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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
But black mages can already pull numbers like that on Titan ex. It just requires planning your rotation with the boss's rotation in mind, versus reacting to every mechanic as it occurs.

Plays like a Black Mage it's just the general term but for me that was the biggest change of the Job.

I went from a simple rotation of this in 2.x:

1. Straight Shot must have an 100% uptime (If Straight Shot aligns with your Dots clip it and recast it @ ~3 seconds)
2. Windbite (330 oPotency) before Venomous Bite (310 oPotency) (they should always be used one after the other without exceptions(you can still weave off GCD abilities). When you see 3 Seconds left on your Dots Start recasting them)
3. Straighter Shot (140*50% CritBonus = ~210 Potency ) Make sure 1 2 & 6 are on CD or applied
4. Flaming Arrow (350 oPotency)
5. Misery's End - If available use it
6. Bloodletter (spam weave it)
7. Heavy Shot (150 Potency)
8. Repelling Shot (Weave it between 1 and 2)
9. Blunt Arrow (Weave it between 1 and 2) (If needed in the situation)

And freedom of movement allowed me to cheese through a bunch of boss mechanics and 95% of AoEs were dodgeable without me having to anticipate them and I would just move out the way or react to them as you put it whenever I see them while keeping my rotation uninterrupted.

and now I got and extended rotation in 3.x:

1. Straight Shot must have an 100% uptime (If Straight Shot aligns with your Dots clip it and recast it @ ~6 seconds)
2. Windbite (330 oPotency) before Venomous Bite (310 oPotency). Only use Iron Jaws only afterwards for DoTs reapplication
3. Iron Jaws (580 oPotency) When you see 3 Seconds left on your Dots recast Iron)
4.Sidewinder (250 Potency If both DoTs are up)
5. Misery's End - (instant 190 Potency oGCD)
6. Bloodletter (instant 150 Potency)
7.Empyreal Arrow (220 Potency)
8. Straighter Shot (140*50% CritBonus = ~210 Potency ) Make sure 1 2 & 6 are on CD or applied
9. Flaming Arrow (350 oPotency)
10.Align your Empyreal Arrow casts after a Straighter Shot Proc cast (under 6 seconds waiting time)
11. Heavy Shot (150 Potency)
12. Repelling Shot (Weave it only if 6 is on CD)
13. Blunt Arrow (Weave it only if 6 is on CD)

While having to deal with a 2-3 sec cast time for most actions, I can't move while attacking,I have to put more "effort" on my part to read situations and boss rotations because I'm no longer allowed to simply "react" to them and my DPS tanks if I slip up on the "reading" because my rotation gets interrupted and I would have to reapply it or start it over.

So yeah after two years of simply reacting to boss mechanics I got used to the "easy" life as Bard but now it just feels like Square-Enix though we had it too "easy" and raised the skill ceiling just for the sake of raising it by changing how the Job was and still is played (in any 2.x content) for the past two years. What did everyone else get in 3.0? A bunch of new tools to play with but I don't see anybody else being forced into a style change on how that Job is played that depends on what content you're playing on (2.x where you can't use Wanderer's Minuet in non party rooms or 3.x where you have no choice BUT to use Wanderer's Minuet).

So yeah I'm not happy about Wanderer's Minuet but what can I do? All I can do is deal with it because the Bard Job is still my favorite and Main Job in the game and I refuse to abandon it.


All bard casts are around 1.5 seconds, which any BLM or SMN would kill for. It still allows you to move and react to fights, especially if you crossclass feint, which you can use as an instant cast move attack in case you get caught flatfooted. Most AoEs, even if cast directly on your person, allow you to finish a cast and move out before they go off. It's a total change in playstyle, sure, but it really doesn't bother me much at all because the offensive capability of the class increased and it introduced a skill gap where there was none before. You can argue whether it was the right or wrong way to introduce it, but that's another discussion.

This is where I'd normally do a thing. But THE TORCH HAS BEEN PASSED.

To a perpetually stutter-stepping harp-plucking buffoon, but still passed.
Oh. uh. GB is awesome because it has tools built in to allow you for free reign of movement and many abilities that totally bypass the cast time of the skills allowing you to burst damage when needed or hold them for movement heavy segments that are coming up. Turrets function like auto attacks so you're really not losing much, if anything, by standing in GB nearly all of the time. Bard has less tools for this, because it's a haphazardly applied "Me too!" function added in by the same buffoons who make us take out a separate harp than our harp bows to play songs.

Critical Elk

Neo Member

And freedom of movement allowed me to cheese through a bunch of boss mechanics and 95% of AoEs were dodgeable without me having to anticipate them and I would just move out the way or react to them as you put it whenever I see them while keeping my rotation uninterrupted.


While having to deal with a 2-3 sec cast time for most actions, I can't move while attacking,I have to put more "effort" on my part to read situations and boss rotations because I'm no longer allowed to simply "react" to them and my DPS tanks if I slip up on the "reading" because my rotation gets interrupted and I would have to reapply it or start it over.


You answered your own question there, although I can't tell if this is serious or sarcastic. It was less about raising the skill ceiling and more about raising the skill floor. This is what all the other dps classes have been dealing with since 2.0, basically?


I guess that's the overall point, there just isn't enough content. If you are a casual player like me, what is there to log in for every week? I don't raid, so the only thing I have to work towards is gearing up my characters as much as possible. I understand why the cap is there, but it's a lose lose. Keep the cap, it's the way it is now. Take away the cap, everyone gets their gear right away and because there's nothing to do unless you raid, you either level up another job or stop playing.

You are right about the overall progression comment, but if everyone thought getting your Eso's to gear up didn't matter in the long run, what would all the casual players have to work towards? "Oh this gear doesn't even matter because it isn't that big of an upgrade. Plus I don't want to do the content that this gear requires, better go do some of the other end game content. Oh wait."

Sounds like it's time to put the game down and do something else for a while. The world doesn't end if you don't cap for a few weeks. Games are supposed to be fun not a second job. Put the game down and be free.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
You answered your own question there, although I can't tell if this is serious or sarcastic. It was less about raising the skill ceiling and more about raising the skill floor. This is what all the other dps classes have been dealing with since 2.0, basically?
Well I didn't ask any question I was just giving you my personal take on how Wanderer's Minuet changed the Bard Job for me. Was it right for Square-Enix to raise the skill ceiling/floor that way for Bards? I'm not sure but congratulations to Square-Enix for successfully messing with 5% of us Bards who actually got past Lv.50


Crystal Bearer
Well I didn't ask any question I was just giving you my personal take on how Wanderer's Minuet changed the Bard Job for me. Was it right for Square-Enix to raise the skill ceiling/floor? I'm not sure but congratulations to Square-Enix for successfully messing with 5% of us Bards who actually got past Lv.50

It's basically their answer for class balancing. I don't really agree with it personally so hopefully whatever changes they add in 4.0 are more welcoming.


Just had a group votekick a healer in Fractal because they forgot to remove bomb one time, it killed the tank and the rest of the fight was him scrambling around trying to res the tank while I tanked the boss and helped the BLM kill the adds. I then died when the tank came back and the healer once again was scrambling around trying to avoid all the mechanics because the BLM couldn't kill the adds fast enough by himself at that point, so there was nowhere for the healer to run and be in range to swiftcast rez me.

So of course it's entirely the healer's fault for trying to make the best of a bad situation, where they had to: Heal the weakened tank, rez DPS, avoid lit platforms and mines due to the BLM not being able to kill the adds that fast, since they're spread out enough to not take AOE damage, and remove bomb when it popped up. Totally not an extremely difficult situation that's not out of the norm in Fractal, nope. Let's votekick the healer after they make one mistake and try their damned hardest to salvage the fight.


If the tank somehow died to The Curator it's probably healer's fault though.
I explained that, the healer forgot to remove bomb once, which is an easily fixable mistake in the next run and wasn't votekick-worthy at all, all that needed to be said is "make sure you pay attention and remove bomb" and the healer did an extremely good job after everything went to shit and the adds just got out of control due to me dying to the curator while the tank was trying to reestablish aggro and the healer couldn't cast raise on me while dodging all the panels and mines until swiftcast came off CD again.


Sounds like it's time to put the game down and do something else for a while. The world doesn't end if you don't cap for a few weeks. Games are supposed to be fun not a second job. Put the game down and be free.
That's what I'm doing. Already decided not to grind any weekly's this week.
Everyone's mileage varies on endgame stuff, but it's a mistake to say there's no content especially if the current pace presides.
Well I didn't say there was none, just extremely little. Especially for the casual. Doing the same 2 dungeons every week, keeping track of nodes/fishing spots making sure you don't miss your 5 min window isn't exactly enjoyable. At least not to me.


Got a question for anyone who knows the answer.

I own the original Final Fantasy XIV collectors edition. Since I still have it does that mean I don't need to buy a Realm Reborn? If so, does that also mean I get the collectors edition stuff from ARR? Do I still get a free month?


Got a question for anyone who knows the answer.

I own the original Final Fantasy XIV collectors edition. Since I still have it does that mean I don't need to buy a Realm Reborn? If so, does that also mean I get the collectors edition stuff from ARR? Do I still get a free month?

Yeah 1.0 CE gives you the ARR CE items. I believe owning 1.0 grants you a free copy of ARR (that's how I got mine) but I don't know if that's a valid offer now or if it expired way back.


Maybe this still works?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Got a question for anyone who knows the answer.

I own the original Final Fantasy XIV collectors edition. Since I still have it does that mean I don't need to buy a Realm Reborn? If so, does that also mean I get the collectors edition stuff from ARR? Do I still get a free month?
Did you register it? If you did, log in to MogStation and see if ARR pops up as registered.


If you didn't register it, I think they stopped taking 1.0 keys awhile back so you'll have to purchase ARR.

As for the free month, I doubt you'll get that. IIRC, 1.0 subscribers got a free month at the start of 2.0.


Each piece of gear has an ilvl, which basically relates to how many stat points are on a given piece of equipment. If you look at a piece of equipment, you'll see the ilvl listed right above where it says what classes can wear it and the required level to wear it.

AS is referring to Alexander Savage, which is the current end game raid. The number just refers to which floor you're on in Alexander.
Thank you for this explanation. :)


Well I didn't say there was none, just extremely little. Especially for the casual. Doing the same 2 dungeons every week, keeping track of nodes/fishing spots making sure you don't miss your 5 min window isn't exactly enjoyable. At least not to me.

There are plenty more casual activities then that, should you want to engage them.

If the "want" part is the problem, then that's not for lack of it.


What is there to do for anyone that has finished Alex NM & Ravana EX.

I'll list everything:

Leveling Jobs, Leveling Crafting, Leveling Gathering, PVP, Triple Triad, Alexander Savage, and 2 Dungeons.

That is all that is currently available in the game. That's all that's been upgraded for HW. That's not a case of want, that's a case of lacking.

The fact is they fucked up with their content and gear design and cannot recover because they don't have the resources to release enough new content and have 0 reason for people to run old content outside arbitrary grind sessions with no value of the actual old content, just from the roulette or quest.


Honestly, they should look to offline open world games like MGS5.

You give different ways and different objectives to the same content.

Create extremely long dungeon raids. Not boss focused but mechanic focused. With different paths and approaches. You can't clear it all in the time limit, so you have to pick which way to go. Maybe one path has you go up against wave against wave of mobs. When you die, you don't lose your progress but you've just slowed down your time to maybe get to the 3rd treasure chest and you only get 2 chests that week. Maybe one path has you sneaking past trash packs as a group because your actions are locked down so you can't do anything but auto-attack. Maybe another path has you use cannons or searchlights or some pet-bar mechanic while the other half of the party has to fight the mobs.

And then lock it so you can only do it once every couple of days so people both don't burn out on it but it's steady enough to give people a reason to log in, and they get to decide which way they want to approach it - which chests to go for. Good groups can maybe get 3 chests, while bad groups may only get to 1 chest before running out of time. So it gives a reason for statics to run the content too without it being a farm.

These are just examples. But I don't think the group has either the desire or capability to do it. It's going to be the treadmill of Raid > AFK Content > Raid > AFK Content > Raid with small innovative distractions like Triple Triad which most people will care about for a week.

I think we all just need to realize what this game is. And either minimize our investment or quit. I'm minimizing my investment. I raid, I cap currency, I enjoy patch weeks. That's it. So with that then, my only issue is how boring the first two are being right now. PVP is pretty fun but those dungeons, man. That SE can fix it with better dungeons and better raids (either get right of normal mode so I have another reason then just gear for clearing the current raid - or add hard mode)


Yeah 1.0 CE gives you the ARR CE items. I believe owning 1.0 grants you a free copy of ARR (that's how I got mine) but I don't know if that's a valid offer now or if it expired way back.


Maybe this still works?

Did you register it? If you did, log in to MogStation and see if ARR pops up as registered.


If you didn't register it, I think they stopped taking 1.0 keys awhile back so you'll have to purchase ARR.

As for the free month, I doubt you'll get that. IIRC, 1.0 subscribers got a free month at the start of 2.0.

No, looks like it still works. That's kinda of awesome. Hopefully I get that Chocobo armor.


What is there to do for anyone that has finished Alex NM & Ravana EX.

I'll list everything:

Leveling Jobs, Leveling Crafting, Leveling Gathering, PVP, Triple Triad, Alexander Savage, and 2 Dungeons.

That is all that is currently available in the game. That's all that's been upgraded for HW. That's not a case of want, that's a case of lacking.

The fact is they fucked up with their content and gear design and cannot recover because they don't have the resources to release enough new content and have 0 reason for people to run old content outside arbitrary grind sessions with no value of the actual old content, just from the roulette or quest.

i think guild wars 2 might legit have a more healthy endgame going when heart of thorns drops in a month, which is hilarious.


Everyone's mileage varies on endgame stuff, but it's a mistake to say there's no content especially if the current pace presides.

Yea, there's content. Just the usual end of patch blahs, compounded by the level 50 being kinda obsolete and such.

PS: gadzooks I just realized that I still haven't done the Moogle Mail quests. D:


Yea, there's content. Just the usual end of patch blahs, compounded by the level 50 being kinda obsolete and such.

I think the disappointment stems from it being not too long since an expansion but everything at 60 just feels like a regular old content patch as far as number of activities goes.

Expansion definitely felt like the time to introduce a lot of new types of activities and such but nope.


The only thing I'm doing different at level 60 then level 50 is actually doing PVP since they created a PVP mode that didn't suck.


I think the disappointment stems from it being not too long since an expansion but everything at 60 just feels like a regular old content patch as far as number of activities goes.

Expansion definitely felt like the time to introduce a lot of new types of activities and such but nope.

Yea well, I'll admit that it feels like they poured moat of the resources into the MSQ, rather than endgame. I mean there's Sky Island Exploration coming, which is hopefully a new experience, plus the new Relic and Gold Saucer stuff.

Kinda wish they could have worked that all into 3.0 tho.


Suffering From Success
I think the disappointment stems from it being not too long since an expansion but everything at 60 just feels like a regular old content patch as far as number of activities goes.

Expansion definitely felt like the time to introduce a lot of new types of activities and such but nope.

If they had actually tried to put new stuff in we'd still be playing 2.5.


It has. Level 50 quest in Mor Dhona, from NPC Wiscard ("A Self Improving Man"). You gain the action 'Glamour'. The actual process of doing so requires some items though.

Every time you want to use it? How hard are those items to get? I'm not 50, so that is why. Man the game really opens up at 50, lots of stuff to do from what I've read. I really need to continue on. Going to try the lady of the vortex fight this weekend probably.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Every time you want to use it? How hard are those items to get? I'm not 50, so that is why. Man the game really opens up at 50, lots of stuff to do from what I've read. I really need to continue on. Going to try the lady of the vortex fight this weekend probably.
Glamour Prisms are the item you need to Glamour Equipment and if you want to craft your own Prisms they are a Master Class recipe otherwise aside from getting them from sporadic Quests the market board is your best bet. There are 5 Different Grades of Glamour Prisms and different type of Glamour Prisms on top of that (Leather,Gold,Cloth etc).

Which Glamour Prisms you will need depends on the item your trying to Glamour (the game will tell you which one) and how expensive the Glamour Prisms will be to you depends on the server your in,the type of Glamour Prism you need and the Grade of that Glamour Prism. Yes this sounds unnecessarily complicated but it's easier in practice.

In short don't expect to go nuts with Glamour as it will get expensive. Yes you use one Glamour Prism for 1 item each time you want to Glamour an Armor Piece/Accessory/Weapon.


Every time you want to use it? How hard are those items to get? I'm not 50, so that is why. Man the game really opens up at 50, lots of stuff to do from what I've read. I really need to continue on. Going to try the lady of the vortex fight this weekend probably.
Let's call your high level equipment Body A and your bikini top Body B.

If you want Body A to look like Body B while you're wearing it, you need a one-time use item and the Glamour action. The one time use item will always be called

Grade [1/2/3/4/5] Glamour Prism ([Crafting Job])

Depending on the ilvl and repair job of Body A, you will need a different Glamour Prism.

Grade 1 = ilvl 1-40
Grade 2 = ilvl 41-80
Grade 3 = ilvl 81-120
Grade 4 = ilvl 121-160
Grade 5 = ilvl 161+
(The ilvls change in future patches when new equipment gets higher ilvls.)

Each piece of equippable gear has a section in the tooltip telling you about "Repairs" and it usually says something like "Repair Level: Armorer Lv. 10" and "Repair Item". The only thing that matters when it comes to transmog/glamours is the 'Armorer' part, which denotes the crafting class associated with that piece of gear.

So if you had Body A and you wanted to make it look like Body B, and Body A was a "Warrior's Cuirass", you'd check the ilvl and the repair class type.

ilvl90, Armorer
The item you should buy is "Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft)". It's usually available on Market Board. If the price is a bit high for your taste, you can find an FC mate with the appropriate crafting job to make you the right Glamour Prism. They can tell you the mats needed to make one (should be quite cheap).

I remember back when Sorian threw a huge tantrum in OT when they first announced the glamour system lol.
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