SixStringPsycho said:Im at chapter 8 or 9. And theres a boss fight with a hige ship. HOw the fuck do I beat that shit?
Remove the bolded letter. Spoilers.
SixStringPsycho said:Im at chapter 8 or 9. And theres a boss fight with a hige ship. HOw the fuck do I beat that shit?
They're way too rare IMO.. I almost never used them either.CruxisMana said:I've never needed too and I'm very conservative with finite items. lol.
SixStringPsycho said:Im at chapter 8 or 9. And theres a boss fight with a hige ship. HOw the fuck do I beat that shit?
Meier said:They're way too rare IMO...
My biggest suggestion/tip is toSixStringPsycho said:Im at chapter 8 or 9. And theres a boss fight with a huge ship. How the fuck do I beat that shit?
Already done honeyburgerdog said:Remove the bolded letter. Spoilers.
KZObsessed said:4 Platinum Ingots and 999,999 CP... yet no Trapezohedrons >_<
KZObsessed said:4 Platinum Ingots and 999,999 CP... yet no Trapezohedrons >_<
They'll drop in bunches when you don't need them anymore. :lolKZObsessed said:Trapezohedron! YES!
Lince said:ingots? trapezohedrons? and... 999,999C???? THE HELL?? are you using a guide? I'm about to start chapter 11 and all this shit is scaring me, I made it all the way here without a guide spending money and using items the best I could... why do I have this feeling I completely screwed up? :lol
what am I supposed to do in chapter 11? where to start? what weapons/accessories should I have and how do I level them up efficiently?
expy said:They'll drop in bunches when you don't need them anymore. :lol
Lince said:ingots? trapezohedrons? and... 999,999C???? THE HELL?? are you using a guide? I'm about to start chapter 11 and all this shit is scaring me, I made it all the way here without a guide spending money and using items the best I could... why do I have this feeling I completely screwed up? :lol
what am I supposed to do in chapter 11? where to start? what weapons/accessories should I have and how do I level them up efficiently?
expy said:They'll drop in bunches when you don't need them anymore. :lol
KZObsessed said:How much do they sell for? I'm guessing not much
Technically, tho I've only gotten 3, I don't really need any more, so I just want the $$$ now![]() said:What are the catalysts for all of Fangs weapons?
Lince said:thanks for the answers guys, I guess I'll just play wandering about grinding here and there and not worrying too much until I finish the game. This is the only PS3 game I play offline since the other day I got a random PSN mail which almost spoiled me both this game and GOWIII...
expy said:They'll drop in bunches when you don't need them anymore. :lol
luxarific said:Cannot agree more. The battle system only shines when the AI chooses the right actions. But it consistently fails to do so (particularly for sab and syn actions). Even you've libra'ed the enemy completely, Hope will put the wrong elemental effect on your weapons. It just makes me want to throw my controller at the screen.
B-Rad-Lascelle said:Not refuting your point but in the case of Mission 7 at least, wouldn't it make sense for you to directly control the character that requires the most amount of handholding so as to not be dependent on a fluky AI?
Go into that fight playing as Hope directly and you've got full control over your buffs while your other two guys attack as needed.
burgerdog said:I get traps and no ingots! If only we could trade items :lol
Chairhome said:What does "Role Level" affect when you upgrade it in your Crystarium? Does it just let you go to the next level when its available?
Apparently it affects the multiplier bonus for the role as well.. I don't notice a difference personally but it exists I guess.Chairhome said:Apologies if its been asked before, but I've been avoiding the thread for fear of spoilers (I just finished Ch. 7 I think). What does "Role Level" affect when you upgrade it in your Crystarium? Does it just let you go to the next level when its available?
Chairhome said:Apologies if its been asked before, but I've been avoiding the thread for fear of spoilers (I just finished Ch. 7 I think). What does "Role Level" affect when you upgrade it in your Crystarium? Does it just let you go to the next level when its available?
Amir0x said:Yup. Normally, this wouldn't matter... but since A.I. is so fundamentally important to high level play, it's actually become obscene for me. How anyone can defend the system without more micromanaged programming at this point is beyond me - it's clear that SquareEnix simply cannot program A.I. smart enough to account for a great many scenarios.
And this just leaves me frustrated as I have to come up with roundabout ways to get what I need done.
I agree about the frustrating AI, but it's quite possible to do what you say. Just interrupt after the first Esuna and switch to the other character. The AI may be dumb enough to spend two actions on a person when one would be sufficient, but there's no reason you have to be.Amir0x said:Also, ANOTHER thing. I should be able to target multiple teammates on a round if my bar allows it. For example, Esuna Fang and Esuna Hope on the same turn if I choose.
MechaX said:Just wait until you get into a situation where you have a boss that can one-shot the party or do pretty close to it, you can skate by on full-health, but your party members simply refuse to heal any one to full health. Instead, it's like they're saying "Full-health? As long as it's in the green (at times a couple thousand below the maximum), it's okay!"
That shit drove me insane in some of the later missions. I grinded Fang into becoming a Medic to get around that, but there's no reason why that should be a good solution to this issue.
I just beat it an hour ago :/. BasicallyFakto said:So, I'm at the end of Chapt. 11, I can't kill.Baldanders
He caston me at 1.000.000 remaining health points ... How I'm supposed to do that much damage in that short time ? [Yeah, I save all 5 PTs saved for +Ultraheal or +Antimagic].DOOM
does he starts that timer at random ? Any advice ?
Fakto said:does he starts that timer at random ? Any advice ?
Liabe Brave said:I agree about the frustrating AI, but it's quite possible to do what you say. Just interrupt after the first Esuna and switch to the other character. The AI may be dumb enough to spend two actions on a person when one would be sufficient, but there's no reason you have to be.
Fakto said:So, I'm at the end of Chapt. 11, I can't kill.Baldanders
He caston me at 1.000.000 remaining health points ... How I'm supposed to do that much damage in that short time ? [Yeah, I save all 5 PTs saved for +Ultraheal or +Antimagic].DOOM
does he starts that timer at random ? Any advice ?
expy said:They'll drop in bunches when you don't need them anymore. :lol
Threi said:another random thought about this game: The music has been hit and miss so far, but why are there people who are hating on the boss theme? It's one of the best I've heard in ANY FF.
Lost Fragment said:Yeah, as soon as I got my 6 ultimate weapons I got 2 trap drops in a row, then another one shortly after :lol
But yeah, traps really aren't that rare a drop, especially compared to pink tails or other things from the series. You're bound to get at least 1 or 2 farming turtles for gil and cp.
Spirit of Jazz said:That's totally cool, out of the 300,000 that you need to kill to max out you'll get maxed out. Honestly the end-game is balls, I don't know if I can be arsed to continue given I'm at a stage where I need to spam death to level/grind cash.
cosmicblizzard said:Damn Guis. Those things are brutal. Even the friggin babies are tougher than adamantoise. How the hell am I supposed to take them down?
True, this time I just attacked with all I got from the beginning and he casted doom when it had only 300.000 HP left ! ;DZoe said:Doom timers are not random. Bosses will cast them if you're taking too long to complete a fight.
K' Dash said:is there an accesory that makes you invulnerable to poison, imperil, etc?
Chairhome said:What does "Role Level" affect when you upgrade it in your Crystarium? Does it just let you go to the next level when its available?