Critical Elk
Neo Member
I don't know I mean I once encountered a tank with less health than the DPS(yes in Alex). As for that WHM I was the other WHM stuck raising the dead, casting regen and generally pulling out all the stops to keep everyone alive.
The first case is really vague without any other info, like their respective ilvls. An i190+ drg could probably easily have more hp than a new i170 tank. Another problem is that you're comparing flat hp numbers, and ignoring the concept of ehp almost entirely. Since low hp is the point here, it was likely either a pld or drk, both of whom possess innate defensive buffs while in their tanking stance. More vit does not make a tank less squishy, especially paired with the fact that hp gains in heavensward has been toned down a bit in favor of actually making defense do something. A tank in full vit and i170 gear is much, much more squishy (and probably has less hp) than an i210 tank in full slaying.
I'm not trying to contest that your cohealer was not a bad egg, but the idea of lumping in tanks who wear str accs with bad players isn't the correct course of action. Squishy tanks will be squishy regardless of their hp bloat.