Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Lol, I got my clear in a soar party and I'm proud. Btw, any tips as blm in that fight? God, it feels really hard to dps to the best in that fight D:
Really? You can stand still for extended periods of time.Lol, I got my clear in a soar party and I'm proud. Btw, any tips as blm in that fight? God, it feels really hard to dps to the best in that fight D:
/p  米型飛翔    ≡型飛翔
/p  \MS /       \\┃MS   ※盾は2名重なる
/p D1\ /D2    D1 \\┃  D2  ※ヒーラーは2枚踏まない位置へ
/p ━━━━━━     \┃\ 
/p D3/ \D4    D3  ┃\\ D4   
/p  /   \        ┃\\<
Are you really... accusing a bunch of people of parroting opinions they don't understand based on how you think a mechanic you've never seen probably works? It's fairly straightforward but has more to it than the normal mechanic and unlike everything in normal can actually kill you.
The biggest problem is the misconception that it's a top 1% issue; if groups had to actually try specifically to skip Soar, it wouldn't be a huge deal. 2/2/4 groups with mixed iLevels were skipping it day 1. You can skip it in a single tank group where most DPS are well under the 50th percentile for the fight.The mechanic isn't particularly hard to execute it, but the barrier to skipping it isn't that high either.
Are they changing that spoilery title?
nice la~Players can now join parties listed in the Party Finder interface even when queued for a duty via the Duty Finder.
Are they changing that spoilery title?
It's just Zurvan, other content seems fine.This tank coat is so good! Got it this week in 12s aaaah
Unrelated... I really dislike this cross server PF. The amount of arseholes I've met in Zurvan parties lately have been out of control. You'd never see half of the crap I'm seeing now two weeks ago when it was just Lamia, for example. I don't know if other servers have vile communities or if the large amount of parties and potential players available just means no one gives a crap about how they act because they can just boot and find a replacement in seconds. Or even if it's just the Zurvan fight bringing the worst out of people.
But god damn. I don't even wanna farm the damn thing any more
Still couldn't just leave it as the Finest Pupil because Koji reasons I guess.
Now that I've played Xenoblade Chronicles X, I'll never criticize the localization of FFXIV ever again. Honestly the localization of FFXIV has been mostly faithful and the few times they have deviated too dramatically from the JP script, people have called them out on it and they have responded by saying they won't do it again.
Meanwhile XCX literally has the entire game's English dialogue written to include memes in every conversation. It's like an anime trollsub, that's how bad it is. Nintendo is literally the worst company on Earth doing JP -> EN videogame localizations today, every other company has come around to the reality that most people want reasonably straightforward localizations of games, not censorship everywhere and everything rewritten with dank memes.
Thankfully there is a fan-translated version of Fire Emblem If so i don't have to put up with the censorship and dialogue rewrites of Fates. Too bad no one ever did this for XCX.
Finally got all 3 of this patch's miniatures. Ugh... We're going to need a L size house, an increase to the number of items you can shove into a house and a transfer program ASAP.
Yo what the fuck.
We ran Zeruvan 10 times last night to get a weapon for one of our guys.
No joke, the bow dropped 7 times...SEVEN FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW
We literally got
What the fuck
Really? You can stand still for extended periods of time.
Only times when you really have to move were soar, halberd, southern cross and the tower part of the tethers iirc.
As for tethers with pugs, I found that the easiest way to do this is to tell people to start spreading to different parts of the arena after Southern Cross. Thanks to that, there's almost no overlapping. Japanese groups also sometimes use prioritizing - follow the MT/DPS1/Healer in your pair etc.
Southern cross is really easy with pugs.
Only part of the fight that I found was Soar, but only because the most popular macro lists DPS like this:
So when the "line" version of Soar comes more vertically than horizontally, some people (including me) get confused.
That's why I like this diagram more:
Edit:Code:※MS=MT・STの位置  /p  米型飛翔    ≡型飛翔 /p  \MS /       \\┃MS   ※盾は2名重なる /p D1\ /D2    D1 \\┃  D2  ※ヒーラーは2枚踏まない位置へ /p ━━━━━━     \┃\  /p D3/ \D4    D3  ┃\\ D4    /p  /   \        ┃\\<
Wow, this looks terrible on the forum.
I'm talking about people who hardcore rage on people in PF groups thinking that not skipping a mechanic is the end, not people in this thread.
I'm still kind of surprised at how much I enjoy Mech. Been doing a bit of POTD after unlocking it, and Gauss Barrel doesn't really bother me at all.
Reddit is a hellhole right now because of all the Zurvan rage. It's incredible because Soar isn't even a tough mechanic. If you see it, then do it. You can clear just fine even if the fight takes another 30 seconds longer.
People just got it into their heads that it "should" be skipped, and suddenly people are flipping the fuck out and cutting themselves over seeing it. And I think some people are using it as an excuse to not learn the mechanic because the "standard" appears to be skipping the first Soar and LBing the second. An insurance LB on a mechanic that isn't even that hard.
I mean a lot of the top raiding people who post there are elitist as fuck, but they seem way angrier than usual about Zurvan for some reason.
I mean a lot of the top raiding people who post there are elitist as fuck, but they seem way angrier than usual about Zurvan for some reason.
You could go in earlier if you can run with people you know, or find a learning PF that has a non-asshole sounding description.I am waiting till I have full 270 now before I even try that fight
This is the mentality that bothers me the most. Soar is a mechanic that DOESN'T wipe you even if you fail it, as long as some people are still alive. It's not an instant wipe by design. But these morons are turning a forgiving mechanic into an instant-wipe mechanic because they decide to throw a tantrum when things don't go their way.let's wipe and leave cause we hit this garbage mechanic
You could go in earlier if you can run with people you know, or find a learning PF that has a non-asshole sounding description.
I think it's easier than Nidhogg EX. Slightly easier than Sophia EX mechanically, but possibly more wipe-prone because of a few instant wipe mechanics.
Learning Soar is important in case you see it anyway.
The whole situation with Soar is why we'll never get official parsing in a nutshell.
The whole situation with Soar is why we'll never get official parsing in a nutshell.
That's not the problem. Parsing is a useful tool that helps people improve, but look at the mentality that's spawned from people misusing them.Yeah, better keep people blissfully unaware that they're doing something wrong lest their feelings get hurt.
This isn't some "oh you got your feelings hurt" bullshit. This is about taking data from a tool that's supposed to help people improve, and then using it as an excuse to abuse other people. You think those assholes who keep calling other people shit and telling them to kill themselves want them to improve? Fuck no. They just want to bully other people, and the numbers they get from parses are just being used as an excuse
While it's true that a lot of people who act like abusive assholes actually suck at the game, there are still a lot of strong players in the community who act really condescending to others.In the end, I don't care too much what PF/RF/etc. group ends up with when it comes to skipping Soar or not. I just find the treatment of both sides to be stretching the truth a lot. Soar is easy, hitting 15k rDPS @250-260+ with 5 DPS is easy. Do whichever you end up with but I really wish people would stop making either side a pride point.
Let's be realistic here, the people doing this aren't suddenly doing it because they have numbers to wave around and the majority of the absolutely shitty attitude ones aren't the ones with actual good numbers. There's exceptions, of course, but let's not somehow make this people with good numbers just want to shit on people.
This isn't some "oh you got your feelings hurt" bullshit. This is about taking data from a tool that's supposed to help people improve, and then using it as an excuse to abuse other people. You think those assholes who keep calling other people shit and telling them to kill themselves want them to improve? Fuck no. They just want to bully other people, and the numbers they get from parses are just being used as an excuse. It's people justifying acting like shitheads by wrapping it up in "lol I'm just giving real talk/telling it like it is" bullshit.
Are there any machinists who have cleared A12s here?
I have a bunch of mental notes about how I optimize the fight, and I was wondering if I could compare notes with anyone.
You don't actually need a parser for the people who are going to do that to do that.
Early Zurvan groups? ACT was broken. There was no way to tell how anyone did in raw numbers terms, because the thing that gave us numbers was busted. It turned into eyeballing groups and trying to figure out why they were dropping at 85% sometimes and whether it was something fixable next pull or if Soar was just going to happen. The fact that nobody could tell how any one individual's DPS actually was from a parser didn't stop the skip Soar or kick parties from showing up or people from eyeballing aggro meters or tracking buffs and debuffs or castbars to try and call out the weak link.
The problem specifically with Soar is that it is not hard to carry a poorly performing DPS through a Soar skip, but if you do that it is impossible for said DPS to realize that's what happened using any feedback from the game itself. All they know is the group they were in earlier skipped Soar, the group they're in now didn't, and they make the assumption that they must be fine since they've seen a skip. The game gives them zero reason to realize the reason they saw a skip one time is that they happened upon a group where the other DPS was doing 50% more damage and the healers were doing constant DPS, and not because they were doing their part right.
I waffle back and forth on whether or not the game would benefit from a flat in-game personal parser, or if the information would be useless without a complementary effort by the game to actually help people fix what's wrong. The closest thing we have to feedback about personal performance is the SSS dummies, and those are mechanics-free and the damage amounts arbitrary. Anyone being a dick to somebody about a parse should catch a ban because holy crap it's a video game, but the people who are going to be huge assholes about it will, absent a parse, probably pick up from context clues who's underperforming. They were probably being dicks about it when ACT didn't work on the morning of 3.5. The current situation is just flat-out unfair to PS4 players who have no independent way to judge what they're doing or get a real idea of how they're performing. People being jerks isn't the solution, but neither is keeping a giant chunk of the player base in the dark.
I hear ya, but I played WoW. A lot of WoW. People being dicks to you about a parse isn't an if, it's a when. Regardless of what level you play at, at some point you're going to have a bad experience and a meter will be involved. If Blizzard tried to enforce bans on that behavior their GMs would have to work 24 hours and grow 4 extra arms.
In a perfect world, parsers would come with an enforced disclaimer that the information needs to be used for good, not to indulge your inner Hitler.
I mean, I've played WoW too? The permission to parse there leads to people being more up-front about knowing where numbers stand, but the actual running dungeons or LRF with randoms in the run up to and time shortly after Legion launch was not markedly more toxic than the average FFXIV experience. You'd hit the occasional guy, but for the most part people just wanted to get in and get out.
FFXIV already has parsers that are allowed if you don't talk about it--they already enforce bans for hurling abuse at people for parse data. FFXIV already has Those People that will go into groups and abuse whoever they think is holding people back (which is super awesome if you're parsing, they aren't, and you realize they're attacking the lead DPS because they have no idea what they're talking about.) The lack of an in-game parser doesn't stop any of that from happening.
Uh, does. You just said it yourself: being a douche with parsed data results in a ban, because parsers aren't allowed.
I'm unsure why you just argued against yourself there![]()
The game has blanket rules against being abusive to other players full stop. Being a dick to somebody with an in-game parser? Would still be bannable. The only thing an official parser actually changes is letting people operate in-game from an equal playing field and decrease paranoia. Technically you can get banned for mentioning you have a parser at all, in practice it seems to largely happen if you're being a jerk with the data.
Go in and insult a bunch of people in DF and, without a parser mention, you can still cop a ban. The parser itself is a component of the current path, but an official parser in no way prevents them from banning people from being jerks about it any more than they're powerless to ban people being jerks now who don't mention parsers. I'm unsure why this is so confusing.
Ah, ok. See what you mean. So you're saying that the current rules enforce action against douchey behaviour, so douchey behaviour with parsed data wouldn't make much difference. I would argue that you'd see an increase in such behaviour though, and that it would become harder to enforce due to volume and frequency.
But that's speculation I guess, after all: WoW and SE's in game moderation styles are very different.
OK, so here's what I've been doing off the top of my head, with a few questions in there. Not sure where I could be doing better:I do this but am pretty garbage at it so who knows if I have anything useful to contribute
I think actually the other problem with Zurvan parties is a lot of people in PF may not actually just know their classes and their timers well enough to get the optimal burn out before the drop, since this is stuff that comes from hours and hours and hours of play in difficult content. As a Dragoon, you end up blowing Geirskogul early twice since it's a waste going into the drop with a full timer on BoTD, sure you'd keep it but you're missing out on two geirskoguls pre-drop (and one of them being in B4B) and you also get a total of 4 jumps pre-drop. (normal Jump comes off cooldown right before the drop, no point not to use it there)