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Fighting Games Weekly | April 7-13 | Smash our expectations





That's exactly what it's doing. I think probably the most important reason why it works so well is because the game was new. If an existing IP tried to add all of that and make a game out of it (SFxT), then it'd be met with a backlash. But because it was a brand-new game, there was no real risk of fan backlash. It either worked and was fun, or it didn't work and stunk. SFxT tried, and I applaud the game for it, but it was the wrong series to try it with. Everything about the approach was botched, and despite the patch's attempt to salvage it, it just wasn't enough.

100% agree. That's the advantage of a new IP, or a new fighting game based on an existing IP. Since nothing has come before it, people are more willing to roll with it and give it a chance. But the second anything were to happen to SF, everyone declares it the end of the world and hate mail campaigns, twitter bombs, and general forum douche-baggery ensues.

I also think FF is/was the perfect series for something like this to be done. I really hope SE works on another game in the series.

I wonder what other popular IPs could work? Marvel, DC and Final Fantasy are "taken", something with a long history, many games and/or characters, and has to be popular. My first idea would be Star Wars, even though there have been fighting games for the franchise before, it's been a long time and they could easily reboot the series with a fresh coat of paint and use whatever mechanics they wanted to.

Luke, Vader, Jango, Boba, Jinn, Kenobi, Windu, pre-vader Anakin, Yoda, Han, Chewie, Lando, Maul, Palpatine, Ventress, Secura.

I'm no expert but, damn, it's actually pretty hard to find any females in the Star Wars universe. Didn't include Amidala or Leia, as they aren't really fighters besides pew-pewing.
Just watched Winter Soldier.

God fucking damn @ the fight choreography and showcasing of Cap's capabilities. Marvel really has found a way to mature its characters logically. Were basically one step away from the grizzled shot caller Cap, but by the end of the film he's basically assumed the role. Thank you based Feige.

Hope I'll be able to see it this weekend. I'm sure the crowds will be intense and since I'll be seeing it with family that'll just make it more of a pain.


The fuck is wrong with the topanga and nico crew, man fuck these guys, I've paid for every one cept one of the b leagues and the Asian one sako won, now I'll just wait for a channel to update on YouTube the day after.

They better not pull this shit with the first b and a leagues for ultra...
The fuck is wrong with the topanga and nico crew, man fuck these guys, I've paid for every one cept one of the b leagues and the Asian one sako won, now I'll just wait for a channel to update on YouTube the day after.

They better not pull this shit with the first b and a leagues for ultra...

You're probably the saltiest one here then lol. I was also planning on paying for this like I paid for Topanga Asia. I've thought about why they did this and honestly the only conclusion I could come up with is that they think the illegal restream was done by a foreigner and that it took away money they could money from the local market. But I find it hard to believe that they will make more money this way. And does it really matter if the foreign market that they don't try to attract at all will be able to get a hold of these videos at some point?

Shouta, I think I read a post of yours saying Tokido is coming to NWM. Since he's either apart of Topanga or associated with it, you need to hound him for answers. OK, maybe that's going a bit too far. But if it's not too much to ask can you find out why they made this decision and was this on their end or Nico's end? And will they ever try to make it more accessible to the foreign market if they decide to open it up to us again? I'm not expecting you to do any of this, but I figure I might as well ask anyways and hope for some answers.




I have some concerns with the online mode robustness (that Riposte has covered elsewhere and probably here too if I missed it) and I'm assuming the netcode will deliver (Kyoto vs. Tokyo is a laughable example but Namco-Bandai almost always deliver on netcode) but otherwise the new Smash games look AWESOME. Sakurai just needs to get around to confirming some key characters choices and I'm all set :)


After enjoying mk9 vita so much, I just bought injustice vita on Amazon. 20 bucks and I know I'll get my moneys worth. We still need a sf4 and tekken port for vita.
This is not Topanga's call/fault.

Thanks for providing some clarification. It still sucks but at least it feels a little better knowing those guys aren't the reason for this.

This is what Beastnote had to say

We suspect that the decision comes from Niconico side, since they co-organize the league, and earn estimated 30% of the profit. They want to block the foreign pirates who are immune from legal actions


Sounds like the decision came from Nico Nico. I guess they think it's worth it to lock out foreigners so that the overall buys will be bigger because more locals will buy the PPV. We'll see how this works out for them.

All this makes me wonder what kind of numbers they're getting. Even just a thousand buys of the full package sounds like a success but I think they're getting much bigger number than that.
So, I was taking in all the news from the Smash Bros Direct and the information from the new Playstation All Stars patch. While doing that, I got a sudden epiphany regarding Little Mac in Smash.

From a mechanical standpoint, Little Mac capsulizes what Playstation All Stars should have been. One of his major gameplay mechanics revolves around landing hits and building up a power meter. Once full, he can use a move which will kill his opponent outright—just like in Playstation All Stars. However, he can also score kills just like any other character in Smash, and that is where Playstation All Stars unfortunately fell short. If it utilized some sort of stamina/HP meter for all characters(of varying amounts per character), where once you lose all your stamina, you lose a life/score point, then the game would have been received much better by the large majority of folks. Supers in that game could still do a lot of damage to opponents if not outright deplete full life bars under that type of a system, and I’d still be okay with it, because it affords the player another option of scoring a kill, outside of just landing a super in order to score your kill. This way, it would still differentiate itself from Smash, just not in a way that alienated most of the folks who played it.

That was weighing heavily on my mind during my graveyard shift at work, so just had to put that out there. Playstation All Stars is the reason I bought a PS3, and I don’t regret buying it. I do wish it was more well received, and I do believe that if a Playstation All Stars 2 is ever made, changing their scoring mechanic to something like what I posted above would make the game much better for most of the folks who were put off of the game because of its scoring mechanic.
Little Mac is really cool - when I play Smash Bros 4
On my 3DS, screw buying a Wii U for an unproven game
I'll be checking him out first. He's probably the first legitimate fighter they've had in a Smash game, IIRC?

Anyway, Ultra comes out in eight days in Japanese arcades. The closest I've come to watching Japanese players play Ultra was watching Mago play a little bit of Rolento at Dreamhack, so it'll be interesting to see what they can come up with regarding each of the four new characters and the revisions to the old members of the cast.

I suppose this is a roundabout way of getting to this:

Who will be the UMvC3 Wesker of Ultra?

My call currently is Elena. From what I've heard, she has some really good day one stuff at the moment.


Little Mac is really cool - when I play Smash Bros 4
On my 3DS, screw buying a Wii U for an unproven game
I'll be checking him out first. He's probably the first legitimate fighter they've had in a Smash game, IIRC?

Anyway, Ultra comes out in eight days in Japanese arcades. The closest I've come to watching Japanese players play Ultra was watching Mago play a little bit of Rolento at Dreamhack, so it'll be interesting to see what they can come up with regarding each of the four new characters and the revisions to the old members of the cast.

I suppose this is a roundabout way of getting to this:

Who will be the UMvC3 Wesker of Ultra?

My call currently is Elena. From what I've heard, she has some really good day one stuff at the moment.

What do you mean by "legitimate fighter"? The fact that he's a boxer?


Wasn't really on the internet yesterday, so I just saw the Smash Direct/news. I am still laughing about Final Destination No Items being official now. I mean good on those guys and that's awesome for that scene, but it's still goddamn hilarious.


Always wondered if it was possible to charge for Sundays at the big majors (SCR, FR, NCR etc)You can leave Friday and Saturday open for free since it's just pools and probably exhibitions but on Sunday say charge $3-$5 for all the Top 8 since the quality of the players are greatly better.

At the current level of production, if you have Team Spooky or Level Up doing the production, I think you could go as high as $10. Of course, these are purely speculative numbers. Until someone actually goes out and starts charging (therefore creating a market), supply and demand isn't going to be created and the market won't correct itself.

Is there even a word for that? cause sideboob and underboob are already taken


Plus they invite an American this time, then boom, region lock. Not for you America.

You'd think they'd say "hey, we have the potential to gain some share in another market, let's do it".

You'd think incorrectly, but you'd think it.

That and Topanga needs to get out of bed with Niconico. Everything about that service is just ass.

I understand I say this with the perspective outside of the target audience, but that's the point. They indicated they were trying to break into America almost two years ago but it doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. It escapes me why you wouldn't want to expand your auidence (which in this case is "Japanese video watchers/publishers", but how hard is it to go to "video watchers/publishers"?)


Wasn't really on the internet yesterday, so I just saw the Smash Direct/news. I am still laughing about Final Destination No Items being official now. I mean good on those guys and that's awesome for that scene, but it's still goddamn hilarious.

Yeah, I'm still lol'ing about it too

It can't be coincidence! I mean, it probably is, but Sakurai loves to troll, so...
If restreams were the issue then wtf! There's dozns of restreams done by Japanese ppl for our events, they are hard to find because twitch is ass and impossible to find shit without the link. Japan's fgc is being kept in the dark ages with these low quality streams and paywalls. Said it time and time again they need to hit up the battlefield streamers from japan or something for a few events kids are rolling 1080p 60fps streams daily.


The wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww's across your screen are optional though. You can enable and disable them under the chat. I actually think it's a good feature if you want to see what's going on in the chat but still have the stream in full screen. Of course, it won't work for huge events unless chat is sub only (If it was going to work on twitch):p

I say bring the option to twitch too, as well as a creepy female voice that reads up messages from the chat like on nico (Or was it ustream?)
What do you mean by "legitimate fighter"? The fact that he's a boxer?

Yeah, someone who at the character's core is a martial art or fighting style, rather than just being good in a scrap.

Little Mac's a boxer, wheras Mario is a plumber who is also really good at squashing things.

Are there any other characters like that in the new Smash? I can recall quite a few Smash characters but I might be missing someone obvious.

I guess you could say Link and Samus.


Could anyone mention a few players that did a "in the lab" stream of Fulgore to check him out? I usually enjoy those streams a lot if a good player is doing them, so I would love to watch some archive footage later:)


If restreams were the issue then wtf! There's dozns of restreams done by Japanese ppl for our events, they are hard to find because twitch is ass and impossible to find shit without the link. Japan's fgc is being kept in the dark ages with these low quality streams and paywalls. Said it time and time again they need to hit up the battlefield streamers from japan or something for a few events kids are rolling 1080p 60fps streams daily.
They need to call Sp00ky. Hell, Madcatz dragged him out to Tokyo for the Capcom Cup qualifier. You could probably pay him in doujins and games of Melty Blood.

Seriously though, I don't get why their streams are constantly so bad, especially since the streaming hardware available in Japan is pretty damn good IIRC. Nico and Twitch sucking in Japan doesn't help, though.


I missed him saying that it was a seperate mode. The problem that I have with it being a separate mode is that it will essentially become stillborn as a adoptive and leave you thinking "what if?". Kind of like Guilty Gear's EX characters it just becomes a graveyard of interesting ideas and potential. I'd rather they tweak Smash's gameplay to fit those variations in rather than make it a separate mode or card game. What if B could be pressed for different lengths of time to give different Special variations, for example (similar to short hop execution)? That's two variations of Mario's Fireball attack right there.
In other fighters, I'd agree with you, but Super Smash Bros. already has like a billion options that aren't even glanced at in tournament settings since it's just the kind of game where there's a bunch of fun modes and variations that aren't based around a standard ruleset.
The custom mode isn't gonna be stillborn because a bunch of people who don't play tourney Smash are gonna look at it and be like "whoa look at all this crazy shit we can do" and then they'll do it.


Setec Astronomer
The Japanese have a bizarre way of being 10 years ahead of us in some ways, but 10-20 years behind us in others. The internet is no exception.
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