I've somewhat limited experience raiding of course, but it does feel like schedules are a bit more difficult to finesse during the summer, and the tail end of the summer is probably double difficult since you've got people taking vacations and such.
As for Alexander difficulty. I really am torn on it to be honest. On one hand I do kinda want to clear something this difficult for once, but on the other hand the fact that so few people are clearing it after all this time sends up some alarm bells for me. The way this game is constructed, a lot of the side activities that keep people busy center around the eight-man raid. Relic? Well that's overkill unless you're raiding. Crafting? Well you can use the Gil to buy a house, or use it to finance your raiding. Extremes? If you're doing it more than once it's because you want the gear, which again is overkill for everything except raiding. Even Tome farming is largely overkill at this point unless you're raiding. You certainly don't need it for Everreap or Ravana. Etc etc.
If people are giving up on the later half of Alexander Savage, I fear eventually there'll be a drop off in other activities as well. If there's no goal in mind, there isn't going to be a lot of motivation for a lot of people.
The community has always been somewhat iffy at supporting a steady raiding game, in my experiences. As someone who has been playing in this genre since Ultima Online I've never struggled harder to get certain things done as I have here. I had to jump four statics to finish Second Coil in ARR. Nowadays... I just don't bother. I've only finished A1S but I just don't have the drive to go any further. It's not just the community though, the haphazard way in which the content is tuned and presented really does not help.
In my opinion: tune up Alexander 1-2 Normal a smidge, add an Alexander Hard and normalize the difficulty level of Alexander Savage. Stop trying to use a tiny, four boss raid as two levels of content, telling non-casual but non-bleeding edge players to just farm two bosses is somewhat shameful. In general these tiers need to be larger too. I really wish they could just roll the 24-person raid and Primals into a steady part of the tier as opposed to the limited uses they get for such large development they must see.
They have the content but just like ARR the presentation and tuning of it holds the game back, makes it feel awkward. Also, I really wish we could get a cross-realm party finder at this point, I'm not expecting WoW-level of cross realm tech but do it at least for duties. They have the databases, they have the Duty Finder and PvP system rolling off of it, they should totally be working on this.