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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Raw did a 3.46

edit: Found this interesting:

It's also interesting to note how the three-hour Raw Era's patten has unfolded: WWE is drawing a broader, family-oriented audience at 8:00 p.m. EST, then there is a mixture in the second hour, and the third hour is predominantly adult males after the kids and families start to fall off. The loss of families and younger demo in the third hour keeps the pattern going of third hour viewership declining nearly every week, but if WWE gives adult males something to look forward to in the third hour, WWE is making up for the overall audience loss by keeping the key adult male demo strong.

That family audience saw the nice crimson mask Brock Lesnar displayed yesterday. lol

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Another picture from the event. Takayama, Suzuki, Kobashi, KENTA, Tanahashi, uhh Mutoh I think?
Ivelisse doesn't wrestle for AAA, she just wrestled for Perros Del Mal promotion which is an offshot of sorts run by AAA wrestlers. She hasn't been back since New Years

Ah, I knew she'd been working in Mexico somewhere. Hopefully she has a good showing on Gut Check, although I've never heard of her opponent.

My dream match with the current WWE roster would be:

Antonio Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar.

(nobody asked me, its just a thought)

That would be a ridiculously fun match. I'd also love a feud between Cesaro & Bryan.


Another picture from the event. Takayama, Suzuki, Kobashi, KENTA, Tanahashi, uhh Mutoh I think?

WTF is going on there, lol? And from left to right it's Suzuki, Sasaki, Tanahashi, Tenryu, Mutoh, Kobashi, uh..., Takayama, KENTA.


I wonder who is stronger between Claudio and Brock. I feel that Claudio is probably more functionally strong, but Brock probably has higher freaky Roderick strength.


So Vince really did complain about the piledriver spot last night. Respect for Cena has gone up .005!
nice. so he went up to what? -50%

Raw did a 3.46

edit: Found this interesting:

That family audience saw the nice crimson mask Brock Lesnar displayed yesterday. lol
kids and families get bork blood, adult males get CENAWINSLOL.jpg

someone should tell Vince he's got the order mixed up


I think Triple H vs Brock will be an Ultimate Fight match or something. Heard Cole mention Brock's "Ultimate Fighting Style" so maybe they'll use that for the match stipulations.


Fav 5 songs about Budapest GO.

1. Budapest by Jethro Tull
2. I left my shoe in Budapest by Troy and the Grizzly Bears
3. Stop being a Budapest by Ronston and the Juniors
4. Jestin' and Budapestin' by The Beegees
5. Taking my Driving Test in Budapest by Ralph Caarre
I think Triple H vs Brock will be an Ultimate Fight match or something. Heard Cole mention Brock's "Ultimate Fighting Style" so maybe they'll use that for the match stipulations.

that would make thing even dumber than they already are. not even the markiest marks will bite that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fav 5 songs about Budapest GO.

1. Budapest by Jethro Tull
2. I left my shoe in Budapest by Troy and the Grizzly Bears
3. Stop being a Budapest by Ronston and the Juniors
4. Jestin' and Budapestin' by The Beegees
5. Taking my Driving Test in Budapest by Ralph Caarre

Mine is pretty much just Watch Your Chest in Budapest by X-raided.


JR is going to do an interview on Smackdown in his home state. So that means he either will get beaten up, set on fire again or hit with another concrete block.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm gonna try these Cadbury Creme Eggs that Yuropeans like Bean Breath like so much. We shall see if I consider your continent liars or not.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Mark Henry turning face!

Big Show Mark Henry at Mania for a ring collapse on the biggest stage!
I was so happy to see Fandango premiere tonight.
he didn't. He cut a promo and since Stryker couldn't say his name right he said he wouldn't wrestle. I feel so broken hearted. At least I think it was Stryker. I was mesmerized by Fandango



WCW Sin 1/14/2001

Live in front of 20 people in Indianapolis! Actually, it looks like a pretty decent turn out. I've been to Conseco many times for Pacer games, a Smackdown event, and a few concerts. It looks like about half the arena is off limits behind the stage. And of that half, it's like 70% full. It looks like more than 6000 people, at least. It's got a good lay out where things are spaced out and you can really see even from the cheap seats. But the cheap seats are totally blacked out. The crowd fills out the bottom bowl and most of the second, but the top layer is blacked out as well as a huge portion behind the entrance. Still. It looks more impressive than what they had been drawing.

TO THE BACK. Shane tells Shannon to not interfere.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Shane Helms WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Shane keeps getting the better of Chavo in the opening minutes. Nice DVD/jaw breaker thing. Not a TKO, but onto the knee. Alabama Slam from Chavo is followed up by a knee to the balls. I heard the DING from the AKI games in my head. Shane always had a boss running neck breaker. Nice X-Plex. Chavo was folded up. Superkick! Foot on the ropes. Shane blocks the brainbuster and dumps Chavo out of the ring. He follows it up with a cross body frog splash to the floor. Chavo kicks out of the Nightmare on Helms Street. Shane went for a second, but Chavo got out of it. Crowd is really into this. Tornado DDT is reversed into the Nightmare, which is reversed into the brainbustahhh. Chavo retains. Good match and the crowd seemed really into it for a heel vs heel cruiserweight match.


EARLIER TODAY. Tenay caught up with CEO Flair. He's looking for the SCOOPS! Flair won't give up the mystery man.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with The Mamalukes. JTB won't be allowed at ringside for Reno vs Vito.

Vito vs Big Reno

Brother vs brother! It's like Undertaker vs Kane. Exactly the same. Except they're both short bald dudes who aren't very over in weird singlets with weird bodies in front of a small crowd and had their brother hood come out of nowhere in a shocking SWERVE after both had been on TV together for months. But other than that, totally the same. Lot of punches, but not really a brawl. Vito gets out of the Roll of the Dice with a Northern Lights. Reno blocks the spinning DDT into a t-bone. Roll of the Dice for the win.


TO THE BACK. Sanders talks slowly to Crush. They must be high since there is a random green light. Sanders pays off Crush to handle Cat tonight. Turns out that Wrath had a better deal.

Jung Dragons vs Knoble and Karagias

Unadvertised match. But on Thunder both teams tried to attack Meng for no reason together. Poor Shannon. He's the only one of the group not to get booked tonight. Double Asai monsault. I'm sure this would be better if Shannon was in it and not Evan. Because fuck Evan Karagias. His stupid hair, his stupid sexy abs, his terrible promo skills, his poor wrestling skills. Jamie did a SHOOT deadweight German on Kaz because they weren't communicating very well. Didn't look cool, though. Kaz kicks Jamie's head off. It's only Hudson and Tony tonight and they seem way more into the show than normal. Yang hit a super bomb on Jamie. Evan hits a 450, which Hudson calls a Firebird Splash. Kaz hits a jumping DDT and turns it into a Chono-like shoulder lock. Jamie hits a jumping tombstone. Yang whiffs on Yang Time. He does a roll up instead.


TO THE BACK. Totally Buffed arrive in a completely ridiculous car. They go over their plan to get Goldberg fired like the camera isn't there. But Then they acknowledge the camera, so that was weird.


Mike Sanders vs The Cat WCW Commissionership/Ms. Jones' Services

Sanders seems to have lost some of his trunks. They seem exceptionally tiny and tight. Cat has shaved his head. Cat says he's going to bring WCW back up to the top. But Flair says that WCW is the biggest company in the world and already on top. Who is telling the truth? A lot of time killing promo work before the match from both guys. A decidedly average and annoying wrestler and a decidedly not good wrestler don't make for a good match. Tony, what is a back leg front kick? What I saw was Sanders soccer kick Cat while he was sitting up. There was no back of the leg being used. And how can it be a back and front kick at the same time? Ms. Jones chases Sanders around the floor with a chair. While she has the ref distracted, the NBT attacked Cat. Kronik come out and attack the Thrillers and Sanders. Wrath shoved all the money in Mike's face and Cat hits the Feliner. New boss. Same as the old boss. Literally.

. Ric shows Goldberg Totally Buffed making their plans known to the camera earlier. Flair wants to make the match no DQ. Goldberg signs a picture for a fan and has their picture taken. Kind of weird to have this take up PPV time. Gene is with Jeff Jarrett. Gene tries to stir it up with Jeff and Steiner.

Filthy Animals vs Team Canada Canadian Penalty Box Match

In theory this could be good considering it has Storm, Awesome, Skipper, Rey, and Kidman. But it also has Konnan. He can cancel all of them out with ease. Duggan is the special ref. Team Canada comes in on the bus that has been cleaned up and repainted. What are the odds that WCW bought a new bus? The rules are when someone breaks a rule, they get put in a penalty box. This gives the opposing team a power play advantage. They must stay in the box until the red light goes off. Prime Time is the first to get put in the box. Awesome bumps into Duggan and also gets put in. So it's a 3 on 1. Konnan powerbombs Rey onto Lance. I really hope Konnan breaks a lot of rules soon. Elix and Awesome get released at the same time despite going in at different times. Prime Time put on a lot of muscle in a hurry. Awesome gets put in the box again. Lance gets a technical. 3 on 1 again. Rey and Kidman are put in the box for double teaming. Gross, Konnan is the only man left? Tygress sprays water all over Gunns and we have a YAK ATTACK. They both go on the boxes.


Awesome randomly has scissors and tries to cut Kidman's hair. He gets put in the box, but his reaction was like "what's wrong with having scissors in a wrestling match?" and it was hilarious. Rey hits the bronco buster on Lance. Now, just a few moments ago, he got put in the box for attacking a man while he was on the ropes, but this time it is okay. Kidman taps out to the Maple Leaf, but Duggan takes a while to call it. This should have been the match of the night, but was hampered by a stupid gimmick match that killed the flow whenever things started to get good.

TO THE BACK. Tenay talks with the Thrillers. Sanders said Kronik will pay. Chuck says he and O'Haire will own the business in 5 years when DDP and Nash are gone. In 2006, DDP was retired, O'Haire was losing to Butterbean in 29 seconds on a PRIDE event, Nash was in TNA scheming his way out of jobbing to Chris Sabin, and Palumbo was doing random dark matches and house shows for WWE. The Insiders were watching this promo and doing yoga.

Crowbar vs Terry Funk vs Meng WCW Hardcore Championship

Daffney was in the crowd and Funk pulled her by the hair over the rail. Crowbar attacks from behind. They're in the lady's room! TEY IN DA LADY'S ROOM TONAY! Funk and Crowbar bury Meng under multiple tables.


Crowbar does a big dive off the first platform of seats, but this is what we saw:


Crowbar got body slammed THROUGH a guard rail. It snapped in half. Crowbar got up seconds later and Pillmanizes Funk's leg multiple times. Figure four on Funk. Meng does a Superfly Splash on Crowbar. SPIKE piledriver on Crowbar. Meng didn't fuck around with piledrivers. Repeated dueling chair shots to Meng's fro. That thing is ridiculous. Meng pins Funk with the Death Grip. New Champion!


. Flair congratulates the new commissioner. Gene is with Sid. His hat is comically small.


The Insiders vs Palumbo/O'Haire WCW Tag Team Championship

Sanders comes out with the rest of the Thrillers. I think he thinks he's still the commissioner. He says he will make a substitution whenever he feels he needs to. This brings Flair and security out. DDP dominates Chuck for a while. Then Nash dominates O'Haire for a while. Palumbo gets in and punches Nash's face off again. Chuck hits the super kick on DDP, but the cameras miss another big move. Mike Sanders and Lance Storm talked about how bad production was in numerous interviews at the time. The match slows down and DDP plays the FIP for awhile. DDP hit a great tombstone on Chuck.


Nash jackknifes Chuck. The Thrillers come out and brawl. Lex comes out and fights DDP out into the crowd. Buff KOs Nash with a wrench. This is some terrible officiating. Where is Stevie Ray? O'Haire pins Nash after the Seanton Bomb. New champions. Flair has said over and over that he'll fire the Thrillers if they get involved. They ALWAYS get involved and Flair does nothing about it.


TO THE BACK. Tenay is with the Thrillers. They didn't ask for Buff's help. Flair gets in a limo. He says it's SHOWTIME. Is Sting the mystery man?

Shane Douglas vs General Rection WCW US Championship First Blood Chain on a Pole Match.

If someone gets busted open before the chain is used, is there a point in the chain stipulation? On top of that, the chain isn't actually on a pole. It's hanging above the ring. So is this a ladder match? Hugh makes the ref check Shane's tights for a chain. The ref put his hand down Shane's tights and found a chain.


"You may be asking yourself, how does an arm drag win this match?" I was asking myself that, Tony. There isn't really a way for these guys to get the chain. Did someone forget the pole? Makes a lot of sense to do a bunch of submissions in a first blood match. Shane does the figure four and gets pissed at the WHOOOOS. They brawl into the crowd. This isn't very good. Shane tired to do a ring post figure four but realized it was too much work, so he just did it with his arms. And then a rear chin lock. It's a first blood match and they've spent most of it doing leg or arm work. Hugh gets a ladder. Shane might shatter if he takes a ladder bump. Hugh has the chain, but gets shoved off the ladder. The ref also bumped. Shane gets a chain out of his boots. I don't know why he didn't pull this out 10 minutes ago. He hits Hugh with the cheating chain. The ref wakes up to seeing Hugh bleeding. Shane Douglas is the new US Champion. What a dumb finish. It was a first blood match, why did it need a ref bump and cheating?


Gene is with Steiner. Lash and Wall try to cheer Hugh up.

Goldberg/Sarge vs Totally Buffed

I will eat my hat if Sarge doesn't SWERVE Goldberg. If Goldberg loses any match, he can't wrestle in WCW ever again for the rest of his LIFE. Also, Michael Buffer keeps trying to change his catchphrase and it is awkward. Did Ric Flair not care what Lex and Buff did in the tag title match? Goldberg didn't come out of a locker room. He came out of the practice court. DON'T LIE TO ME WCW. I've been on that practice court. You can't fucking fool me. I WILL NOT BE SWERVED. This sucks. It's boring and Sarge is in it way too much. This show was good, but the last two matches have stopped all momentum. Lex gets into it with the fan Goldberg signed something for earlier. Goldberg breaks it up and this kid pepper sprays Goldberg. SWERVE. Goldberg throws the dude of the rail and security tackle him, but then they just let him stay at ringside.


Lex has a chair in the ring and rocks Goldberg in the dome. Holy shit, Doomsday Blockbuster! Goldberg loses. No more Goldberg. I will not eat my hat. SWERVE. Crowd went dead silent.


Scott Steiner vs Jeff Jarrett vs Sid vs Mystery Man WCW Championship

Flair comes out and says to start the match without the mystery man. Jeff and Scott double team Sid. Jarrett didn't try to break up any pins. Lol. Jeff hits a top rope fist drop that whiffed more than a normal 5 knuckle shuffle. Steiner lets Jeff make a pin. Flair brings the mystery man out of the limo. Thankfully we didn't get to see Sid's leg explode. He had already done the move when they came back from the backstage shot, and it appears that Tony and Scott didn't see it happen live. You could see it flop for just a second and it was disgusting, though.


Steiner lays in some weak kicks and stalls for the mystery man. Steiner TRIPS OVER SID'S DESTROYED LEG. I can't believe they haven't had trainers out or anything for Sid. The mystery man comes out. He hits a double axe handle on Sid and Steiner makes the pin. It's Road Warrior Animal! Tony acts like this is the biggest reveal in history. Steiner retains.


Well, the first half of the show was really good. Then Hugh and Shane killed the crowd with a first blood match that was built around leg and arm submissions and had a ref bump and cheating finish. In a no DQ first blood match. Then the crowd went worse than dead after Goldberg lost. Completely deflated. So the main event came and they already didn't care, then got to see one of the grossest injuries in wrestling history live, and then got the super weak Animal reveal as the mystery man. It was like the first half of the show was booked by future WCW, but old WCW got mad and took over to ruin the show.

You do know you're in 2001 now, right? You've dated everything 2000.

Also, have fun with the next Nitro, because Jarrett has the actual Sid leg snap played about 30 times in a row.
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