Unconfirmed Member
Whats a good rotation for lvl50 DRG (no hw installed)
At moment just using heavy> impluse> disembowel>chaos as main solo
I use power surge first for 2 rotations then BB until resets
Use odd jump now and again to help wait during moves
You basically want to use cooldowns, mechanics permitting, as they come back up for jump; the exception is, yeah, if power surge is about to come back up (though with the way the cooldowns work on most fights you should be able to power surge every two jumps anyway). If Chaos Thrust is already up, you want to use Phlebotomise and the Full Thrust combo, which you should be able to fit two combos before Chaos Thrust needs refreshing. Blood for Blood should be used in your opener before Chaos Thrust.
AOE rotation if there's 4 or more mobs is just heavy thrust, ring of thorns, then doomspike until you run out of tp and regret your life choices.
Ignore any post in this thread about cross-classing Fracture because it's probably me beating a joke to death.