Door2Dawn said:don have ps3. don't get it then?
The 360 version is perfectly playable, just not the usual superior version.
Door2Dawn said:don have ps3. don't get it then?
Yea, Brad from GB said it's playable. It's that the cutscenes range from okay to terrible cuz of compressionCozMick said:The 360 version is perfectly playable, just not the usual superior version.
_Xenon_ said:I'm about 5 hours in and I've already got the feeling this is the retardest FF ever (I've played the whole series except 11). It's like a giant interactive movie filled with random boring fights and the movie story sucks balls. Where's the RPG exploring in this game?
_Xenon_ said:I'm about 5 hours in and I've already got the feeling this is the retardest FF ever (I've played the whole series except 11). It's like a giant interactive movie filled with random boring fights and the movie story sucks balls. Where's the RPG exploring in this game?
_Xenon_ said:I'm about 5 hours in and I've already got the feeling this is the retardest FF ever (I've played the whole series except 11). It's like a giant interactive movie filled with random boring fights and the movie story sucks balls. Where's the RPG exploring in this game?
I guess some kind of crappier potion? I don't know, just maybe have some approximation of healer-breaker-damager.Zoe said:But what other roles could have existed before chapter 3?only l'Cie can use magic
Empty said:I wish there was a way of changing your start paradigm outside of combat, maybe a R2 or something. That would save me a lot of time in and out of menus.
Empty said:I wish there was a way of changing your start paradigm outside of combat, maybe a R2 or something. That would save me a lot of time in and out of menus.
I completely agree with this. There are enough unused buttons that they could have allowed you to toggle paradigms with one or two of them. The menu is fast, functional and beautiful, but not having to enter it would still be better.Empty said:I wish there was a way of changing your start paradigm outside of combat, maybe a R2 or something. That would save me a lot of time in and out of menus.
I believe you can in the paradigm menu, under customize. Press square on the one you want to start with.Empty said:I wish there was a way of changing your start paradigm outside of combat, maybe a R2 or something. That would save me a lot of time in and out of menus.
The game certainly delivers great stuff in Chapters 6 and 7, after the way too long chapter 5, the enemies make the combat better, (<3 some of the tough monsters at the end of C6) and all the environments in those chapters are spectacularly beautiful. The FMV action sequence mid way through chapter 7 was pretty fucking rad too. I think the game is in desperate need of an antagonist to drive the game forwards as the story seems super aimless, it has really just been journeying with the occasional very obvious and poorly done character reveal and soap operay flashback, and the super linear structure of the game doesn't lend itself so well to a game about random adventuring across a world, hopefully the pace picks up soon.
edit: do wish the game would stop splitting me into twos, it works for characters stuff, but the combat with a three person party has been glorious and i miss it.
You can set your default paradigm in the same menu that let's you customize themEmpty said:I wish there was a way of changing your start paradigm outside of combat, maybe a R2 or something. That would save me a lot of time in and out of menus.
Open menu, select paragigm, customize, press square on paradigm you want to be active. The paradigm with the green filter always starts the fight.Empty said:I wish there was a way of changing your start paradigm outside of combat, maybe a R2 or something. That would save me a lot of time in and out of menus.
The game certainly delivers great stuff in Chapters 6 and 7, after the way too long chapter 5, the enemies make the combat better, (<3 some of the tough monsters at the end of C6) and all the environments in those chapters are spectacularly beautiful. The FMV action sequence mid way through chapter 7 was pretty fucking rad too. I think the game is in desperate need of an antagonist to drive the game forwards as the story seems super aimless, it has really just been journeying with the occasional very obvious and poorly done character reveal and soap operay flashback, and the super linear structure of the game doesn't lend itself so well to a game about random adventuring across a world, hopefully the pace picks up soon.
edit: do wish the game would stop splitting me into twos, it works for characters stuff, but the combat with a three person party has been glorious and i miss it.
I dunno about you but it seems your avatar is already taken.blurredvision said:The first time you meet Hope and Vanille,The second time you meet them,they are hooded, and you cannot see their face.The third time you meet them,they are random kids staring at the destruction that just happened where Snow and the "tough mom" were.Combine that with still trying to figure out everything else at such an early stage in the game, no, I did not realize that Hope was angry. By the end of that timeline, I was just understanding that Hope was the same kid in that hood and that was his mom who died.Vanille is urging Hope to go tell Snow something before he flys off.
By the way, they do have a way to forcefeed info to us slower users. It's called a datalog.
At least in FFX (which I like it) it has some RPG exploring element (visiting town, shopping, talking to people, secret bosses, side quests, etc).jon bones said:did you like ff x? this is a lot like that one but with a much more fun battle system
Then what's the difference between this game and Halo3 (except the fighting part of course)? It's not a RPG kind of exploring it's a freaking button smashing gallery.You change locations every couple of minutes. You EXPLORE.
Still sealed here as well. Don't really need it so farCruxisMana said:I wanna open my CE guide but it looks so pristine in its packaging.
Don't this guide is just the same guide with a hard cover?CruxisMana said:I wanna open my CE guide but it looks so pristine in its packaging.
Fantasy Final said:Don't this guide is just the same guide with a hard cover?
If only they could added the soundtrack with it.Lothars said:Exclusive additional 16-page section featuring an overview and analysis of the Final Fantasy XIII story
that looks like the main difference.
_Xenon_ said:At least in FFX (which I like it) it has some RPG exploring element (visiting town, shopping, talking to people, secret bosses, side quests, etc).
Then what's the difference between this game and Halo3 (except the fighting part of course)? It's not a RPG kind of exploring it's a freaking button smashing gallery.
I love that...Shouta said:It'll be sold at the online shops later. There's a bigger lack of money than items in the game.
LiK said:Still sealed here as well. Don't really need it so far
_Xenon_ said:Then what's the difference between this game and Halo3 (except the fighting part of course)? It's not a RPG kind of exploring it's a freaking button smashing gallery.
_Xenon_ said:At least in FFX (which I like it) it has some RPG exploring element (visiting town, shopping, talking to people, secret bosses, side quests, etc).
Then what's the difference between this game and Halo3 (except the fighting part of course)? It's not a RPG kind of exploring it's a freaking button smashing gallery.
Fantasy Final said:I dunno about you but it seems your avatar is already taken.
_Xenon_ said:OK WTF is going on with this game? Dungeon after dungeon filled with button smashing fights? Is there any town or world map in this game later on?
_Xenon_ said:At least in FFX (which I like it) it has some RPG exploring element (visiting town, shopping, talking to people, secret bosses, side quests, etc).
Then what's the difference between this game and Halo3 (except the fighting part of course)? It's not a RPG kind of exploring it's a freaking button smashing gallery.
CozMick said:May I take this?
K' Dash said:
OneEightZero said:I put these up early this morning and I wanted to be certain everyone got a stab at them.
Be sure to check a page or two after the post to make certain the gif you want hasn't been taken. ^_^
There's a lot of unwritten rules on GAF. And it's a bit frustrating seeing another one getting the same avatar when yourself called for it first.blurredvision said:I didn't see any rules stating you couldn't have the same avatar as someone else. I'll change it if I overlooked it.
Fantasy Final said:There's a lot of unwritten rules on GAF. And it's a bit frustrating seeing another one getting the same avatar when yourself called for it first.
OneEightZero said:Yep. That one hasn't been called. Go for it. ^_^
This one has, though. :/
LiquidMetal14 said:Talking to the GS manager he said that the PS3 actually is selling 3-1 vs the 360 version. It's about time people get it right. Bare in mind that this town I'm in is a 360 town. Some might have actually done their research this time around.
Anyone know where the musings thread is? I had more to report on other platforms but searching fails me on google.
LiquidMetal14 said:Talking to the GS manager he said that the PS3 actually is selling 3-1 vs the 360 version. It's about time people get it right. Bare in mind that this town I'm in is a 360 town. Some might have actually done their research this time around.
Anyone know where the musings thread is? I had more to report on other platforms but searching fails me on google.