Navigating the HW zones on foot can be annoying (looking at you Hinterlands and Sea of Clouds) with the large distances and major elevation changes that create sub-zones, but it does make flying, once unlocked, feel quite rewarding. I can see why they've done it the way they have (explore first, fly later), but still...
People wanted larger, expansive zones, they gave us larger zones, and now people complain that it takes too long to get places.
People wanted larger, expansive zones, they gave us larger zones, and now people complain that it takes too long to get places.
To be clear, I have no issue with Western Highlands, the Forelands, Churning Mist, or with travel time. The only issue I have with the Sea of Clouds is that I feel the map doesn't well represent the vertical axis which is a major part of that regions topography. The thing with Hinterlands is you have quests going on simultaneously in the eastern and western halves, which you need to go to Idyllshire to switch between. That's all. By distances I just meant that it feels nice to go from the open-world classic "how do I go around this mountain" to "fly over it".People wanted larger, expansive zones, they gave us larger zones, and now people complain that it takes too long to get places.
Mr happy is " Puppy Pumper "?
I spent 2 hours of my life today doing titan ex in the duty finder. I want to blow my brains out.
How useful is this ACT plugin that I keep hearing about? Do a lot of people here use it?
It's a tough fight that oh so much worse before gear carry became a thing. I think it's optional now though.
Gaf help night will probably be starting again in a few weeks if you just want to wait until then
I had this in my inventory for days before noticing.goddammit, how many more Aery runs do I need to do before RNG stops being a fucking bitch and gives me the Nidhogg card?
You can't touch Heavensward content without finishing the main story first.Level 44 now, does it make sense to buy/activate Heavensward directly after hitting lvl 50? Don`t want to miss any EXP (Question is: Do I have to finish the story before I get EXP for the higher levels?).
Level 44 now, does it make sense to buy/activate Heavensward directly after hitting lvl 50? Don`t want to miss any EXP (Question is: Do I have to finish the story before I get EXP for the higher levels?).
No the content, but if you have the Heavensward product key registered to your account you should be able to earn XP past the level cap of 50, even with simply doing pre-Heavensward quests.You can't touch Heavensward content without finishing the main story first.
Oh, true. Now that you mention it I recall hearing someone getting to 51 before starting HS MSQ.No the content, but if you have the Heavensward product key registered to your account you should be able to earn XP past the level cap of 50, even with simply doing pre-Heavensward quests.
I can't say for certain though, having never tried.
Parsing 24-man raids is dangerous. It can lead to disappointment, frustration, depression, drinking problem, and suicide.
I've done it, and I've convinced myself that half the people there had to have been AFK. It's the only explanation, right? Riiiiiight?! T_T
Why play the game when 10+ players can carry you?
You think Candy Crush will play itself?
Even though probably I spent more time crafting than combat stuff, I haven't really touched on the script stuff until yesterday. I had missed I had it unlocked for crafting already, but payoff is a bit weak for the effort at my current levels (56-58). I didn't bother much with Rowena's Splendors for gathering since it wasn't really needed at all to level up quickly, and I haven't quite figured out the rotation for the 400-450+ stuff yet. Crafted some new gear last night, gonna try again and maybe put some melds in the belt at least.I got Dragon Fang Earrings for my scrip exchange today. I'm going to craft until my fingers fall off this is great!
Some people say it's harder overall than Ravana EX and i deeply disagreeHad the most amazing BismarkEX clear party and I finally got my clear today. Probably the easiest primal I've tanked so far.
And that final phase music is probably the best track in the game in my opinion. I need a Bismark mount in my life now.
Some people say it's harder overall than Ravana EX and i deeply disagree
It might be harder to farm once everyone knows the battle but it's much harder to get 1st kill imo :/
Raids will be glorious on Ps4. Healing in Dungeons is easy so far, but I am sure this will change soon.
Square Enix said:FINAL FANTASY XIV Hotfixes (Jul. 14, 2015)
The following adjustments have been made:
In the Mac version, GoogleIME can be used when in Windowed mode.
*With regard to using GoogleIME when in Full Screen mode, we are in the process of implementing this feature, but there are issues that need to be addressed. Currently, we are requesting that Google Japan assist us in addressing the issue.
If a pet has been summoned, it will now automatically leave the battlefield when getting on a mount in Alexander - The Cuff of the Father.
The following issues have been addressed:
An issue wherein it would become impossible to proceed under certain conditions in Alexander - The Fist of the Father.
An issue wherein the invincibility status icon would not be displayed on liquid limb when transitioning to another phase in Alexander - The Arm of the Father.
An issue wherein players would always move to a certain place after completing and leaving Alexander - The Burden of the Father.
An issue wherein a new line would be started when certain keys were pressed at the same time while typing in the chatbox. (Mac version only)
An issue wherein certain text contained errors.
Some people say it's harder overall than Ravana EX and i deeply disagree
It might be harder to farm once everyone knows the battle but it's much harder to get 1st kill imo :/
I have four of them three of which I am selling to the Golden Saucer at some point.goddammit, how many more Aery runs do I need to do before RNG stops being a fucking bitch and gives me the Nidhogg card?
Different strokes for different folks I guess. Maybe it was the swapping mechanic during the snake adds? I'm on DRK so I can cheat by just voking and then hitting Plunge. No muss no fuss and no accidentally turning the mob so people can eat cleaves. That is of course unless my co-tank had shit for kicks hate on the mob they were on making my life harder then it needed to be :/
I honestly can't see any other challenges honestly. The entirety of the tank position of the fight is nothing more than picking up adds for the most part
I haven't even tried Ravana Ex yet so I got nothing there. I'm just hoping a Hive Claymore is worth it.
goddammit, how many more Aery runs do I need to do before RNG stops being a fucking bitch and gives me the Nidhogg card?
I'm currently doing Through the Maelstrom quests on my way to Heavesward content, getting like 4k exp per quest. It's minuscule but it's better than nothing I guess. If you're gonna play Heavensward anyways then you might as well activate it.
I can confirm that you can do this, I'm level 51 and only just on the quest after Garuda.No the content, but if you have the Heavensward product key registered to your account you should be able to earn XP past the level cap of 50, even with simply doing pre-Heavensward quests.
I can't say for certain though, having never tried.
He arguments that it's because of the Bisbarck DPS check, but i said that the whole pool+double prey on Ravana causes more wipes and it's harder for people to master it when they are newbies than anything Bismark EX has, which you would only need a few tried to learn.Different strokes for different folks I guess. Maybe it was the swapping mechanic during the snake adds? I'm on DRK so I can cheat by just voking and then hitting Plunge. No muss no fuss and no accidentally turning the mob so people can eat cleaves. That is of course unless my co-tank had shit for kicks hate on the mob they were on making my life harder then it needed to be :/
I honestly can't see any other challenges honestly. The entirety of the tank position of the fight is nothing more than picking up adds for the most part
I haven't even tried Ravana Ex yet so I got nothing there. I'm just hoping a Hive Claymore is worth it.
I'm going to craft until my fingers fall off this is great!
Can someone please confirm that as a mid level returning player there are no reasons to purchase the expansion.
Just what Rowena wants you to think.
Got my ARM to 60 right before maintenance, converted all my lvl55 gear and ended up with 700k worth of materia, should make buying the NQ lvl60 set easy.
Unless you want to play as an Au'Ra, you're good for now.