Seriously this.
This game doesn't even look that good at max setting.
Barely any grasses and good looking rocks =/.
Tree is full of polygon.
For what it's worth I think the game looks great. Art style wise, it's tops, regardless of the graphical fidelity. It still blows WoW out of the water.
The real downside to having to maintain PS3 compatibility is:
1) Soft-cap on complexity of classes. If it's not manageable on a controller, it's not kosher for half the audience.
2) Limitations to quest design. It's 2015 and we're still /beckon'ing at an NPC. No phasing. No branching quest paths. No seamless cutscenes. Hunt mobs disappearing.
3) Even though WoW is still mostly target and click, it's been steadily moving towards "skillshots", which is the latest and most interesting MMO combat design paradigm. Wildstar, GW2, TERA all have it. Korea's new F2P/instanced-MMO offerings also have it. Dragon's Dogma Online is taking full advantage of it.
But it is very demanding on CPU I imagine so it's just an other thing that the PS3 puts a limitation on.
4) NIN's well-known Mudra lag is just a symptom of the server design (that 0.5 second refresh cycle, I believe) which, I assume, is a consequence of PS3 compatibility.
5) Macros? Probably server-related which, I imagine, is PS3 related as well.
6) Add-ons? PS3 related.
7) The zone transition thing although honestly it's not that big of a deal. I just don't like the fact that some of the quest givers are instanced away as well because it makes already grueling questlines just a little more tedious. This is a design decision though. I'm sure the PS3 has no trouble rendering the Rising Stones. No one wants to be there anyway except the Minfillia fans.