Just finished up a little earlier. Kinda indifferent on the game as a whole. I felt compelled to keep playing all the way through, but I don't think I was having much fun doing it.
Gonna post some thoughts on various aspects of the game. Keep in mind that I haven't played a FF since the 3 on PS1 (Not counting FF11). Also, I'm not as huge on JRPGs as I'm sure most of you are.
- A/V: This was one area where I was expecting a lot more. The music wasn't particularly memorable as a whole and it seemed like a lot of it was recycled throughout. And what was there felt more like background music than music that makes a good soundtrack. The visuals were an even bigger disappointment. Not that they were bad, but on a technical level I was expecting more. Though that might be the fault of all the fanboy wars earlier this generation that led me to expect more. On the art tech side it's hit and miss. I think it can be categorized in 3 ways:
Generic and ugly: This applies to some of the cave/factory areas. Pretty, but cut and pasted throughout: This applies to an area like that lab with the blue (I think) plants that Lighting and Hope go through relatively early in the game. These types of areas reminded me of dungeons you would see in a game like Phantasy Star Online. You might have an area that looks pretty initially, but every room/area in that area is basically the same thing but with a rearranged pillar here or a different set of enemies there. Finally, there is the straight up gorgeous stuff: Places like Gran Pulse and areas near the end. Though those places seem to be the areas that see hits in frame rate (At least on the 360 version).
Just not as impressed with the A/V as I thought/hoped I would be. Also, someone mentioned a page or two back how Gran Pulse style was much better than Cocoon style. I see that too, but Vanille isn't exactly a good argument to support that. Someone already mentioned the boots, but what caught my eye were her bead necklace things that were designed to make it look like she's wearing a tie. Like the character designers just had to figure out a way to get the "innocent" girl into a school girl-ish outfit. :lol
- Exploration:
Ok, this may be something I missed having gone from FF9 to FF13, but when did FF become this linear? Maybe it's cliched of me to expect the typical Town - Dungeon - Overworld - Repeat formula, but this game feels like one dungeon after another occasionally broken up by a piece of the story. I felt like I was playing a Ninja Gaiden or Resident Evil game just with a JRPG battle system. And based on how I mentioned I felt about the majority of the environments, it wasn't exactly the most fun exploration. Then there's the side quests. I haven't done any, but do they all amount to "Go kill blah blah blah enemy"? Weak if so.
- Battle System: I don't want to be too opinionated in this area since I went through the game in a number of marathon sessions and played it relatively safe by using Lightning, Snow, and Vanille for most of the game. But it wasn't my favorite battle system. The paradigm system reminds me of playing a tower defense game. Constantly making twitch adjustments depending on how the battle is going. I can see why people would like it, but it just started to feel tedious as the game went on. And like a TD game, the battles in this, at least vs. bosses, felt a lot more akin to a puzzler. I get that most JRPG boss fights are like figuring out a puzzle, but it seems to be more pronounced in this game. You can be struggling vs. a boss but as soon as you figure out the right paradigm combination the fight goes from being a challenge to being too easy. And unfortunately, with a lot of fights, that best way is the only viable way. This is most obvious when fighting the summons. I think even the developers understood that and that's why they decided to give so many of the latter bosses an instant KO move and have the whole death curse summon gimmick. Both things to spice it up a little. Between the exploration, or lack thereof, and my dislike of the battle system, I'm struggling to find a reason to ever replay the game.
- Story: Couple of things disappointed me here.
Throughout the game I was expecting the story to evolve into something more, but it pretty much was what it was from start to finish. It was focused (lolz), but not very dynamic. I was also annoyed by the presence of some of the crap that seems to plague so many stories of Japanese origin, at least in games, anime, etc... 1.) Character A has strong feelings towards character B (love, hate, etc...) and in order to display these feelings to the viewer/player the storyteller decides to hit you over the head with it. But at the same time they aren't ready for character B to understand character A's feelings so they keep him/her oblivious despite how stupidly obvious character A is. And that just undermines the storyteller's own character. Enter Snow/Hope early in the game. Hope practically could have been walking around with a shirt and sign that said "I hate Snow" or "Die Snow, Die!" and Snow still wouldn't have realized there was an issue there. 2.) Generic plot device: "HA! HA! Did you really think you made it this far on your own? I guided/wanted you to get this far! HA! HA!" Ugh, please keep that shit to generic power level shonen manga/anime.
Despite my mostly negative impressions I really don't think it's that bad of a game. It did keep me around long enough to finish and that's something. Solid 7 in my book.
Few other little random thoughts:
- Someone needs to give the girls of FF13 a steak or something. I'm not a chunky chaser, but these girls need to get some meat on their bones. All the girls have some twiggy ass legs. And it might make Snow/Serah look a little less awkward together. :lol
- Worst. Birthday. Ever. :lol
Vanille and Fang's forearm bump celebration is more awkward to watch than Tiger Woods and his caddy giving each other a high five. Especially when they did it between final bosses and you knew it was premature.
- Designer who likes instant KO moves so much needs to be locked up.
Surprisingly enough, I'm really digging the game thus far. Outside of press turn, this is probably my favorite battle system in recent RPG memory. I totally didn't expect to like it, but here I am.
I am currently on chapter 11, loving it! From playing the first NA release on NES, through almost all of them, this one is....accepted in the famlily, for me imo.
Characters are enjoyable and interesting enough, they develop and seem to be growing, very nice to see- I feel as they were developing 3 male and 3 female aspects to really give the player an experience of fullness, in that well...this sounds a bit weird, but i see all 6 characters as facets of possibly myself (the gamer), or any player as the 7th character in FF....oh boy...
I just cant believe I am posting on gaf, i have been lurking for almost a year and now my hands are all sweaty and here I am writing things I may regret-- my 1st post-- happy night!
Just hit Chapter 12, and the villains in this game are a joke. In fact, all characterization in general is a joke, it's either completely nonexistent, or completely ham-handed LOOK LOOK WE ARE BUILDING THE CHARACTERS type of nonsense. This may be just me getting older and thus less tolerant of this crap, but still.
Eden is super pretty
bunbun777 said:
I am currently on chapter 11, loving it! From playing the first NA release on NES, through almost all of them, this one is....accepted in the famlily, for me imo.
Characters are enjoyable and interesting enough, they develop and seem to be growing, very nice to see- I feel as they were developing 3 male and 3 female aspects to really give the player an experience of fullness, in that well...this sounds a bit weird, but i see all 6 characters as facets of possibly myself (the gamer), or any player as the 7th character in FF....oh boy...
I just cant believe I am posting on gaf, i have been lurking for almost a year and now my hands are all sweaty and here I am writing things I may regret-- my 1st post-- happy night!
No, no, you have to be negative to be accepted on GAF, like I just was. Unless it's Super Mario Galaxy, then you're fine, just give it endless, effusive praise.
more or less Vanille and Fang's story, which everyone else gets involved with in their own various ways.
Though I'll admit that they took a great deal of care in FF13 in trying to give everyone in the party reasonable motivations for what they're doing and why they're there, contrary to most JRPGs where the characters often feel like they're hanging out in your party because the game designers told them to. In that respect, it definitely feels more like an ensemble piece than most.
Yeah, she's integral to the story, but the hyperbole I've heard on the podcast lead me to believe that the game was going to be called Vanille's Final Fantasy by the end of the game and that never happens.
Chapter 9 boss is beyond lame. Everytime I get near the end he just uses Destrudo and one shots my whole team. Have to go back and grind for more HP....zzzz
You need to damage him enough while he's charging. If you do enough, he'll groan and the attack will be considerably weaker. Just use Relentless Assault at this stage and heal when you can.
Just hit Chapter 12, and the villains in this game are a joke. In fact, all characterization in general is a joke, it's either completely nonexistent, or completely ham-handed LOOK LOOK WE ARE BUILDING THE CHARACTERS type of nonsense. This may be just me getting older and thus less tolerant of this crap, but still.
Jill and her subordinate(?), I call him #2, man, they really were tools, and the speech #2 gave before getting gunned down, it was regurgitated fear and policy- which was unsettling not due to any characterization issues, but due to the fact that it could be considered evil possibly....following through on tenets that are not fully understood? ((as in I'Cie are evil, Sanctum needs to be protected, military is just obeying the will of the people) and then Bart-- talk about a know it all and no sense of humor-- Cid seemed throwaway, ---- what I am trying to say is so far to me the main "villains"
seem to be hopelessness, despair, submission to misplaced authority, uncertainty regarding focus... faceless enemies the 6 characters battle in themselves ((not to mention the eidolons)) -- I guess that is why I do not feel that let down with no real over the top villain yet ...
I beat the game a few hours ago. I was VERY underpowered and undergeared (all lvl.1 gear and level 3 classes lol). I was skipping a lot of enemies and the bosses were very tough with a playthrough like that. Needless to say, the last boss (2nd phase) was very difficult, but i tried different things and finally beat him (merciless judgment and instant KO FTL). It took me 33 hours without skipping any cutscenes. Best RPG this gen so far
Just beat it for the first time. The story sucked but overall a good game. I give it a 8/10. SE needs to get some better writers fast, the story they gave us was fucken retarded.
you're talking about, I did that thing on my second try in about 6 minutes. It's not hard at all, you just spend the first few turns in something like MED/SAB/SYN and then spam Libra on every part, or use a Librascope. Then once you've got all your buffs up (I think it's immune to all the debuffs you've got at that point, I know that I didn't land any), switch to the default RAV/COM/RAV and kill the turrets first, then the hulls, then after that the boss itself only has 1/8 life left or something and then you start hitting the boss itself. Whenever I saw somebody getting kind of low on HP, or at the end when it starts using its main cannon, I would switch to a MED/SAB/MED and wait a turn or two to fill up my HP and go back to RAV/COM/RAV. Easy 5 star rating.
I did the chapter 8 boss on my first try and got 4 stars. It wasn't worth trying to do it again for 5 stars.
Notice to people who don't know how to spoiler shit, see how I spoilered my shit? THAT'S HOW YOU USE SPOILER TAGS. :lol
1. Open your map then press square, you can view which missions you've discovered/completed and your rating in each.
2. The map will show any available stones in your current location.
3. In theory you can do all the missions, but some will be impossible to complete given their difficulty versus your stats during chapter 11. There are 64 missions in all.
You need to damage him enough while he's charging. If you do enough, he'll groan and the attack will be considerably weaker. Just use Relentless Assault at this stage and heal when you can.
Interesting, thanks. I'll give that a go. I usually spent the 20 or so seconds he spends charging up making sure everyone is at 100% health and buffed up, not that it helped...
Now up to 50% missions complete, all 5 star rankings, and got my growth egg! Did some grinding last night and now have at least one crystarium role maxed on everyone, some people with two of them maxed. Going to work on more missions tonight and try to make some progress there!
Not sure yet when I want to do more CP grinding or where a better place than the 6600CP battles exists that I can survive, but I think I'm at least good for a little while :lol
I decided to take on Mission 55 and get my lovely egg. I used death spam to kill the Ochu, but then the little ones ripped me to bits
I used SAB/SEN/SEN to spam death and switched to RAV/SEN/SEN for the little ones. I summoned at first and used its big shot for about 75k (roughly 50%) of their life, after that I just spammed Firaga, but that didn't really work out... Am I doing something wrong here or is the game basically telling me to come back later?
I decided to take on Mission 55 and get my lovely egg. I used death spam to kill the Ochu, but then the little ones ripped me to bits
I used SAB/SEN/SEN to spam death and switched to RAV/SEN/SEN for the little ones. I summoned at first and used its big shot for about 75k (roughly 50%) of their life, after that I just spammed Firaga, but that didn't really work out... Am I doing something wrong here or is the game basically telling me to come back later?
As a Final Fantasy 8 hater, and someone who could not give 12 more then a few hours of my time, at 25 hours I am really enjoying this game. I understand the hate for it. It is missing a lot of what makes the past games great. The things it does well though it does so well that I can forgive it for not living up to my expectations in other areas. As I said earlier, it is not a very good traditional Final Fantasy game, but it is great in its own way.
I decided to take on Mission 55 and get my lovely egg. I used death spam to kill the Ochu, but then the little ones ripped me to bits
I used SAB/SEN/SEN to spam death and switched to RAV/SEN/SEN for the little ones. I summoned at first and used its big shot for about 75k (roughly 50%) of their life, after that I just spammed Firaga, but that didn't really work out... Am I doing something wrong here or is the game basically telling me to come back later?
how are you supposed to kill them with Sab/Med/Med? I killed the big guy with Sab/Sen/Med casting Death and was staying alive easily but had no attacking paragon.. Rav/Sen/Med would have worked I assume but because I didnt have anything to hurt the little monsters I died.
how are you supposed to kill them with Sab/Med/Med? I killed the big guy with Sab/Sen/Med casting Death and was staying alive easily but had no attacking paragon.. Rav/Sen/Med would have worked I assume but because I didnt have anything to hurt the little monsters I died.
Ah I was talking about the initial Death spam phase. Once death has landed and Neochu has perished, then switch to something like RAV/RAV/MED or RAV/COM/MED. I didn't use a MED for the little ones because my stats were really high.
I decided to take on Mission 55 and get my lovely egg. I used death spam to kill the Ochu, but then the little ones ripped me to bits
I used SAB/SEN/SEN to spam death and switched to RAV/SEN/SEN for the little ones. I summoned at first and used its big shot for about 75k (roughly 50%) of their life, after that I just spammed Firaga, but that didn't really work out... Am I doing something wrong here or is the game basically telling me to come back later?
I initially used SAB/MED/SEN with Vanille, Hope, and Snow respectively. After the Ochu died, I realized that I slightly messed up by not having a RAV/MED/SEN combination. Instead, I only had RAV/RAV/SEN, MED/MED/SEN, and MED/SYN/SEN. Personally, having all of these combinations will cover all of the bases (just make sure to have Snow in permanent Sentinel status) and you should be able to 5-Star it despite how ungodly long it'll take to kill the little ones. After that, it comes down to Firaga spam and virtually nothing else. You only want to summon if you've seriously screwed up and both Hope and Snow died (And even then, you'll want to switch to Gestalt Mode as soon as her summon shows up).
Any attack as COM slows down the degrading of the Stagger gauge, you get best results after 2 turns of Attack, Attack, Attack and then just nuke the shit out of them. I think the ideal number of Attack is about 5-6 before you start the spell spam to make sure the Stagger gauge doesn't drop too fast and kill your chain.
Having just finished Eternal Sonata (with its 45 minute or so ending), I think this game had an adequate ending, though I wonder what happened to
Bartholomew (Hope's Father) and the Team NORA gang
. The ending addressed a few concerns though the cutscene paled in comparison with the Parade shown in Nautilus, now that was amazing cinematography.
If Vanille and Fang can turn everyone who turned into crystal back, why didnt they keep themselves from turning into crystal, they were essentially omnipotent, lol
I just killed chapter 11 boss, now I'll do all the missions before moving on, 50 hours right now.
I have a question
WTF Vanilles robot is talking about and what are the items he gave me? I had to turn off the game and didn't get the chance to see what were those items
Edit: where was this place I could farm CP like crazy, keep in mind that I have total access to all areas of chapter 11.
Not a big Nomura nut but Fang is easily the best designed female in the entire franchise, IMO. Great, classy design that mixes functionality from the old and new.
Running around with Fang, doing the Pulse sections, exploring and item/monster hunting really redeemed the game in the end for me. Made me want a XIII-2 that focuses way more on Pulse in general and provides that same kind of XII/X-2 fusion the whole way. Best of both worlds.
Not a big Nomura nut but Fang is easily the best designed female in the entire franchise, IMO. Great, classy design that mixes functionality from the old and new.
Agreed. Fang is awesome. Definitely the best designed character in the game, and I'd agree that she's the best designed female character in the entire franchise (with Lightning as 2nd best), plus even her VA is solid.
Running around with Fang, doing the Pulse sections, exploring and item/monster hunting really redeemed the game in the end for me. Made me want a XIII-2 that focuses way more on Pulse in general and provides that same kind of XII/X-2 fusion the whole way. Best of both worlds.
Not a big Nomura nut but Fang is easily the best designed female in the entire franchise, IMO. Great, classy design that mixes functionality from the old and new.
Running around with Fang, doing the Pulse sections, exploring and item/monster hunting really redeemed the game in the end for me. Made me want a XIII-2 that focuses way more on Pulse in general and provides that same kind of XII/X-2 fusion the whole way. Best of both worlds.
The best place I found, is on the way to Mah'habra (sp?) there is a Behemoth and a Megisthorian (big ass wolf) fighting. It is a guaranteed preemptive strike and an easy 6600 cp. Before I went on with Chapter 11 after being introduced to the Archelyte Steppe I was able to kill them in about 40 seconds which gave 5 stars. Always kill the Behemoth first and fast because he will stand up if you don't get him staggered ASAP.
I just killed chapter 11 boss, now I'll do all the missions before moving on, 50 hours right now.
I have a question
WTF Vanilles robot is talking about and what are the items he gave me? I had to turn off the game and didn't get the chance to see what were those items
Edit: where was this place I could farm CP like crazy, keep in mind that I have total access to all areas of chapter 11.
Gran Pulse - Near a save point, down a ramp (on your way to ouerba) you find a Behemoth fighting another thing. That fight is always a pre-emptive battle and gives 6600 CP normally and is easily re-spawnable (just run 2 feet past the save point). The fight lasts 6 seconds for me.
wooo, got that fucking grow egg. im already sore from pressing a so much (i hammer on it through entire battles, even when paragon shifting.. no idea why, it just makes me feel like im making it go faster i guess :lol ) but now my thumb is killing me.
Yeah I found myself liking her design and model a lot. There is unfortunately one angle where she looks kind of weird (its in an ending cutscene) however other than that, awesome. I found myself caring about her character throughout the game as well. I like her battle quotes to Hope, lol.
Speaking of character design, I find it funny how with almost every single character in this game, I either absolutely love or completely hate their design.
Five of the six playable characters have excellent designs, and are far beyond what I had ever expected of Nomura. Sazh is particularly excellent - probably my favorite character design in the whole game.
However, the overwhelming majority of the NPCs - specifically folks like Cid, Yaag, and Jihl - look like the generic crap that Nomura's been churning out for years. And though I like him as a character, Hope sadly falls into this category as well.
Speaking of character design, I find it funny how with almost every single character in this game, I either absolutely love or completely hate their design.
Five of the six playable characters have excellent designs, and are far beyond what I had ever expected of Nomura. Sazh is particularly excellent - probably my favorite character design in the whole game.
However, the overwhelming majority of the NPCs - specifically folks like Cid, Yaag, and Jihl - look like the generic crap that Nomura's been churning out for years. And though I like him as a character, Hope sadly falls into this category as well.
I'm really regretting not doing the missions my first time through. I walked all the way back from the end of Ch 11 to the main Gran Pulse area (which wasn't even the bad part), but now trying to walk all over without the warps is kind of a pain in the ass. At least I'm opening them up now though so my trip back will be easier.
I'm still getting hardly any 5 stars on the missions though, even with Sprint Shoes equipped. I'm sure I need to adjust my strategy a little bit, but for the most part I'm paradigm cancelling two RAV/COM/RAV setups with Lightning/Fang/Vanille (I'm not healing or debuffing much, if at all).
Does the item that increases the time allowed for 5 stars increase by a significant amount?