Jimmy King
I would have liked Demon / Dark Souls more if it were turn based. That's how I prefer my brutal RPGs.
What would you know about taking turns?
I would have liked Demon / Dark Souls more if it were turn based. That's how I prefer my brutal RPGs.
Games that give me the experience of wish-fulfillment: Dark Souls
What would you know about taking turns?
Depends do you want to see Terrence Howard throw a 8 year old in the trash canBlack WrassleGAF, should I watch Empire?
That's what GTA is for
So what? Loser.WWE wants subscribers to the network and Bryan vs Lesnar will get them more subscribers than Lesnar vs Reigns.
So what? Loser.
How far did you end up getting?
Do you agree with this list?
Edit- lol Titus is a dick
Not very far.
Some woods. One of the last guys I fought was this blue dude with one leg and a tail. He had a triton thing.
I'm awesome at describing things, clearly
What would you know about taking turns?
Not very far.
Some woods. One of the last guys I fought was this blue dude with one leg and a tail. He had a triton thing.
I'm awesome at describing things, clearly
Sources have informed me that Daniel Bryan may win at the Fast Lane special event, but it's also possible that he may end up losing. I'm not sure, really.
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Source: Plausible outcomes I've surmised, veiled as insider information.
That's reasonably far. You're almost halfway through the first third of the game. Did you go to the top of the church?
You're probably at the first blacksmith, at the first bell tower then.
Titanite Demon?
Friend Heel, what if they swerve you and Seth Rollins gets involved causing a DQ? Then, after the Rollins run-in, Cena comes down....and then, after the Cena run-in, Rusev comes out.
Thus, we get Bryan vs Reigns vs Rollins vs Cena vs Rusev vs Brock at Russelmania.
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I would wear a lucha mask. Anything beyond that would be stupid. I'll take suggestions for thread titles now.
March OT: I am so smark. S-M-R-K.
March OT: Wrestlemania Cancelled Due to Reigns
March OT: Forget the Brass Ring. It's Time to Grab the Reigns.
I don't think so. Unless the top is the bit before the first blacksmith inside the church where some dude shoots lightning at you. Although I didn't kill him.
Yup, that's the guy. I they just ventured to the woods until the first fireplace.
There a reports of Chael sonnen joining wwe after mania. I'm gamw
Did they give me credit?
You have to kill the guy (he's tough, but doesn't respawn) and his army of assorted clods (do respawn), then poke around for a bit. You'll find the way up shortly after.
I killed one big dude that didn't respawn. The guy that shoots stuff I don't even know how to get to him.
Now I'm starting to feel like playing the game again.
Only if they come printed.Sources have informed me that Daniel Bryan may win at the Fast Lane special event, but it's also possible that he may end up losing. I'm not sure, really.
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Source: Plausible outcomes I've surmised, veiled as insider information.
Thief/Master Key 4 lyfe.¡HarlequinPanic!;150830702 said:dark souls has got a lot of annoying bottlenecks in it, in demon's souls you could go to other worlds if youf elt stuck but in Dark Souls you can't progress until you descend blighttown. You can't go somewhere else until you figure out how to get past archer's alley. Nor smougha nd ornstern (though those two are pretty cool).
Then after that part you can't go anywhere else until you figure out the tomb of the giants, bleh.
I like the game a lot but I can people who really loved demon's put off by it.
Yes. This is how Reigns should be. No bullshit, just business.Seems like they cut out the stupid crap out Reigns promos now.
Fuck though, i would LOVE another Hurricane like people have said. He was great. But im not sure Neville has half the charisma needed for it to work. They should have had helms in the rumble this year.If he comes out in a full body suit and a cape, I will be done. DONE.
Seems like they cut out the stupid crap out Reigns promos now.
Are they muting the crowd? I'll only watch if the whole crowd boos Reigns.This Reigns segment is totally okay. He never should have been out there cutting fairy tale promos.
Are they muting the crowd? I'll only watch if the whole crowd boos Reigns.
I gave Dark Souls a good shot. Played all the way through the first bell tower. Didn't really love it. Not because of the difficulty, more because the pace seemed too slow for me. I am interested in Bloodborne though. Seems to quicken the pace just enough for my liking. Plus I like the setting they are going for.
They only mute the wrestlers I like, so roman is fine.Are they muting the crowd? I'll only watch if the whole crowd boos Reigns.
I've always wondered how Dolph stays over in spite of all the shit they do to him. No matter what he is involved with, he's basically always over.
But you can play just as fast in Dark Souls and do in Bloodborne.
I've always wondered how Dolph stays over in spite of all the shit they do to him. No matter what he is involved with, he's basically always over.
Paige still gets regular cheers as well and i'm not sure how
I've always wondered how Dolph stays over in spite of all the shit they do to him. No matter what he is involved with, he's basically always over.