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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dating is so fucking expensive. WEnt out with this girl a couple weekends ago, met her on OkCupid. Cost fucking $75 and she turned me down a few days later.

Man, my dating travels have been scaled back severely when I realized I don't want to date someone with kids. It shouldn't be a dealbreaker for me and it's unfair to the other person, but...it is a dealbreaker.


No One Remembers
Man, my dating travels have been scaled back severely when I realized I don't want to date someone with kids. It shouldn't be a dealbreaker for me and it's unfair to the other person, but...it is a dealbreaker.

Funny, this girl had a kid. She was cool, but yeah, having a kid meant I couldn't see anything long term with her.


No One Remembers
Dumped all the remaining Pepsi I had down the drain! ^_^;

I seriously need to do what I did this time last year. I lost like 15 lbs over 3 months.

2 Eggs and 3 slices of bacon for breakfast
1 small wrap for lunch
Chicken salad for dinner (1 breast, cut up and cooked in a frying pan)

Then alternated doing the P90 lifting and cardio videos

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
But I love vaginal sex.

Is it about sex or the person?

Also if you think you get mixed signals with women, men are a whole different universe. You'd think that being one, you'd have a step up. NOPE.
Dumped all the remaining Pepsi I had down the drain! ^_^;
No not the Pepsi!!!


Dating is so fucking expensive. WEnt out with this girl a couple weekends ago, met her on OkCupid. Cost fucking $75 and she turned me down a few days later.

Dude, don't ever pay for a first date lol. I've learned this the hard way. For a first date, each person should pay for themselves, it's only fair. You can pay for dates later on if you actually happen to like each other enough to meet up multiple times.
Is it about sex or the person?

Also if you think you get mixed signals with women, men are a whole different universe. You'd think that being one, you'd have a step up. NOPE.

Both, but about the person in the end.

In all seriousness, just rough patches in my current relationship. It has just seem to have gotten worse lately which is upsetting.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dude, don't ever pay for a first date lol. I've learned this the hard way. For a first date, each person should pay for themselves, it's only fair. You can pay for dates later on if you actually happen to like each other enough to meet up multiple times.

Unless you're flush with cash then just be like "man I'll take care of it, fuck it, it's nothing" and that's how you get them into bed if they're a gold digger.

Both, but about the person in the end.

In all seriousness, just rough patches in my current relationship. It has just seem to have gotten worse lately which is upsetting.

Well, hoping for the best. Just be yourself man, you're a likeable dude, and people need to realize that.

Blew my mind when I went back to dating women how rare it is to find a dude in his early 30s without any jail time/divorces/babies under his belt. And even tougher finding a woman without any of those.


Unless you're flush with cash then just be like "man I'll take care of it, fuck it, it's nothing" and that's how you get them into bed if they're a gold digger.

nah even if you are you gotta be like "lol who you think I am? Pay for your own shit, this ain't a charity" then they're like "wow he's so badass" and that's how you get them into bed


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
nah even if you are you gotta be like "lol who you think I am? Pay for your own shit, this ain't a charity" then they're like "wow he's so badass" and that's how you get them into bed


actually that's not a bad plan, next time I go I will pay for my meal twice to show them I have the money, and then not pay for theirs. make them play catch up.
Well, hoping for the best. Just be yourself man, you're a likeable dude, and people need to realize that.

Blew my mind when I went back to dating women how rare it is to find a dude in his early 30s without any jail time/divorces/babies under his belt. And even tougher finding a woman without any of those.


actually that's not a bad plan, next time I go I will pay for my meal twice to show them I have the money, and then not pay for theirs. make them play catch up.

lol @ paying for your own meal twice. Yo, I was really hungry and you did a great job so I'm paying for my meal and paying for it again. My date is on their own though. Didn't even let me have a bite.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jericho credits DDP Yoga. Rock needs to do DDP Yoga.

I'll go ahead and answer the inevitable question that someone will ask:

Yes DDP Yoga is great, it's not a miracle but it's worth doing, you should support him.

Does anyone know if Scott Hall showed up this morning?


I'll go ahead and answer the inevitable question that someone will ask:

Yes DDP Yoga is great, it's not a miracle but it's worth doing, you should support him.

Does anyone know if Scott Hall showed up this morning?

Yoga won't make you skinny. You still need to eat well.

But you will have strength, flexibility , and balance. It can cure lots of aches and pains from the daily grind and constant bad posture and all.


No One Remembers
I'll go ahead and answer the inevitable question that someone will ask:

Yes DDP Yoga is great, it's not a miracle but it's worth doing, you should support him.

Does anyone know if Scott Hall showed up this morning?

Yoga won't make you skinny. You still need to eat well.

But you will have strength, flexibility , and balance. It can cure lots of aches and pains from the daily grind and constant bad posture and all.

Yeah, I wish I could get my dad or mom into it. My dad has a lot of balance issues and a bad knee. He's a bigger guy, but I think he'd benefit a lot from doing it.

Sadly, one of my big motivators for trying to stay in shape is I don't want to end up in the same state as my dad.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sadly, one of my big motivators for trying to stay in shape is I don't want to end up in the same state as my dad.

Doesn't matter what your motivators are, as long as they motivate. :)

All I want to do is have an excuse to get buck naked more often. I am a simple man.


Yeah, I wish I could get my dad or mom into it. My dad has a lot of balance issues and a bad knee. He's a bigger guy, but I think he'd benefit a lot from doing it.

Sadly, one of my big motivators for trying to stay in shape is I don't want to end up in the same state as my dad.

A friend of mine was thinking of getting back surgery when something like Yoga would probably be far more sensible.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jack Swagger, the Enclave's pick for the President of the United States of America.
I really do think Shield's success is 1. Keeping their numbers small 2. Give each of them a distinct flavor (Rollins trash talk, Amblows psychosis, Reigns with his roars) and 3. Give them a sort of allure (coming through the crowd)

Also, i REALLY LOVE the double tag spots. They were amazing to see. Also Dean's Elevated DDT was sick and both Rollins and Reigns can really go

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really do think Shield's success is 1. Keeping their numbers small 2. Give each of them a distinct flavor (Rollins trash talk, Amblows psychosis, Reigns with his roars) and 3. Give them a sort of allure (coming through the crowd)

Also, i REALLY LOVE the double tag spots. They were amazing to see. Also Dean's Elevated DDT was sick and both Rollins and Reigns can really go

They put a lot of work into making sure their teamwork gets visibility, I think that's a big part as well.


Also, i REALLY LOVE the double tag spots. They were amazing to see. Also Dean's Elevated DDT was sick and both Rollins and Reigns can really go
I rewinded the ppv like 5 times just to see that wicked corner spot with Rollins going over Ambrose into the springboard clothesline into Reigns killing Cena. It was just so smooth. I don't even see that kind of stuff in the indies, so seeing it on a WWE PPV of all things just blew my mind


I was actually pretty happy with the Punk/Rock match. Everyone pretty much expected Rock to win but at least they made Punk look great and also made it look like he got screwed. The Shield was amazing too, and I liked the Elimination Chamber match as well. Mark looked awesome!


You gotta be a Hogan or Austin to draw a meaningful amount of money though. Everyone has their roles, and sometimes, someone's role is to play second fiddle for their entire lives.

Thing is, over does not mean drawing money. Are you over or a draw or both? Punk and Bryan are over, and the IWC loves them, but they're not paying the bills.

Honest question, and this goes for EVERYTHING, when was the last PPV you bought due to one match on the card, to the point where if it wasn't on there, you wouldn't have bought it?

Cena vs Lesnar at Extreme Rules was the last money match that drew money from me. Lesnar and Cena are draws, so there it is. That's a sure thing, we expected big things from it and it delivered.

A match that is "surprisingly great" like say, the Sheamus/Big Show feud a few months ago is nice, but it's not a draw. But it's fun to watch and I loved it.
I don't buy because WWE booking is so shit and 95% of the roster can't even wrestle. I like Punk, I was watching him since RoH. Would I buy a PPV because of him? No. They don't use him properly and I know they won't so why would I waste $50 just to see him job to a peoples elbow or never win legit vs Ryback/Cena?

People say Punk looks "dangerous" after that match but in the eyes of casual fans, he just looks like a weak sore loser who lost to Rock twice.

If I feel like I know the outcome and no one even wrestles good enough to entertain me why would I waste money?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I was actually pretty happy with the Punk/Rock match. Everyone pretty much expected Rock to win but at least they made Punk look great and also made it look like he got screwed. The Shield was amazing too, and I liked the Elimination Chamber match as well. Mark looked awesome!

Mark got booked well. Pretty happy about that. That's what he do
(es) such bad grammar


People say Punk looks "dangerous" after that match but in the eyes of casual fans, he just looks like a weak sore loser who lost to Rock twice.

and if Rock had Punk pinned for 15 seconds but Heyman took out the ref the casual fans would be saying Rock got screwed. That's what they're suppose to do!

Jamie OD

Just finished watching the PPV. Things I liked were The Shield Vs Ye Can't Feed Me, Swagger's new music and the Spanish Announce Table finally standing up for itself.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They should play up like totalitarian Swagger. For Wrestlemania have him come out with guys in gas masks and American arm bands.
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