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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle



WCW Monday Nitro 10/2/2000

This show is in the Cow Palace, so Konnan is dressed in cow print with a cowboy hat. The Animals hang the Disqo Duck above the ring.


Boogie Knights vs Filthy Animals Ladder Match for the Disqo Duck

What the fuck. How ludicrous. Also ludicrous? Alex Wright still has the Berlyn Rammstein style music. Plus, Konnan, Disco, and Alex Wright in a ladder match. Rey does an Arabian Facebuster with a chair onto the ladder that the Knights are sandwiched in. X-Factor reversed into the Last Dance! Sunset powerbomb off the ladder. Konnan gets the duck. Rey was working for 8 people in this impromptu 6 minute ladder match for the love of a duck.


David Flair arrives with the "father" in a hood and handcuffed. Whoever it is, he's got big arms.

Show run down. No run down.

TO THE BACK. Vince Russo gives a prepared speech with his hype man Jim Norton there for support. Russo will relinquish his championship tonight. Tonight, there will be a title match between Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner to determine a new champion. This is so weird. It's intentionally terribly delivered. He says he would have kicked Goldberg's ass himself if he weren't a real man.


This brings out Goldberg. I believe Goldberg says that Russo is similar to a piece of feces. Russo says he'll be right out. Lol, what the fuck, Russo comes out in a Popemobile. Russo says that Goldberg will have to win 176 matches in a row. One loss and he'll be fired. Bill kicks out the window of the truck, which sends JB running off. Goldberg gets the keys when MENG attacks him out of nowhere. *WCW production meeting* "You know how Austin vs McMahon is big money?" "Of course." "Well, we've got a Vince and a bald goateed white guy in black trucks." "Close enough."


TO THE BACK. Russo hypes up Meng! He gives Mike Sanders the reins for the rest of the night.

Chuck Zito joins the team for color. Wat.


Sgt AWOL vs Reno Finals of WCW Hardcore Championship

Norman just stopping showing up, but I'm sure it hasn't been 30 days since he defended. Halloween Havoc this year is brought to you by Backstage Assault. Even Slim Jim didn't want to be associated with WCW. Reno got mouthy with Chuck Zito. Vito interferes and Reno gets a super chokeslam through a table. Wall is your new champion. Mike Sanders reverses the decision due to outside interference. Your new champion, Reno! This wasn't a match. It was a promo spot for Oz. Now, I understand that HBO was a Time Warner company and synergy and all of that, but the show they choose to heavily promote is the one that features regular graphic prison rape?

Paula informs us that The Cat has changed the main event to Booker T vs Sting for the championship. David tortures the baby daddy.

Shane and Torrie come out. They challenge Konnan and Tygress for Halloween Havoc. But tonight, Shane wants Mike Awesome.

Mike Awesome vs Shane Douglas

ECW! 1993 ECW, maybe. Lex is sitting in the crowd again. Torrie stopped an Awesome Bomb by flashing her bra. Shane hits the Franchiser for the win. Nothing match. Like 3 minutes and 90% was on the floor. After the match, Tygress attacks Torrie. Shane was going to Franchise her, but Konnan rolled out for the save.

TO THE BACK. Jeff and Scott demand that Sanders to change the title match back Coach Nash shows up and says things are under control. Goldberg is getting taped up. Nash pumps Sanders up and sends him into Cat's office with a big ass slap.

A Meng hype video plays. He hasn't been on TV in like 6 months.

TO THE BACK. Paula interviews Meng, who speaks English. This is Meng's last chance. He wants to stay in WCW and to do that he has to destroy Goldberg. "Goldberg....you must die...so I may live." Sanders negotiated a match tonight, but he doesn't say what it was.


Goldberg vs Meng

Thunder this week will be in Australia. Next week, both Nitro and Thunder will be there. This is a FIGHT for about a minute. Goldberg has lived, so Meng must die. 1-0. Kronik attack Goldberg after the match.

. Sanders announces his match. Steiner/Sting vs Booker/Jeff. The winning team will face each other for the title later tonight. "I DON'T LIKE STING!" David is still shit talking the father. I think he water boarded him.

Jeff Jarrett/Booker T vs Sting/Scott Steiner

Tag partners that hate each other? No way. For real, I'm tired of seeing these 4 together. They've all been against each other so much for months. Steiner and Jarrett against each other for most of Spring and Summer, Booker and Jarrett all Summer, Booker and Steiner most of the Summer, Sting and Booker have had multiple matches, Sting and Jarrett have been feuding, and Sting and Steiner have had a few matches. Sting has been putting in no effort all year, Jeff was already stale as fuck in 1999. Faces are fighting faces, heels are fighting heels, what the hell is going on? It's chaos! Ref bump, guitar shot on Sting. Jeff vs Booker for the title tonight. Again. Great. Haven't seen that match 15 times in the past 3 months.

TO THE BACK. Coach Nash leads the NBT to the ring.

Elix Skipper vs Mike Sanders/Kevin Nash 100kilo and under Championship

Prime Time was deeply offended by Nash calling Beetlejuice "Elix". He wants Nash to come out and he'll kick his big ass, too. Nash says he spent 45 minutes apologizing to Beetlejuice for calling him Elix. Team Canada is barred, Elix has to hit a powerbomb before he can win, and Nash will be involved.


I like Prime Time. I don't like Mike Sanders. Not on the mic, not in the ring. He's a proto-Mr. Anderson, which is a terrible thing to be. Nash talks on the mic. While he's doing this, Elix was waiting on top and hit a missile drop kick 3/4ths of the way across the ring. Nash bumped HARD for it, too. How amazing would it be if Nash jobbed for Elix Skipper. Just the idea makes me giggle. "Is Nash bleeding? I think he may have Beetlejuiced!" Nash hits the jackknife, Sanders makes the pin, and the NBT have 3 titles.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg is leaving when the Red Rooster informs him he has another match booked. The NBT celebrate. Team Canada ambush them. I don't know what noise Duggan made, but it was HILARIOUS. Canadian Hacksaw is so funny. Completely ridiculous and hilarious.

Goldberg vs The Harris Brothers.

Goldberg pins Ron with the spear in 15 seconds. Then he jackhammers the other and pins him. 3-0.

. NBT ask Coach for an idea for the main event while he's in the shower. David is dragging the father out to the arena.

David Penzer delivers a message to the announcers. The main event with be a 49ers Match. There will be a box on each ring post. One will contain the title, the other three will have weapons that are usable in the match. The first to find the title is the champion. The main event has now been changed four times tonight.

David drags the father in the ring. He's going to reveal his secret identity to the world. David uncuffs the masked man, who takes off his hood to reveal...BUFF BAGWELL! He beats up David for revenge of being handcuffed and presumably beaten. But really, he kind of had that coming if he really did get David's woman pregnant.


Buff leaves the Cow Palace.

Booker T vs Jeff Jarrett WCW Championship San Fransisco 49ers Match


Oh man, a FOUR poles match. This is Russo's ultimate dream come true. Did TNA ever have a 6 poles match? I'm pretty sure they used a Stunt Granny at the start of the match. Lol. The first Irish whip into a corner sees a box fall. Jeff breaks it only to find a blow up doll. "I didn't know Kimberly had an action figure." Tony was legit shook at that comment. Booker gets a second box. It contained a picture of Scott Hall. This is stupid.


Piledriver on the Japanese announce table from Book. "Holy Christmas!" In box 3 is a coal miner's glove. This is for real one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. JJ had so many chances to get the last box, but didn't even go near it. It takes like 5 seconds to get up there and grab a box. Booker would be down selling for 30 or more and Jeff would just walk around or taunt. And for some reason, Slick is giving 10 counts when they're both down. And now he's checking for 3 counts from a sleeper. WHY? That's not how you win or lose this match. Lol, Tony says they wrestled 15-18 minutes just an hour ago. That match wasn't even 10 minutes. Book End! Ax kick! And instead of going for the box, Booker goes out to get a guitar from under the ring. But the guitar is stuck under there. Jeff tried to get it as well. He (very slowly) climbs the buckle only to have Beetlejuice appear from under the ring and repeatedly hit Jeff in the balls. Booker grabs the last box, the title just falls out of the back side since these boxes are the shittiest boxes you've ever seen. It fell out before he even tried to break the box. It's a miracle it didn't fall out from a bump or Irish whip. Scott Steiner comes out to hit Booker in the back with the pipe and then puts Beetlejuice in the Recliner to end the show. Not Booker celebrating or even Booker in the Recliner, but a D-grade radio celebrity in the Steiner Recliner ends Nitro. And do you know why the show ended like that? Because Howard Stern said Beetlejuice getting hit with the guitar was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. That mainstream publicity!


Booker's T booking has been terrible. He should still be in his first reign, not starting his 3rd. There was no reason for Nash to beat him last month on a random Nitro 2 weeks before their scheduled PPV match. I don't think Nash even defended it. It was completely pointless other than to have Booker over come the odds, I guess. That feud would have been exactly the same if Booker had never lost the title. He could have pinned Nash clean at the PPV, which would have given him clean defenses over Nash, Goldberg, and Sting and would put him on track to have the longest reign since Goldberg. So he wins the title back that he never should have lost and loses it a week later to Vince Russo, who vacates the title a week later, only to have Booker win it back. So what was the point? And he wins it back in a random chance 4 poles match with comedy gimmicks in the boxes. That's pretty fucking stupid.


LOL and smh at that last paragraph.

+ he had two matches in the same night. holy shit WCW was a mess. and i thought TNA was bad


my rommmate is taking forever to break up with her boyfriend. just shut up and end it already so i can go to slleep.


scrolling up to those wcw pics made me smile tho


I'd argue TNA is worse since it has been headed by the same people who were running WCW at the end and they still haven't learned their lesson 13 years later. They've been doing the same things over and over since day one of TNA. Yet, somehow, TNA has managed to stay open about as long as WCW with 20% of the budget. I don't fucking get it.


So not worth it
1. Because WCW's payroll was alot bigger.
2. Because WCW lost their TV deal and the support of Turner.



Isn't it about time you got over Punk losing the title Kyoufu?

Never! :p

Seriously though, it's not the loss that annoyed me but the fact that Punk was booked so weak.

And now his title run is tarnished by him paying off Maddox/Shield.

Who cares? RAW was better without Rocky anyway. Unless he's wrestling a match, I don't give a damn.

I like Rock on Raw. Wakes the crowd up and is a main event-er.

I just dislike that he's so terrible in 2013.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I love seeing Freight Train on people's lists, it makes me happy and puts a smile on my face.

Personality goes a long way.

EDIT: Even more importantly, it feels earnest and heartfelt. Tough not to love a dude like that.
I'd argue TNA is worse since it has been headed by the same people who were running WCW at the end and they still haven't learned their lesson 13 years later. They've been doing the same things over and over since day one of TNA. Yet, somehow, TNA has managed to stay open about as long as WCW with 20% of the budget. I don't fucking get it.

TNA really isn't that bad nowadays. It's not some shining beacon of quality professional wrestling or anything, but there's not that much dumb shit and a lot of the roster can go. I don't really watch the show because it's not especially great and I get enough wrasslin' with WWE, but TNA isn't offensive.
You know what I miss from wrestling shows, mainly WWE. It's such a little thing too. Ring Side Photographers.
This and good wrestling moves like pile drivers, suplex, hitting opponents head on turnbuckle for a 10 count so the fans can chant to it. And promos during matches


TNA really isn't that bad nowadays. It's not some shining beacon of quality professional wrestling or anything, but there's not that much dumb shit and a lot of the roster can go. I don't really watch the show because it's not especially great and I get enough wrasslin' with WWE, but TNA isn't offensive.

TNA seems like it's always one step away from greatness. But it can't quite take that next step


I want another promo-filled Royal Rumble by Punk where he buries every entrant on the mic before throwing them over the top rope.

Also I sound like SoulPlaya with my obsession for one wrestler. :(
I want another promo-filled Royal Rumble by Punk where he buries every entrant on the mic before throwing them over the top rope.

Also I sound like SoulPlaya with my obsession for one wrestler. :(

You talk about The Rock a lot, but it's not on the same level as SoulPlaya and Kane. Yet.


The opening match for this week's NXT was a great 18 minute tag with Adrian Neville/Oliver Grey vs Kassius Ohno/Leo Kruger.


So not worth it
I want another promo-filled Royal Rumble by Punk where he buries every entrant on the mic before throwing them over the top rope.

Also I sound like SoulPlaya with my obsession for one wrestler. :(

That's okay, it's one of the better WrassleGAF gimmicks you can have.


The opening match for this week's NXT was a great 18 minute tag with Adrian Neville/Oliver Grey vs Kassius Ohno/Leo Kruger.

I'm gonna watch NXT tonight. A couple of months ago I hated Kruger so much. They changed his character right? Before he wasn't a crazy dude he was just some African dude that knew how to fight or something. Now he seems out of his mind and he's been growing on me


So not worth it
Do you guys think we have to many single-wrestler-mark gimmicks?

Do we need a Battle Royal to sort out who can have the gimmick?

I'm gonna watch NXT tonight. A couple of months ago I hated Kruger so much. They changed his character right? Before he wasn't a crazy dude he was just some African dude that knew how to fight or something. Now he seems out of his mind and he's been growing on me

He's a South-African Hunter. He also took out one of his teeth. I love it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Do you guys think we have to many single-wrestler-mark gimmicks?

Do we need a Battle Royal to sort out who can have the gimmick?

I don't think anyone's enjoyment of a Supreme Wrestler Above All really headbutts.


I wouldn't be opposed to having a Royal Rumble on GWF to determine what wrassler is WrassleGAF's Official Mascot. Thoughts?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The big question is, do I take (does it do 40? or 30 max?) submissions from the community or just go with the default WWE13 roster?


Do you guys think we have to many single-wrestler-mark gimmicks?

Do we need a Battle Royal to sort out who can have the gimmick?

What's the point of that? The best single wrestler mark disappeared and was never heard from again. I forgot his name now but his love for Daniel Bryan made him my favorite out of you nerds.

Once you go bryan there ain't no point in tryin'!

The big question is, do I take (does it do 40? or 30 max?) submissions from the community or just go with the default WWE13 roster?

I would assume you'd just use the wrestler they love. Of course you'd have to make a custom AJ that can fight men.


So not worth it
Well, you would need AJ in there and since AJ can't join the MEN -god forbid- in WWE '13, we need some kind of hacked DLC AJ in there. As well as Ambrose and TNA guys like Aries.

But yeah, 40-men at least.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, you would need AJ in there and since AJ can't join the MEN -god forbid- in WWE '13, we need some kind of hacked DLC AJ in there. As well as Ambrose and TNA guys like Aries.

But yeah, 40-men at least.

A pal here in this very thread got me a female vanilla wrestler who is classified as men's, so I can copy and do a shitty creation of her to represent this "AJ" someone supposedly likes.
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