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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT2| RIP Bowmage 2015-2017.

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You were a couple bosses away from Heavensward

Since then they've added to the game pretty much as much content as it took you to get from the final boss of ARR to Midgarsomr

I forgot and love how much the patches added to the game might stick with lancer for now then go back to my Lala later when back into groove and want a change
Got my fisher to 50 and I don't know if I have the fortitude to get it 60. Botanist is one GC turn in from 60 and Miner is 53. Not sure if to finish getting Fisher to 60 or wait till my Culinarian starts needing fish from 50+ holes. All of my crafters are 30, and I'll probably continue leveling them together to 50~60.

Getting Fisher to 60 is really not bad. Once you have Patience, hooking HQ fish becomes way easier, which means getting the double XP for HQ turn-ins for Grand Company provisioning and levequests is easier and hence leveling up goes faster.
I'm still baffled that only the Koreans have ever had any interest in making MMOs with free-target action combat. I mean it seems like the kind of thing Western devs would be all over, not that there are really any Western devs left which are making new MMOs at this point. All the new MMO development is in Asia, and almost all of them are cookie-cutter F2P interchangeable sandbox P2W grindfests these days.

The first month of launch that Tera had in NA was probably the best first month of any MMO I've ever played. It's too bad it was such a flash in the pan, the combat system in Tera was and is still amazing.

TERA probably wins the award for best MMO combat.

Only MMO I've played where you can play as a dual sword wielding dodge tank where you actually have to time your dodges to avoid attacks.


Hi guys, I've been hearing loads of positive opinions about XIV here on GAF, so I decided to give it a try, I signed up for a free 14 day trial and I'm just about to finish creating my character, but I have a 1 question in advance, regarding higher level equimpent.

Is it necessary to use any form of crafting in order to get the best equipment there is, or is it possible to get it also/only by doing some dungeons/raids etc. is there anything exclusive to either craft/raids/dungeons?


Hi guys, I've been hearing loads of positive opinions about XIV here on GAF, so I decided to give it a try, I signed up for a free 14 day trial and I'm just about to finish creating my character, but I have a 1 question in advance, regarding higher level equimpent.

Is it necessary to use any form of crafting in order to get the best equipment there is, or is it possible to get it also/only by doing some dungeons/raids etc. is there anything exclusive to either craft/raids/dungeons?

No, end-game raiding gives you the best combat gear (with some slight exceptions if you min-max). Crafting gear is more like a quick boost if you need gear to meet the requirements to do a fight. Once you reach level 50~60, you get a new form of currency that allows you to purchase end-game gear at certain NPC vendors.
Hi guys, I've been hearing loads of positive opinions about XIV here on GAF, so I decided to give it a try, I signed up for a free 14 day trial and I'm just about to finish creating my character, but I have a 1 question in advance, regarding higher level equimpent.

Is it necessary to use any form of crafting in order to get the best equipment there is, or is it possible to get it also/only by doing some dungeons/raids etc. is there anything exclusive to either craft/raids/dungeons?
Crafted equipment is mostly stopgap solutions. While leveling they're pretty much useless as it'll never last long enough to be worth it. Endgame, crafted stuff serves as an ilvl boost to get you to make early progression easier. In very rare cases, certain pieces of crafted gear can be best in slot, but it's super uncommon. Weekly capped/raid gear is 99.99% of the time the best gear you can get.


Thanks for quick responses guys, that's good to hear because I never liked crafting in any mmo [too much busywork], I prefer to do some dungeon or raid several times over with other people.
Hi guys, I've been hearing loads of positive opinions about XIV here on GAF, so I decided to give it a try, I signed up for a free 14 day trial and I'm just about to finish creating my character, but I have a 1 question in advance, regarding higher level equimpent.

Is it necessary to use any form of crafting in order to get the best equipment there is, or is it possible to get it also/only by doing some dungeons/raids etc. is there anything exclusive to either craft/raids/dungeons?

Thanks for quick responses guys, that's good to hear because I never liked crafting in any mmo [too much busywork], I prefer to do some dungeon or raid several times over with other people.

Also, make sure to only stick to main story quests, and blue sidequests marked with a "+" icon. These last ones unlock stuff, such as dungeons, and even gameplay enhancement stuff, such as logs and weekly bonuses.

If you start doing every sidequest, you will get tired of the game really quickly. That's what happened to me the first two times I tried getting into the game.


Crafting only useful to make Gil on the market board. They added a materia melder so need lvl crafting for that anymore or asking a FC member to help


Crafting only useful to make Gil on the market board. They added a materia melder so need lvl crafting for that anymore or asking a FC member to help
Well, to make ridiculous amounts of money from crafting you need to put in a decent amount of time at it, but there's always some specific easy crafts that are always constantly moving in bulk and can build up money over time. (but the markets are also extremely easy to crash due to the easy nature of said crafts)

And for melds yeah you don't need other people for suremelds but the NPCs can't overmeld.


Suffering From Success
I craft because supramax potions and 4-star food are worth their weight in gold due to all the mat rarity. Though even when consumables were easier in ARR I still crafted just to make my own raid supplies. I guess if you don't raid this doesn't matter as much but then you can supply raiders I guess?!
TERA probably wins the award for best MMO combat.

Only MMO I've played where you can play as a dual sword wielding dodge tank where you actually have to time your dodges to avoid attacks.

The original Warrior design in Tera was pretty crazy, it was a pure dodging and soak tank. You had the only class with 2 dodges (still on long CDs) instead of one and the largest HP bar and defense stat. It was so difficult to play compared to Lancer that they had to add a block to Warrior later on just so anyone would play it.

Of course this problem was compounded by just how easy it was to play Lancer. The Lancer would just block and use the shield swipe and chuckle at any boss attack, with the sole exception of actually having to use their super-convenient dash to run out of the Queen's big AoE thing because that was the only Lancer-unblockable attack in the whole game at NA launch. The biggest challenge most Lancers faced in Tera was figuring out how to make the camera show the boss while tanking the boss with your back to the wall so it didn't push you backwards constantly and mess up positioning for the DPS.
The original Warrior design in Tera was pretty crazy, it was a pure dodging and soak tank. You had the only class with 2 dodges (still on long CDs) instead of one and the largest HP bar and defense stat. It was so difficult to play compared to Lancer that they had to add a block to Warrior later on just so anyone would play it.

Of course this problem was compounded by just how easy it was to play Lancer. The Lancer would just block and use the shield swipe and chuckle at any boss attack, with the sole exception of actually having to use their super-convenient dash to run out of the Queen's big AoE thing because that was the only Lancer-unblockable attack in the whole game at NA launch. The biggest challenge most Lancers faced in Tera was figuring out how to make the camera show the boss while tanking the boss with your back to the wall so it didn't push you backwards constantly and mess up positioning for the DPS.

I stopped playing right after they added the block so I never got to use it.

But I loved the way it played. I also liked the way the skill customization/glyph system worked too.
Lore book worth every cent. Ixalli are decedents of chimeras---who knew?

Mine's on the way and I'm so psyched for it.

I've heard it has spoilers though if you haven't finished ARR?

Also, here's some fanart.



Mine's on the way and I'm so psyched for it.

I've heard it has spoilers though if you haven't finished ARR?

Also, here's some fanart.
Yeah, it's got stuff all the way up to the latest patch, and some info that'll probably make its debut during Stormblood or the next content patch in January.
What does everyone think about dropping cleric stance for Stormblood? I found this interesting post on the subject.

I think it's engaging and rewards practice, good decision-making, knowledge of the fight and knowledge of what your party can handle.

But I also think it's needlessly clunky and that it functions as an unnecessary barrier to "acceptable" Healer gameplay. And that the community at large drastically overvalues it. The opportunity cost of not doing it is less than the cost of doing it and failing, and it's the type of thing where you have to fail at it at least a bit at first to learn when you can get away with doing it.

Right now it's tuned to where everyone wants the relatively minor carrot but no one's willing to put up with the consequences (ie: the stick). And it makes way too big a gap in player performance without being anything that's integral to Healer gameplay. It forces you to perform the equivalent of playing two different characters at different slices of time within the fight, which often leads to people abandoning one or the other. Hence all the "Healer DPS" bitching threads here and elsewhere. Or the less-common "my co-healer isn't actually healing" problems.

This makes growing as a Healer player difficult, especially if you're unlucky enough to not have a full static or a dedicated Tank buddy.

I'm hoping they nuke it with Stormblood, make all Healer DPS spells scale off of Mind, and do something else using their new UI and some new mechanics to keep Healer DPS engaging and enable it to reward aptitude without punishing mistakes quite so harshly.

I mentioned it in another thread today, but things that meld the two "halves" of a Healer's kit into one mutually-reinforcing whole would be a good direction to go in, IMO. Things kinda like BLM procs that key off of Healing and affect DPS spells, or vice-versa.

No mechanic in the game should be so polarizing that:

- A portion of the people you play with bitch at you for using it ("WTF healer, why are you in Cleric Stance? Healers are supposed to heal, not DPS!"). Even though they're wrong most of the time, it still grates.

- And another portion will bitch at you for not using it ("WTF Healer, why aren't you DPSing in every possible window of downtime? Why don't you want to improve/why do you hate excellence/why do you have an anti-elitist agenda?"). These usually also tend to be the people that will kick from groups for mistakes, even if they're mistakes made in the pursuit of skill refinement. Because everyone's committed to having Healers DPS until the healer commits the grievous sin of having to learn.

No other role has to put up with stuff like this. The closest equivalent's Tank stance dancing, and the worst that happens if you fumble one of those is that you make it harder on your Healer or you do less DPS. As opposed to "make your Tank dead" or "do no DPS".


What does everyone think about dropping cleric stance for Stormblood? I found this interesting post on the subject.

I haven't played healers much yet but I didn't really like it. I forget I have it on sometimes and almost let the tank die. I wouldn't mind it if this were a thing though:
2 - Have Cleric Stance immediately drop any time you cast a heal. Thus you only have to worry about turning it on, but never have to worry about turning it off.
I haven't played healers much yet but I didn't really like it. I forget I have it on sometimes and almost let the tank die. I wouldn't mind it if this were a thing though:

I myself always thought Cleric stance was kind of a clunky way to have healers do DPS instead of making it a natural part of their kits.

That single skill seems to cause a lot of rage so much that there are comics about the whole healer dps thing and multi page argument threads about it.

All would probably disappear if DPS was interwoven with the other abilities healers have instead of basically turning half of your skills on/off.

A lot of people who are against DPSing as a healer would probably do so if it didn't require making a gamble that results in people dying and people hating them if they make a single mistake.


the annoying thing about cleric stance is how easy it is to think you clicked in/out of it, but it didn't because of GCD or who fucking knows. no other skills gives that sense of dread when it doesn't act the way you expect.


the annoying thing about cleric stance is how easy it is to think you clicked in/out of it, but it didn't because of GCD or who fucking knows. no other skills gives that sense of dread when it doesn't act the way you expect.



the annoying thing about cleric stance is how easy it is to think you clicked in/out of it, but it didn't because of GCD or who fucking knows. no other skills gives that sense of dread when it doesn't act the way you expect.

Yeah this for sure. When I'm flying along during a raid or something I'm used to clicking it on and off quickly but sometimes because of sever lag or whatever it doesn't go off. There's that moment of "why are my heals so weak, why is the tank dead...oh." But I mean it's muscle memory, 9 out of 10 times it clicks off and on easily but man that 10th time.


I don't have a problem with Cleric Stance to me as an ability. I didn't fully grasp it until level 50+ since I felt more comfortable doing it since tanks took less damage in dungeons. My problem is how clunky it can be sometimes. I'll drop my dots and mid-cast I'll queue it and 9/10 it works but there's always that one time where it doesn't. If they can fix that, I think it's perfectly fine. I'm sure most of the problems people run into with accidentally being in Cleric Stance while trying to heal stem from this particular issue with ability queueing.

Edit: Also, what is going on lately with PF in Ultros and the spam? People that bored? :p
I don't have a problem with Cleric Stance to me as an ability. I didn't fully grasp it until level 50+ since I felt more comfortable doing it since tanks took less damage in dungeons. My problem is how clunky it can be sometimes. I'll drop my dots and mid-cast I'll queue it and 9/10 it works but there's always that one time where it doesn't. If they can fix that, I think it's perfectly fine. I'm sure most of the problems people run into with accidentally being in Cleric Stance while trying to heal stem from this particular issue with ability queueing.

Edit: Also, what is going on lately with PF in Ultros and the spam? People that bored? :p

People are probably waiting for 3.5.

I'm not resubbing until the next patch hits.


I never liked Cleric Stance as an ability. I'd rather have damage spells scale directly off MND so that my gameplay can be fluid. Having played a lot of WoW lately where healers are encouraged to throw in some DPS much more than they were used to, it always irks me when I go back to FF14 and have to constantly toggle between healing and DPSing (especially when healers are more DPS-focused in FF14).

I completely agree with that reddit post; at the very least I'd like to see the 5s CD reversed because double tapping Cleric by accident because you lagged or whatever is probably the most annoying thing in this game I can think of. As an added bonus there probably would be much less bickering amongst people about healer DPS if it didn't exist so I'd take that as well.


Just finished my first session with the game, played for a few hours straight, got level 10 I think and so far I like it, if the game keeps up my interest I'm probably gonna go ahead with the purchase.

I'll need to consider connecting K/M to my ps4 though, playing on controller so far is managable, but I can't imagine doing it when I have more skills to manage.


Suffering From Success
If they remove Cleric Stance, chances are overall healer DPS potential will be scaled down as a balance measure.


Just make it an oGCD and reduce the CD a little bit. I feel like that would solve a lot of issues

While they're at it, do the same with Grit and Shield Oath.
Just make it an oGCD and reduce the CD a little bit. I feel like that would solve a lot of issues

While they're at it, do the same with Grit and Shield Oath.
But CS is already an oGCD?

Grit and Shield Oath will never be oGCDs because you'll just ve giving DRK and PLDs a free defensive CD. You're suppoaed to commit to stance dancing, otherwise people will just tank without them and turn them on just for heavy hits.


But CS is already an oGCD?

Grit and Shield Oath will never be oGCDs because you'll just ve giving DRK and PLDs a free defensive CD. You're suppoaed to commit to stance dancing, otherwise people will just tank without them and turn them on just for heavy hits.
It's weird no? You can press it during a GCD but it won't turn on or off straight away.
Also, make sure to only stick to main story quests, and blue sidequests marked with a "+" icon.

All this time, all these years and I never knew. This is.... well too late but still a life changing moment!

I'll need to consider connecting K/M to my ps4 though, playing on controller so far is managable, but I can't imagine doing it when I have more skills to manage.

Not telling you not to use K/M but it's not as bad as you think. I play with a controller, and a wireless keyboard for chat. With the right setup and rotation you can do everything you need in 2 tabs.


I myself always thought Cleric stance was kind of a clunky way to have healers do DPS instead of making it a natural part of their kits.

That single skill seems to cause a lot of rage so much that there are comics about the whole healer dps thing and multi page argument threads about it.

All would probably disappear if DPS was interwoven with the other abilities healers have instead of basically turning half of your skills on/off.

A lot of people who are against DPSing as a healer would probably do so if it didn't require making a gamble that results in people dying and people hating them if they make a single mistake.
Yeah I think just eliminating it would really be a great move for the better.

My Mrs. has healed since 2.0 and even though she's the type that can solo-heal through extremely difficult situations the healer needing to DPS attitude is a blight on the game that she has to deal with.

It's one of those added unnecessary complexities that make jobs harder than they need to be and fuels some nasty elitist style mindsets. Making the DPS flow more naturally or cutting it off at the kneecaps would both be great changes going into Stormblood.

This debate has been the only thing in all of 14 that's caused a negative experience with other people in game that needed to be told to go fuck themselves and be the only non-rmt names on my blacklist.
Good to know that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed whenever I accidentally trigger Cleric Stance by mistake. That five-second wait is long if your tank is in dire need of heals. Yes, there's Beatification to restore him to full health but that has a five-minute cooldown and would rather reserve it for the final bosses or when we have a Dark Knight for a tank.

And as much as I love XIV, it annoys me so much that they made it feel like they want you to play the WHM class as a female character. The character animation and the armor sets usually look so feminine, and it's awkward as my character is a tall, muscular male Hyur. Oh well.

And yes, for those who will just start playing now, it's best to just do the main story quests for your first class. This way you won't get annoyed with the many sidequests (read fetch quests) and you still have some quests left to level your other classes.


Credits are rolling.

Holy. Shit.

ARR credits? How long did it take you?

I've been a bit busier than I was hoping the last week or two, so I haven't been able to play as much as I wish. Been doing a quest or two a day, kinda hard to get into it at times but at least the quests have been more interesting since The Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Hoping to reach the level 50 quests before the year ends.

Also I should really start doing those content unlocking side quests. Been ignoring every single one pretty much, going by this list, I've missed Gold Saucer, Aesthetician System, Grand Company Selection, Chocobo Mount Access and Sightseeing Log lol. Sounds like a lot.


I got into crafting and gathering a few months ago just to try something new for a change and it scratched an itch I didn't even know I had. All my crafters are level 20 minimum, with two of them level 52 and one level 43. My gatherers are all between level 42 and 50 as well.

I don't even know who I am anymore. I just started doing combat oriented content again last week, and that was because I needed to unlock the Moogle dailies and didn't want to do the prerequisites on a level 60 class and lose the XP.

I don't even care about making gil, I just find the system itself enjoyable. I can't even explain it.
Good to know that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed whenever I accidentally trigger Cleric Stance by mistake. That five-second wait is long if your tank is in dire need of heals. Yes, there's Beatification to restore him to full health but that has a five-minute cooldown and would rather reserve it for the final bosses or when we have a Dark Knight for a tank.

And as much as I love XIV, it annoys me so much that they made it feel like they want you to play the WHM class as a female character. The character animation and the armor sets usually look so feminine, and it's awkward as my character is a tall, muscular male Hyur. Oh well.

And yes, for those who will just start playing now, it's best to just do the main story quests for your first class. This way you won't get annoyed with the many sidequests (read fetch quests) and you still have some quests left to level your other classes.

To be fair, that's how a lot of the caster armor looks like, it seems to be made more for females but hey guys seem to pull the look off somehow.
ARR credits? How long did it take you?

I've been a bit busier than I was hoping the last week or two, so I haven't been able to play as much as I wish. Been doing a quest or two a day, kinda hard to get into it at times but at least the quests have been more interesting since The Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Hoping to reach the level 50 quests before the year ends.

Also I should really start doing those content unlocking side quests. Been ignoring every single one pretty much, going by this list, I've missed Gold Saucer, Aesthetician System, Grand Company Selection, Chocobo Mount Access and Sightseeing Log lol. Sounds like a lot.

Patch 2.55 credits. I am now in Heavensward, officially. It took me two weeks to beat ARR, and another two and a half to beat the patches. I played a lot as I am currently unemployed, so I imagine it could take double that for people with obligations.

and yeah, do those sidequests.


Is crafting really the only good source of income? If I wanted to buy a good set of crafted when I hit 60, I don't see a good way to afford it at my current pace.


Is crafting really the only good source of income? If I wanted to buy a good set of crafted when I hit 60, I don't see a good way to afford it at my current pace.

Pretty much, though if you want okay 60 gear you'd be better off getting centurio seals from the daily hunts in foundation.


Hey guys!
I just bought the game and it is right now installing on my PS4.
Before I'm starting I'm looking for some advice for my character.
Since I will solo most of the time and this is my first mmo I'm looking for a beginner friendly class that can I can play solo. I know that some content is blocked by having to group so I guess queue times are a factor as well.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
Is crafting really the only good source of income? If I wanted to buy a good set of crafted when I hit 60, I don't see a good way to afford it at my current pace.

If all you care about is getting good gear, it's better to go with what you can get via Centurio Seals and tomes than paying the big gil for the latest crafted gear set.


Hey guys!
I just bought the game and it is right now installing on my PS4.
Before I'm starting I'm looking for some advice for my character.
Since I will solo most of the time and this is my first mmo I'm looking for a beginner friendly class that can I can play solo. I know that some content is blocked by having to group so I guess queue times are a factor as well.
Thanks in advance for any advice!

I've been playing as an Arcanist and it's been fantastic for solo stuff. You get a tank pet at level 15 which makes most encounters very easy - let your pet take the heat while you stand back and sling magic. Before that you have a DPS pet which can also draw the enemies away from you, though obviously not as effectively as the tank.

When you reach level 30 with Arcanist and level 15 with Conjurer, you can switch to Scholar, which is supposedly an even easier class to solo with.

Arcanist is a DPS class though, the main quest dungeons I've done so far have all had queue times of around 15 to 20 minutes.

e: this is my first MMO too fwiw
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