me either.. but i guess the tower boss, and the chapter 11 end boss just has so much HP.. that its kinda not that hard to see it casted on you.
LethaL ImpuLse said:So has anyone else had trouble on Barthandelus? I think I've tried at least 20 times now and it's getting pretty frustrating. With a sentinel build I can get him to about a quarter of his HP and then he ends up casting doom on me. Then, yeah, it's all downhill from there.2nd fight, chapter 11 boss
FateBreaker said:Can someone please answer my question?Reiteration: are the field items that boost your stamia, haste you, higher defense/attack, etc,etc, buyable in the stores? I can't see any, but it seems awfully weird that in ch 11 (which is where I'm at) I haven't found that option. Please tell me I'm blind, and then tell me which store they are at.
Dresden said:Wait, sab can stagger better than rav? I just heard that right now, does it mean that instead of running Light/Vanille/Hope, I can run Fang/Vanille/Hope? I figure that I can just use double sab/rav instead of triple rav for fast stagger fillers.
See, this is the kind of thing they should put in the datalog. I was wondering how old Vanille was, given the constant references to her being a 'kid' and her not really looking like one at all, unlike Serah, who is clearly a 12 year old being passed off as an adult to make Snow seem less like a pedophile. (Note to Square: Doesn't work.)Zoe said:Serah's 18, Vanille's 19. Hope is the only underage character at 14.
I love Vanille, but her fur boots are an affront to humanity.icarus-daedelus said:3) it was all about Fang and Vanille kicking giant monster ass and hanging out with fellow hot ladies on Gran Pulse, with their better fashion sense than Cocoonians.
dreamer3kx said:WTF, Im a good 24 hours in and still getting tutorials, love the game but this is ridiculous.
Toki767 said:I don't know why everyone complains about Doom...I've never had a non-Eidolon boss cast it on me.
Until the the last boss.
I know, but that was the only time a boss used doom on me which is why I wasn't understanding where all these complaints about doom were coming from. :lolRpgmonkey said:The last boss is about as easy as the last Sephiroth fight and Yu Yevon though. :lol
neoism said:sorry if it's been asked but I just seen this video(About the Auto Haste shoes), and was wondering way does he buy 4 accessories, and dismantle them, what is the purpose!
I dislike the boots because they draw attention to themselves... like, there were moments in the game where I couldn't concentrate on anything else on screen but her stupid boots. But yeah... Gran Pulse obviously has much better fashion designers in general than Cocoon. Even if both worlds have a strange fixation on very short shorts.Dresden said:I love Vanille, but her fur boots are an affront to humanity.
Asides from that, agreed.
icarus-daedelus said:I dislike the boots because they draw attention to themselves... like, there were moments in the game where I couldn't concentrate on anything else on screen but her stupid boots. But yeah... Gran Pulse obviously has much better fashion designers in general than Cocoon. Even if both worlds have a strange fixation on very short shorts.
I like Vanille too, I think she gets more interesting as the game goes on, and I even think her VA even gets gradually more tolerable. It probably helps that the game switches back and forth between different characters with a fair frequency for half the game, so that none of them ever really got enough screen time to get on my nerves. Hope did get really close, though.
I think people only feel that she dominates the plot because she narrates the story and things are told to us from her perspective.firehawk12 said:You know, people were complaining that she dominates the plot of the game but I never saw it. Even when the story was about her, it was always connected to either Sahz or Fang.
Well, to me it seems like the game isfirehawk12 said:You know, people were complaining that she dominates the plot of the game but I never saw it. Even when the story was about her, it was always connected to either Sahz or Fang.
Although I'm powering through the thing and I'll likely be finished by tomorrow, there are points in the game that just feel exhausting, like chapter 9. If I were completing this game in a normal fashion I'd probably play it a max of 2-3 hours at a time.Jamesfrom818 said:Ugh at obligatory tower climbing. I'm officially tired of this game.
Jamesfrom818 said:Ugh at obligatory tower climbing. I'm officially tired of this game.
icarus-daedelus said:Although I'm powering through the thing and I'll likely be finished by tomorrow, there are points in the game that just feel exhausting, like chapter 9. If I were completing this game in a normal fashion I'd probably play it a max of 2-3 hours at a time.
Yeah, I hardly got to play this at all last week, even though it arrived in the mail last Wednesday, so I've been playing for about ten hours per day the past three days. Mostly because I have the week off. I love the game, but I really need a break from it. :lol Definitely not the ideal way to play this (or any) game, but what can you do...KTallguy said:Yea, I think it's best if you don't marathon this game. More fun that way.
Yes. Just needs over 100k+ in one attack. Usually the final attack will do.Nose Master said:Does a summon's final attack count towards the 100k+ damage on a single hit achievement?
Bahamut!Nose Master said:Does a summon's final attack count towards the 100k+ damage on a single hit achievement?
I rushed through the story in this game just to play God of War 3. :lolYoshichan said:God I feel weird for not have played this game for 24 hours now O_O I drove around the country to find God of War 3 Trilogy Edition yesterday so I was damn tired when I got back home :lol BRB while I finish the game, then I'll come back here <3
KTallguy said:Yea, I think it's best if you don't marathon this game. More fun that way.
Kagari said:I believe so yes...
dustytruly said:FUCK the neverending final boss battle... please tell me the golden clock is the fucking end... i've really had enough of it at this time of night... they need to at least offer a save halfway through these tedious boss fights
blah... i'm mostly talking about the lengthy cut scene in between... just beat the clock... it's done right? lolKyoufu said:The final boss battle is not long at all and if it is taking you a long time then you're doing it wrong. I posted a quick and easy strategy a few pages back which will get you the 5 star trophy.
Kinan said:Damn, this game is beautiful. Excellent art plus high technical quality makes one of the prettiest pictures of this generation.
dustytruly said:blah... i'm mostly talking about the lengthy cut scene in between... just beat the clock... it's done right? lol
woop!... thanks for the strategiessss!!Kyoufu said:You can just skip the scene! You're done though.
I don't know if it's just me, but the ending seemed kind of....short? :loldustytruly said:the game was pretty enjoyable but i'm glad i'm finished... i don't really wanna play it much more, i'm not too interested in perfecting it like previous FFs... ehh.. it ended nicely... but i was expecting more...
i dunno... lol it was alright
yep... incredibly short... like... BLAM ~fin~Toki767 said:I don't know if it's just me, but the ending seemed kind of....short? :lol
Thankfully no.Voyevoda007 said:Quick question about the final boss
If I lose towould I have to fightOrphanagain ? .dysley
i found it so frustrating when i had to switch to 3 chars... i felt so comfortable with 2, it was easy to heal and focus damage... lol sounds lame but i really miss playing only 2 charactersFirestorm said:Yeesh, Chapter 7 boss. I had to go COM/SEN/MED for most of the battle :lol 11 minutes.
I really hate how most of the last 13 hours have been with only two characters at a time. The battle system is just so much more fun with three.