For anyone on PS4 Pro:
Damn I should have signed up for the beta.
For anyone on PS4 Pro:
i prefer this out of denmo's stuffThis is still the best FF14 video ever made .
Buy your Lallafell slave today
Calling anyone a stupid retard in an online game says more about them than it does of you.Well.. it was sad to be called "a stupid retard" by a member named Laura Bailey during a trial against Garuda on Hard but the rest of these primal fights have been a blast so far. I love how they just throw them at you at the very beginning of level 50 and you can just go from there. I did them to unlock those class specific weapons. I have a couple of Extreme fights on my duty roster but I'm too nervous to try them out (probably not experienced enough even if it says level 50).
Running in circles around a tree for 25 minutes as a tank sure was fun gameplay.That hamlet defense thing seems pretty cool.
I wonder if they're ever going to add that in again.
I must have missed you. Will send the ships out this weekend for you and mail you the horn when it comes in.
Might be a bugDoes anyone know why the number of days remaining on my subscription isn't displayed anymore on the character selection screen? It was displayed when I started playing last november, but it's not anymore. It was quite useful and I liked it being displayed.
"Mhmm, mhmm, oh ok, mm"
"I know some of these words"
Can anyone tell me what the music during the Scathach fight in Dun Scaith is?
Speaking of Garuda HM, it seems like nobody can do this fight properly anymore these days. I still get it once or twice a week, and even when I put a waymark south and say "please bring her to the waymark" they keep tanking her inside the tornado in the middle, even after getting knocked back and losing a bunch of HP.
I had a fun time but there's a lot of responsibility as a tank that makes me extra nervous whenever I start a duty. I try to read up in advance or ask for general advice before we advance. So many of these second tanks are so overleveled compared to me that I can't take the aggro off of them and just have to do my best to keep it going. But I haven't had any issues and haven't died against any of the hard primals except Garuda - which was my bad but I corrected my errors in the second time. Just did the Leviathan HM and it was easy but a fun spectacle.Speaking of Garuda HM, it seems like nobody can do this fight properly anymore these days. I still get it once or twice a week, and even when I put a waymark south and say "please bring her to the waymark" they keep tanking her inside the tornado in the middle, even after getting knocked back and losing a bunch of HP.
That being said:
Calling anyone a stupid retard in an online game says more about them than it does of you.
Running in circles around a tree for 25 minutes as a tank sure was fun gameplay.
So is there any point to Dissipation?
my brother's probably going to stop his sub until stormblood
he has a few weeks remaining on his auto renew sub, if he stops the sub now and starts again for stormblood, he will still have his remaining game time right? i think i've heard something like this
can someone confirm this? :<
When people say you have your remaining game time, they probably mean when you cancel your sub you still have access until the remaining days tick down (a few services I've used will instantly revoke access to your account if you cancel, but I haven't seen that happen with an MMO).can someone confirm this? :<
It kinda sucks we can't do palace of the dead by cross server.
You mean when you kill the fairy?
It's for pumping out some extra dps or oh shit moments when your WHM died.
It boosts damage? I thought the 20% was just for healing but I guess it could be good if you're at some part of the fight where you don't need the faerie healing anything.
No, cross server premade parties only work for party finder content.when you enter by matching party is it not already cross server?
unless you meant fixed party by making a cross server PF beforehand, it doesn't work in this case?
Is the Valentione's Day event just that one quest or is new stuff added daily for the duration of the event?
Is there a way to only subscribe for one month? So far, I had to input my credit card to pay for one month, and then unassociate the credit card from my account. That's not very elegant.
Is there a way to only subscribe for one month? So far, I had to input my credit card to pay for one month, and then unassociate the credit card from my account. That's not very elegant.
Change the payment method to Crysta and then load it with enough crysta to cover for a month. If there is not enough in it for the next month, then it won't resub you until you chose to.
Is there a way to only subscribe for one month? So far, I had to input my credit card to pay for one month, and then unassociate the credit card from my account. That's not very elegant.
Dissipation is +20% healing potency and an additional three aetherflow stacks, so it's sort of like a 450 potency attack if you spend all the stacks on energy drain.
There's only one quest but if you choose the same person 3 times you get extra dialogue at the end so it's worth doing the whole thing 3 times.
Actual footage of my face during The Singularity Reactor
What an amazing fight
Hey GAF starting back up. Have bards been made fun again since the launch of 3.0? I absolutely hated what they did to then with WM.
Also is Gilgamesh still the go to server for population and end game? If so guess I'll have to wake up at 3 in the morning to make a character there.
Is Kag and everyone still on Ultros?
I can't speak much for Bard as I've never touched it, but the new cross-realm party finder should make participating in end game activities easier on lower pop servers.
How do people keep up with all the boss gimmicks in the game? Every boss is complicated. Does everyone just keep a wiki up on a second monitor?
How do people keep up with all the boss gimmicks in the game? Every boss is complicated. Does everyone just keep a wiki up on a second monitor?
Fights are dances, you learn the steps, practice then performHow do people keep up with all the boss gimmicks in the game? Every boss is complicated. Does everyone just keep a wiki up on a second monitor?
There are videos you can watch for EXTREME fights.
How do people keep up with all the boss gimmicks in the game? Every boss is complicated. Does everyone just keep a wiki up on a second monitor?
I memorize them but I know people who keep notes.