KZObsessed said:So now I've mastered all my character I guess I can sell my Growth Egg for 250k? I don't need it for the treasure hunter trophy as I don't need to have everything at the same time, correct?
Is this FFObsessed?
KZObsessed said:So now I've mastered all my character I guess I can sell my Growth Egg for 250k? I don't need it for the treasure hunter trophy as I don't need to have everything at the same time, correct?
Lost Fragment said:nvm lol
Apparently Atticus is immune to instant chain.
Natural said:That's the boss i'm on now! The fucker cast Doom on me after I got his HP down to about half way!
How did you beat him?
Sorry I know I don't have an answer, but do you still think you can Platinum this game? Is it feasible to 5 star all the missions?cosmicblizzard said:Okay, mission 64 is total bull. I'm nearly maxed out with everything and this guy still stomps me. I always get so close using poison the whole battle but then he gets a lucky hit in. What weapons/accessories should I be using?
Magnus said:I think all I'm after in the missions is this miraculous Growth Egg, activation of some teleportation stones and chocobos....can I do this in the first 20 missions?
charsace said:I can't be the only one that thinks scores for this game are too high. 10 hours in right now and I don't understand how this game scores over an 8 anywhere.
bloodydrake said:Only to hit the level 9 Boss and proceed to spend the last 3hrs trying to beat him over and over and over again. I get him to about 50% health then He casts doom on me and I can't get a solid chain going after that before he goes back to destructo and resets the fucking thing.
Seriously, I get end Game boss's back in 90's that said "Oh sorry you must go grind out 20 more Hrs of levels before you can beat me!"
But Mid game bosses? what DO i have to do go start walking backwards thru this whole level over and over to get more health and damage?
Everything that's Masochistically wrong with JRPG's all in one Big CockBlock.
So bloody frustrated. :-(
bloodydrake said:I think I'm done with this game.
I've spent the last 28hrs walking in a straight line.Thru one big endless gorgeous dungeon. Fighting every fight I could do to develop my characters abilities.
Only to hit the level 9 Boss and proceed to spend the last 3hrs trying to beat him over and over and over again. I get him to about 50% health then He casts doom on me and I can't get a solid chain going after that before he goes back to destructo and resets the fucking thing.
Seriously, I get end Game boss's back in 90's that said "Oh sorry you must go grind out 20 more Hrs of levels before you can beat me!"
But Mid game bosses? what DO i have to do go start walking backwards thru this whole level over and over to get more health and damage?
Everything that's Masochistically wrong with JRPG's all in one Big CockBlock.
So bloody frustrated. :-(
Magnus said:I think all I'm after in the missions is this miraculous Growth Egg, activation of some teleportation stones and chocobos....can I do this in the first 20 missions?
28 hours?! I spent 17.5 hours up to here... If you still can't beat him either I'm screwed or you really need to change your strategy!bloodydrake said:I think I'm done with this game.
I've spent the last 28hrs walking in a straight line.Thru one big endless gorgeous dungeon. Fighting every fight I could do to develop my characters abilities.
Only to hit the level 9 Boss and proceed to spend the last 3hrs trying to beat him over and over and over again. I get him to about 50% health then He casts doom on me and I can't get a solid chain going after that before he goes back to destructo and resets the fucking thing.
Seriously, I get end Game boss's back in 90's that said "Oh sorry you must go grind out 20 more Hrs of levels before you can beat me!"
But Mid game bosses? what DO i have to do go start walking backwards thru this whole level over and over to get more health and damage?
Everything that's Masochistically wrong with JRPG's all in one Big CockBlock.
So bloody frustrated. :-(
MechaX said:In the harder fights, yes, it's going to matter when your synergist doesn't infuse a weapon with the right element or doesn't give the right buffs at times where they would have been quite vital, or when your medic doesn't decide to heal properly, or when your sentinel gets raped because he decided to use 5 more provokes on an enemy that is already provoked rather than canceling for a guard, or when a saboteur decides to mix and match random debuffs without having the option or ability to prioritize stuff (ie, Slow).
When considering that FFXII contained total control over their actions, XIII's AI is a jarring step back (and they don't even allow some form of customization) and it does pose problems when trying to form your own strategies for certain fights (and instead only encourages a few ways to do so unless you're personally manning the proper roles).
FTWer said:Again, maybe for the hardest enemies, but it is not constant & even at the hardest enemies, when it happens, it just delayed the fights a bit.
Made me use my Medic paradigm more than once or before I needed it.
You people make it sound like every single battle the a.i. fucks up. That's not true & I prefer with it's minor bugs over the way it is with FFXII massive tedious micro-management.
I spent half the time with that game going into the menus constantly "telling" my A.I. what they should know automatically. Like healing when my HP is low or curing poison & whatnot.
worldrevolution said:Man..been a few months so I may have forgotten..but isn't the trick to the chapter 9 boss:
to keep attacking even when hes charging his super laser? hit him once with your attacker to slow the break guage down, then go 3 blasters and cast magic like crazy, if you get him to about 75% break during his charging animation he'll actually stop shooting, then you finsih off the remaining 25% to break him, then switch to whatever you want to kill him. again the key is just to keep attacking through the charge..if you do it right itll never get that attack off during the fight. i could be remembering wrong though.
Hyunkel6 said:Chapter 11 boss was intense! The battle was going smoothly until he suddenly casted. Luckily, I had Sazh in my team. I'm pretty sure haste saved my butt. I managed to take the boss down 2-3 seconds before the end. It was awesome.doom![]()
Door2Dawn said:is such a bullshit boss. Can't buff or attack.Cid Raines
sillymonkey321 said:The first 20-ish hours were okay, when the game started to open up i enjoyed it a bit more, but now, at 53hrs playing the game and almost done with Chapter's just so mediocre. So linear. The characters quickly faded out to "eh". The plot is semi-interesting. The boss fights...the fights in general are feeling tedious now. The non-stop speeches that are all the same from each and every wears me down.
Graphically it's the best looking game i've played so far, but everything else is just forgettable.
sillymonkey321 said:The first 20-ish hours were okay, when the game started to open up i enjoyed it a bit more, but now, at 53hrs playing the game and almost done with Chapter's just so mediocre. So linear. The characters quickly faded out to "eh". The plot is semi-interesting. The boss fights...the fights in general are feeling tedious now. The non-stop speeches that are all the same from each and every wears me down.
Graphically it's the best looking game i've played so far, but everything else is just forgettable.
What do you mean by design? Just the layout of things, or the actual art and design? The game has a "break" from ultra linearity during Pulse, but then it goes right back to it.FTWer said:Boggles my mind a fan of the series would complain about the design after the 2nd half of the game.
I hear ya. I somehow managed to clear it up to Chapter 8(Nautilus). I really want to finish this game before moving on to gow3 or jc2..but I don't think I can take it anymore..charsace said:I can't be the only one that thinks scores for this game are too high. 10 hours in right now and I don't understand how this game scores over an 8 anywhere.
hateradio said:What do you mean by design? Just the layout of things, or the actual art and design? The game has a "break" from ultra linearity during Pulse, but then it goes right back to it.
I thought most of the game looked like crap though ... not all of course, and mostly just the textures and lighting and jaggies and the dithering ... just that.
If you missed the textures, then I don't know what to say; you're probably not very picky. They did fix some of the issues in Ch 12, but that's really late imo.dreamer3kx said:I didnt see any of that, the game is absolutely beautiful on the ps3, the game is a breath of fresh air compared to all those shitty buggy unreal engine games Ive been playing, SE did a great job with their crystal tools engine
dreamer3kx said:I didnt see any of that, the game is absolutely beautiful on the ps3, the game is a breath of fresh air compared to all those shitty buggy unreal engine games Ive been playing, SE did a great job with their crystal tools engine
Kagari said:The ground textures.
I'm in the same boat as you. This is like a 5/6 game. So mediocre...and I'm 20 hours in. It's hard to keep playing but for some strange reason, I want to finish it. I keep hearing about this "opening up".charsace said:I can't be the only one that thinks scores for this game are too high. 10 hours in right now and I don't understand how this game scores over an 8 anywhere.
Rpgmonkey said:Personally, if there are no Gambits, I'd prefer if they did a Tales-style take on the A.I.
rhfb said:Such a cock tease with an amusement park that has chocobos all over the place with NO minigames (Vanille on a snowboard dammit :< ) and no chocobo racing. Damn it all :<
marathonfool said:Ok, Mission 64 is just stupid.
The enemy heals more than I can deal out in damage. Fine, Square, I'm gonnahis ass.poison
I don't even come close to dying. This mission is all about damage dealing.
toasty_T said:lmao at mission 34
There I am thinking I'm going to fight this big, instead atentacle monstercomes out of nowhere andTonberry:lolshanks his ass