Random Painted HIghway
Are earth orbs the most useless? I have 80 minor and 116 lesser. Selling both sets would net met 78k, in a pinch if needed. the three star orbs are useful I see, one of the breaks.
I've mentioned it in the thread a few times, but you should really try out my spreadsheet. I was able to find a lot of gear that I was holding on to for future combines / upgrades were completely worthless to me, even if fully combined and upgraded, even if used in their appropriate record synergy zones, because I had other items that were just hands down better. Even some of my 3* items that I wasted money combining and upgrading, I found out from the spreadsheet have lower stats across the board than some of my other items, and weren't even in the top 3 items for any character.
I just went ahead and put the time into filling out my inventory on the FFRK: Item Keeper site. It actually took a lot less time than I thought--maybe 15 minutes total for my full inventory. It really is super helpful, though. I'm still digging into comparisons but, at the very least, it's about 100x better for inventory management than anything in-game
I've mentioned it in the thread a few times, but you should really try out my spreadsheet. I was able to find a lot of gear that I was holding on to for future combines / upgrades were completely worthless to me, even if fully combined and upgraded, even if used in their appropriate record synergy zones, because I had other items that were just hands down better. Even some of my 3* items that I wasted money combining and upgrading, I found out from the spreadsheet have lower stats across the board than some of my other items, and weren't even in the top 3 items for any character.
You are clearly willing to give this stuff a lot more thought than I am.Thanks for doing the super boring work so I don't have to.
I've mentioned it in the thread a few times, but you should really try out my spreadsheet
I've mentioned it in the thread a few times, but you should really try out my spreadsheet. I was able to find a lot of gear that I was holding on to for future combines / upgrades were completely worthless to me, even if fully combined and upgraded, even if used in their appropriate record synergy zones, because I had other items that were just hands down better. Even some of my 3* items that I wasted money combining and upgrading, I found out from the spreadsheet have lower stats across the board than some of my other items, and weren't even in the top 3 items for any character.
Div/0 error on Silver Harp Entry
Would be pretty cool if you highlighted equipment that doesn't appear on the optimal list (maybe w/ exception for Staves & Rods) So I knew what crap to rid myself of.
That's what the "Score" column is for. If it has a score of 0, it doesn't appear on the optimal list. The score is a bit complicated, but basically the closer it is to 0, the more useless the item is. And when it's 0, it doesn't appear anywhere. This is a bit better than just highlighting it, because it gives you an idea of how much it appears on the optimal list, not just a yes or no.
Celes event is next and supposedly it's meant to be really hard. I've got Terra and Cyan 30ish and they'll get more levels tomorrow and Sunday. There's not any FFVI gear I can farm that I don't have better already have better. Cloud is apparently necessary for Hard due to Spellblade, but he's my only 50 and I didn't want to use him. Time to hone some abilities
About time! I honestly want something that I'm only borderline able to beat. Admittedly that's probably not going to happen since Cloud is 50 and everyone else is mid 40s, but still. I want a taste of what "hard" actually means in this game. So far everything except FF5 North Mountain Elite is auto-battle.
It's buried in this thread, but there's definitely a way to get it to stop from freezing. As you're dragging to get the next page of items to load, if the chocobo is not moving and doesn't display "Loading", drag back the other way, wait a few seconds, and try again. Guaranteed, most of the time, if your chocobo isn't moving as you attempt to the next page, it will hang.
Man, I love my Enhancer. I've raised it to level 14 and it has higher magic than any other weapon I have. It also has higher attack, but that will probably change once I level up my Danjuro.
With that weapon, Terra is like a red mage if red mages were actually good at stuff.
How is the summoner, Whats his limit break actually do? Call a random summon from the already released pool or is there a chance Bahumut and Odin can come out to play?
I don't think I can level up Terra in time for Celes. She is only lv25
VI vector streets classic is great for dp for terra and cyan, saw this on reddit and tried it out. 3500xp before the rs bonus for each. Take cure as the enemy has a poison attack. Also get lots of mats and lesser fire/earth orbs
The only thing I care about from this video is that this guy has 133 stamina.
In all seriousness though, I guess I'll have to wait and see how hard it is, but right now I'm looking forward to it.
Edit: Watched the video, I'm susprirsed he didn't S/L when his healer died in the 2nd battle. Do JP not know about this trick or just not use it?
VI vector streets classic is great for dp for terra and cyan, saw this on reddit and tried it out. 3500xp before the rs bonus for each. Take cure as the enemy has a poison attack. Also get lots of mats and lesser fire/earth orbs
The only thing I care about from this video is that this guy has 133 stamina.
In all seriousness though, I guess I'll have to wait and see how hard it is, but right now I'm looking forward to it.
Edit: Watched the video, I'm susprirsed he didn't S/L when his healer died in the 2nd battle. Do JP not know about this trick or just not use it?
Leveling up Terra and using her and Rydia for the moment. As soon as Terra is around 35 Rydia is getting the boot.
I want sabin![]()
Also, I am guessing that pause menu option is battle speed? Good. Cause I think auto-battle is too good to enter in commands fast. Plus skipping to the right character can be so time consuming.
So I made my first 11 pull and got this
Now Im feeling like buyin some gems and make abother pull, need Terra's weapon,but I don't know maybe ill wait and get another 50 mythril, what do You guys think?
Ooh and before You guys hit me,I Play whit headphones so no silence for me on this game hehe.
Is it weird that I secretly have an Excel fetish, and I actually get off to this stuff?
It is absolutely not worth spending money with the hopes of getting a specific item. The odds are strongly against it coming up, no matter what it is, and that's extra true for five star relics and character weapons.
I hoped for Terra's weapon but I got Wakka's ball and Cloud's buster sword instead... can't complain
Sounds like you pulled using the wrong banner.![]()