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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Wrote up first impressions here, which is now integrated with Gaming Age proper. Too long to copy the whole thing here.

Trav said:
Ultimately, regardless of going in with low expectations, I'm in love with the game so far. It really feels like Final Fantasy and not a spin-off, knock-off, or even a completely non-traditional JRPG, all things that had run through my mind. Certainly goes to show, opinions can't truly be formed unless you spend time with a game first hand.

Surprised at how much I've enjoyed the battles so far considering how much I was dreading the fast pace and only having control over the main character.


YuriLowell said:
I could bare cooke and mack just find in LO.

Does he become like those guys?
I actually think he's better from the beginning.

(And you shouldn't bare children, that shit can get you into jail!)


Domino Theory said:
FFXIII is not only the first FF I've ever played, but the first JRPG I've ever played, too.

And I must say, I LOVE it. Holy shit.

same here, first FF and JRPG (heck, rpg really, unless you count diablo which is more hack and slash than traditional rpg?),

only 3 hours in but loving it so far, really worried im going to screw up character development though...should i level all the characters up evenly in each role or just level them in 1 specific 1 so they are badass in it?
That's the problem with snow. He got the being loud and stupid bits of a generic shonen character, but missed out on all the things that make them tolerable.


I went in prepared to be disappointed after the Japan reviews, and I still was.... The game isn't terrible but it's definitely not even close to living up to the hype, I would even say LO and Tales might end up being better games if FFXIII doesn't improve much. Maybe it's just because I started this after playing ME2 but the game just seems so meh. Does everyone else hate almost every character except Lightning?
Ariexv said:
I went in prepared to be disappointed after the Japan reviews, and I still was.... The game isn't terrible but it's definitely not even close to living up to the hype, I would even say LO and Tales might end up being better games if FFXIII doesn't improve much. Maybe it's just because I started this after playing ME2 but the game just seems so meh. Does everyone else hate almost every character except Lightning?
Right now I like every character except Lightning! :lol
I was going into the game expecting to only like Lightning, but this was based solely off of early trailers.
Ariexv said:
Maybe it's just because I started this after playing ME2 but the game just seems so meh.

I think you are making same mistake lots of people are reviewers made - these games are not supposed to be alike. ME2 is a wRPG, FFXIII is a jRPG, and one that does away with a lot of what jRPG stands for. Stop looking at this as Final Fantasy x Mass Effect, and you will have a blast.


Domino Theory said:
FFXIII is not only the first FF I've ever played, but the first JRPG I've ever played, too.

And I must say, I LOVE it. Holy shit.

Great to see new fans of the series =] You made a good choice.
Domino Theory said:
FFXIII is not only the first FF I've ever played, but the first JRPG I've ever played, too.

And I must say, I LOVE it. Holy shit.
I think you're going through the same reactions I went through when playing FF7 for the first time :p That game was heavenly for me.


Crystal Bearer
LiK said:
Cooke and Mack become quite likeable as the game progresses. They actually act like kids too.

Hmm, okay. Well, Hope was annoying at first but I ended up liking him a lot by the end.
I feel like some people in here have truly never noticed alot of the same issues with all the other Final Fantasies before XIII and its like they're just coming to terms with them now. :lol

Dear Diary,

Today I played FFXIII. I'm a fan of all the previous games which all featured annoying characters, silly plot lines, and off kilter dialog... yet I played them all anyways. Though somehow I thought you would be different XIII. For that... I cannot forgive you. For that I cannot forgive myself. JRPG's are now dead to me!


Kagari said:
Hmm, okay. Well, Hope was annoying at first but I ended up liking him a lot by the end.
I'll trust you on this one, I can see he's the type of character that will develop later. Kinda obvious from the setup of his character.


bigdaddygamebot said:
Wow. So I was completely wrong.

Once the paradigm system opened up, I was immediately hooked.

Prior to that, I had stabbed the X button about one million times and I was getting ready to call it a night, label FF XIII with a "gorgeous but boring" tag and be done with it.

The paradigm system completely sucked me in.

Pretty much the same thing happened to me. I was going along with it knowing that everyone said to wait for Paradigm system and they were all very right. Paradigm system is badass.

bigdaddygamebot said:
Vanille - Terrible name. Terrible voice. Terrible character. At times however, she's completely and entirely gorgeous which then generates a shame spiral for me because I'm sure she's thirteen, if that.

:lol :lol at Shame spiral comment


Well, I don't really want to type too much, but here my impressions after 9 hours...
It has the most epic opening in a Final Fantasy ever. I loved 12's though, but this was pure epic as soon as you start. The battle system is sooo fucking good. I definitely still prefer 12's style, over this, but this is way more fun than X's, or X-2's system.
I 'm surprised how good they balanced the game. I thought I'd be pissed the they set a level cap per Chapter, but it's really not that bad. Its like the game lets you be just strong enough. I do miss being over powered though lol. Bosses and hell even regular encounters can kill you. I may not have the full grasp of the system yet, but it really does have a lot of strategy to it. I fought a battle and just pressed X, and didn't think about who to attack or anything and I lost. I go in again, and "think" about it, and I 5 star it. I'm goina have a lot of fun 5 staring all the hunts!
The Story is ...really good actually. I read all of the dialog entries as soon as they come up, and even though it just says what just happened in the cut-scene, it adds a lot too it. The graphics are insane, definitely the best looking RPG, and in some cases looks better than UC2. I'm 9 hours in taking it all in, just got to Chapter 4... The 4 year wait was worth it already.
I like it better than X, and X-2. So unless the story gets really shitty its looking good so far!(Take mind, I care the leased about the story, its gameplay for me, so if it does, it probably won't ruin much for me!) I also really like all the character too. I thought I'd hate Vanilla with all the Sarah(SO4) compressions.. (Sarah) was borderline terrible, almost ruin the game for me, even though I didn't even finish it. But I like her, and her accent! Really looking forward to the rest. Its looking to but the first game in 2 years I really care about!


Castor Krieg said:
Any tips for Chapter 11?

Do the first 28 missions. Aside from
the ones on the mountains
they pretty much fall upon the natural story path.

(I missed
the chocobo ones
the first time through though.


My party is Lightning/Hope/Fang.. I hate the party, but I have to have it because its the only combo that has decent attack, healing and buff skills.


Castor Krieg said:
I think you are making same mistake lots of people are reviewers made - these games are not supposed to be alike. ME2 is a wRPG, FFXIII is a jRPG, and one that does away with a lot of what jRPG stands for. Stop looking at this as Final Fantasy x Mass Effect, and you will have a blast.
I'm not really directly comparing them, wRPG or not coming off a game like Mass Effect 2 that is my GotG right now to something like FFXIII might be making me dislike it more then I normally would. It's like eating amazing home cooked professional meals for a week and then suddenly going back to eating McDonalds.

LiK said:
Cooke and Mack become quite likeable as the game progresses. They actually act like kids too.
They have a couple cheesy moments throughout the game but overall they're very likeable as the game goes on.
Zoe said:
Do the first 28 missions. Aside from
the ones on the mountains
they pretty much fall upon the natural story path.

(I missed
the chocobo ones
the first time through though.

How should I go about it? The enemies there are a bit...hard. Using Light/Vanille/Fang setup. Should I switch to Light/Vanille/Hope team? Sentinel really helps. I almost got
first Undying Cie'th, but he got me
slasher_thrasher21 said:
I feel like some people in here have truly never noticed alot of the same issues with all the other Final Fantasies before XIII and its like they're just coming to terms with them now. :lol
You nailed it dude.


Love Lightning, Vanille, and Sazh.

Snow is pretty meh. and if I could kick members out of the group Hope would be gone instantly. Hate that little pansy.


Castor Krieg said:
How should I go about it? The enemies there are a bit...hard. Using Light/Vanille/Fang setup. Should I switch to Light/Vanille/Hope team? Sentinel really helps. I almost got
first Undying Cie'th, but he got me

To be honest, I never strayed from Hope/Light/Fang until post-game.

Aside from that, try to fight whatever crosses your path if possible. I sneaked around a lot, but at least the wolf-looking enemies shouldn't be too difficult.


Just to throw in a positive post: I LOVE THIS GAME AND I WANT TO BE PLAYING IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW. Random comments:

The graphics are unbelievable. It's cliché and it's been said before about this game but it bears repeating: The screenshots do not do this game justice. Everything is vibrant and fluid, and the world is imagined brilliantly from top to bottom. I'll put it this way: If you're playing a game and it takes you a moment to notice when it switches from game engine scenes to FMV scenes, you know they did something right.

The characters shouldn't surprise anyone at this point. If you've ever played a Final Fantasy before, you should expect strange, over-the-top characters with baffling haircuts and seven belts. Vanille and Hope are a little annoying thus far (especially when she runs), but overall I'm liking the characters and their interactions. Speaking of which...

The dialogue is hilariously over-the-top. MOMS ARE TOUGH! HEROES! If you're looking for Oscar-winning writing here, you will be disappointed. If you can accept the goofiness for what it is, you'll enjoy yourself.

The story seems really good so far. I really appreciate the inclusion of the additional information in the datalog, which is informative, but not too informative (I don't want to spend hours reading the backstory, but a few minutes here and there is perfect).

The music is excellent. Maybe not as evocative as some earlier FFs (especially FFX), but still really great stuff, and it fits with the game perfectly.

The combat system is an interesting evolution from the system used in FFXII (which I loved). At first I was put off by the fact that you only directly control the party leader, but after getting some experience with the system I see why they made that decision. As fast as things move in battle, there'd be no way to control everyone without stopping the action to make assignments. Instead, you put together paradigms with classes you think will work well together and deploy the most effective one when the time is right. I'm really interested to see where this system goes as the game progresses. I think it's going to be pretty interesting. At the least it's something I haven't seen before.

Overall I'm really really enjoying it and will definitely get my money's worth.


Kagari said:
Sometimes I used Fang/Hope/Vanille. Always wanted to keep at least two healers in the party.

I was never impressed with Vanille as a healer. The only reason I started using her post-game is because of her naturally high stats and her ultimate attack.


depths20XX said:
Even when people try to praise this game it still somehow sounds bad.

That's because so many of us (me included) think different equates bad. That is not the case here. It's different and innovative in a very good way and people aren't communicating that clearly enough.


I like Snow, Sazh, Fang, and Lightning... in that order.

Every time Vanille talks or runs, a little part of me dies inside and I go into facepalm mode.


I just got the ability to upgrade. Should I save my components to upgrade later weapons, or should I immediately use them on current weapons? I always hesitate, because I'm afraid to find a superior weapon in a treasure chest 20 mins later.

So far, this game rocks. The battle system is so addictive.
Domino Theory said:
FFXIII is not only the first FF I've ever played, but the first JRPG I've ever played, too.

And I must say, I LOVE it. Holy shit.

We tricked another one into the fold fellas.

Dial down the crazy so that he does not run away!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Trav said:
Wrote up first impressions here, which is now integrated with Gaming Age proper. Too long to copy the whole thing here.

Surprised at how much I've enjoyed the battles so far considering how much I was dreading the fast pace and only having control over the main character.
I think it was kind of a mistake for Square to not have some version of Paradigm Shift in the first hours of the game; the concept that "you only control" one character is a very specific and negative interpretation of the battle system. I never once after getting Paradigm Shift that I didn't have control over what my teammates were doing.

Frankly, I feel I have a lot more control over my teammates in FFXIII in terms of coordinating a coherent battle strategy than I ever did in Dragon Age or Mass Effect, and I'm not saying that to slag BioWare or WRPGs at all, since I love those games. It's just that I don't see how you could have a system like this and manually control each character without drastically reducing the pace of battle.


I like Snow. Might be his VA who does an excellent job, but he really is just a dumb shonen hero. And that's fine, since he doesn't have a rival he's totally gay for to mess things up.
Hyunkel6 said:
I just got the ability to upgrade. Should I save my components to upgrade later weapons, or should I immediately use them on current weapons? I always hesitate, because I'm afraid to find a superior weapon in a treasure chest 20 mins later.

There are no "better weapons", each new weapon you find will be Lvl. 1. Also, even though there is one Ultimate Weapon for each character the weapons retains the bonus given to very first tier-1 Lvl. 1 weapon, so you need to plan acordingly if you want to upgrade.


needs to show more effort.
Angry Grimace said:
I think it was kind of a mistake for Square to not have some version of Paradigm Shift in the first hours of the game; the concept that "you only control" one character is a very specific and negative interpretation of the battle system. I never once after getting Paradigm Shift that I didn't have control over what my teammates were doing.

Frankly, I feel I have a lot more control over my teammates in FFXIII in terms of coordinating a coherent battle strategy than I ever did in Dragon Age or Mass Effect, and I'm not saying that to slag BioWare or WRPGs at all, since I love those games. It's just that I don't see how you could have a system like this and manually control each character without drastically reducing the pace of battle.
It would have been nice to have the chance to try though. The idea of a battle system at this speed AND having to control all 3 characters sounds fucking awesome to me. Granted, the one character control should be the default even if it was allowed... but give me the option for extra craziness :(
Castor Krieg said:
I think you are making same mistake lots of people are reviewers made - these games are not supposed to be alike. ME2 is a wRPG, FFXIII is a jRPG, and one that does away with a lot of what jRPG stands for. Stop looking at this as Final Fantasy x Mass Effect, and you will have a blast.

I'm not even sure ME2 is an rpg.

It's...something. I'm not sure what. I enjoyed ME2 a great deal but I'm not sure what kindo genre it is.
Dresden said:
I like Snow. Might be his VA who does an excellent job, but he really is just a dumb shonen hero. And that's fine, since he doesn't have a rival he's totally gay for to mess things up.

Before we found out much about the game, I actually thought that he was going to steal the spotlight from lightning.

Glad to see I was wrong.

He serves as a pseudo-deconstruction, wish they had gone all the way.


Angry Grimace said:
Frankly, I feel I have a lot more control over my teammates in FFXIII in terms of coordinating a coherent battle strategy than I ever did in Dragon Age or Mass Effect, and I'm not saying that to slag BioWare or WRPGs at all, since I love those games.
Totally agree. I do feel like I've got control over this party. FFXII's MMO-like system just made me mad they wouldn't give me an option to auto-pause on turns. I find I don't even miss it here in XIII.


00011000 said:
The game forces you to use a strategy that is not readily apparent and different to what had gone before. Thusly, it felt broken.

Does the game not say anything about using different strategies for summons? I can't remember from the Japanese version, but I knew that because of pre-release interviews
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