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Final Fantasy XIV Alpha Discussion


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
HP and MP will now grow as part of the system itsel
Does this mean we don't have to put points on HP/MP? If so, GREAT news. Leveling up should increase it automatically like it's always done.

Stats however...


Great changes, and great (expected) news that the beta is about a month away. It's hard to bring myself to test the alpha, but I plan on dropping many hours into the beta.

Chris R

Ideally your HP/MP would grow depending on how my Stamina/Intelligence you have. Everyone having the same HP/MP at the end of the game would be kinda silly :|


Anyone know of any good desktops on sell that can handle 14? Sucks that I have a new laptop I can't change giving me a rating of 1190.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is the beta sign-up site even up?


rhfb said:
Ideally your HP/MP would grow depending on how my Stamina/Intelligence you have. Everyone having the same HP/MP at the end of the game would be kinda silly :|

I think you can still increase HP and MP. So you get a little boost automatically every level but you can increase it further with points directly. I'm hoping the HP/MP regeneration during passive mode is enhanced the higher certain stats are. VIT for HP and MND/INT for MP respectively.
desa said:
I think you can still increase HP and MP. So you get a little boost automatically every level but you can increase it further with points directly. I'm hoping the HP/MP regeneration during passive mode is enhanced the higher certain stats are. VIT for HP and MND/INT for MP respectively.

Wasn't it confirmed that only HP regen automatically in passive mode?


Pinko Marx said:
Wasn't it confirmed that only HP regen automatically in passive mode?

Yeah it is. My thought process is all mixed up. Might change for beta. Dunno how drastic MP use is or if they wanted MP to be used strategically. I didn't get to test much to find out. I just hope there's not too much downtime and combat and exploration go hand in hand. Like nomad parties instead of waiting around for respawns.


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The End of Alpha!

Square Enix would like to express its gratitude to all testers who volunteered to take part in the FINAL FANTASY XIV Alpha Test.

The eleventh test period marks the final installment of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Alpha Test. We would like to thank all those who participated for their diligence and invaluable contributions.

Game testing will resume in the near future with the onset of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test. Further information regarding changes and additions to the game manual and required client updates will be posted on the official Beta Test Site.

We humbly ask that you continue in your testing efforts for the final alpha test, and keep the feedback coming!

* All character data will be deleted following the end of the eleventh alpha test.
* The FINAL FANTASY XIV Alpha Version Installer will no longer be available following the end of the eleventh alpha test.
* Feedback for the eleventh alpha test can be submitted until the beginning of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test.


Stolen from BG
*Dengeki’s interview with Mr. Tanaka tells us a fair amount of things we already know, but toward the end it tosses some fresh information out there. For the sake of brevity, I’ve excluded anything rehashed.

-I imagine there were many requests regarding the user interface. Have there been any changes made?
Tanaka: Aside from a revamped main menu, we’ve added a chat filter and changed the log system. We are also testing out being able to have multiple chat windows open.

-Are there other means of communication aside from chatting?
Tanaka: We have plans to include a macro palette, which you could use to combine skills and messages to make communication a little easier. Beyond that, we are working on a system where party members can tell which enemy their leader is attacking.

-Would that be something like highlighting the monster’s name or putting a number above its head, etc.; something that stands out?
Tanaka: You’ll have to wait and see! We are currently testing various methods of communication to prevent party members from splitting up during battle.

-Are there any battle system elements that will be upgraded from beta onward?
Tanaka: Some of it has been included in alpha, but there is the Battle Regimen skill chain system. We are preparing a bagful of situations where well-coordinated party play using this along with the aforementioned communication tool will be integral to success.

-So will group vs. group battles be more frequent than not?
Tanaka: Many monsters act on their own right now, but there were plans for group situations such as one male beast among a harem of females, for example. The majority of guildleve fights, in particular, will probably have monsters in parties together.

-Crafting, Bazaars, and Community Systems
Are there any new systems planned for beta?
Tanaka: Weapons and items will lose durability. You will not lose a weapon because of it, but its battle potential will drop to the point where it will probably be useless. Since repairs will be necessary, we have increased the number of gathering and crafting classes. The next big planned addition would be retainers, hirable NPCs. For example, in FFXI you could not run your bazaar if you logged out. In FFXIV if you hand your items over to your retainer and set them up in the marketplace, you will be able to sell your goods even if you log off. Other than that, we have plans for linkshells but are unsure of when they will be ready for implementation.

-The Start of Beta
Will beta bring with it more areas to explore?
Tanaka: If we add even more, we are not sure how large the size of the beta download will become. We will test it, but it might be difficult.

-So the main hub will still be Limsa Lominsa?
Tanaka: We might have to test other areas as necessary, but currently we plan to conduct beta only around there.

-How large will the finished product be?
Tanaka: We have yet to confirm anything and are still adjusting things.

-What will the recommended specifications for the finished Windows version be?
Tanaka: First we will announce specs for beta. Right now graphics boards, as opposed to CPUs, are causing bottlenecking, so we would like to optimize that more.

-Then beta will start…?
Tanaka: We would like to start it in July at the latest. We will make separate announcements regarding the PS3 version.

-You had said that cross-regional servers would be implemented mid-beta. When, exactly?
Tanaka: Alpha servers are technically already cross-regional but are segregated only by time. If everything is stable, we would like to have them running nearly around the clock from the start of beta.

-Are there plans to increase the number of testers in beta on a large-scale?
Tanaka: There are already ten alpha servers, and testers number in the tens of thousands. For beta, first we would like to move all those players over. If all is well after that, we plan to add more testers. The improvements that make beta what it is would not have been possible without the voices of our alpha testers. Therefore, I would like everyone to experience beta and provide feedback in hopes that the game will improve even more. Of course we will continue to make adjustments after the official release, so do not hesitate to tell us what you think.


Some new pics from FFXIV









Changes from Alpha to Beta by Elmer @ (ZAM)

Famitsu.com posted a short list of the main differences players can expect as Final Fantasy XIV moves into the beta phase. According to information given at E3, we are only a few short weeks away, so let's take a look at what we can expect!

* The Effect Gauge, which influenced the accuracy and power of an attack, has been removed.
* Along with the removal of the Effect Gauge, the function of the Action Gauge has been altered. Previously, the player would need a full Action Gauge to execute a command, whereas now commands instead consume a specific portion of the gauge.
* The Action Menu, where players can customize their list of actions, has been expanded to 30 slots. There are 10 slots allocated for Traits (class-specific characteristics) and Abilities (crafting-specific characteristics)
* The "Physical Bonus" system, which affects HP/MP, stats and elemental affinities, has been changed. Now, HP/MP rise automatically along with the player's level and only stats are customizable. Also, the list of stats has been adjusted from 8 to 6. Elemental affinities have been separated and will now require the use of "Elemental Bonus" points to increase.
* Throwing weapons have been added and can be equipped and used with the "Throw" action.
* Left/Right Ear 1 and Left/Right Finger 2 equipment slots have been added.
* New abilities can be set when a shield is equipped.
* Distance and orientation relative to the enemy will have more of an effect on the battle.
* The amount and variety of Guildleves has increased.
* The level cap has been increased.
* Players can now consume items.
* Food has been introduced, which is used to temporarily strengthen a player character.
* A number of changes have been made so the menus and chat logs are easier to read and navigate.

Can't wait to grind off these motherfuckers! HD Valkurn Dunes? Yes please.

Wight pop!


Looks like a mix of the dragon from PSO and Rathalos.


Also reminds me of a Monster Hunter monster.


La Theine Plateau?


Alligator F*ck House
Curious, is there any mention about the Beta coming up being invite/code access? Or have they mentioned when the public Beta will be ready?


LeMaximilian said:
Curious, is there any mention about the Beta coming up being invite/code access? Or have they mentioned when the public Beta will be ready?
The Beta Test phase draws near, and nothing would give us greater pleasure than to have our trusted Alpha testers be the first to experience this latest iteration of the game. We also feel that no one else would be better qualified to discern the advances made over the Alpha version, particularly in the area of processing load mitigation. Once version stability has been confirmed, additional testers will be welcomed to the fold. You can expect to receive information pertaining to the Beta Test in the very near future.

new additions to the testing manual
Market Wards said:
Market wards are dedicated districts where adventurers can meet to buy and sell goods, or even summon a retainer to operate a bazaar in their stead. Each city-state has a markets ward composed of twenty identical areas that players may enter and leave at their leisure. Even if you exit the ward or log out of the game completely, your retainer will staunchly continue to peddle your wares.

Retainers said:
Retainers are useful NPCs who provide invaluable support in your adventuring endeavors. They can be employed on an extendable contract basis to perform myriad tasks such as minding your items and money or operating bazaars, just to name a few. Players may hire the services of a retainer at the Drowning Wench-the Adventurers’ Guild’s base of operations-in Limsa Lominsa.

To call upon a retainer, take your character near to one of several summoning bells located in each city-state. Once there, select the Retainer command from the system menu.

*During the Beta Test, employing a retainer will not incur a fee.

Logging and Harvesting said:
Members of the Botanists’ Guild will find that they are able to engage in either of two activities-logging, made possible through use of a botanist’s primary tools, and harvesting, made possible by secondary tools. Please be aware that even with botanist as the active class, a player will not be able to harvest without the proper secondary tool equipped.

How to Log
1. Use the Arbor Call ability to search for nearby mature trees.
2. Follow the Arbor Call results to approach a mature tree, and select the Log option when it appears in the system menu.
3. The logging process will now begin.
4. Excessive logging will result in a player becoming temporarily unable to log the same point.

How to Harvest
1. Approach a spot of lush vegetation to bring up the Harvest option in the system menu. Select it to begin the harvesting process.
2. Should an item be extracted from the lush vegetation, be sure to search again, as there is very likely to be another harvestable spot nearby. If a player is unable to procure an item, the point will remain and may be harvested again.
3. Excessive harvesting will result in a player becoming temporarily unable to harvest in the immediate vicinity.

- There are several types of regional guildleves available to botanists. Select Fieldcraft Leves when speaking with Piralnaut to bring up a list of guildleves specially tailored for Disciples of the Land.


Are you guys getting pretty good FPS on the benchmark?

Does anybody know what the PS3 FPS will cap at? FFXI's 30 was shit, because it was only 30 when you're by yourself or in a small party with nobody else around, but as soon as you step foot into town it dips to ~10-20.


MCX said:
Are you guys getting pretty good FPS on the benchmark?

Does anybody know what the PS3 FPS will cap at? FFXI's 30 was shit, because it was only 30 when you're by yourself or in a small party with nobody else around, but as soon as you step foot into town it dips to ~10-20.

I don't believe we have much in the way of performance information for the PS3 version yet. I'm guessing 30FPS locked is what we'll get though.


Hey guys, I tried the 3D on 3 monitor setup at E3.

It was crazy beautiful. But man, it's too much to look at, at the same time. Maybe it's because the text chat box was on the left monitor, the abilities bar in the middle one and the menu on the right one, but it was really hard to keep up with what was going on. I assume having all menus in the middle monitor would help it a lot though.

It was great trying the game (for the first time here), and the numpad worked just fine, though the camera movements are now on IJKL for some reason. I hope that can be changed around.

The 3D itself looks fantastic too. :D But the guy showing me the game told me it was only a tech demo but they're looking into implementing it in some other way, without the Nvidia tech but won't be there at launch.

But if you've got the 3D card/monitor setup, you can probably emulate it anyway?


Very brief summary of the changes to the game manual tonight for the beta:

There will be 3 character slots.

Level cap will be 30.

Any attribute points you have spent may be redistributed after a certain amount of time has elapsed

Barring a few class-specific exceptions, actions will be available for use even when using a class different from the one on which the action learned. However, the power and efficacy of each action is determined by its affinity with the character’s active skill.

There will be restrictions to teleporting: You start with 100 anima and it recharges slowly over time as you use it. Returning costs 2 anima, teleporting costs anima based on the distance teleported.

They have added party seeking and search options.

Equipping a shield will display 2 stamina bars.

Leveling a Crafting job will grant new abilities to be used during synthesis.

2 stamina bars ! Oo
I need a beta invite. ; ;

Edit :

Condition and Repair of Equipment

Through the natural course of use, all equipment-weapons, armor, and tools alike-will suffer from deterioration and a decline in effectiveness. At the hands of a skilled blacksmith, however, such equipment can be restored to prime condition.

- Do-It-Yourself Repairs
First, ensure that the proper tool is equipped. From the main menu, access the Item List and then Inventory. Choose the item you wish to restore, then click the Repair button to initiate the process.

- Enlisting the Aid of Other Adventurers
From the main menu, access the Item List and then Inventory. Choose the item you wish to restore, then click the Seek Repair button to initiate the process. You may choose to offer a certain amount of gil or an item as payment for the repair.

- Emergency Repairs
Certain NPCs located in city-states can perform emergency equipment repairs upon request. Be warned, however, that the subsequent quality of equipment repaired in this manner will fall short of those worked upon by honest-to-goodness blacksmiths.

Various game settings can be changed by accessing the Configuration sub-menu. There, players can optimize their play environment by adjusting graphics, sound, camera, and keyboard settings.


I don't know if this has been brought up but this makes me very happy.

*found this on the beta test site even though I could log in I can view the forums as logged out.
* Beta version contains only a fraction of what is planned in the full version.This includes playable races and clans, character customization options, selectable classes, and available areas, to name a few.

Maybe not male mithra but new races YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Edit found its also exciting:

Items obtained from treasure chests may also first find their way to the loot list.

YES! Chest picking may be back! FFXI chest picking was ruined because of gil farmers trying to get that acc ring...


Londa said:
YES! Chest picking may be back! FFXI chest picking was ruined because of gil farmers trying to get that acc ring...
Fuck stroper chyme. Astral rings were also monopolized by girlfarming thieves back in the day.


Pai Pai Master said:
By playable races they may just mean that not all clans will be included. I don't think we're going to see more races in the FFXI-sense.

Then why would they say races and clans instead of just clans? Also it was in one of the new updated parts of the game guide that was put in yesterday.


Londa said:
Then why would they say races and clans instead of just clans? Also it was in one of the new updated parts of the game guide that was put in yesterday.
the quote is not new, it was posted many months ago during the alpha which didn't have all of the races & clans and other stuff that is in the beta. Also keep in mind that quote was likely translated from Japanese so like Pai Pai said it was probably used very generally for both.


Valru said:
the quote is not new, it was posted many months ago during the alpha which didn't have all of the races & clans and other stuff that is in the beta. Also keep in mind that quote was likely translated from Japanese so like Pai Pai said it was probably used very generally for both.

Wouldn't it say Alpha not Beta if that was the case? That's a honest question.


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The date and time at which the installation client for FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version will become available for download has been decided.

Client Availability: Friday, July 2, 2010 from approximately 1:00 a.m. (PDT)

Details regarding the precise dates and times of the upcoming beta tests will be announced in the near future.


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Jinko said:
Hope they start sending out beta invites .... let me in ya bastards !!

A beta version of the PC game will go live some time in early July. It will become available to pre-order with key retailers at some point today. Those who pre-order will receive another in-game freebie – a pair of Garlond Goggles that increases the speed at which characters progress.

I really dont undertand this sentence, maybe they will give beta keys with CE preorders.
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