As if the story in Vesperia is any better though.
I kind of wish they'd just give that series a rest for awhile, it's really getting old. Certainly ain't the Destiny heyday no more. The battle engine has lost any sheen and they're really just going through the same motions over and over.
For all of my ranting about XIII, I still think it's a fine title and one of the better games this generation for me (and one of the better FF titles, really), the difficulty level of the game being what it is would put the combat above most RPG's on it's damned own. =/ Back doing some post game hunting on Pulse now, really is the best part of the game.
Demons Souls is still this generations king of console games, easily, for me, still amazed that came from From Soft (even if I did like Kings Field) and is a console game at all, really. :lol