Lambda Pie
they won't even "give" away the Sabrewulf, was right there on conference.
Didn't have to be a hardcore flagship title, could have just been an interesting looking game.Basically disappointment that they're not doing a hardcore flagship title ala Metroid Prime that people were hyping themselves over. Missed expectations.
So was capcom's surprise just the announcement of Dead Rising 3?
Megaman in Smash, Marvel fans are so mad. But it made me smile. Smash is great, and I think this might be the one I finally get in on (never had friends to play it with need friends for Smash!). Will you be Smash friends with me, FGC-GAF?
Competitive fighting games will come for next gen, Smash isn't end all.Might just have to get a WiiU to support platinum, and I guess I'll pick up smash since it's the only actual competitive fighting game announced for next-gen. Strange times we live in.
Yeah. Plus it was called like four days before it was shown, so...
Plus the new Dead Rising has the SUPER SERIOUS and brown n' bloom going for it, makes it look very lame and uninteresting. Someone said it looked like a Dead Island sequel and I agree, which is sad... I don't want games to overlap so much.
They've got a dope western dev stuck doing super Japanesey platformers. Not that there's anything wrong with Japanesey, but it'd be nice if they weren't working on something that looks like it could be done by someone in the Japanese arm. Variety is good.
I think Metroid is dead![]()
Grace Chen Timeis Tekken Rev out yet?
FFXV/KH3 not exclusive confirmed.
I better see bans, already contacted mods and posted in the relevant thread.
FFXV/KH3 not exclusive confirmed.
I better see bans, already contacted mods and posted in the relevant thread.
Canceling those xb1 orders? :lol
no new capcom fighter... no new ggxrd info... crappy E3 for FGC
I hope you get tagged with that Ether.FFXV/KH3 not exclusive confirmed.
I better see bans, already contacted mods and posted in the relevant thread.
In all the E3 hustle and bustle, was there any official announcement regarding wired PS3 accessories being usable on the PS4? Looking at Cthulhu stuff in particular. I would assume not, and I'm pretty sure that Microsoft already confirmed the Xbone will not, but Sony has been good at this in the past. So I'm hoping that it might still work even with stuff like the touch screen and share button added.
Ohh, and by the way, as a non-games Microsoft employee all that I have to say is.
FFXV/KH3 not exclusive confirmed.
I better see bans, already contacted mods and posted in the relevant thread.
Fchamp says marvel patch is coming, dawg
Oh Azure you don't understand. The feel of that first metroid jingle when you upraded your suit in prime, the dry cold of phendrana drifts and the heat of the lava pits... only for Retro to be put on Donkey Kong. Didn't need to be Prime though. People would have flipped their shit for something "mature" and unexpected.I definitely get this. Trust me I do, but the absolute venom towards what was shown is just "whoa."
Look at the title and first post on the OP for the thread here on the reveal and you'd think that Nintendo announced a spiritual successor to E.T. or some edutainment abomination instead of one of the better (best imo) 2D platfomers ever.
The hit-stun meter in KI is a very, very smart addition. Hopefully it's not patented.
they won't even "give" away the Sabrewulf, was right there on conference.
KI looks really damn flashy. These developers are actually explaining a lot and I'm really interested in it now.
Sounds like they absolutely love 3rd Strike. Trades and throws work like 3rd Strike, etc.
They also said Glacius will be playable at EVO and they will be announcing the next character at EVO.
Microsoft seems to be unable to avoid stepping in their own shit.
Have they even given any indication as to how much they plan to charge per character? I bet it's going to be ridiculous.
Well, hopefully there's another non-BB werewolf coming to a PS4 pretty soon....oh man, I'm falling in love with the game..
but I don't want a X1...ugh
I don't get it is it F2P or what? That'd make no sense if MS didn't want F2P Tekken.
You should watch the Max impressions:KI looks really damn flashy. These developers are actually explaining a lot and I'm really interested in it now.
Sounds like they absolutely love 3rd Strike. Trades and throws work like 3rd Strike, etc.
They also said Glacius will be playable at EVO and they will be announcing the next character at EVO.
Actually I didn't ignore it GAF has been fucking it up that when I posted about it, the post didn't go through.I like how you ignored this post:
Get mad, stay mad.![]()
Full retail releases, demo version is essential F2P in where you can purchase characters but don't want to buy full release.