Thrakier said:OMG, Chapter 9.Sooooooo annoying and boring, please tell me that this is the worst chapter. Enemies take forever and there are tons of it, "dungeon" design is boring, it drags on and
rusashi said:I gotta say I really hate chapter 12. Did they think it'd be a good idea to put Behemoths and Adamantoise every two steps? Up until now Id been able to fight every opponent no problem, they definitely put way too many in chapter 12.
Rpgmonkey said:Those are some of the BS enemy groups I was saying appear in the late-game, lol.
I tried a couple and got through just fine, but at some point I see even more annoying enemies paired together, then just said "screw this game" and avoided almost everything I could from that point on.
Have fun with the final dungeon. :lol
WTF IMO the ship is one of the better looking areas in the game... the outdoor sections are awesome looking! I think you're all just hating because of the suffocating linear hell you've been subjected to for 20 hours. Why so mad? :lolAmir0x said:holy shit yes. easily the worst ship dungeon ever! The corridors are boring to look at, and they're populated with the same pathetically easy guards and drones everywhere! This honestly feels like some cheap DLC that some fourth rate RPG released on XBL for 200 ms points.
BocoDragon said:WTF IMO the ship is one of the better looking areas in the game... the outdoor sections are awesome looking! I think you're all just hating because of the suffocating linear hell you've been subjected to for 20 hours. Why so mad? :lol
worldrevolution said:Wait, Amir0x is playing the game? I thought he wasn't going to since he knew it wasn't for him.. or am I completely wrong.
Thrakier said:OMG, Chapter 9.Sooooooo annoying and boring, please tell me that this is the worst chapter. Enemies take forever and there are tons of it, "dungeon" design is boring, it drags on and
BocoDragon said:WTF IMO the ship is one of the better looking areas in the game... the outdoor sections are awesome looking! I think you're all just hating because of the suffocating linear hell you've been subjected to for 20 hours. Why so mad? :lol
RPGCrazied said:any tips on that guy?
Amir0x said:The ship is just a mess of design. Most of the time, it's nonsensically laid out linear landing docks followed by endless red hallways of repeating textures everywhere. And to top it off, most of the time you have to hear a goddamn alarm. WOOO WOOO WOOO FUCK YOU SHUT OFF! And the enemies are so dull and it's fucking palette swap heaven everywhere.
DigitalDevil said:this is funny to me :lol
I loved P4 but soared through it with ease... while FFXIII I'm finding to have quite a bit of challenge. I'm only at chapter 8 right now because I have limited time to play, but so far I have probably died 20-30 times....
RPGCrazied said:any tips on that guy?
I think it's about as good as the other level designs pre-Pulse... which is not say, it's not. Zig zags, straight lines... whatever, it's all the same.Amir0x said:I seriously cannot possibly imagine anyone designing a worse RPG dungeon than this ship. I am being completely serious. There were tons of other linear chapters so far (read: every single one) that I didn't single out because they still looked pretty most of the time in their own way.
The ship is just a mess of design. Most of the time, it's nonsensically laid out linear landing docks followed by endless red hallways of repeating textures everywhere. And to top it off, most of the time you have to hear a goddamn alarm. WOOO WOOO WOOO FUCK YOU SHUT OFF! And the enemies are so dull and it's fucking palette swap heaven everywhere.
I would not pay 200ms points for this dungeon if it was downloadable.
BocoDragon said:I think it's about as good as the other level designs pre-Pulse... which is not say, it's not. Zig zags, straight lines... whatever, it's all the same.
I did particularly like the art when you were on the outside sections of the level.. so in that sense I liked it more than, say, Vile Peaks. Joking aside, I do think it's the weight of all the other shitty linearity that's making you take it out on the Palamecia- that level isn't worse in particular IMO... not that I blame you.
I enjoy aspects of this game. The level design for Chapter 1-10 is not one of them.
mibm said:I don't normally support horse armor dlc tactics, but I would buy a gold egg item in an instant.
MechaX said:I think these Adamantoises are going to drive me insane.
Death seemingly works once in a blue moon, and when trying to fight it normally, my medics are too fucking stupid to actually heal the party to full health. When playing as the medic, the Commando person always decides to target any body part at random and the Saboteur always likes to use hodge-podge combinations of debuffs rather than just sticking with one and switching when it lands. I really, really miss gambits at this point.
cosmicblizzard said:I love the chapter 9 ship design :/
george_us said:Just got to Gran Pulse. Fuck why the hell isn't this the majority of the game instead of it being accessible 30 freaking hours into the game. You should only be in Cocoon maybe the first ten hours or so. Gran Pulse has such a great sense of mystery to it that I just want to run around and explore everything. Fuck Square you stupid sons of bitches. Every piece of DLC you have planned for FFXIII better take place exclusively on Gran Pulse.
Amir0x said:it looks really neat from the outside in the CG cutscene!
MechaX said:I think these Adamantoises are going to drive me insane.
Death seemingly works once in a blue moon, and when trying to fight it normally, my medics are too fucking stupid to actually heal the party to full health. When playing as the medic, the Commando person always decides to target any body part at random and the Saboteur always likes to use hodge-podge combinations of debuffs rather than just sticking with one and switching when it lands. I really, really miss gambits at this point.
Unknown Soldier said:Sounds like we have another recruit for the VDF.![]()
Amir0x said:well i explained in exact details where the hate is coming from so obviously if you don't care about those significant issues then that's probably why it's somehow different for you.
preeeetty easy to understand where the hate is coming from when you're being given a roadmap.
Could you give a bit more detail about what you think would be an advisable setup for doing this? Which other two characters would be a good idea, any particular equipment, et cetera. I've maxed out the three main roles with everyone and am decently far along (at the 21,000 CP cost tier) in the secondary roles, and any method for taking these guys out that doesn't involve grinding for TP between battles would be invaluable.onken said:How far along is your CP development? They're fairly easy to kill without death-spam/support smoke fairly soon. Use Fang as your main, her high wind technique (or whatever it's called) is invaluable. Don't forget Genji gloves.
SYN/SYN/MED (apply buffs, especially haste and brave)
COM/RAV/MED (go after a leg)
RAV/RAV/MED (stagger the leg)
COM/RAV/MED (take leg out using high wind, go after the other leg)
RAV/RAV/MED (stagger the other leg)
COM/RAV/MED (take out the other leg, wait for it to fall over)
SAB/SAB/SAB (make sure weak, deprotect, deshell sticks)
RAV/RAV/RAV (get the stagger bar up to ~950%)
COM/COM/COM (as long as you're buffed up you should kill it, you can try using high wind again towards the end if your stagger bar is about to run out)
Elios83 said:Just finished the game in about 50 hours.
I definetly enjoyed it, graphics and fighting system are top notch. I don't think the main issue with the game is linearity but the absence of towns/villages where you can break the continous flow of fight-> story cutscene-> an other fight. Ok this is how action adventure and fps games work but this is a 50 hours RPG. It was just a bad design choice maybe forced by a troubled and prolonged development like the team hinted at.
Btw I'd like to discuss about the always japanese story are not that clear :lol
What I don't get is why the Cocoon Fal'Cies long for Cocoon destruction? It seems like Orphan just wants to die because it prefers death to life :lol while Baldanders wants the world to be recreated by the goddess but why? They want the goddess to give fal'Cies the freedom that she gave to the human race? How can he be so sure of what the goddess is gonna do if Coccoon gets destroyed?
The reason behind the main villain doings should be explained more convincingly by the game....
The actual Focus of Lightning and crew was to destroy the Coccoon Fal'Cies and save Coccon from falling on Pulse by summoning Ragnarok, right? So in that sense Pulse Fal'Cie Anima knew what was gonna happen?
Why the original war between Pulse and Coccoon started in first place? The goddess prevented Fang from destroying Coccoon?
If you're trying to argue that with the comparison of this one level compared to the others, which I perceive to all be about the same (awful), one is much worse than the others... what else can I say but "I guess the game has led you to madness." it's a comment in jest, not some psychological profile of Amirox. Like I care that much about you and your decision making process. :lolAmir0x said:you're always trying to tell me where you think my opinion is coming from
BOCODRAGON, I know why I feel the way I do! It's not because of some pent up anger about the linearity - I've expressed my feelings on that nonstop for days and weeks! I have no need to "release" anything!
Fuu said:Random question that I saw asked in the thread days ago but I can't remember the answer and I can't find it right now: is there any inherent advantage to mixing different types of attacks like the AI does? As in, instead of using sparkstrike>sparkstrike>sparkstrike>sparkstrike I go for thunder>sparkstrike>thunder>sparkstrike?
7Th said:-Cocoon's fal'Cie were created by Lindze, a "fallen" God. Lindze is probably Barthandelus himself. Barthandelus just wanted the Maker to come back and rebuild the world because he thought the world had become too much of a mess to handle.
-Nope. Anima's Focus for the main characters was indeed to destroy Cocoon. The purpose of Lightning, Snow, Sazh and Hope was to get the Chosen, Vanille and Fang, to Orphan. Vanille and Fang's destiny was to destroy Orphan and Cocoon by becoming Ragnarok. In the ending, it just happened that Vanille and Fang "destroyed" Cocoon in their own way by crystallizing it and preventing the death of everyone inside.
-The original War of Transgression started when Cocoon, as its population grew to unsustainable levels, began to loot stuff from Pulse and, as it would be expected, people from Pulse tried to fight back against this Cocoon invasion. Fang and Vanille became l'Cie during this period.
-Fang's Ragnarok failed to destroy Cocoon because it was an incomplete Ragnarok. Ragnarok, the Beast capable of actually destroying Cocoon and Orphan, can only be "summoned" by Fang and Vanille together.
jiien said:As far as I know, no there isn't. AI just does that because both moves are viable, and it's less boring than doing the same thing all the time?
However, as a user (for the one character you can control), it may be worth using attacks with low "recoil" (can't think of the real word right now), as in, attacks where the animation is quicker, and so there is less downtime. For example, alternating the strikes and casting skills seems to take longer than just simply using all strikes or all casts, because the animations have to alternate. So there may actually be a benefit to using all of one, rather than mixing them up, but the AI doesn't take this into account and just uses both because elementally for that monster, both are viable.
At least, that's what I think.
xintin said:Im at the end of Ch.11 I think,If Ijust beat Barthandelus in Oerbaget on the airship to Cocoon, can I come back to Pulse or is that it?
MechaX said:Death seemingly works once in a blue moon
jiien said:As far as I know, no there isn't. AI just does that because both moves are viable, and it's less boring than doing the same thing all the time?
However, as a user (for the one character you can control), it may be worth using attacks with low "recoil" (can't think of the real word right now), as in, attacks where the animation is quicker, and so there is less downtime. For example, alternating the strikes and casting skills seems to take longer than just simply using all strikes or all casts, because the animations have to alternate. So there may actually be a benefit to using all of one, rather than mixing them up, but the AI doesn't take this into account and just uses both because elementally for that monster, both are viable.
At least, that's what I think.
Thanks.Llyranor said:Seems to be mostly for show, I think all that really matters is the enemy's elemental weaknesses and resistance to physical/magic.
Diebuster said:Beat. The amount of bullshit he pulled in that fight was fucking ridiculous. Holy shit. Having to start over after getting Doomed was not pleasant.Cid![]()
Amir0x said:holy shit yes. easily the worst ship dungeon ever! The corridors are boring to look at, and they're populated with the same pathetically easy guards and drones everywhere! This honestly feels like some cheap DLC that some fourth rate RPG released on XBL for 200 ms points.
This is the worst chapter by far. And that's saying something! This slog through the first 10 chapters to hopefully hit this pinnacle in chapter 11 feels like i'm participating in The Passion or something. This is how Jesus felt wearing the crown of thorns!
Chapter 11 is like the resurrection. Or just a cold splash of water to wake one up from the slumber of the glazed eye march.