Axis Blade is awesome especially with a large group of enemies.
george_us said:Sois impossible. I've tried every goddamn strategy I can find and he still rapes the shit out of me. I guess this is a good place to shelve the game if I have to grind to beat him.Hecatoncheir
Himuro said:Shadow, post the image from Versus of the blonde kid with that chimpmunk grin. :lol
This would work beautifully if Fang wasn't retarded and used everything but Mediguard so I wouldn't have to heal her. As it stands I have to switch to healing lest Vanille wants to get stomped too. Do I need to grind a bit or something?Kagari said:Saboteur with Vanille, Sentinel with Fang.
Big Papa Husker said:Once you figured out the pattern he was pretty easy. I agree, when he started healing himself for 10k I was getting pretty annoyed and pissed. :lol
george_us said:This would work beautifully if Fang wasn't retarded and used everything but Mediguard so I wouldn't have to heal her. As it stands I have to switch to healing lest Vanille wants to get stomped too. Do I need to grind a bit or something?
george_us said:This would work beautifully if Fang wasn't retarded and used everything but Mediguard so I wouldn't have to heal her. As it stands I have to switch to healing lest Vanille wants to get stomped too. Do I need to grind a bit or something?
That guy HAS to have trouble seeing through all of that hair in his face.Shadow780 said:
Himuro said:How the fuck does summoning work anyways? It doesn't seem to do much damage.
Himuro said:How the fuck does summoning work anyways? It doesn't seem to do much damage.
Himuro said:How the fuck does summoning work anyways? It doesn't seem to do much damage.
Summoning it much better in this game, probably the best in the series, as it's not a win button anymore and actually requires some strategy. Using summons in Normal Mode is also genius because many of them act as combined classes.Himuro said:How the fuck does summoning work anyways? It doesn't seem to do much damage.
Snipes424 said:Where is this?
Big Papa Husker said:Once you figured out the pattern he was pretty easy. I agree, when he started healing himself for 10k I was getting pretty annoyed and pissed. :lol
Gamer @ Heart said:I just beat the game 15 minutes ago. It made me appreciate the song "My Hands" much more than i already do. I even "get" the logo of the game now.
The endings wheresomeone sacrifices themselves, heroically or willingly, always hit me the hardest. Its so much more moving than when everyone walks away happy. I didnt much care for vannille until right at that moment.
What a fantastic ride.
Vect said:If I want to get 3 Traps from dismantling Vanille and Fangs weapon I must first level them up to their max right? Jesus, more farm incoming if so. But I've found it very easy to defeat those Adamantortoises now; summon Bahamut while Fang's debuff the shit out of the thing.
Gamer @ Heart said:How fast does that work for you on average. Is one summon enough?
Vect said:Here's my strategy:
Only need Bahamut. Takes my under 3min to defeat it.
Vect said:Here's my strategy(assuming you're decently leveled):
Only need Bahamut. Takes my under 3min to defeat it.
Have SAB/SYN/RAV ready for Fang/Hope/Ligh (respectively). Go in let Hope buff you with haste then summon bahamut which will lead to the thing becoming disabled. Debuff it as much as you can until the time almost runs out and press square(just before the countdown ends) to go into Gestalt mode(usually before that I've already staggered him). After finishing off with a Megaflare(before that use all of your attacks) begin to debuff with Fang, attack with lightning and buffing with Hope until you finally receive bravery on Fang(most of the time the stagger bars' almost filled up when she finally gets it). Quickly switch to RAV/RAV/RAV and stagger him, after that switch to COM/RAV/COM and spam him with attack and he should be dead after that..
Edit. I clicked post reply before I could type the strategy down.
Target time is 20min, defeated him under 3min so I easilyl got 5 stars.
luxarific said:Is this post-end game or pre-end game? In Chapter 12, I have the Crysterium maxed for the three pre-picked roles for each character (all health/mp/strength stats), but that only gets me to around 7700 HP for Lightning (w/o strength+ accessories). The turtle's stomp ends up one-hit killing me and Vanille. Fang has something like 1000 HP left.![]()
Vect said:Post-game sadly.You can attempt to kill the smaller one but it will only gives you a Gold Dust as a common drop and a Scarlette as a rare.
Better wait for end-game, it's way simpler once you get to level further into your roles. Also, try upgrading some of the weapons to tier 2, and use those against the adamantoiises/adamantortoises. My strategy takes 2:30mins to defeated them, I've been grinding for about 2 hours and i found 2 traps (got lucky I suppose). I don't think the 3 roles maxed @ chap 12 are enough to make it a worthwhile fight, better wait until you get some more points into those roles before trying to farm them.luxarific said:Is this post-end game or pre-end game? In Chapter 12, I have the Crysterium maxed for the three pre-picked roles for each character (all health/mp/strength stats), but that only gets me to around 7700 HP for Lightning (w/o strength+ accessories). The turtle's stomp ends up one-hit killing me and Vanille. Fang has something like 1000 HP left.![]()
Vect said:That music before My Hands was WOW. Really hit those key moments.
Replicant said:Is that an instrumental version of "Kimi ga Iru Kara"? I actually spoiled myself regarding the ending and I was so pissed that they replaced that song with"My Hands" because "Kimi ga Iru Kara" would have been a spot-on Ending song for the game.
MechaX said:As I said in my post (in which, you glossed over the other half of my argument being the combination of grinding with a complete mess of an economy in the game and decided to traipse straight into a Megami Tensei trolling attempt), the post-game is crappy because it represents a rather dire catch-22: You need to get materials to become more powerful. The only enemy that drops both a way to get a decent amount of gil and the means needed to get the ultimate weapons is this one enemy. This one enemy also happens to be vastly more powerful than the missions before hand to the point where the damage dealt jumps from 3,000 to 13,000. You have no sensible way to get stronger but to fight this enemy, so you have to use various work-arounds (Summon method, death method, etc). The ultimate weapons also cost 1.5-2 million gil and you're going to need at least three of them (and three of the Traphezohedron that the Adamantoise rarely drops), but the items dropped by the Adamantoise that you can sell only drops 30% of the time. The only other method of making gil involves farming two groups of enemies that drop one item a piece worth 15k. The item that the Adamantoise drops is 150k.
This isn't simply a problem of grinding, but an issue of poor balance and design (especially when you realize that the Adamantoise is harder than 3/4ths of the final set of missions anyway). The hoops you have to jump through here are vastly different than the little grinding you even have to do in Megami Tensei games.
linsivvi said:Whew. Finally got the treasure hunter trophy and the platinum. You know, I agree with everything MechaX said. Post game is totally tedious and not fun. I had to grind the tortoise so much that my characters are all maxed with 999999 cp and yet I hardly have enough money. Shouldn't the hardest enemies in the game at least guarantee you a decent drop so the players aren't wasting their time?
Also, summons are pretty useless in this game except when fighting the tortoise with a weak party. I haven't even bothered to check out the summon animation of half of them. Renew is both cheaper and better.
Gamer @ Heart said:Isnt there an item that turns CP into gil?
Big Papa Husker said:So I am still trying tobeat the Primarch at the end of Chapter 9... I actually got him to do some moan when he was charging up his Destrudo. Is there something special you have to do to get him to do that? I am on try #4 and I am starting to get really pissed off again. :lol
desverger said:Quick question: What the heck does "Stagger Lock" do? The in-game explanation is .. lacking, it says "Prevents staggering of enemies."
desverger said:Quick question: What the heck does "Stagger Lock" do? The in-game explanation is .. lacking, it says "Prevents staggering of enemies."
desverger said:Quick question: What the heck does "Stagger Lock" do? The in-game explanation is .. lacking, it says "Prevents staggering of enemies."