The talk about schedule issues, I've been thinking a lot about this lately. We've also been hit by the same issue, though this past week was due to people not showing up on two of our raid days, but in the coming two weeks we have a lot of conflicts.
First, I wonder if the overall raid cycle schedule shifting to summer/start of school has something to do with this. Before, we were on an October-> April (it technically stared at the end of March, but we'll just say April to make it line up better) -> October cycle with Coil. Now it appears we're on a July->January->July cycle. Did this impact anything? Work stuff? School stuff? Obviously people will throw in anecdotal evidence, but wonder if there's any hard research on high/low periods of activity over the past 10 years in MMOs and possible reasons.
Second, I wonder if the fact that it feels like more people cleared A1/2S fairly quickly (within first month) compared to previous first two turns of each coil has given people the feeling that they're doing really well so there's no need to rush. Does the fact the best groups took longer than people expected to clear A3S add to that? If they took so long, then the rest of us taking this long is par for the course. So nothing is wrong, all is well.
Third, what about the fact A4S took an excessively long time to clear compared to previous turns -- sans T5, which is a special case and when adjusted for some things possibly didn't take as long to clear as A4S? What I mean is, are groups/people dreading what is to come in A4S right now that they're in no rush to clear A3S? Are some people/groups just waiting on more gear before seriously pushing in A3S (or have that mindset)?
I honestly don't know. This could also be what happens when you make content too hard for most people? Does this mean we probably needed an Alex HM as a stepping stone to keep people engaged? Are people getting turned off by Alex Savage at this point and saying screw it? Is it more a problem with HW's content than anything to do with Alex Savage's difficulty? Are people just getting burned out if they've been playing since the beginning? It's been 2 years for a lot of us...that's a long time to be playing just one game, even an MMO, as an adult? Maybe it's just the static/raid part of the experience that's no longer appealing? Raiding for almost 2 years with a static is...a lot of time.
Sorry for all the questioning, but I'd be remiss to say I knew any of the answers definitively.
TL;DR - Who knows what the reason is for the recent road bump in statics clearing A3S, especially when it comes to scheduling problems that seem to be arising. There are lots of possibilities, but who really knows the answer is anyone's guess.