So, any PC users with controllers find temptation to switch to full keyboard?
After making the switch from BRD to MCH then finally MNK, I still feel pretty green at the job despite that I've had hardly any complaints about my performance. I didn't have a solid rotation, but learn more that there isn't a need for a "set in stone" rotation for MNK and you have to adjust your flow with the battle, as long as I keep certain debuffs up. I'm mostly behind the tank when it comes to threat on bosses, so at least I like to think I'm not slacking haha.
I am dreading the inevitable DF speedrunners who'll probably boot me for not being an AOE monkey but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Did try some rotations out, but tend to fumble all over myself with the extra controller hotbars and that ends up slowing me down when I tap LT>RT when I should of done RT>LT and vice versa. It gets hard for me to memorize what to press next, and now I'm beginning to see why keyboard users have like 5-8 lines of macros set up as they line up the order of what to use.
As a long time console player it's going to take me some adjustments.
They paid the money for the game and their subscription, they are of course entitled to run the content as intended. Thats what their money bought them. The only barrier to it is the selfishness of people farming it. This entire argument seems to rely on Praetorium, I have to ask, why are these 2pro2wait players running Prae in the first place? And why cant they do it via the PF?
Main Story Roulette, 60 you start getting Law I believe so 60s run them once per day.