Got it. That reminded me the Mythril Knife mistakenly had III synergy instead of II in the old version too. I actually prefer the old version due to being able to see the stats in every realm right next to the item on the Equipment Builder tab. Is there a way to do this in the new version that i'm not seeing?
So what abilities have you guys been honing?
I have an R4 Cura, R2 Fira/Thundara and an R2 Thunder Strike/Double Cut but I've pretty much just been staring at everything else. No idea what I should focus on.
Man I was just looking at the JP characters and damn why does the majority of female characters mage based? It doesn't make sense for the jack of all trade type like Ashe/Maria etc..
I know you got it working already, but in case you care, I fixed the Open Office not working thingy in the public version.
Presea?I dunno, the 'inhumanly strong female character with a giant axe' seems to be all the rage nowadays
Melvia from Atelier series, Ines from Tales series, etc.
My bad, Figaro. Sorryit drops from Bandits. You might see bandits on the 1st floor too, but I think they drop something different. There seem to be 2 different layouts for stage 2. Heavy on bandits, or heavy on rats. Sadly if you get the latter you might not even see any bandits, but if you get the bandit there's 3-5 chances for lightning orbs per round
Edit: Just ran it again and got another.
Wow, just totally destroyed Vargas and his shitty Ipoohs. Thanks, Trance Fira!
EDIT: Aaaaand beat Magissa and Forza. Didn't silence her but did manage to put him to sleep a couple of times and go to town on him with magic. Took a lot of damage. Did a lot of actions. (There's no way around it. Whatever the requirements are for the maximum number of actions in that boss battle, they're too low.) Still managed to Master the painting.
So I've cleared all of the Elites now. 78 stamina with 3 stamina shards.
So apparently I can't play this game outside. Won't connect on cellular data. Wtf.
That's nothing to laugh at, you've got either two six-star daggers or a seven and a five that EVERYONE can use.So, I just did an 11 pull and got five 5 stars. A Genji Helm and 4 Danjuro. lol
Some people don't get any 5*.
He's laughing at the fact he rolled 4 of the same ~1.6% chance item in an 11-pull.
I started playing a few days ago and I think there was a problem with my stamina. I was getting the 5 shards and it didn't refill my stamina to full. What is the Max Stammia you can get in the U.S game?
Is Wakka any good? I got his Relic in a mega-pull I did this morning. Did an 11x and got Official Ball, Ice Whip, Buster Sword, Judgement Staff & Genji Shield.
I started playing a few days ago and I think there was a problem with my stamina. I was getting the 5 shards and it didn't refill my stamina to full.
Is Wakka any good? I got his Relic in a mega-pull I did this morning. Did an 11x and got Official Ball, Ice Whip, Buster Sword, Judgement Staff & Genji Shield.
You do realize that people here are going to murder you?
You need some number of shards to make a new Stamina crystal. Upon making a new crystal, it auto-fills your Stamina. You might be expecting the stamina shards to be refilling your stamina instead of the resultant crystals.
umm ... jealous .... must not kill from afar ....
So, unless I'm mistaken, there was like 0.000000065536% chances that he would get four times in a row the same weapon?
Just did a single roll and got a Genji Helm.
Now Cloud is pretty much unkillable, and I gave his old Genji Shield to Terra. The only person missing a 5* is Tifa. I really want her gloves.
EDIT: Just did another roll and got another Genji Helm.....
Now what?! Do I combine them or give it to somebody else?
All these screens
I have one 5*
This is all lies and deceit and I blew 120stamina so far and got zero.
I am a ruined man.
Terra and Cyan level hella fast tho
All these screens
I have one 5*
I just did 3 pulls and got 8 5-star items. IS THAT GOOD??
All these screens
I have one 5*
Does anyone here use Mark Cerqueira's proxy tool?
Basically, it can tell you what is going to drop when you first start a battle which can save a hell of a lot of time when you're trying to farm something. This way, instead of starting a boss battle, turning off your wifi, beating the boss, seeing what they drop, then either force closing or turning your wifi back on, fleeing the battle, then starting over - it can just be: start boss battle, look on computer screen to see what you're going to get, if it's not what you want you can flee, then start over.
I'm doing some testing and it's going well so far. I know a bit of python too so I'm thinking of writing some improvements for it.
I think I might keep the Plumed Hat, even though it's one star. It's a Red Mage Hat that should be worn by my red mage. = x
Lol I'm planning on doing the same thing. I just maxed it out too. Love Red Mages. 😍
Not that you could tell, but I'm slightly partial to them myself. = P
Does anyone here use Mark Cerqueira's proxy tool?
Basically, it can tell you what is going to drop when you first start a battle which can save a hell of a lot of time when you're trying to farm something. This way, instead of starting a boss battle, turning off your wifi, beating the boss, seeing what they drop, then either force closing or turning your wifi back on, fleeing the battle, then starting over - it can just be: start boss battle, look on computer screen to see what you're going to get, if it's not what you want you can flee, then start over.
I'm doing some testing and it's going well so far. I know a bit of python too so I'm thinking of writing some improvements for it.
Can this work with relic drops?
Can this work with relic drops?
Does anyone here use Mark Cerqueira's proxy tool?
Basically, it can tell you what is going to drop when you first start a battle which can save a hell of a lot of time when you're trying to farm something. This way, instead of starting a boss battle, turning off your wifi, beating the boss, seeing what they drop, then either force closing or turning your wifi back on, fleeing the battle, then starting over - it can just be: start boss battle, look on computer screen to see what you're going to get, if it's not what you want you can flee, then start over.
I'm doing some testing and it's going well so far. I know a bit of python too so I'm thinking of writing some improvements for it.