Figured I'd be soloing this content so I regeared my Summoner and went in. Had a lvl 3 Fire sprite spawn moments after I entered and died.
Second attempt, took my time but realized I have a time limit and made it to floor 10 with less than 20 mins. Boss cut through Titan like butter and even though I managed to resummon him it takes a while before getting hate. He lasts a few moments even with sustain on.
Might try again tomorrow night, but I'm a bit bummed out right now.
EDIT: Okay, I'm a dunce... since it was so long since I touched Summoner I forgot you need to reapply sustain every few seconds. It also helped that this time I was level 21 when attempting the boss. Didn't have to use the succubus item, soloed it down. Actually starting to like this job again, I wonder if I might learn how to use it post 50. Titan can survive a final sting, but next of course are the slimes... but i'll try tomorrow. Going to keep my first slot for solo until I get my weapons. Second slot will go for a very iffy static with my friend who doesn't always come online but wants a 235 for his ninja. I think two Summoners might wreck the place.