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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Crystal Bearer
In order to get the chocobo treasure trophy, do you need to get all the treasures? Or just one...


I am lost for words how anyone can claim that this game is not challenging....

Seriously.... The difficulty and the battle system are the best parts about the game. My only complaint there is that party leader dies = game over is bullshit. It should be if your entire active party dies it's game over.

It's really fucking annoying if you screw up, your party dies, you get game over/ start again and you were 3omins into the fight.
mjemirzian said:
Lots of spoiler free gameplay advice and boss strats for the most complained about bosses.

Regarding your review that the game is so easy and boss tips - the game is not easy just because you researched the boss and know exactly what to do (as every tip on your blog points out), as well as use ATB Cancel every other switch, which is an undocumented feature. The game is easy/hard based on how encounters are structured for the first time you do them. This way FFXIII is one of the hardest FF to date.
Lightning said:
I am lost for words how anyone can claim that this game is not challenging....

Seriously.... The difficulty and the battle system are the best parts about the game. My only complaint there is that party leader dies = game over is bullshit. It should be if your entire active party dies it's game over.

It's really fucking annoying if you screw up, your party dies, you get game over/ start again and you were 3omins into the fight.

I agree on both fronts. I've had more challenge in this game than any FF game i can think of since the hard version of FF4. The second Eidolon challange was killing me over and over before i figured it out. And even then it was dicey. I also think the main character getting ko'd shouldn't end the game. I don't understand why they wouldn't have an AI just use a down and we move on. Or they just move the controls to the next alive character
A Link to the Snitch said:
Not a troll post: Does the game get better over time? Because I'm kinda not getting into it as much as I had hoped.

Same for me, but I don't have an excuse since I'm still only a hour or so in the game. It's really hard for me to focus on it when I really want to play older Final Fantasy games. I should persevere because it sounds like it gets better, but the beginning is such a monotonous bore. So far, I hate every character except Sazh, Lighting, and chicobo.

A Link to the Snitch said:
Not a troll post: Does the game get better over time? Because I'm kinda not getting into it as much as I had hoped.

How far are you?

The battle system really opens up about 3 hours in. After that, the game doesn't get really good until chapter 7. At that point, it's one awesome roller coaster ride.
cosmicblizzard said:
How far are you?

The battle system really opens up about 3 hours in. After that, the game doesn't get really good until chapter 7. At that point, it's one awesome roller coaster ride.

Well, I just had my second battle and saved once. :p I'm probably being overtly negative, but it's my job as a gamer.
A Link to the Snitch said:
Well, I just had my second battle and saved once. :p I'm probably being overtly negative, but it's my job as a gamer.

Then yes, it gets a lot better. Once you get the Crystarium and Paradigms, the battle system becomes one of the most awesome things in the history of gaming.


14 hours in and the game keeps getting better! i love the story, thank you for making it linear square-enix

qcf x2

A Link to the Snitch said:
Not a troll post: Does the game get better over time? Because I'm kinda not getting into it as much as I had hoped.

I'm 18.5 hrs in and loving it. The beginning is boring, but that's the case for all RPGs. I'm gonna be honest, the game is 5 million times better than I was expecting.


A Link to the Snitch said:
Well, I just had my second battle and saved once. :p I'm probably being overtly negative, but it's my job as a gamer.

Don't expect it to be getting good for quite a while. Game's got a dogshit of a slow beginning. Completely mindless and tedious.


Lightning said:
I am lost for words how anyone can claim that this game is not challenging....

Seriously.... The difficulty and the battle system are the best parts about the game. My only complaint there is that party leader dies = game over is bullshit. It should be if your entire active party dies it's game over.

It's really fucking annoying if you screw up, your party dies, you get game over/ start again and you were 3omins into the fight.

I totally agree, first time I've seen someone else say that actually. Is it because people saying that are only in the early chapters or something? I didn't know that I didn't HAVE to use auto-battle until chapter 5 so I really had to re-learn everything (since I'm playing the JP version) so it got a bit tougher, but I got used to it. Still got owned by chapter 9 boss. :lol

And yeah I hate it when it's game over when the leader dies too, they could've made it so if one other char is currently a medic then it won't be game over unless they die too or something.

Papercuts said:
Only took me 19 and a half hours, but I can finally choose my party! :lol

Hmm it took me about 22-23. :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hmm, what hunt is required for the stores to get the item that increases TP?


just hit chapter 8,9,or 10 tonight and notice something
when you see Dajh turn in to crystal the chococbo chick in incased with him. Then magic reappears after the summon battle in Sazh hair.


I can start Chapter
now. Wondering if I should go do more hunts or just finish this off.

Now that I'm this far in, I feel pretty confident in saying the story in this game is extremely weak.

It's not even "bad", it's just...there. It's the same feeling I had with XII, this feeling that even though I'm nearing the end, it feels like hardly anything really happened. Even the supposed story-focused section of the game had nothing to really speak of.

The few moments you think would be big fall flat shortly after being revealed, giving me no sense that something really major just happened, and a lot of the revelations were honestly really bland and similar to the other stuff I've been seeing for years
("Killing everyone will bring back God!")
. One scene in Pulse that you think would be notable only included Vanille and Fang for some stupid reason, which totally destroyed much of the impact that could have been there.

I don't know if I'd call it the worst in the series, but I just can't find anything whatsoever that's all that interesting about it.

Lightning said:
I am lost for words how anyone can claim that this game is not challenging....

Seriously.... The difficulty and the battle system are the best parts about the game. My only complaint there is that party leader dies = game over is bullshit. It should be if your entire active party dies it's game over.

It's really fucking annoying if you screw up, your party dies, you get game over/ start again and you were 3omins into the fight.

I don't find it challenging at all. Actually just beat the Chapter 11 boss recently on the first try, and didn't even get "Doom'd".

I'm kinda amazed at the stuff people are having trouble with, particularly bosses. Practically every boss in this game has a generic pattern that's fairly easy to discern if you pay attention to their actions. After that it's just a short struggle to get stagger, and (de)buffs have probably never been more overpowered in an FF game than they are in this.

The Eidolon battles are the most understandable, but that's because nearly all of them are total bullcrap. :lol

All of the normal encounters are pretty easy, the same Paradigm setups work for a really large number of them.

I don't know, maybe FFXIII's battle system is just my thing (and I don't even think it's that amazing, lol), but it's pretty simple and way more often than not tilts in my favor.

And yes, the "leader KO=Game Over" thing is stupid. Game should've given you the ability to switch the leader, and if they get KO you're forced to use someone else, similar to XII.
I freaking hate the medic A.I. They have a choice of double Cura but they never do it. When the whole party is dying instead of saving me the medic cast a freaking single cura, like that's going to save anybody idiot.
It's so rare these days for me to sit down and play a marathon session, even with games I'm enjoying immensely. Yet several hours later I'm still sitting here playing Final Fantasy XIII. I've had access to the Crystarium and Paradigm Shifts for a bit now and have just gained access using Techniques. I fucking love this battle system, it's like this awesome mash-up of FFX and FFXII that just gets more enjoyable with each new mechanic that's rolled out.


Castor Krieg said:
(spoiler to the ending FMV)
it's incredible how that scene is in the game's logo, and nobody figured out what it is before they watched the cutscene :lol

Some people speculated that it was the eidolons seeing as their were two faces which looked like the Shiva sisters:lol They even went as far as to decipher parts of the logo to see how many eidolons were in there. Sad the game's it's over. :(


Now getting one shotted at the chapter 11 boss...

Why does this game do this to meeee? =(

Ragequit for the night. Harumph. :3
Ballistictiger said:
I freaking hate the medic A.I. They have a choice of double Cura but they never do it. When the whole party is dying instead of saving me the medic cast a freaking single cura, like that's going to save anybody idiot.

Welcome to the "genius" AI of Persona 3. :lol

If the game is going to not let you control the healer character, the healer AI needs to be smart. Otherwise, well, in P3 I always ended up throwing out heals myself using the MC. That's not an option here, so you'd better just die and restart and hope the AI picks the right command this time. :lol

The game has these things called Potions too.


I've been using pretty much every component to upgrade my weapons. (Just got to ch 6.)

Am I good, or are there certain (rare) items that I should save?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Chapter 9...wtf. Someone help me please. :lol

What am I supposed to do when the boss charges that attack? I unleashed hell and staggered it, and it still happened and wiped my party. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be defensive or aggressive there, and it's really annoying that I have to redo that whole first part again which was already hard to me.


I just realised something.




I KNEW he sounded familiar!


Clocian-IGN said:
I can't believe so many people are complaining about the linerarity :lol. WRPGs have def spoiled you guys. The story/graphics/gameplay in FF13 is amazing, what more could you want.....wait, a open world so the game pacing and story can suffer? Don't bring up past gen titles because they were......last generations. The only rpg that really succeeds in story and open world is mass effect and that's not entirely a rpg so ya....

The story in ff13 is amazing? What planet are you from? I thought one weakness of ff12 was its plot and narration, it didn't build up tension and the anticipation of the final battle well.

But ff13 is much worse. It even butchered simple plot device such as mourning for the lose of mother. Did anyone care for Hope's feeling? No. He was a little brat that need to kicked in the balls. Who didn't laugh when Lighting go around bitch slap people? Do you think these dramatic moments was supposed to be comedic? It's as if the ff story was downgraded from a 18-year-old writer to a 10-year-old writer. I could go on and on but I expect people who enjoy the gameplay smart enough to tell the story is rubbish.
Castor Krieg said:
Regarding your review that the game is so easy and boss tips - the game is not easy just because you researched the boss and know exactly what to do (as every tip on your blog points out), as well as use ATB Cancel every other switch, which is an undocumented feature. The game is easy/hard based on how encounters are structured for the first time you do them. This way FFXIII is one of the hardest FF to date.

hmm that's not correct.. I did not research any boss, I figured out all of the strategy and tactics on my own. I killed most bosses on the first try, then went back and 5 starred them. I don't use guides, I write them. :p

Yes it's definitely the hardest FF, but that doesn't make it a difficult game. I already made two suggestions in my review that I would like to see:

remove or limit 'auto-battle' for the leader.. allies would remain under AI control
make saboteurs and sentinels more useful in more fights, and make switching out party members easier so I don't have to remake the entire deck.. make more enemies with uber attacks that you need to switch to sentinel to survive (aka velocycles Gatling Gun)
tighten up the rank system so it penalizes grinding and shroud use

Practically every boss in this game has a generic pattern that's fairly easy to discern if you pay attention to their actions.

I think the issue is that Square-Enix fanboys generally insulate themselves from anything non-FF and haven't experienced difficult games like SMT: Nocturne or Breath of Fire V's rank system.. not to mention the difficult SRPGs out there that are far more difficult than anything a traditional RPG can muster. Also part of the problem with gauging RPG difficulty is the fact that you can grind your way out of any challenge.

Now if you want a list of actually difficult games that few people in the world have mastered, try this link.


tino said:
The story in ff13 is amazing? What planet are you from? I thought one weakness of ff12 was its plot and narration, it didn't build up tension and the anticipation of the final battle well.

But ff13 is much worse. It even butchered simple plot device such as mourning for the lose of mother. Did anyone care for Hope's feeling? No. He was a little brat that need to kicked in the balls. Who didn't laugh when Lighting go around bitch slap people? Do you think these dramatic moments was supposed to be comedic? It's as if the ff story was downgraded from a 18-year-old writer to a 10-year-old writer. I could go on and on but I expect people who enjoy the gameplay smart enough to tell the story is rubbish.




I mean, she sounds exactly the same, it was shocking when I found out. What a diverse set of voices she has.

And goddamn is Serah's hair ugly.


tino said:
The story in ff13 is amazing? What planet are you from? I thought one weakness of ff12 was its plot and narration, it didn't build up tension and the anticipation of the final battle well.

But ff13 is much worse. It even butchered simple plot device such as mourning for the lose of mother. Did anyone care for Hope's feeling? No. He was a little brat that need to kicked in the balls. Who didn't laugh when Lighting go around bitch slap people? Do you think these dramatic moments was supposed to be comedic? It's as if the ff story was downgraded from a 18-year-old writer to a 10-year-old writer. I could go on and on but I expect people who enjoy the gameplay smart enough to tell the story is rubbish.

I agree with him. I love the plot in FFXIII so far and it really got good in chapter 7. I also very much enjoyed the Hope/Snow stuff as it led to one of my favorite scenes in an FF period (
Snow carrying Hope after they fell off the building
). The story started off a little shaky but as it's gone on, I completely fell for the characters and their stories.

As for the bolded part, none of that "if you're smart, you'll know it's rubbish" crap. It's a matter of opinion. Please don't talk down to him for something so completely opinion-based.


omg rite said:
I agree with him. I love the plot in FFXIII so far and it really got good in chapter 7. I also very much enjoyed the Hope/Snow stuff as it led to one of my favorite scenes in an FF period (
Snow carrying Hope after they fell off the building

As for the bolded part, none of that "if you're smart, you'll know it's rubbish" crap. It's a matter of opinion.

The story started off a little shaky but as it's gone on, I completely fell for the characters and their stories.
Chapter 7 was pretty amazing overall. Loved the interaction between Hope and others, and the cutscene where
Fang and Snow spoil the party
was ridiculous, but so fucking awesome.

What I find odd about all the criticism is that so far, the writing's been better than, say, Tales of Vesperia (or any Tales game, for that matter) and yet you don't see people ripping those games. Maybe it just has to do with the expectation that a Final Fantasy game carries.


Dresden said:
Chapter 7 was pretty amazing overall. Loved the interaction between Hope and others, and the cutscene where
Fang and Snow spoil the party
was ridiculous, but so fucking awesome.

:lol Yeah, that was great.

What I find odd about all the criticism is that so far, the writing's been better than, say, Tales of Vesperia (or any Tales game, for that matter) and yet you don't see people ripping those games. Maybe it just has to do with the expectation that a Final Fantasy game carries.

I mean FF games have never had Oscar-worthy writing. Video games in general simply have not reached that point for the most part, despite what IGN might pull out of their ass. It's still better than most games though, especially RPGs.
Dresden said:
What I find odd about all the criticism is that so far, the writing's been better than, say, Tales of Vesperia (or any Tales game, for that matter) and yet you don't see people ripping those games. Maybe it just has to do with the expectation that a Final Fantasy game carries.

I loved the plot in FFXIII, it gets a little/a lot shaky in the end but it really holds well until the end of
chapter 11
. Also, it has one of the most memorable character developments in jRPG to date. FFXIII really set the bar for that, I hope Resonance of Fate will do this just as good.
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