Well I finally started FFXIII today and to my surprise I logged 10 and a half hours! I rarely go on long gaming runs, but there's something about FF games that get me hooked for long stretches and its happening again.
Some quick impressions that i'm sure in this huge thread have already been uttered many times. Man this game is clearly the next step in the FFX path. The way the levels are layed out, the continued streamlining (or making easier) of conventional RPG elements, the leveling up system, etc. Even in the music I can hear similarities. In the early chapters it was a bit disapointing that the levels essentially consisted of moving up. Even FFX never felt THAT linear, but i'm sure it was and I just forgot. Glad to see that at least in the later chapters, though you clearly have a main path there's little detours. I'd say my only real gripe isn't the lack of towns, its i'd like if there was a bit more open routes in the areas to do a bit more exploring. Not a ton is needed, but a little more.
The battle system is interesting. I think the way they slowly introduced the components in the early going was a good thing. Sure it made the early fights a little dull, but i would have been pretty overwhelmed if they threw everything at me, and I've put in my share of RPG time.
Also the world and story so far (i'm in Chapter 5) has been pretty cool. It still has some of the classic FF elements and look but also a full fleshed out world, culture, etc. Good thing they have that digital book early on. There were terms flying all over the place and i didn't know what was going on.
Now onto the characters impressions so far:
- Lightning : for years people have complained of having young whiney main FF characters (though i disagreed with them, they usually grew out of it). Well here ya go. Here's a no nonsense tough as nails badass main character. haha man she's like a fusion of Ashe & Squall. She can be mean, but I really like her

- Snow : I'm surprised how much i've liked him. From all the early media i figured i'd really hate him by his look, but so far he's been a pretty sincere and likable character
- Sazh : I was hearing some complaints on GAF about him, but i think he's the glue of the cast. Serves as the guide/historian of the world, the common man commentary to the crazy situations they're in, and comic relief. A fun character so far
- Vanille : I can see how she could really annoy some people with her over the top happy girl schtick. But so far she hasn't gotten on my nerves. She's like a more extreme riku or something
- Hope : Ah mopey hope. The Vaan/Tidus of the cast. In other games he could have easily been the main character. Thankfully he's not, and man he has been annoying at the start. I understand why he is, but at least he's starting to improve which is nice. I like it when chraracters in RPGs actually grow and have an arc. But clearly my least favorite cast member so far.
- Serah : eh she looks real young and it kind of freaks me out a bit. How old is she supposed to be in the game?
All an all i'm really liking it. I came in expecting a game like FFX and i'm getting what i expected. The battle system is starting to open up and i'm having fun with that. Also i'm always wanting to see what happens next, which is a key component of a FF. Something that unfortunately in FF12 stopped happening midway through it.