Where is SpellBlade? I checked all the abilities and didn't see it.Cloud is apparently necessary for Hard due to Spellblade,
Where is SpellBlade? I checked all the abilities and didn't see it.Cloud is apparently necessary for Hard due to Spellblade,
Where is SpellBlade? I checked all the abilities and didn't see it.
Man, this event is really easy for my characters.
If I had this team a couple of weeks ago, I'd have Sephiroth now. Hopefully he'll be back soon.
So I went to get my iPhone fixed the other day and they gave me a new one. After I restored my backup I noticed this wasn't there so I redownloaded it. Seems like it started from scratch. Should I try to restore it again? Can you manually restore apps?
Thanks in advance!
I always spend my mithril as I please. No waiting for a free pull. No regrets![]()
Final mastery complete! Back to slumming it daily style!
Yeah I got a Power Orb and i was like. Where's my Summon Orb? So I just went bsck to the Aerith event. Managed to but all the Greater Summon Orbs now. Just need the Wind so I can afford Syldra. I plan on Running both Rydia and Terra going forward.Join us thumb-twiddlers! Lethe isn't even worth farming the way Shinra Tower or Ordeals was for summon orbs.
(I guess Celes event will be reasonably interesting)
Can someone explain how to farm a boss for an item drop?
In particular, I want another whip to combine with the one I have.
I know it has something to do with turning on airplane mode or shutting down the game at a certain time.
And how do I know it's the whip that drops? Is the chest a particular color?
Thanks in advance!
Just fyi, you may already knwo this but the rates differ between banners. If you really want Terra's sword or the Zantetsuken, then definitely use Terra's banner, but if you just want to maximize the odds of getting a 5* weapon, use Kain and Rydia's banner.
What's save scum?Get to boss, turn on airplane mode, beat boss, see what drops. Bosses drop either money, orbs, or a chest. If it's a chest, it's your rare item. Disable airplane mode, tell the Game to retry, claim your reward. If it isn't, then you save scum, only this time instead of hitting continue you hit cancel. Then you pay the stamina to try that one level again.
What's save scum?
Showing us the abilities that need master orbs was bad enough....
How is the summoner, Whats his limit break actually do? Call a random summon from the already released pool or is there a chance Bahumut and Odin can come out to play?
that gives me 4 5* pieces, and 5 4* pieces
seeing some of you other guys... I'm okay with this.
Hoollllllly shit Vargas and Ipoohs. Fuck!
Didn't really get anything I wanted. At least I got a few five star items.
Way to undersell a godly roll you ingrate. I'd kill for luck like that.Didn't really get anything I wanted. At least I got a few five star items.
Way to undersell a godly roll you ingrate. I'd kill for luck like that.
What's godly about it? I was hoping for more character specific gear.
Many people don't even get any 5 stars with their 11 rolls and you got 3... Even if they aren't character weapons, they will make things a lot easier.
The more I play the more I really don't like the gacha system in this game. It's lame as fuck that different banners have different drop rates, and that for character specific gear, pretty much the only way to get it is to do it during the appropriate banner.
I'd be ok with different banners having different drop rates as long as the drop rates of non-bannered items wasn't effectively 0. But the way it is now, it's kinda bullshit that you basically have no chance whatsoever of getting certain items unless their banner is active.
I'm not against the banners increasing the odds of ones you want... It's good to give you better odds against getting something you already have... but it is Shitty it lowers the odds of everything else to near zero.
Way to undersell a godly roll you ingrate. I'd kill for luck like that.
Yea that's the thing i don't like also. Explains why that guy spent $3000 trying to get Healing Grimoire and never got it.
The more I play the more I really don't like the gacha system in this game. It's lame as fuck that different banners have different drop rates, and that for character specific gear, pretty much the only way to get it is to do it during the appropriate banner.
I'd be ok with different banners having different drop rates as long as the drop rates of non-bannered items wasn't effectively 0. But the way it is now, it's kinda bullshit that you basically have no chance whatsoever of getting certain items unless their banner is active.
Two alternate interpretations:
1) The gacha is bullshit, I can't get the items I want, especially not my fav items for my fav characters, even when I spend hundreds of dollars, which I'm going to do even though I'm complaining it's bullshit, because I want to support the company / I have a good job and so I have no problem spending money on games / I really want to have the best items for my character.
2) The gacha is irrelevant, use whatever items you get, all the content so far has been quite doable without spending money, the game gives you tons of mythril, just use it as you get it, don't bother spending money, even if you win at gacha the stuff you will get will be useless a few months from now as new content causes power creep.
I feel like one of these interpretations leads to higher user satisfaction than the other.
For those playing the Japanese version, was there ever any event where the probability for getting a 5* is greater than 10%?
Also did they ever have any special sales on gems?
No there hasn't been any event where the rates are higher than 10%. There haven't been any sale on mobage points but you get extra points for every batch you buy, the bonus points are in the insignificant realm. We do have a 97 points ($1) gatcha going on at the moment. Edit: I hear it's for the 1st pull only.