Naeblish said:I'm on ch7 my self, been reading up on the last few pages, basically what i got from it is that all chapters till 11 are boring and linear, 9 and 10 being the worst. Chapter 11 is heaven. Chapter 12 has too many enemies. Greeeaat, can't wait to play more tonight :lol .
Unknown Soldier said:Chapter 10:
Okay, I guess I must have lucked out and had the right Paradigm configurations sinceapparently changes his patterns based on what your party's patterns are. I somehow got him to a stagger and raped him for 7/8 of his life bar in a matter of seconds. Then it took me another 4 minutes to grind that last bit down because he was constantly in Guard. But I beat him in 6 minutes and change and got the 5 star rating! :lolCid
Meanwhile, the dungeon itself is absolutely fucking atrocious. I actually thought this was going to be a short dungeon like Chapter 8, just killand it's off to Gran Pulse. But nooooooooooo, first the designers want me to go through this fucking bullshit! I never thought I would find another level that I would curse as much as The Infamous Library of identical blue rooms in the original Halo, but this bullshit dungeon matches it. It's just a bunch of identical rooms cut and pasted together with the same bullshit enemies in different patterns. I mean, the Chapter 9 dungeon at least had you going inside and outside and every part of the level looked different. This whole chapter is just identical orange room after identical orange room. Fuck the level designers who thought this shit would fly in this day and age. Halo had a lot of repetitiveness because it had to be finished by the Xbox's launch and it was even cancelled before being resurrected. Squenix had 5 years to make this game, so what the fuck is this shit?Cid
God, I can't wait to be outside exploring Gran Pulse in Chapter 11 after this total pile of bull-fucking-horseshit. Fuck Chapter 10.
Reposting this, anyone know? I really hate feeling like I may miss a weapon.Skel said:Question about Chapter 11 - Taejin's Tower specifically
Not sure if it's a spoiler, but I'll spoiler just in case.
On the third tier (right after the fight with 5 Pulsework Gladiators) the guide says there should be a chest right at the top of the steps with a "Simurgh" weapon in it. When I go to where it says it should be I hear the chest sound but do not see it. Is this unlocked after a certain point in the dungeon or what?
badcrumble said:Could you give a bit more detail about what you think would be an advisable setup for doing this? Which other two characters would be a good idea, any particular equipment, et cetera. I've maxed out the three main roles with everyone and am decently far along (at the 21,000 CP cost tier) in the secondary roles, and any method for taking these guys out that doesn't involve grinding for TP between battles would be invaluable.
Upgrading it won't do a thing.dk_ said:Why should I upgrade the sprint shoes (+star)? Does it have any effect or wasted resources?
7Th said:It's mostly information from the LE Guide and the Analects, but the bit aboutFang's Ragnarok being incomplete due to the lack of Vanille is my interpretation as, in the Analects, they're BOTH called the Chosen that have to bear the burden of the Beast.
Anyway,Barthandelus/Balanders motivation and what really happened 600 years ago with Fang and Vanille's Focus are a total cloud of ambiguity... but I can still tell you that you got something very wrong: the Goddess that stopped Fang's Ragnarok and the Maker that Barthandelus wants to call back are different entities. The Goddess that stopped Fang's Ragnarok is some sort of "divine providence" and the she made it so that they were both crystallized despite not fully completing their Focus; the Maker that Barthandelus wants to call back is God Pulse, creator of the land, humans and the fal'Cie.
PuppetMaster said:Only one trophy left till platinum! Stupid all items and weapons trophy.
Equip the first tier weapons, 5-staring them will be easier.lljride said:Just asking because I'm having a hard time getting 5 stars with even some of the earlier missions, but I haven't really started grinding a ton yet.
PuppetMaster said:Only one trophy left till platinum! Stupid all items and weapons trophy.
Scythesurge said:Last night was the first night I didn't get to play this game since it came out :-(
I want to be done with chapter 10 already
Llyranor said:Alright, chapter 11 and the game opened up. Just did a few hunts and the battles have been pretty nice. Now that I can change leaders around, setting up different parties and paradigms has gotten even better.
People may not like it, but I quite like the fact that you can just retry battles at will. Gives you ample opportunity to reassess what went wrong, and figure out some new battle tactics/paradigms to compensate. Good stuff. I love this kind of on-the-fly customization.
squall211 said:Ok, stupid question.
How do I ride a chocobo? I see them in the field, but I can't do anything with them. Is there a certain mission I have to finish first?
psy18 said:Any tips to quickly dispose? Really hate their insta-death and debuffs. Some fights becomes way too long.Sacrifice
psy18 said:Any tips to quickly dispose? Really hate their insta-death and debuffs. Some fights becomes way too long.Sacrifice
Yeah, I upgraded one thing, and quickly realized I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I'd like more upgrading info also.careful said:What's the argument again for saving all my weapon upgrades until Ch. 11? (Put it in noob terms please) I'm not sure I get it. I'm currently at Ch. 6 and have the Gladius at level 11 I think.
careful said:What's the argument again for saving all my weapon upgrades until Ch. 11? (Put it in noob terms please) I'm not sure I get it. I'm currently at Ch. 6 and have the Gladius at level 11 I think.
Skel said:Reposting this, anyone know? I really hate feeling like I may miss a weapon.
Lost Fragment said:Apparently there's a dude doing a no crystarium run whose made it up to the chapter 9 boss.
jiien said:Well, the argument is generally that you don't HAVE to upgrade at all throughout the whole game, really, and the only point where it may become necessary is in chapter 11 and beyond. However, there's also no harm in doing so beforehand. It's just that when weapon upgrading becomes more important, you'll actually have access to and money for materials that will make it much easier. And that doesn't happen till chapter 11.
Me too, so i went on looking for a good guide. Found this:Revengeance said:Yeah, I upgraded one thing, and quickly realized I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I'd like more upgrading info also.
I leik Halo said:I'm about 3 hours into the game, and I was wondering if the music gets better later on. The soundtrack just seems.......... so plain.
I leik Halo said:I'm about 3 hours into the game, and I was wondering if the music gets better later on. The soundtrack just seems.......... so plain.
Kaijima said:There's a lot more variety later on. There's some nice jazz tracks, more vocals and singing, and even some chill-out and trance-like stuff.
The OST is movie-like and tied to the emotions on screen and the locals; it builds up as the game progresses.
Zoe said:It's mostly about having more resources at your disposal. If you rack up a 3x bonus, you want to be able to max out the weapon right then and there. Otherwise you'll lose the bonus and have to wait and throw away more of the multiplier materials later on.
Rpgmonkey said:Taking out turtles like Mario now.![]()
Still kind of a boring grind, but it's much less repetitive than the Death method.
Awesome, Thanks! Bookmarked for later.Naeblish said:Me too, so i went on looking for a good guide. Found this:;title
And a nice overview of all the weapons:
Skel said:Question about dismantling.
So I just finishedand as a reward got the Tetradic Tiara. Now everything I have been reading says this should dismantle into Sprint Shoes, but I tried it twice and both times it turned into a Vial of Perfume.Taejin's Tower and defeated Dahaka
Is it just a random chance to turn into different items, so I basically have to keep loading until I get the Sprint Shoes? Or how does it work exactly?
Thanks much.
Skel said:Question about dismantling.
So I just finishedand as a reward got the Tetradic Tiara. Now everything I have been reading says this should dismantle into Sprint Shoes, but I tried it twice and both times it turned into a Vial of Perfume.Taejin's Tower and defeated Dahaka
Is it just a random chance to turn into different items, so I basically have to keep loading until I get the Sprint Shoes? Or how does it work exactly?
Thanks much.
dreamer3kx said:Just got up to Chap 10, wow some of these enemies are harder for sure, so how should I go about this Chap?
lljride said:I did it without dismantling 4 items before, I think that was just in the JP version. Did you upgrade the Tiara to LV 2/*?
Dedication Through Light said:Theres a group of 10 of those slugs in that chapter that yield nice amounts of CP and in a spot that easy to respawn (you just jump up four legs and back). I stayed there and maxed the three mainroles of my characters Crysterium out. Its a perfect spot to do that. Thats all for that then run through the level
Trav said:One bad thing about the speed of battles is you really don't get a chance to analyze, and therefore better strategize, damage being done.
I feel the same. I have tried sometimes to check how much damage a certain spell or attack would do for comparison purposes but it gets hard when the enemy is drowned in like 5 different sets of 4 digit numbers of the same color.Trav said:One bad thing about the speed of battles is you really don't get a chance to analyze, and therefore better strategize, damage being done. Have you noticed that the help text for the -ra spells say something like, "Does increased damaged when staggered"?
That's a bit misleading, everything does more damage when staggered. From my own tests, -ra spells do less damage to a single target than 2 regular spells, staggered or not. Anyone else trying to pick apart the damage system?
Yea I just saw that in the guide, I missed it beforehand. Looks easy for the Tiara too since it has a max level of 2.jiien said:I can confirm this, you DON'T need to dismantle items before hand. Simply upgrade the Tiara to * first, and then dismantle. In fact, if you ever dismantle anything, you should always upgrade it to * first.