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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Fimbulvetr said:
Because they're morons, yes.

Unfortunately that would make it jarring for whoever is playing the game seeing the characters act stupid(well, more stupid than they already are).

Hope's age would probably a good excuse to not have him know stuff.

I dunno, I think I'm just used to shoddy exposition. Tales of Symphonia was my first jrpg (yes I'm young) and it started off with an extremely subtle history lesson. Hope would've been a good character to use except they were probably trying to make him come off as sort of brainy. They also could've tried using Vanille's narration to actually narrate the story instead of...whatever she was saying.

There are so many things they could've used to explain the story I don't know how they ever went wrong.

Appollowexx said:
Now that is just plain wrong, lol. Child Protective Services side quests.

B-but Hope is legal now! It's possible!
edit: beaten


In the intro scene to the demo, there are some lines by Lightning (not in the gamespot video, not sure in which one right now >_<)

"When reaching for the future, we sometimes fall into the past.
As we gaze upon events that cannot be changed, our hearts grow bitter with regret.
And you, my dear Serah, will you encounter your past here? How will you choose to deal with that pain?"

sounds time travel ish...


miladesn said:
In the intro scene to the demo, there are some lines by Lightning (not in the gamespot video, not sure in which one right now >_<)

sounds time travel ish...
Didn't they already say that you'd be traveling to different time periods and such? The Lake Bresha thing in the demo is definitely in a different time.


miladesn said:
from the demo, the name of this area is Bresha Ruins, chapter 3 from FFXIII (the crystal lake and the ruins after it)

the sign says Chocobo Express

looking at ohter subtitles there are some good things: (watch the gamespot video)
"The rain isn't artificial - it's the real thing" (well, fal'cie are no more)
"The people at the Academy..." (there is an Academy!)
It rather scares me you can tell what that sign says in video game language.
Droplet said:
I dunno, I think I'm just used to shoddy exposition. Tales of Symphonia was my first jrpg.
That explains everything.

If I hear "everybody has a right to live" one more time I'm gonna punch something.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
miladesn said:
the sign says Chocobo Express
You have really good eyes, I can't make out the entire word outside of Bs and Os and "express" since I've seen it before. XD

Bah, we'll find a way for a nightclub to be in this game for awkward scenes.

I guess people are living on habitable parts of Cocoon and down under on Pulse, then.

Droplet said:
I dunno, I think I'm just used to shoddy exposition. Tales of Symphonia was my first jrpg (yes I'm young) and it started off with an extremely subtle history lesson. Hope would've been a good character to use except they were probably trying to make him come off as sort of brainy. They also could've tried using Vanille's narration to actually narrate the story instead of...whatever she was saying.

There are so many things they could've used to explain the story I don't know how they ever went wrong.
Subtle history lessons during the beginning mightn't work if they want to start the narrative in media res, though (I don't think, at least). They had a ton of flashbacks in the game, but most of them served to show the thirteen days prior to the events now taking place. If they were going for exposition and history, then there would be more cutscenes, no (how much of the disc consisted of cutscenes already)? However--that Fabula Nova Crystallis history thing that they showed during their January conference would have been a wonderful addition to FFXIII.

Vanille's narration was basically about her experiences with the groups and the days prior to the game. I don't think she'd be able to say what kind of stuff existed on Cocoon, though. But at least she and Fang explained a few things while they were on Pulse...

Given that everyone knew about what l'Cie/fal'Cie/whatever'Cie prior to the beginning of the game, it was a little odd that Sazh began explaining the concept to Lightning. It seemed like common knowledge at that point, especially if you take into consideration the Space Pope's speech, the Pompa Sancta, the roles of the fal'Cie, etc.

Fimbulvetr said:
That explains everything.

If I hear "everybody has a right to live" one more time I'm gonna punch something.
Don't die, Lloyd.


Aeana said:
Didn't they already say that you'd be traveling to different time periods and such? The Lake Bresha thing in the demo is definitely in a different time.

hmm, don't know, Noel and Serah teleport to Bresha via that gate, and it's 5 years after the Purge here, looks like people still live on Cocoon? I assumed the events in the trailer on Pulse/New Budham (Noel meeting Serah) take place before the events here, 5 years after the first game.


miladesn said:
hmm, don't know, Noel and Serah teleport to Bresha via that gate, and it's 5 years after the Purge here, looks like people still live on Cocoon? I assumed the events in the trailer on Pulse/New Budham (Noel meeting Serah) take place before the events here, 5 years after the first game.
I swear I remember someone somewhere mentioning traveling to different periods... maybe I'm crazy. I've read/watched so much I can't keep the sources straight.


Aeana said:
I've read/watched so much I can't keep the sources straight.
same >_< , but the guy on gamespot video say it's years after the first game, world is saved and they are rebuilding, there are "paradoxes" (the puzzle thing) and there is another world that Lightning is in but don't remember them saying anything about time travel yet.
Aeana said:
I swear I remember someone somewhere mentioning traveling to different periods... maybe I'm crazy. I've read/watched so much I can't keep the sources straight.

Atlas and the machine that controls him shouldn't exist anymore.

Either time travel is involved or alternate dimensions.

Also they mentioned the gates are activated by objects that don't belong in the current time period.


Fimbulvetr said:
Atlas and the machine that controls him shouldn't exist anymore.

Either time travel is involved or alternate dimensions.

Also they mentioned the gates are activated by objects that don't belong in the current time period.

yeah, Noel says, "looks like we're inside the paradox" when they use the machine, some time shifting is happening here but don't think Noel and Serah are time traveling here, at least not yet..

also when Noel uses Mog to reveal a chest, the square-enix guy says that "bringing it to our reality", looks like it's not time travel but two worlds are connecting or something...
Appollowexx said:
''I have a sister though''. Noel gets together with Lightning - and an abusive relationship is formed (on his end).

At first I read this as if you were implying she would say "I can't because I have a sister". Maybe I should get some sleep.


So you can save anywhere in XIII-2?

That's great guys, I mean! Now we won't have to wait 3 or 4 sets of enemies to find that Save Point to protect us from those Game Over screens that come after getting beat in those extremely hard and challenging battles, right?!



Khrno said:
So you can save anywhere in XIII-2?

That's great guys, I mean! Now we won't have to wait 3 or 4 sets of enemies to find that Save Point to protect us from those Game Over screens that come after getting beat in those extremely hard and challenging battles, right?!

It doesn't hurt the game and adds a layer of convenience. Like when you want to call it quits for the day without backtracking to the nearest save point.

A small improvement like that can go a long way.


Despera said:
It doesn't hurt the game and adds a layer of convenience. Like when you want to call it quits for the day without backtracking to the nearest save point.

A small improvement like that can go a long way.

Oh sure, no need to run back for one minute anymore.

Although if the game does have more open areas then it is somewhat more understandable. But compared to the previous game, it's just a ridiculous feature.
Not sure why people are bitching about how bad this game is shaping up to be. What exactly would make it better?

- Less linear. Check
- Towns and cities. Check
- NPCs you can interact with. Check
- More minigames and sidequests. Check

Everything that was wrong with FFXIII, right there. Fixed.

The only complaints I see are pure speculation based on how many characters you may or may not be able to control, and additional speculation about how integral the thing about monsters fighting with you will be to the overall game. For all we know it could be a novelty thing that is totally unnecessary.

Instead of the speculation, how about focusing on things we KNOW are going to be good. Such as, for example, everything that everyone ever complained about in 13.


cpp_is_king said:
Instead of the speculation, how about focusing on things we KNOW are going to be good. Such as, for example, everything that everyone ever complained about in 13.
After FFXIII, I don't think anyone will give Square the benefit of the doubt again. Expect nothing but doom and gloom and criticism until the game comes out and is good.


cpp_is_king said:
Not sure why people are bitching about how bad this game is shaping up to be. What exactly would make it better?

- Less linear. Check
- Towns and cities. Check
- NPCs you can interact with. Check
- More minigames and sidequests. Check

Everything that was wrong with FFXIII, right there. Fixed.

The only complaints I see are pure speculation based on how many characters you may or may not be able to control, and additional speculation about how integral the thing about monsters fighting with you will be to the overall game. For all we know it could be a novelty thing that is totally unnecessary.

Instead of the speculation, how about focusing on things we KNOW are going to be good. Such as, for example, everything that everyone ever complained about in 13.

You forgot the combat. The combat is so damn boring.


Crystal Bearer
DaBuddaDa said:
After FFXIII, I don't think anyone will give Square the benefit of the doubt again. Expect nothing but doom and gloom and criticism until the game comes out and is good.

Honestly, they deserve it these days.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
cpp_is_king said:
Not sure why people are bitching about how bad this game is shaping up to be. What exactly would make it better?

- Less linear. Check
- Towns and cities. Check
- NPCs you can interact with. Check
- More minigames and sidequests. Check

Everything that was wrong with FFXIII, right there. Fixed.

The only complaints I see are pure speculation based on how many characters you may or may not be able to control, and additional speculation about how integral the thing about monsters fighting with you will be to the overall game. For all we know it could be a novelty thing that is totally unnecessary.

Instead of the speculation, how about focusing on things we KNOW are going to be good. Such as, for example, everything that everyone ever complained about in 13.
You can't say that everything will be good from a few interviews and a demo that fans have not gotten to try out themselves yet, though. After Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, The 3rd Birthday, Front Mission Evolved, and the length of time it's taking for their other games to be developed, you can't exactly give SE credit where it's due because you don't know if they deserve it yet.

Plus I don't know if the battle system (which I was not too keen on), growth system and ability system has improved yet. I'm still waiting to see if the monster capture system is adequate as well.


The only thing that can break my hype for the game is the weapon system. If its the same as XIII it'll piss me off, plus the pokeman thing it has going for it, will only make me hate the game even more. I didn't like it in ToS 2, I seriously doubt I'll like it here.
Kagari said:
I'm writing up my super detailed ones now, but I did a podcast recording back on Monday: http://ps3.rpgsite.net/news/1119-final-fantasy-xiii2-first-look-podcast

And I say they deserve that not because of XIII-2, but their vast mismanagement of their company as a whole this generation.
But when we look back at their performance this gen (the last 5-6 years) I think things won't seem as bad. FF Versus XIII will have launched and most likely will be a return to form. The hyperbole around FFXIII will have died and we'll remember it fondly as a decent if not perfect entry, same with FF XIII-2. FFXIV will be the big blunder, the turkey - which will really taint the companies history.
But because of the 3 mainline FF games on HD platforms, as well as their pretty fantastic output over the past years on handhelds, I honestly don't think we'll look at this chapter in Square Enix history as negatively as we are currently.


Appollowexx said:
But when we look back at their performance this gen (the last 5-6 years) I think things won't seem as bad. FF Versus XIII will have launched and most likely will be a return to form. The hyperbole around FFXIII will have died and we'll remember it fondly as a decent if not perfect entry, same with FF XIII-2. FFXIV will be the big blunder, the turkey - which will really taint the companies history.
But because of the 3 mainline FF games on HD platforms, as well as their pretty fantastic output over the past years on handhelds, I honestly don't think we'll look at this chapter in Square Enix history as negatively as we are currently.
ohh how I highly doubt that.
Appollowexx said:
But when we look back at their performance this gen (the last 5-6 years) I think things won't seem as bad. FF Versus XIII will have launched and most likely will be a return to form. The hyperbole around FFXIII will have died and we'll remember it fondly as a decent if not perfect entry, same with FF XIII-2. FFXIV will be the big blunder, the turkey - which will really taint the companies history.
But because of the 3 mainline FF games on HD platforms, as well as their pretty fantastic output over the past years on handhelds, I honestly don't think we'll look at this chapter in Square Enix history as negatively as we are currently.

Yeah, I don't agree with this at all. Mention GT5 and you'll still get some people saying 5-6 years and $60 million. Same thing will happen w/ Versus. It won't be a stain the way XIV will be b/c I expect (
) it to be a good game, but I thought the same of XIV.

You could say there was a decrease from the PSX days to PS2, not a big one but the cracks were forming and then it was just a complete drop off for the HD era.

RaijinFY said:
I bet you went back from the future to write that?

He's saying his opinion which is 99% of these posts.
Appollowexx said:
But when we look back at their performance this gen (the last 5-6 years) I think things won't seem as bad. FF Versus XIII will have launched and most likely will be a return to form. The hyperbole around FFXIII will have died and we'll remember it fondly as a decent if not perfect entry, same with FF XIII-2. FFXIV will be the big blunder, the turkey - which will really taint the companies history.
But because of the 3 mainline FF games on HD platforms, as well as their pretty fantastic output over the past years on handhelds, I honestly don't think we'll look at this chapter in Square Enix history as negatively as we are currently.
Yeah... we'll see about that.


Crystal Bearer
Appollowexx said:
But when we look back at their performance this gen (the last 5-6 years) I think things won't seem as bad. FF Versus XIII will have launched and most likely will be a return to form. The hyperbole around FFXIII will have died and we'll remember it fondly as a decent if not perfect entry, same with FF XIII-2. FFXIV will be the big blunder, the turkey - which will really taint the companies history.
But because of the 3 mainline FF games on HD platforms, as well as their pretty fantastic output over the past years on handhelds, I honestly don't think we'll look at this chapter in Square Enix history as negatively as we are currently.

But what if Final Fantasy Versus XIII ends up not being the return to form that everyone is expected? Square is definitely aware that all eyes are on that game at the moment, and probably the reason it's taking forever is Nomura is trying to make sure it's absolutely perfect.


Kagari said:
But what if Final Fantasy Versus XIII ends up not being the return to form that everyone is expected? Square is definitely aware that all eyes are on that game at the moment, and probably the reason it's taking forever is Nomura is trying to make sure it's absolutely perfect.

Or maybe Nomura is waiting to get the staff currently working on FFXIII-2 back to finally finish the game? Just speculation on my part though.


Crystal Bearer
RaijinFY said:
Or maybe Nomura is waiting to get the staff currently working on FFXIII-2 back to finally finish the game? Just speculation on my part though.

I doubt it. Looks to be mostly separate team. The key staff are entirely separate for certain.


Gamer @ Heart said:
So when did development on this begin? Summer 09 perchance, or is SE really managing to flip this game around in ~2 years?

They said it started after the worldwide release of FFXIII.

Edit: I misread your post. Fixed my own. Darn you for making me think FFXIII came out 2 years ago.
ninj4junpei said:
Yeah... we'll see about that.
No you read that out of context. I meant - it's definately not perfect (the game has many issues) but it's still a solid game, that will be remembered as such when the usual OTT reactions have died down. We're already seeing alot of the initial haters agreeing that the game isn't all that bad after all. Which it wasn't.
Kagari said:
But what if Final Fantasy Versus XIII ends up not being the return to form that everyone is expected? Square is definitely aware that all eyes are on that game at the moment, and probably the reason it's taking forever is Nomura is trying to make sure it's absolutely perfect.
Well that is a possibility. I mean, the game will never meet everyone's ridiculously high expectations. It will, I'm sure, be very good to great, but like XIII, it may well get 'dissed' because it's not the second coming. I think, as you say, the team are working to make it as good as possible, and I expect it to be the best Final Fantasy title this gen by a long way.

I think as a company, Square have made some odd choices this gen. Some for the better - like the Eidos partnership, and some for worse - the constant mismanagement of development teams internally; resulting in very long dev cycles. But when you look back at this gen we'll see they put out 4 mainline Final Fantasy games and a ton of smaller titles for DS / PSP. Which isn't bad at all.

Ellis Kim

Droplet said:
She's 18.

Somehow she's 23 in the sequel but doesn't look like she's aged a day.
Well...that's kind of how people sort of are at that age, right? At least for some people.

I wonder how Hope's gonna look, though.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I'm kinda curious how Dajh will look like.

Ellis Kim said:
I wonder how Hope's gonna look, though.

Maybe he'll be buff and will ride a motorcycle.


miladesn said:

these guys in their interview asked Kitase about composer and they've said more will be announced other than Hamauzu, it was kinda obvious.

also you can save anywhere.
I knew it!

Though the new stuff currently on the Japanese website is all Hamauzu. I'm slightly depressed about this news, but oh well. Gotta get some fresh meat in to work on the series now that he's freelance. I mean, I thought I was going crazy when listening to music on the in-demo stuff, but like I elaborated on in my post a few pages back, I laid out what I thought was going on based on what i've heard, and turns out I was totally correct.

Regardless, I love Hamauzu-san and his music, and as long as he's making new tracks for the game, I am beyond satisfied (which is the case based on the trailers and website) because as a synesthestic person, I see so many awesome colors and vididity when listening to his music. I just hope he's at least doing 50% of it, or close to it, and that they don't reuse too much.
Appollowexx said:
No you read that out of context. I meant - it's definately not perfect (the game has many issues) but it's still a solid game, that will be remembered as such when the usual OTT reactions have died down. We're already seeing alot of the initial haters agreeing that the game isn't all that bad after all. Which it wasn't.
Even in context, your wording there is odd. However, I see your point. I certainly hope that no one forgets about how bad the script was, though.
cpp_is_king said:
Not sure why people are bitching about how bad this game is shaping up to be. What exactly would make it better?

- Less linear. Check
- Towns and cities. Check
- NPCs you can interact with. Check
- More minigames and sidequests. Check

Everything that was wrong with FFXIII, right there. Fixed.

The only complaints I see are pure speculation based on how many characters you may or may not be able to control, and additional speculation about how integral the thing about monsters fighting with you will be to the overall game. For all we know it could be a novelty thing that is totally unnecessary.

Instead of the speculation, how about focusing on things we KNOW are going to be good. Such as, for example, everything that everyone ever complained about in 13.
Yeah those things you checked off are literally the only problems I had with the game, and I'm glad the sequel is attempting to fix them.
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