Would the forklift from Shenmue be in Sega vs Capcom
Would the forklift from Shenmue be in Sega vs Capcom
Just watched the Unreal 4 level video. Makes me want to make environments for a fighting game.
I love Harada
Wait, I thought Odin Sphere and Dragon's Crown are under VanillaWare.
Thanks, looks good.New TEKKEN 7 directfeed footage (pre-launch build, without some sfx);
whole event:
Just wanted to say good stuff on creating and maintaining that calendar. Probably my most helpful resource when I make these threads every week TBH.I saw the news for it. Just waiting on some actual details so I can add it.
They developed them, but they're Sega games.
And it's only going to get better. The calendar is stacked with events, and who knows what special events/exhibitions get added with Street Fighter having an increased presence in eSports.
Just wanted to say good stuff on creating and maintaining that calendar. Probably my most helpful resource when I make these threads every week TBH.
Who owns the IP?
Woah, really? I don't remember Sega popping up anywhere.Sega.
The copyrights are held by Atlus, so at the very least, they own the name, characters, etc.
Woah, really? I don't remember Sega popping up anywhere.
throwback thursday
my favorite FG related video review
throwback thursday
my favorite FG related video review
throwback thursday
my favorite FG related video review
Ever since the tech demo dropped, I've been itching to get some stuff done in it. I'm focusing on Unity currently though since I like that I can put it out on everything but Unreal is the next personal hurdle whenever I get competent at using these engines.
Coffeeling, that post of yours speaks to me in so many ways. :lol
RayRay is practicing Zero to use against Morrigan.
Every time I see someone use an Hori EX2 stick I get this feeling of sadness and pity.
da bess
RIP stick
FML I wish I was there
I don't think more health is worthless, it just doesn't justify making a character significantly worse.I saw someone say something about a bigger health bar than the other character helping in a match up earlier and wanted to go in about how worthless "more health" is and how dumb variable health is as a balancing tool but I remembered getting ignored last time for talking fighting games.
Looks like some MKX stance descriptions are MK9 character that didn't make it. Cage's Stunt Double sounds like Noob.
I don't think more health is worthless, it just doesn't justify making a character significantly worse.
I am pretty sure that if you doubled Morrigan, Vergil, and Doom's health, it would make a difference. Do you not remember Vanilla Sentinel? The numerous times a Dark Phoenix has been killed by a random hyper? Health matters.It is worthless. Giving a character who loses 9-1 "more health" to help doesn't fucking help. Bad matchups will stay bad and good matchups will remain good, it just changes how long until losing screen in the bad ones. Tager vs Nu or Cammy vs Sagat will be the same terrible matchup at all characters same health or if the loser had 2x more health. Their movesets blow for dealing with them.
More games don't have variable health than do as well.
oh mi god shit gon be hype this weekend
I am pretty sure that if you doubled Morrigan, Vergil, and Doom's health, it would make a difference. Do you not remember Vanilla Sentinel? The numerous times a Dark Phoenix has been killed by a random hyper? Health matters.
I mean, health doesn't change someone's tools, but at the end of the day less health means you have to play those tools more and more precisely in most cases. Things become more dynamic because a mistake can affect the march more. on the other hand, high health characters can start eating certain punishes and projectiles more readily.
If everyone had the same health, tiers/teams that dominate would be unchanged.
throwback thursday
my favorite FG related video review
It is worthless. Giving a character who loses 9-1 "more health" to help doesn't fucking help. Bad matchups will stay bad and good matchups will remain good, it just changes how long until losing screen in the bad ones. Tager vs Nu or Cammy vs Sagat will be the same terrible matchup at all characters same health or if the loser had 2x more health. Their movesets blow for dealing with them.
More games don't have variable health than do as well.
Schedule is out for this weekend
What a completely insane opinion.
Look at Zangief. He's a grappler with limited mobility. It's extremely rare to see him get a perfect on another character, especially one who can poke and keep him at bay like Chun or Sim. He has to take those hits just to get in sometimes. His health is a utility, much like an armoured move or special. It's one of his tools and is integral to his gameplay.
What you're suggesting is that if Zangief had 2x his current health, that the matchup would be the same. Is that correct? If so then that's completely insane. A lot of times he hopes for a trade or a whiff punish opportunity to get in, meanwhile Chun and Sim are doing everything they can to escape if he gets in. Giving him more health would give him more opportunities to get in, conversely if he had less health then he'd have to make every moment count. His tool of extra health would be removed. That's almost like removing a move from a character's moveset. It's not impossible for him to get in, but it's hard.
Basically health differential leads to more or less opportunities for the character to take advantage of what they do have in the match. By referring to something like a 9-1 matchup, you're admitting a chance to win. It's not impossible using strictly movesets and gameplay systems. If you lower the health, that directly lowers the opportunities to take advantage of those admitted chances. If Cammy gets a knockdown on Sagat, do you think him having 6 chances to block the mixup over having 2 is the exact same thing?