Of course it matters when the content came out, its quite disingenuous to make a list showing three full expansions worth of content and saying "Look at this variety!" when comparing it to a game a fortnight after its first expansion is out. In the same situation in FFXI you would have been running a smaller pool of content.
OK, here is adjusted schedule based on your demands:
Week 1
Mon 6pm - Sky Pop Farming (Couldn't do this in small parties at launch, needed linkshell)
Tue 6pm - Dynamis Windurst
Wed 4pm - Sky Pop Farming
The 6pm - Help Day for Zilart Missions (Divine Might & Nexus) as story wasn't easy
Sun 6pm - Dynamis Jeuno
Week 2
Mon 6pm - Sky Bosses (Byakko and Suzukku farming)
Tue 6pm - Dynamis Bastok
Wed 4pm - Sky Bosses (other boss names I forgot farming)
Thu 6pm - Sky Bosses (Kirin attempts)
Sun 6pm - Dynamis San d'Oria
Every 24-48 hours people would camp up to 3 hours for HNM bosses. This is based on time when a decent amount of people had hit level 75 after the north American launch. Equivalent of 2.0 launch. So compare that to:
Week 1:
Mon 6pm - Coil of Bahamut
Wed 6pm - Coil of Bahamut
Thu 6pm - Coil of Bahamut
Week 2:
Mon 6pm - Coil of Bahamut
Wed 6pm - Coil of Bahamut
The 6pm - Coil of Bahamut
Notice the lack of evolution in this schedule from 2.0 to 3.0, but the additional items added in FFXI.
Enough, ffs tabris.
We get how you feel. It's nice to want things.
Time to accept mmos in this decade.
I've done some reading up on WoW after pellagri's post and it has extensively more raids. It seems to average 5 raids an expansion. All of them have 2-3 difficulty levels. Multiple ones are the same ilevel, so there's more than 1 raid at a time for people to run. Unless people ignored the other 2 raids (for example). Shouldn't FFXIV at least match WoW's content variety minimum?