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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
SHINE looks like it was a pretty good event last night. Sad I missed out.


It wore me out, doing those. Cool as hell, but it mentally wore me out.

Keep Larry Zbyszko! Shame on y'all.

A bunch of announcers is silly in those games. You only need two, three max. You keep the ones with the best ratings and ax the rest. I'd also hire the guys that would end up in TNA or OVW in the next year or so.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really excited for March 1st so I can get Batista Ballmer-ized.
Interesting scenario Luchador - I think you should cut some dead weight in there, some BIG dead weight - namely, Kevin Nash. And make Goldberg no-compete or cut his pay 20k.

Yeah, there will have to be some roster cutting. However, if I want to release people from their contracts I have to pay up the remainder of their deals (so I'm not really 'saving' any money).
I went to release Jeff Jarrett and Mike Tenay asked me to reconsider as he thought Jarrett was an asset to the company! (WHAT?!) You also can't renegotiate contracts until their last month, which means GOLDberg's deal will be around for almost another year!

I always liked playing those scenarios, but I get so bored of TEW after about 2 months of booking shows. I would immediately get rid of the Harris Brothers, Rick Steiner, Larry Z, Animal, Kronik, most if not all the YAKS, use Lex to get someone over and then fire him.

Yeah, they can be draining and become boring unless you build up the stories in your head it becomes sort of 'pointless', which is why I thought it'd be best to take it slower and share with you guys what's going on. Should hopefully make it slightly more interesting.

Keep Tony Schiavone

Without a TV deal no one will get to see his amazing assortment of shirts :(

A bunch of announcers is silly in those games. You only need two, three max. You keep the ones with the best ratings and ax the rest. I'd also hire the guys that would end up in TNA or OVW in the next year or so.

They've sort of changed how announcers work now, as TEW13 has 'experience' ratings for announcers who work together. So the more a pair have worked together, the more of a bonus you can get. Still, doesn't really mean you need 5-6 announcers under contract like you said.
Currently WCW have: Dusty Rhodes, Larry Z, Mike Tenay, Scott Hudson, Stevie Ray and Tony Schiavone under contract as broadcasters. Bye Scott Hudson!

I'm really excited for March 1st so I can get Batista Ballmer-ized.

Yeah, enjoyed the Big Show fest, but yeah. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and it's TIME FOR A CHANGE! Again.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WCW would have survived if the AOL executive wasn't a prick.

They were still talking about selling to Fusion Media even without a tv slot. AOL thought Fusion was taking too long and decided to call Vince. It was going to be a bluff to get Fusion to pay more but Vince had the cash.

Ted Turner would still have wrestling on tv if he wasn't booted from power.

Lesson: Don't make your company public.


I'm going to try it for a few weeks of shows and see what happens. Is TEW significantly different from 2005-2010? I thought the story was that due to the lawsuit from 1996 over Hall and Nash, Vince was allowed to make the first offer if WCW went up for sale, but turned it down the first time. Then the asking price went down dramatically when they lost TV and WWF made a hilariously low offer and they went with it.
I'm going to try it for a few weeks of shows and see what happens. Is TEW significantly different from 2005-2010?

Not hugely so, but the additions added are along the lines of 'why wasn't this added earlier'. Feels a little easier to navigate, gimmicks play a major part for Mainstream promotions now (but you can no longer just abuse 'Sex Appeal' to boost your show rating like you could in the past). There's overrun and underrun allowance when booking a show now too, which is decent.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'd still keep Rick Steiner, dude could still go in 2000 and just keeping him around to feud with/team with Scott is a great idea.

I forgot until you did these recaps just how good Big Poppa Pump was at getting people over. He might be legit crazy and extremely scary person to fuck with but he made people he beat look good and made people who beat him look like a million dollars.
I was bored and made this. I call it Andre The Giant eats your children

I just realised that today is ROH's 11th birthday, so I thought I'd waffle on for a bit about some of my favourite moments from the last eleven years;

. Crowning a Champion - early ROH had a lot of ideas that worked, and a lot of ideas that didn't, but for the first six months of the promotion's history there was one thing they got spot on, and that was the build to crowning the first ROH champion. The beauty of ROH in 2002 was that it provided a place for the best indy talent in the world to compete in the same ring and it was the extraordinary efforts of guys like Doug Williams, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels and Low Ki that made the early ROH shows must-see events.

. Low Ki vs Samoa Joe - while Low Ki came to ROH with his reputation already built, Samoa Joe was something of an unknown quantity and ROH gave him his debut in the best way possible: by having Joe & Low Ki beat the crap out of each other at the inaugural Glory By Honor event.

. Samoa Joe's epic title reign - the biggest misstep of ROH's first year was by having inaugural champion Low Ki drop the belt to Xavier and then leave ROH shortly after, due to backstage disagreements. In their second year they corrected that, when Samoa Joe captured the ROH title and began to build a historic 645 day title reign, with 29 successful title defences. One thing I found remarkable about Joe's title reign was how, despite being so dominant and holding the belt for so long, there were many times I believed Joe was about to drop the belt, and when Joe had rolled through the main players on the roster and it became clear he wasn't dropping the title any time soon, ROH did a good job of rotating in outside talent, guys who were building their reputations elsewhere. By the time Aries beat Joe for the belt, it didn't feel like anyone could beat him, which made Aries win all the more of an awesome moment.

. Paul London & Generation Next - while Paul never wrestled in the same ROH as Aries, Strong, Shelley & Evans, I feel they are connected as examples of Gabe's intuitive understanding of when he has a star on his hands. It took very little time for Paul London to show himself as the stand-out student of the Texas Wrestling Academy yet to follow in the footsteps of Danielson & Spanky and make his breakout performance, and Gabe quickly pounced on that. The same goes for Generation Next. All four guys were obviously gifted, but in different ways, and it wasn't long after their individual debuts for ROH that Gabe paired them as the brash and arrogant Generation Next, who didn't want to pay their dues and felt they deserved the main event because they were that damn good, and it paid off as they went on to become the premier heel faction in ROH.

. Joe vs Punk - the trilogy of matches between these two are a large part of what helped put ROH on the map, and, while they don't quite hold up today, they are great examples of the ability of both Punk & Joe and of match psychology done right.

. Homicide vs Bryan Danielson: The Best of Five Series - this was such a marvellous series of matches. I can't even recall why they started feuding, but Homicide provided the perfect foil for a Danielson who, while knowing he was the best wrestler in the promotion, couldn't get the job done, couldn't win the title, and it was sending him over the edge. The increasingly violent series of matches (Submissions, Taped Fist, Falls Count Anywhere, Lumberjack & Steel Cage) weren't ever at the top of the cards, but were on almost all 5 occasions the highlights.

. The Summer of Punk - I had always enjoyed Punk as a performer more than as a wrestler. His promos were golden, but for whatever reason it hadn't quite clicked for him as a singles wrestler. I preferred to see him with the Second City Saints, involved in bloody brawls with The Prophecy or Generation Next, rather than feuding with Raven in a bunch of underwhelming matches. That all changed with The Summer of Punk and, with a WWE contract in his pocket and the ROH World Championship around his waist, Punk got a second shot as the antagonist in the companies biggest feud. His matches across this short period are without question among his best ever in ROH, and the whole angle one of the most memorable.

. Japanese Invasion - throughout 2005-2008 ROH brought in a lot of Japanese talent, and to my mind the most important of these were Kobashi vs Joe, which made ROH's name more than any one single match previously, Danielson vs KENTA, which provided the sort of hard-hitting match actually worthy of the title 'dream match', Danielson vs Morishima, which was an exercise in perfectly executed, slow-building brutality, and the Dragon Gate 6-Man Tag Matches which blew the roof off every time and became a staple of ROH's WreslteMania weekend.

. CZW vs ROH - if there was one thing wrong with this feud, it was that CZW didn't hold up their side of things. For whatever reason, Zandig didn't really want much part in the feud, so the majority of it was contained in an ROH ring. This didn't spoil things at all, as the atmosphere was always rabid with a mixed ROH/CZW crowd and a bunch of awesome antagonists in the CZW wrestlers. Claudio Castagnoli's heel turn was magnificent, and the Cage of Death match to end the feud has to be one of my all-time favourite ROH moments.

Finally, a bunch of stuff not quite worth mentioning, but that I loved anyway;

. The Many Deaths of BJ Whitmer - dude just got himself near-killed on a regular basis. Probably holds the record for scariest number of bumps in ROH. Regardless, I found this quite endearing and quickly became a fan of Whitmer.
. Special K - their whole job was to go out there, do flips, piss off the crowd and then get destroyed by The Carnage Crew/Da Hit Squad/Low Ki, and it was always entertaining like only the best train wreck can be.
. Scramble Cage Madness - the scramble cage was flat-out an awful, awful idea. Gabe is on record as saying it's the dumbest thing he ever booked, yet they did it a BUNCH OF TIMES. And every time, someone got injured. Also, it gave us that magnificent Teddy Hart incident.
. Jacobs & Whitmer - a classic big man/little man tag team that broke apart and entered into a bitter and bloody feud, culminating in an excellent cage match that saw Jacobs tear his ACL and wrestle on regardless.
. Project 161 - the mysterious build-up to The Age of the Fall's debut was arguably more interesting than the angle itself. Before Vince even learned what social media was, Gabe & Jimmy were creating a pro-wrestling storyline that used the internet to blur fact and fiction.
. No Rope, Barbedwire Match - only two ever took place in ROH history, they were both awesome. There's something to be said for the use of deathmatch wrestling when it isn't used all that often, and though your average CZW deathmatch will be more hardcore than either Homicide vs Corino or Whitmer vs Necro, the ROH ones feel big, they feel important and they feel shocking. Super fun matches.
. Julius Smokes - dude is just a straight up awesome-ass gibberish machine. No idea what he was saying, but I liked it.
. Sweet & Sour Inc. - Larry Sweeney was the greatest manager of the past decade, and Sweet & Sour Inc. was the culmination of that greatness, from his jawing with the fans, the bluetooth headset, Tank Toland bullying Bobby Dempsey, it was just awesome fun.


WCW Starrcade 12/17/2000

The last ever Starrcade. Pretty shitty card to go out on.

Jung Dragons vs 2 Count vs Knoble and Karagias Number One Contender Ladder Match

Chavo is on color. Makes sense to have the champion on color and a number one contender match on the PPV. On top of that, this is a 3 way tag match with the winner getting a singles title shot. They also start this match with tags. What? In a ladder match? With in the first 30 seconds of action, Kaz and Shannon botch a move that ends with Kaz basically landing right on his head.


They haven't even gotten to the ladders yet. Boring chants already. It JUST started. This is going to be a shitty crowd. 2 Count do a fake out going for the ladders, but have one hidden under the ring. It was a SWERVE! Bumps on ladders seem so terrible. Kaz AGAIN gets dropped right on his head in basically the same move he tried earlier. Jamie and Evan fight over who will win. Standard ladder spots for a while. Yang Time off a ladder that was wedged in the corner. That doesn't even make sense. That's like 2 feet closer to the mat. Big dive sequence. Jaime gets pushed off the ladder all the way to the floor. Krang makes a ladder bridge. Evan does a powerslam off of it.


Shannon uses it to do a leaping fameasser. Shane does a crazy spinning neck breaker off of it to Jamie.


Sunset bomb from Jaime, sleeper slam from Shannon, both off the ladder. Giant scaffold is built. Everyone gets thrown off. Shane and Shannon get the contract at the same time.

TO THE BACK. Duggan polishes his wood. Lance says that Duggan needs to stay with Canada to feed his family. Sanders arrives. Jeff and the Harris Brothers want their match changed to a Bunkhouse Brawl. Kronik are hanging out in a sauna. Their green lighting is always around. "Wow am I baked."


Lance Storm vs The Cat

Cat wants Lance and Madden to head back to Canada if he wins. Cat wants to dance and asks for his music to play. It plays 20 seconds later. It doesn't take long for the YAKs to get into it. They're more over than Lance vs Cat. They match goes to the floor, where Ms. Jones accidentally head kicks the ref. Gunns then drop kicks her. Duggan reluctantly costs Cat the match. Remember a few months ago when Lance had 3 titles and was on top of the company? Now he's in the second match of a PPV against the Cat and needs help to beat him. Lance and Elix attack Duggan after the match. Cat makes the save.


. An ambulance arrives. It's Mike Awesome! Buff is the new interviewer. Lol wat? That's what he gets for bitching all the time. His first interview is with the Animals. Buff's interview style reminds of Alex Jones when he talks to a celebrity. Rito and Marie are walking when Sanders offers Reno a chance back in the NBT.


Crowbar vs Terry Funk WCW Hardcore Championship

Daffney says Crowbar's 70s gimmick is like a poop sandwich. Funk shows up with a fire extinguisher and this match is on. At the start of the year, Funk was the commissioner. Funk's first retirement was the same year as the first Starrcade. They fight into the back of a semi. Crowbar gets hip tossed out of it through a table. Crowbar slams Funk's head in a door. Funk does it to Crowbar, but you can see the block at the bottom of the door. Crowbar is handcuffed and Funk starts giving him unprotected chair shots to the head. It heads to the ringside area. Definitely a few concussions here. Funk tries to choke Daffney out with her own hair. Plancha through a table. Daffney does a Sabu chair throw. Texas piledriver on a car door and we have a new champion. No way Crowbar didn't have his brains scrambled. He ate probably 8 chair shots to the dome.

Gene talks with Team Canada. He's heated about how they treated Duggan. Gunns completely botches the "Don't blame Canada, blame yourself" line (the one line she always has even when it doesn't make sense to say it) and Gene tells her she can fly her Maple Leaf on another pole, if you know what I mean. Lex is getting organized for his match. He has brass knuckles.


Big Vito/Reno vs Kronik

Again. Crush was super baked earlier. Is pro wrestling a good thing to do while stoned? He fucks up his promo, so maybe he's still high. He says Marie will have to pay full price after the match. Marie was the one paying Kronik to beat up Reno and Vito? Called it. I just saw this whole match on Thunder, so I don't really give a fuck about this. I wouldn't give a fuck anyway, but less of a fuck is given. Marie doesn't seem to know what this pay off thing is all about. Maybe Crush got too high and is confused. The Thrillers come out on the ramp and watch. Reno tags in and Rolls the Dice on Vito. IT WAS A SWERVE. Somehow, Reno pins Vito, his partner in the match. So he won and lost. Reno throws a bag of cash to Kronik. Reno's been the one making the payments! SWERVE! An elaborate and nonsensical SWERVE!

Gene is with 2 Count. Chavo says they both can't face him. Then he attacks. Buff is with MIA.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Mike Awesome Ambulance Match

Mike has new decidedly not 70s music. Well, this sucks. Bam Bam is really in awful shape and is completely dangerous and reckless. Bam Bam punches through one of the windows on the ambulance. Bam Bam falls THROUGH the roof of the ambulance. Awesome wins.


Gene is with the Thrillers. Reno says the Thrillers are his real family. Gene wants to slap the shit out of Stasiak. Don't we all.

General Rection vs Shane Douglas WCW US Championship

Brawl to start, slows down, but then gets back out to the floor and on the table. Shane does multiple blatant low blows that are no sold and no DQ is called. It's kind of hard to root too much against Shane since he's doing this for Torrie and he's made it clear that she was more than just a manager to him and he cares deeply about her. Hugh does a bear hug, which gets Bruno references from Madden. Apparently Bruno and Madden had some kind of dust up. A long bear hug spot is kind of weird for the face to be doing to the heel. Hugh goes for the moonsault, but takes a nasty fall when his legs are hit. A piledriver and neckbreaker only get two. Shane gets SHOOT busted open on the ring post. He got dazed for sure. Missed moonsault. Chavo comes out and distracts the ref so Shane can use the chain, but then stooges him off, so Hugh retains via DQ. Shane decks Chavo and leaves Hugh laying after the match. Lash and Wall hit the ring.

Gene talks with Steiner. He yells a lot about beating Steiner and then his freaks are going to beat him.

GLACIER HYPE VIDEO. He was like Sin Cara where he got tons of hype, his own lighting, and sucked.

TO THE BACK. Buff is with the Insiders.


Jeff Jarrett/Harris Brothers vs Filthy Animals Bunkhouse Brawl Filthy Animal Street Fight

I don't know what the difference between a Bunkhouse Brawl and a Filthy Animal Street Fight is, nor do I know how they can be combined. There is a bar and bar stools in the ring. Fuck this shit. Jeff pins Kidman with the Stroke. This was 12 minutes long and seriously felt like it was a half hour. Just would not fucking end.


Buff is with Sarge. Sarge is in his wrestling gear for some reason. Lex attacks him. Ring crews desperately try to clean up the ringside area.

Perfect Event vs The Insiders WCW Tag Team Championships

This was originally booked as Insiders vs Jindrak/O'Haire, but that was dropped and never mentioned again. Then the plan was to have PE, Jindrak/O'Haire, Insiders, and Kronik in the match. But they had that on TV and took Kronik out of it at the last minute. Flair says if Sanders even looks like he's going to interfere, the Insiders will get the belts. DDP is again really loud and obvious with his spot calling. This is decent enough, just not very interesting. It's exactly what you'd expect. DDP in the ring 90% of the match, Nash tagging in for the finish. Sanders hit a low blow on DDP on the floor, so I guess that's okay. Nash gets hit with a title. DDP hits a Kanyon Cutter on the floor, but the camera completely misses it. Jindrak and O'Haire show up. Mark eats a Diamond Cutter. Nash pins Chuck with the jackknife. New champions.


Goldberg vs Lex Luger No Holds Barred No DQ

Lex is back to his Total Package music. What happened to his face music that was used on Thunder? This will be terrible. Their match at Mayhem was one of the worst non-squash matches Goldberg ever had. It goes to the announcers pretty much right away. Goldberg dominates most of the match, but not in the awesome way you'd hope from Goldberg. Sarge comes out. Buff tries to talk him out of it. This is a no DQ match, so it makes total sense to have the ref distracted so Lex can use the brass knuckles and then hide them. Buff accidentally hits the blockbuster on Goldberg. On the floor, Buff decks Sarge. Spear to Lex. Jackhammer. Goldberg wins. End this shit. Buff drills Goldberg with a chair after the match. SWERVE. Hey, remember when Lex came back in October and turned on Buff for no reason? No one in WCW, including Buff, did. Goldberg walks out with Sarge and a one armed Make a Wish kid.


Sid vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship

Sid is wearing long tights. Scott wins a test of strength. Steiner very loudly and clearly screams FUCK YOU to a fan in the front row. Spinning belly to belly. Sid has had very little offense. Recliner, but Sid was close enough to the ropes to get out. Scott pulls him to the center of the ring and puts it back on, but gets out when Midajah accidentally hit a cross body on Steiner. Chokeslam. Cobra Clutch from Sid. Steiner just punches the ref in the face while in the move. Steiner hits Sid with the pipe a few times. A new ref comes in to make the pin, but Sid kicked out. Jeff comes out and accidentally hits Steiner with the guitar. He managed to pull the ref out of the ring, but Robinson ducked a punch and slid back in the ring to make a pin, but Steiner kicked out. Steiner hits a few blatant low blows, a t-bone, and locks in the Recliner to retain his championship. This was...underwhelming. It wasn't nearly as good as Goldberg/Steiner or Goldberg/Sid.


This was a pretty average PPV. As far as biggest show of the year goes, it wasn't very good. It was just a normal PPV. If this was something that went on at WM, it'd be one of the worst WMs in memory. According to the Observer (thanks to Sunflower), this was had one of the lowest buy rates in WCW PPV history. It drew a 0.11 buy rate. That's the second lowest buy rate in WCW history. There were a number of 0.10s as the lowest. WWF Armageddon that month had a 1.15 rating, which is something like 465,000 buys. I'm not a math guy, so I don't know how many people bought Starrcade, but it was comically few. That's like TNA levels. Even better is the past few years. They went from a 1.90 in 1997 to .11 in 2000. It looks like Halloween Havoc was by far their biggest show of the year with a .52 buy rate. There wasn't a single PPV that had more buys in 2000 than 1999. The biggest drop off was Superbrawl, which went from a 1.10 in 1999 to a .10 in 2000. This was the 4th year at the MCI Center. They drew under 7,000 and it was heavily papered. They drew 17,500 in 1997 at the same building.

Also something of note: WCW told Dustin Rhodes to be at the show. When he got there, they had nothing planned for him, so he left.


Cena's best is Mania 24's marching band
Taker's best is Mania 21 when he was gliding down the ramp
I don't even know what Edge's entrance was.. just kind of fireworks

1. John Cena at WM25
2. The Undertaker at WM20
3. Shawn Michaels at WM26
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin at WM25
5. Shawn Michaels at WM12
6. Edge at WM24
7. Ultimate Warrior at WM6
8. Andre the Giant at WM3
9. Triple H at WM25
10. Macho Man Randy Savage at WM9


Today I saw the Bella Twins up close, real life style, with my own eyeballs.

It was a bit of a letdown, because Daniel was nowhere to be found.

PS. I think I was not the only one who felt this way as their booth/table was devoid of any autograph seekers / picture wanters. We only wanted to know where Brie's boyfriend was.
Just realized that since they got rid of MITB at Wrestlemania, WMs haven't been that good, well only been the last 2 WMs. or maybe it was that both had Rock involvement...

I think it just takes away that generally good, pleases the crowd, we get some great spots and replaces with bloated tag team action with shitty build ups and feud accompanied by shitty pay offs.
Watching the PWX iPPV, halfway through at the moment - so far we got an excellent opening match between Cedric Alexander and Chip Day, who I haven't seen before but was impressed with. Alexander went over after hitting a huge lariat followed by his flying kick into the corner he calls Concussion on Delivery. He looked great here, which bodes well for a potential singles run in ROH. Next, we had Drew Myers & John Skyler vs Ernie Osiris & Rhett Titus. Fun match, but nothing special. Rhett was the most polished of all the guys here and scored the pin, but I liked Drew Myers, who has some great amateur wrestling holds and throws in his repertoire. 3rd match was a squash, with two students getting destroyed by some huge fat guy with face paint called Kongo. Next, in another nothing of a match Mike Bennett & Maria won against Zane Riley & Amber O'Neal.

The fourth match was meant to be Dojo Bros of Roderick Strong & Eddie Edwards defending the titles against Kevin Steen & Davey Richards, but The Great Outdoors of Jake Manning & Grizzly Redwood interrupt and ask to be included in the match. Dojo Bros agree but take the belts off the line, and for some reason Steen & Richards are OK with this. They start things off with an excellent back and forth between Richards & Strong, while Shane Helms puts over both guys huge on commentary, saying he recommended Strong to WWE numerous times. Steen gets in and wreaks havoc on poor Grizzly Redwood, but tensions rise between him and the Dojo Bros, which leads to Steen & Richards being eliminated after they were counted out on the floor. To the credit of the 4 guys left, they managed to bring a bemused crowd back into things well as Roderick & Eddie went to work on Griz. Jake made the hot tag and almost had it won, but the experience of the Dojo Bros lead to them taking control, only for Jake to have their finisher scouted and roll-up Roderick for the 3-count! Real fun tag match that probably went a bit too long, but I enjoyed it regardless.

Looking forward to the next half of the show, with Adam Cole vs Caleb Konnley in a 2/3 falls and Chiva Kid vs Corey Hollis.
I can't believe they broke kayfabe so hard with that Glenn Beck video. Instead of attacking him in character to really heat the angle up they go all serious business and ruin it. What's the point? Why?
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