I understand that what you're saying Is essentially true, but does that mean we can't have cultures who wear very little clothes in their games? As an anthropologist, I love a variety of fictional cultures, and a very significant portion of real cultures are mostly naked. If you want to depict tropical people, they will almost certainly wear little more than a loin cloth/bikini. Those cultures are real and significant. If we want either depict them or realistic fictional cultures, you need to have that or else you're white washing their culture to fit western sensibilities. That's wildly culturally disrespectful.
I think the most important thing is agency, OP. We shouldn't strive just to depict exclusively strong females characters. We should create female characters with depth, motivation, cultural background, and a realistic place within the world. I think I saw Kelly Sure DeConnick (prominent female comic book writer, a medium dealing with this same issue) say that she just wants to be sure her female characters aren't just sexy lampshades. If a sexy lampshade could replace the character, it's nothing but a sexual object. The character should have a motivation in every scene, hopes and goals of some sort. I could be misattributing that concept but I think it was her. Some female characters will own their sexuality, others will hide it, and for others it's not very important - whether they're wearing a lot of clothes or none at all.