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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Teknoman said:
Same here, but it seems like you could really do some chain % boosting via 3 ravagers after a launch. Then again a commando boosts total damage too.

Hmm in that case, aside from chapter 11 (not that far yet), I guess it would be best to just do alot of shifting during stagger. Launch, and then rack up some percent increase, rinse / repeat.

I'm looking forward to being able to choose my damn party but then i need to choose who :/ do non-active characters still get cp like they do currently? (before you can pick)

O/T: God damn every time i see your avatar i want to go replay Grandia :lol
What is the best strategy for the chapter 9 boss? I do just fine until Destrucdo (sp?) wipes out my full green team.

I was using COM/RAV/MED at that point if it means anything.


toasty_T said:
What is the best strategy for the chapter 9 boss? I do just fine until Destrucdo (sp?) wipes out my full green team.

I was using COM/RAV/MED at that point if it means anything.

i spammed his ass with Rav/Rav/Rav. only healed when necessary
Well, I'm an idiot. Final Fantasy 13's battle system is too complicated for me. I'm in the area where you have to use Vanille, Hope and Sazh and I can't get a stagger going to save my life. These three fuckers are just too slow and they can't go commando. Give me something simple like Lost Odyssey's combat.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
toasty_T said:
What is the best strategy for the chapter 9 boss? I do just fine until Destrucdo (sp?) wipes out my full green team.

I was using COM/RAV/MED at that point if it means anything.

I don't remember which boss that is specifically, but you don't want to stay in diversity paradigm for the whole battle. It'll take too long to stagger.

I used COM/RAV/MED to heal and lock in stagger. For some reason after the COM attacks, you can change roles and the effect of a COM slowing down the regression of the stagger stays in effect for about a minute. So typically I would switch betweem COM/RAV/MED and depending on the boss - RAV/RAV/RAV, or COM/RAV/COM.

Paper Tiger

Neo Member
Thanks for Sentinel tips, everyone.

I'll play around with the role a bit more tonight. Will the autobattle's selection of 4x taunt get four separate enemy's attention, or would an AI-controlled sentinel use his entire turn (taunt-taunt-taunt-taunt) getting one enemy's attention?

In other words, if I'm manually controlling a sentinel, and I'm facing four enemies, do I go 4xtaunt, and grab all of their attention, or as soon as I target one enemy am I stuck with him, in which case it would be better to go (taunt-other-other-other)?

Hope that made sense. Sorry if someone already answered that specific question in a much clearer fashion.

Also, one more question. Is RAV/RAV/RAV not as important as RAV/RAV is when you only have two characters? I see some people settling on parties that only contain two RAVs (Light/Hope/Fang, for example).


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Himuro said:
The boss of chapter 9 is easy until he casts the Destrudo or whatever spell. Honestly, the fight is easy, it's just a really lonnnng fight and I honestly don't feel like spending 10-20 minutes fighting him again. I'm sure Sentinel can make Destrudo not matter much, though. I'd control Fang or something to cast Steelguard but alas, you can't change the party leader.
The trick to Destrudo (Destructo?) is to just spam attacks actually. He even cries out once or twice to confirm that it blunts his attack power... he still launches the attack but it isn't nearly fatal. I tried a lot of Sentinal-play and well timed summons beforehand, but it's much simpler than that.


Snipes424 said:
I just found out that haste is probably the best ability in this entire game.

Oh, and another question, I need a
Trapezohesron gem
to upgrade my weapon to
, anyone know where I could find one?
Reposting this since I need one too.

Anyone know who drops one, or where a treasure chest for one is? The guide says it is sold for 2 million gil somewhere which seems crazy, I'm sure there is at least 1 somewhere.


Trent Strong said:
Well, I'm an idiot. Final Fantasy 13's battle system is too complicated for me. I'm in the area where you have to use Vanille, Hope and Sazh and I can't get a stagger going to save my life. These three fuckers are just too slow and they can't go commando. Give me something simple like Lost Odyssey's combat.

Using saboteur to weaken enemies helps stagger them faster. I leanred this the hard way vs. a random enemy in chap 9 using the dreaded Sazh/Vanille team >_<


Lost Fragment said:
"Hey, no matter what happens, we can't kill Orphan because that would be bad and stuff."

"Right. Also, we need to reiterate this decision for every cutscene for the next 2 hours."

*party gets to Orphan*

"Fuck it, let's kill him."

Fang just kinda betrayed them to save Vanille, which is what she repeatedly said she was going to do. Of course, Fang's "betrayal" just made things worse for Vanille and when Vanille was about to become Ragnarok all by herself, to protect Fang or whatever, the party decided to stick together and don't let Vanille and Fang go through with the destruction of Orphan alone.
I don't own the game, but I'm not sure where all the hate comes from. From what I gather from the reviews is that it plays more like PSO than a traditional JRPG. And alot of people loved PSO.
Himuro said:
The boss of chapter 9 is easy until he casts the Destrudo or whatever spell. Honestly, the fight is easy, it's just a really lonnnng fight and I honestly don't feel like spending 10-20 minutes fighting him again. I'm sure Sentinel can make Destrudo not matter much, though. I'd control Fang or something to cast Steelguard but alas, you can't change the party leader.

The only thing that made that fight difficult for me was he would cast Doom, which would kill me a few times, I won only during the time he didnt cast it, lol. After spending over 15 minutes to get his HP down, he casts doom, and I would die with just 5000 or so HP remaining left with him.


Angelus Errare said:
Can anyone give me tips on beating the plant boss creature monkey thingy as Lightning and Hope?

IIRC that's the Chapter
Bulbasaur boss. I forget what I did, but I'm pretty sure it was start as Com/Syn to get buffs up, then switch between Med/Med and Com/Rav.
Himuro said:
And you don't get what the problem is? :lol

Also PSO? Interesting comparison.

I'm just saying, people loved PSO and it was linear as hell. Now you can play PSO online, which is a plus, but the combat system is nowhere near as deep as FF13.


Crewnh said:
What are the chances of SE patching in a cutscene theatre or adding DLC?

They don't have that? Ugh. I was really, really hoping that beating the game would unlock the ability to watch all 40 minutes of 1080p cutscenes back-to-back as a short film. It can't even be that hard to do, I don't understand why they didn't do it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Himuro said:
That is so stupid.
I agree completely. I was trying out all these clever ways to avoid it, and kept dying.. but the solution was to switch to offense and hammer the X button :p
10 hours in, the more I play, the more I love this game. I really love the story and the battle system. The encyclopedia stuff is a huge improvement over the last FF. I remember being completely puzzled about what was going on by the time I reach the half of FF X-2 and FF XII, FF XIII is just as confusing and keeps throwing crazy names on your face, but thanks to this feature, everything is crystal clear so far. Maybe I'm too stupid to handle jRPG stories, but I really like this feature, it should be mandatory in every RPG.

My only gripe so far would be the item customization stuff. I don't really like when you have tons of options to tweak stuff, I have absolutely no idea what items I should upgrade or not, and it seems like some kind of bullshit to sell you guides. Whenever I upgrade something I wonder if I didn't fuck up something...

Like most jRPG there is too much battles for my taste, you can't walk for more than a minute without fighting something, it feels like a cheap way to boost the length of the game, but at least there are no random battles, and the battle system is fantastic. It's kinda fun to try and surprise the enemies too, but well, it's a RPG after all.

I really love the battle system, it's both super fast and strategic. The whole optima change stuff is pure genius, it feels like the game takes the best of every previous FF system and still improve on it. It's as fast as X-2, but with less button mashing and better menus (less abilities to choose from thanks to the class system). It's kind of automated and cool to play like XII, but the optima changes prevent you from spending hours tweaking gambits. It's as strategic as X was, but this time it's 10 times faster and funnier to play.


Ponn01 said:
I can't understand people bitching about not being able to directly control all the characters or the auto option for your leader. I just want to scream YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! Thats why you all are losing so much and complaining about enemies and bosses. The system is in the paradigm shifting and for once in a RPG having to utilize ALL your classes. All those buffs and debuffs that people never use and just hit the fight button repeatedly with the occasional lighting or ice doesn't cut it. It makes battles interesting again

I haven't read a post so full of bizarrely inverted garbage like this before in this thread, and I had to comment. Inability to understand why people are bitching about being unable to control their characters for the first time in a series in over twenty years and twelve installments is your problem, not ours. It is more than just a rare personality quirk in a small percentage of gamers; it's a fundamental and annoying shift in gameplay, and a higher percentage of players (in my opinion) should be upset by it, but that's up to each player. No sense trying to convince people to dislike something, but being unable to understand why we're pissed about being out of control? Come on. It's a goddamned video game, not a movie.

To comment on your second point, yeah, I'm complaining about the game, but hell no I'm not losing. I'm not doing anything "WRONG". I'm steamrolling through battles by doing precisely what Square wants you to do, at least for 90%+ of the first half of the game; mash auto-battle, and switch to specific paradigms for the rare battle where you have to or essentially face certain death (re: Sentinels and Gatling Guns). I agree, this is about as bad as the rock-paper-scissors gameplay that made FFX kind of boring too (Wakka for flying creatures, Lulu for elementals, etc.) So no, we're not 'doing it wrong', we're doing it exactly right, and we're bored to tears, but we love Final Fantasy, and want to desperately get to the gold that everyone says awaits us at the end of the tunnel-coloured rainbow. We're justified in whining a little about the 20 hour-long assfest that stands in our way, especially after waiting four years to slog through it.

I don't understand why people aren't excited about this, you aren't just smashing x button to fight, you have to think and strategize your battles with staggering.

We're not excited because everything I've bolded is entirely wrong. You don't need to think at all for 90% or more of the battles. You literally DO have to just mash autobattle, with two paradigm shifts (COM-RAV, to fast-chaining RAV-RAV, to whatever you want, Five Stars) and the speed and flow of the battles kind of mandates that the most efficient way to play, that is, the "best", five-star way to play this game, at least for most of the first 20 hours, is in fact, to auto-battle.

I'm immensely pleased that other dissenting voices are appearing the thread and aren't afraid to call out the problems in the crowned heir to one of gaming's royal franchises. Props to amirox and the others, great points all around.

Things like being able to set gambit-like priorities for your AI-controlled (yes, AI-controlled) characters, being able to switch leaders on the fly, and a massive alteration in pacing, to better offer the player choices earlier on in regards to direction and party construction would dramatically improve this game. The reason many of us are puzzled by XIII is that the solutions to so many of its problems are in its own predecessors, which handled such obstacles gracefully, and often in creative ways. If you value these things, XIII can't help but feel like backward step in a number of ways.

I must also add that it's utterly ridiculous for anyone to suggest that we, as players, aren't properly grasping the awesome world design, characters, history and plot of the game because we totally missed out on checking the datalog. You kidding me? As others mentioned, 'don't tell me -- show me". It's a game. It shouldn't even be just "show me"; it should be "let me show myself". There are a million awesome ways to expose me to the awesomeness of Cocoon, Pulse and their various locales, especially with the masterful visual flair of this game behind them. An in-game text encyclopedia is a complete failure to capitalize on that, and is about as solid a way to cripple the strength of a story as whatever happened on disc 2 of Xenogears.

People advising others to hold on and wait it out till Chapter 11 to properly evaluate the game are way out of touch with this argument and the average gamer. Sure, I'm going to wait it out. It's goddamned Final Fantasy, I love it like a firstborn! :lol But if I, the ridiculous fanboy, am this bored and sick of the game, how is the average RPG player or gamer that doesn't have the same allegiance to the series going to react to your insistence to trudge through 20 hours before getting to the meat of a game? I mean, that's twice the length of something like God of War III. They could play two awesome games in the time it takes to get to the meat of this one. Why should they waste their time? It may well be worth it for those of us who have lived and breathed Final Fantasy in years' past to endure the first half to get to something familiar we love, but that's not going to cut it for the gaming audience at large. So that argument's not going to work, and no one should be criticized for negatively evaluating their $60 purchase on a "measly" 15-20 hours of gameplay. That's a long, long time.

There are good, solid ways to defend this game, and there's certainly nothing wrong with enjoying everything great about it, but don't rag on intelligent gamers for being disappointed with glaring gameplay flaws in this crusty jewel of a game. I use the term jewel because in fact, there is much to applaud here. I dig more than the odd cutscene's direction, I dig the stunning visuals, I dig the battle soundtracks, and yes, somehow, I bizarrely dig the rare fight that requires some quick thinking.


Chapter 11 Sidestuff Question:
I'm in Taejin's Tower, doing some hunts and what-have-you. Outside of the Tower, I activated a Waypoint, but it was my first. I hadn't done much in Archlyte Steppe, only the very first hunt.

Do I have to walk all the way to Archlyte to do more missions to activate a Waypoint there? Will I find an easier way to get back if I just continue through Taejin's Tower? And Chapter 12 won't lock me from these areas, right?


toasty_T said:
What is the best strategy for the chapter 9 boss? I do just fine until Destrucdo (sp?) wipes out my full green team.

I was using COM/RAV/MED at that point if it means anything.

When he starts to charge up that destructo move go on an all out offensive and attack the shit out of him, if you hit him enough he will moan and like fall down seriously lowering the amount of damage the move deals out. Just don;t forget to go to two Medics right after he does it to keep the party leader alive.


Feep said:
Chapter 11 Sidestuff Question:
I'm in Taejin's Tower, doing some hunts and what-have-you. Outside of the Tower, I activated a Waypoint, but it was my first. I hadn't done much in Archlyte Steppe, only the very first hunt.

Do I have to walk all the way to Archlyte to do more missions to activate a Waypoint there? Will I find an easier way to get back if I just continue through Taejin's Tower? And Chapter 12 won't lock me from these areas, right?

Yep, it's walking the whole way back. And yes, Chapter 12 will lock you out. However, if you go back to Archylte, and start from Mission 1, you will build up a whole teleport network (as well as a speedier way of getting around) throughout the area leading all the way up into Taejin Tower. Should have done it in the first place. ;)


Getting a little tired of those Eidolon trial and error fights...Saszh one again is the same thing...off for the night,i;ll try it again tomorrow,maybe i`ll bring the ATB down to the slowest speed,the Synergist ability when you open up the choices there`s like 8 in there,by the time you find the one you want you waste precious time,I hate the Sentinel and Saboteur shifts,game is getting a little too hard for my patience.Chapter 8 by the way.


Being "in control" is such a fundamental component to any and all videogames. It's what differentiates it from all other entertainment and art. It's so critical, so crucial. When a game series 'evolves' by taking control away from me in such a dramatic and often hindering way (it can be an unnecessary Shell being cast before a Protect, or a lousy AI-routine that causes a certain unnamed character to repeatedly cast Slow with reckless abandon), I have the right to cry foul. It puzzles me immensely that more people aren't angered by this, but I won't fight them. I will debate those who insult or antagonize us for 'oh lordy!' being upset at losing control. Hell, even if the AI was totally perfect, I'd be angry. I want to tell the character to cast those buffs. I want to do it by going into their menu pre- or mid-combat (via gambit, via cursor, via anything), and I want to be responsible for that. Switching to a paradigm that houses a Saboteur or Synergist isn't the same, not by a longshot.

Someone earlier in the thread actually used the phrase "I like being the coach on the sidelines" to describe their enjoyment of the battle system. I just shook my head. Games are about putting you, the player on the field, not watching from the sides.

Anyway, after all that is said and done, I'm still playing. I'm evaluating. I'm finding bits of enjoyment amid the frustrations. And yes, it's FF -- after (from my point of view) 16 years (!!) of awesome gameplay experiences, I will give the game the benefit of the doubt, for far, far longer than it deserves. Were this a non-FF, I would surely throw my controller to the side, but that's what franchise loyalty is, no matter the medium. FF's earned my play till the end.


Magnus said:
*Wall of accurate and agreeable text*

Well said. I'm still enjoying the game, but i completely agree with all your criticisms. It seems like they got too caught up on the building the white engine and the environments and fell behind on the gameplay department. In that regard, SE really dropped the ball. Alot of the places seem like they last longer than they really need to. Hopefully they won't take this route on the next single player FF. Hopefully it will be similar to FFXII, imo.

I'm still enjoying the game and i don't regret the hours i've put into it. Then again, i did opt to rent it this time.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Magnus said:
Someone earlier in the thread actually used the phrase "I like being the coach on the sidelines" to describe their enjoyment of the battle system. I just shook my head. Games are about putting you, the player on the field, not watching from the sides.
Meh, thats an opinion kind of thing. I like playing Sentinel/Commando mainly because I get to dictate tempo and direct the the rest of my party to put in work without having to micro-manage everything. I like this a lot for some reason, which is weird because I hated FFXII. Its not for everyone... I won't be damning anyone for not liking the game or swearing brotherhood to all that do either.


People just get disappointed to hear others say the game suck when they are fully enjoying the game. It happens with every game. And I expect to hear similar complaints in any new or current game out. Hell. Go check out the Bayonetta thread. That game sucks. But others love it to death and with defend it to this day. Let's all cast deshell on each other and have some fun. And Snow still is the worse character in XIII. Just sayin'.


CcrooK said:
People just get disappointed to hear others say the game suck when they are fully enjoying the game. It happens with every game. And I expect to hear similar complaints in any new or current game out. Hell. Go check out the Bayonetta thread. That game sucks. But others love it to death and with defend it to this day. Let's all cast deshell on each other and have some fun. And Snow still is the worse character in XIII. Just sayin'.

FUUUU, <3 Bayo


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Rag on the linearity all you want... but I do think there is something damned interesting about the battle system in this game.. This is one of the fastest RPG systems I've ever played, and I'm enjoying the emphasis on switching orders in battle rather than specific moves.


BocoDragon said:
Rag on the linearity all you want... but I do think there is something damned interesting about the battle system in this game.. This is one of the fastest RPG systems I've ever played, and I'm enjoying the emphasis on switching orders in battle rather than specific moves.

Have you tried out the Tales or Star Ocean games? They're pretty fast paced to. If people love a good fast paced battle system, I'd recommend checking those two out. Though Star Ocean 4 will test your will to live.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
CcrooK said:
People just get disappointed to hear others say the game suck when they are fully enjoying the game. It happens with every game. And I expect to hear similar complaints in any new or current game out. Hell. Go check out the Bayonetta thread. That game sucks. But others love it to death and with defend it to this day. Let's all cast deshell on each other and have some fun. And Snow still is the worse character in XIII. Just sayin'.
Bayonetta doesn't suck. Best gameplay in an action game EVER.


Hey, I love the combat system - my favorite FF one, certainly. But yes, I would like:
- AI Gambits (also available for the leader if auto-battle)
- Leader swapping
- Faster gameplay pacing in the first few chapters, giving players access to the full combat system much sooner

I wouldn't necessarily want full control since I tend to focus mostly on the paradigms, but being able to set gambits to dictate what kind of tactics I want the AI to for would be useful. It's an omission, sure, but it hasn't actually affected me yet to the point of calling it a significant flaw.


ezekial45 said:
Well said. I'm still enjoying the game, but i completely agree with all your criticisms. It seems like they got too caught up on the building the white engine and the environments and fell behind on the gameplay department. In that regard, SE really dropped the ball. Alot of the places seem like they last longer than they really need to. Hopefully they won't take this route on the next single player FF. Hopefully it will be similar to FFXII, imo.

I'm still enjoying the game and i don't regret the hours i've put into it. Then again, i did opt to rent it this time.

i disagree. the gameplay is mothereffin awesome.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
CcrooK said:
Have you tried out the Tales or Star Ocean games? They're pretty fast paced to. If people love a good fast paced battle system, I'd recommend checking those two out. Though Star Ocean 4 will test your will to live.
I hear it has characters even I wouldn't start a defense force for.


DY_nasty said:
Meh, thats an opinion kind of thing. I like playing Sentinel/Commando mainly because I get to dictate tempo and direct the the rest of my party to put in work without having to micro-manage everything. I like this a lot for some reason, which is weird because I hated FFXII. Its not for everyone... I won't be damning anyone for not liking the game or swearing brotherhood to all that do either.

I think that's a fascinating discussion really, which I'm actually really grateful to XIII for indirectly raising through this fundamental gameplay change.

How much control do players actually want in their games?

It differs widely by genre. In action games, for example, people complain when they aren't controlling every weapon swing or acrobatic maneuver. What I always thought the point and enormous strength of RPGs was, was that the genre was providing you with a way to control multiple characters at once. It started out primitively with turn-based comment, and FF (or I might be wrong, and another game should be credited with this) introduced ATB to bring 'time' and pressure to the table, while still allowing you to monitor and queue up commands for multiple characters. You were still commanding a team's every action, even if it was delayed.

Gambits were such a productive evolution of that train of thought. They removed the repetitive chore of mashing X for default actions. They were the perfect, non-boring form of micro-management. They were a set of "if" statements you designated in advance, and (this is crucial) - you could interrupt and modify them at any time mid-battle in response to unexpected shifts in battles (a frequent occurrence in boss fights). Better still, you could let them run their course and punctuate them with the necessary spells and abilities of your choosing, at any time, in any battle. If you wanted Character X to cast Firaga on Enemy X immediately, and then have them return to relentlessly meleeing the enemy without a second command, it could be done. If you wanted Shell up first on everyone, it could be done. This freedom is by and large absent in XIII. I miss it dearly.

I must confess something. My love of XII's battle system is clearly fueling my XIII-rage, and honestly, I'm deeply pissed that so many people ragged on XII's (brilliant) combat system with the complaint, "It just plays itself, I don't want the AI to control my characters" (remember Penny Arcade's strip?) and now, XIII is getting a free pass despite actually committing this gameplay sin, when XII never committed it in the first place if you even casually understood how gambits worked.

Quite honestly, I'm also really worried that future games may take their queue from FF, though I might be out of touch with how much impact FF games have on the genre at large anymore. I don't want the idea of AI-controlled main characters in one's party trailblazing their way into other games, no matter how smart the AI is.

I think it's dangerous that I can now cast Libra, and the auto-battle/AI features will automatically adapt to the enemy weaknesses. That's a very different thing from casting Scan, and adding "Water" or "Lightning" spells into your combat routine manually. It removes the actual "play" aspect. It's exactly like having the game take over for you, suggesting that "oh, you'd be going into your menu to cast Water or Lightning anyway, let me do it for you". I know I can ignore auto-battle and Libra. But the game's speed and intensity invites and often mandates that you take it up on the offer.


BocoDragon said:
I hear it has characters even I wouldn't start a defense force for.

Vanille makes the SO4 cast look extremely bad. But I like Vanille now. Although she needs to laugh less. A LOT less.


Even Vanille - freaking Vanille - is better than all the SO4 cast combined. Even her VA is better than SO4's cast combined. Her freaking VA. SO4 would have been a much better game if Vanille was the VA for all the characters.
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