Hi y'all! Need some advice on what's currently the most useful abilities to hone (for the International version of the game).
So far, I've been relying mostly on:
Phoenix / Ixion / Alexander
Pound / Dismissal
Blizzaja / Firaja / Thundaja / Waterja
Armor / Magic/ Power / Mind (Breaks)
Are there other abilities that are generally more useful in a wide range of scenarios than situational?
Dear Diary:
Black Mage can't equip Meteor
3 5*
Cecil's Shield
Fran's bow
Edward's harp
uhhh..... kind of suck. Cecil shield is probably the worst character relic being a freaking SHIELD and a 3* knight ability. I would rather have noble sacrifice, as long Tyro can use it as a retaliator weapon.
r4 Maduin, Valefor, or both. (Of course, r5 is also preferable, but 2 r4s is infinitely more useful than 1 r5)
Having a summoner able to cast 8 times on a boss (after clearing out trash waves) is going to be eternally useful, not dependant on resistance/vulnerabilities and almost always able to hit 9999 with most conventional setups.
It takes a shit ton of 4* wind/NE/Summon orbs to get there though.
r4 Maduin, Valefor, or both. (Of course, r5 is also preferable, but 2 r4s is infinitely more useful than 1 r5)
Having a summoner able to cast 8 times on a boss (after clearing out trash waves) is going to be eternally useful, not dependant on resistance/vulnerabilities and almost always able to hit 9999 with most conventional setups.
It takes a shit ton of 4* wind/NE/Summon orbs to get there though.
I'm satisfied with my draw, I got Tifa's Grand Glove and Luneth's Tyrfing. My friend code is eyzB if anyone still needs Luneth's advance.
Sentinel can also draw single target magics to Cecil. I think (just from eyeballing) it has a higher damage reduction. I wouldn't scoff at it. Plus once you master it, you can equip him with more defensive armors or helms.
What's the functional difference between Valefor and Maduin anyway?
How many more mythril we will get through the orbfest?
I see
4 per phase = 12
13 more daily mythril = 13
at least one from login bonus = 1
3 from festival of gold login bonus = 3
I will save enough for the lucky draw, and spent the rest on refreshing I guess.
Orb costs for honing. Going to r4, this is a big consideration, actually.
edit: Actual costs:
r4 Valefor (from creation to honing r4)
- 65 4* Summon,
- 33 4* NE
- 65 4* Wind
- 10 5* Wind
r4 Maduin
- 130 4* Summon
- 65 4* NE
On one hand, 4* Wind orbs are used on many, many good abilities.
On the other, 4* summon orbs are a little hard to come by, and r4 difference is getting 65 vs getting 130. r5 difference is getting 115 vs getting 230
115 4* summon orbs difference for r5 valefor vs maduin is nothing to sneeze at. While it's technically 'cheaper' to hone Maduin when you take into account strict 10:1 cost equivalency, it's better to split the cost up between schools just because of how the game hands out orbs during events/etc as a baseline, and any more than that comes down to hard grinding. (This is the same reason Waterja is prime candidate to get to R4 first, aside from faster casttime and less mobs/bosses resisting/absorbing water)
Sent a request. I can always use another Advance friend. I have Lunatic High up currently but change around for events.
When do we get Celes' memory crystal?
Does it? The description clearly said physical ability though.
You and me both.I can't wait to get nothing three more times.
Any black mage can use instrument?
I think Kefka and....???
Quick Info Spreadsheet useful for e.g. ctrl-f "5 - support" for finding who you can stick Full Break on, etc. Also sortable columns for stats, etc.
OH YES FIRST MAJOR ORB!!! after 2 refresh.
Maybe I will forget about the 3rd and 4th lucky draw and focus on stamina refresh instead.
Congrats! Refreshing right away or maximizing stamina use?
I consider a 15$ paid pull for 25 more refresh, but that's like me saying here's my money since you gave me shit pulls for my first Lucky Draw and my 29 last 100 gems draw Which does sound like taking it up the *** and saying thank you!
For whatever reason this made me burst out laughing.
r4 Maduin, Valefor, or both. (Of course, r5 is also preferable, but 2 r4s is infinitely more useful than 1 r5)
Having a summoner able to cast 8 times on a boss (after clearing out trash waves) is going to be eternally useful, not dependant on resistance/vulnerabilities and almost always able to hit 9999 with most conventional setups.
It takes a shit ton of 4* wind/NE/Summon orbs to get there though.
No luck on the first phase.
4* x 2
3* x 9
3 more chances to not fail.
I'm satisfied with my draw, I got Tifa's Grand Glove and Luneth's Tyrfing. My friend code is eyzB if anyone still needs Luneth's advance.
A FF1 character? The FF1 characterFirst time I did any kind of draw in a few months and got the Warrior of Light sword. So basically the most useless SB ever since why would you ever use a FF1 character. Thanks game.![]()
FF7 event is short. 5 stages per part so only 10 there. Still need over 400 stamina to clear it.How many more mythril we will get through the orbfest?
I see
4 per phase = 12
13 more daily mythril = 13
at least one from login bonus = 1
3 from festival of gold login bonus = 3
And of course there is the FF7 event in the middle that will add about 20 if you divert your stamina.
9 dungeons so 18. It is also the last dungeon update with 9 dungeons.The next batch of dungeons will drop before the Orbfest is finished too, God knows how many are in that.
We are skipping the FFII event because LOL colab or something* but dungeon update 14 has it (in over a months time, we are on dungeon update 12 now).Thought the Lucky Draw was just gems. That messed up my plans considerably. I did however get Squalls second gunblade and Leons Golden Armour which seems very good indeed. Any idea when he gets a memory crystal? Have him at 50 with his soulbreak learned already.
I'll raise you a reddit:This guy on the subreddit lol
Trigger Warning: Epic jealousy
Lol I love this game.
Pulled two 5* SB's with lucky pull, Partisan and.....Squall's Shear Trigger!
It's like they know I love VIII. 25 mythril well spent.
Isn't there still Castle Pandemonium to go? I've cleared up to Jade Passage which, after checking up on what i've not done yet, seems to be the most recent FF2 dungeon. There was quite a few bosses in Castle Pandemonium (Tiamat, Astaroth, Beelzebub and The Emperor himself).in 2s case it there are no more dungeons so doesn't matter.