get the rub by being associated with the Nation and his character needed changing. But Rock managed to outshine Farooq, Kama and D-Lo. And to this day, he's a top draw. HHH/Cena would never do a million buys. Rock/Cena did (and will probably do it again).
I totally forgot about the awesome Alundra Blayze vs Bull Nakano match.

Alundra Blayze vs Bull Nakano-WWF Women's Title

I think this maybe why I've enjoyed it again. I watched some of the Tag Classic DVDs back to back. Rewatching those early Childhood Moments <3

For this very reason I think 1990 to 1995 WWF is my favorite era of wrestling. The storylines were simple but really memorable, the in ring work was actually pretty decent to great at times, and the characters were larger then life.
So I picked up the CM Punk, Austin and Rock Blu Rays, having watched the documentaries for Punk and Austin so far I can say this was some good stuff.
I have a feeling The Rock's one will be lacking by comparison but oh well.

Which reminds me in turn that a HHH one is scheduled according to that WWE DVD release plan sheet, HHH's tale feels rather unknown to me by comparison to all the other big names so i'm kind of intrigued though it'll probably be light on any juicy details.
Also the 2001 rewatch is great. Stone Cold, Kurt Angle & Vince McMahon stealing all the segments.


For this very reason I think 1990 to 1995 WWF is my favorite era of wrestling. The storylines were simple but really memorable, the in ring work was actually pretty decent to great at times, and the characters were larger then life.

You know, I've really enjoyed how simple it was back then, but also the really simple presentation. Everything is in front of the crowd, or you get the picture-in-picture pop up promos in the corner.


Austin was totally a mat genius. He wasn't as Stone Cold post neck injury to 2001, but he was as Invasion era Austin and Stunning Steve. Dude was an absolute machine on the mat, but kind of dropped it after the neck injury. It made more sense for the Stone Cold character, but he was as good as anyone when he decided to have a wrestling match instead of crazy brawl.
They had a bunch of those Goofy Austin and Kurt moments in the Austin documentary, i'm pleasantly surprised by how much they talked about it because it brought back a lot of fond memories.
I'd completely forgotten about that Invasion bit with Austin repeating McMahon's line to the frustration of Taker, amazing.
They had a bunch of those Goofy Austin and Kurt moments in the Austin documentary, i'm pleasantly surprised by how much they talked about it because it brought back a lot of fond memories.
I'd completely forgotten about that Invasion bit with Austin repeating McMahon's line to the frustration of Taker, amazing.

I was in stitches the other day. There's a segment where McMahon meets Torrie Wilson for the first time and it looks like they're going to hug. Austin pushes past Torrie and hugs McMahon first. hahaha
More matches announced for PWG - All Star Weekend 9 on March 22nd & 23rd in Reseda, CA;


  • GUERRILLA WARFARE MATCH: Sami Callihan vs Drake Younger

  • Trent? (Barreta) vs Roderick Strong

  • Samuray Del Sol & The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) vs AR Fox & The Inner-City Machine Guns (Ricochet & Rich Swann)


  • Kevin Steen vs AR Fox

Plus, signed for both nights;

  • The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) - PWG World Tag Team Champions
  • Adam Cole - PWG World Champion
  • Eddie Edwards
  • Johnny Gargano - makes his PWG début
  • Jay Lethal - makes his PWG début
  • Paul London - returns to PWG
  • The Unbreakable F'n Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)
  • Willie Mack
  • Kyle O'Reilly
  • TJ Perkins
  • Chuck Taylor - returns to PWG
Holy shit, that 6-man match is going to be awesome. Can't wait to see Steen kill AR Fox, too.



Guys I was searching some videos about Paige and I found this:

he Knights are dad 'Rowdy Ricky Knight', mum Julia 'Sweet Saraya', brothers 'Zak Zodiac' and Roy 'The Zebra Kid', and little sister 'Britani Knight' (Paige). They claim to be the biggest wrestling bloodline in the world.

With a moral code of their own, this family pack a real punch, often at each other. They 'live, eat and breathe wrestling' while running the 'World Association of Wrestling' from their council house in suburban Norfolk.

With tough personal histories fuelling their drive, wrestling has always kept them together, although it is now threatening to tear them apart.

As one of America's biggest wrestling federations searches Britain for talent, the kids are selected for try-outs. This could make their careers in America, but take them away from home and their tight-knit family life for ever.

The Knights might get what they always wanted, but will success make or break them?



Guys, I hate Comcast. My internet speeds are dial up levels right now. And the phones are out. Big surprise. This happens at least once a month. It used to be 2-3 times a week.


Things are improving!

I suppose if you consider it taking 5 minutes for Gaf to load, and another 2-3 to load a thread, and not being able to use any kind of video or streaming site of any kind (including Live) to be an improvement on nothing at all. This is much more frustrating than just a full on outage.
More matches announced for PWG - All Star Weekend 9 on March 22nd & 23rd in Reseda, CA;


  • GUERRILLA WARFARE MATCH: Sami Callihan vs Drake Younger

  • Trent? (Barreta) vs Roderick Strong

  • Samuray Del Sol & The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) vs AR Fox & The Inner-City Machine Guns (Ricochet & Rich Swann)


  • Kevin Steen vs AR Fox

Plus, signed for both nights;

  • The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) - PWG World Tag Team Champions
  • Adam Cole - PWG World Champion
  • Eddie Edwards
  • Johnny Gargano - makes his PWG début
  • Jay Lethal - makes his PWG début
  • Paul London - returns to PWG
  • The Unbreakable F'n Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)
  • Willie Mack
  • Kyle O'Reilly
  • TJ Perkins
  • Chuck Taylor - returns to PWG
Holy shit, that 6-man match is going to be awesome. Can't wait to see Steen kill AR Fox, too.


Looks like a great card. Especially the second day...I'll be in vegas so I'll be missing out on the details.


More matches announced for PWG - All Star Weekend 9 on March 22nd & 23rd in Reseda, CA;


  • GUERRILLA WARFARE MATCH: Sami Callihan vs Drake Younger

  • Trent? (Barreta) vs Roderick Strong

  • Samuray Del Sol & The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) vs AR Fox & The Inner-City Machine Guns (Ricochet & Rich Swann)


  • Kevin Steen vs AR Fox

Plus, signed for both nights;

  • The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) - PWG World Tag Team Champions
  • Adam Cole - PWG World Champion
  • Eddie Edwards
  • Johnny Gargano - makes his PWG début
  • Jay Lethal - makes his PWG début
  • Paul London - returns to PWG
  • The Unbreakable F'n Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)
  • Willie Mack
  • Kyle O'Reilly
  • TJ Perkins
  • Chuck Taylor - returns to PWG
Holy shit, that 6-man match is going to be awesome. Can't wait to see Steen kill AR Fox, too.



This is what happens when Super Dragon realizes he cant book Generico 3 times a night! He was to actually try now!


I bought $5 wrestling Death Match Dance Party to watch, I'm gonna watch it now!

First match is Jessie the Jack Hammer vs Bing Bong Buggalo.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
On this Monday's upcoming GWF:

Soulplaya has had enough. With the death of Professor Beef and Dragonzord, Soul takes action and sends out a State of the Soul address for the GWF. He's drawing a line in the sand - which side will you take? The side that wants to bring the fight to the Four Kings? Or the side that is content to let the mods run roughshod, permabanning whoever they see fit?


more money than God
On this Monday's upcoming GWF:

Soulplaya has had enough. With the death of Professor Beef and Dragonzord, Soul takes action and sends out a State of the Soul address for the GWF. He's drawing a line in the sand - which side will you take? The side that wants to bring the fight to the Four Kings? Or the side that is content to let the mods run roughshod, permabanning whoever they see fit?
It's time to let these drunk, power hungry, conniving drug addict, sexual harassing deviants know where we stand!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Most of us are watching on the sidelines at the GWF clique.

One wrestler, backstage, stated "they have absolute power. I might be a mod someday - I don't need this shit on my record"
So, I just realised that New Japan's next iPPV on February 10th is going to be at 6AM for me - pain in the ass to wake up that early and watch wrestling. Luckily, Pro-Wrestling Syndicate are running an iPPV on the US east coast just a few hours before - it's via Highspots, so you need a $5 day pass to Highspots.tv;

Pro-Wrestling Syndicate - February 9th, 8PM EST - "Thank You Jerry!"

  • Lynn's Last Ever Match on the East Coast: Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm
  • PWS Title TLC Match: Matt Hardy (c) vs Kevin Matthews
  • PWS Tri-State Championship Match: Starman (c) vs Alex Reynolds
  • Dennis 'Mr. Belding' Haskins, The Phat Pack, and The Big O vs Reality Check's Devon Moore, Damian Gibbs, D-Struction, and ???
  • Anthony Nese vs Dan Maff
  • AR Fox vs Bonesaw vs Demo vs Lance Anoai vs Lucifer Darksyde vs The Dynamic Sensation

Yes, you read that right - MR. BELDING of Saved by the Bell is making his in-ring wrestling debut! WTF? Here's a promo from the man himself;


And, yes, The Big O is indeed Zack Ryder's supplement-enhanced friend.

Also, that guy Demo in the 6-way match is a 3'4, 75 pound luchadore.

Looks like it'll be a fun show! So, who's gonna join me for an awesome evening/morning of wrestling? Just $30 for both the NJPW & PWS iPPVs!

This is what happens when Super Dragon realizes he cant book Generico 3 times a night! He has to actually try now!

Lol, he'll be screwed if/when Steen ever gets called up/retires. It's great to see PWG go all out for ASW9, hopefully they'll be able to get the DVDs out quickly.

On that note, I really wish PWG would get the downloadable versions out quicker - apparently Highspots can't make the MP4's available until a month after the DVDs go on sale. It's frustrating because some fans in the US are getting them a few days after release and a bunch of rips start showing up on the net soon after, well before my copy gets to the UK, and well before the MP4s are available on Highspots. I can't help but believe it'd be better for both PWG & Highspots if they just had the MP4s for sale on day 1.

Incidentally, I just noticed Highspots have a shit load of old PWG shows available as MP4 downloads for $7.99 a piece. Grabbed 'Cruisin for a Bruisin', 'Schadenfreude' and 'Roger Dorn Night' :)
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