Stone Ocean
Three Great Continents? That's all I can think ofNo. Aldenard, Ishard and Orthard is part of the same main land but I can't seem to figure out what the name of the main land is.
Three Great Continents? That's all I can think ofNo. Aldenard, Ishard and Orthard is part of the same main land but I can't seem to figure out what the name of the main land is.
Yeah that quest line was a bit of filler honestly, it didn't lead anywhere.
You will likely need a level 60 as RDM and SAM start out at level 50.
In HW, you needed to be level 50 to start a MCH/DRK/AST as they were in Ishgard, a level 50 zone. However I recall they don't force that requirement in SB. You won't need to physically enter the SB areas to start those jobs but the level requirement will likely be there.
Okay, I cleared the Manor, which was a neat dungeon. But. After that I got sucked into the vortex of the Titan quest. Oh my God. Seriously. What the hell. Are they trying to give the worst impression ever of the Company of Heroes? They's ALL a bunch of fucking trolls. Even the those just -pretending- to be from the Company are trolls. Wtf!
Made it to unlocking the Cheese quest dungeon. Enough. ENOUGH. Lol.
Okay, I cleared the Manor, which was a neat dungeon. But. After that I got sucked into the vortex of the Titan quest. Oh my God. Seriously. What the hell. Are they trying to give the worst impression ever of the Company of Heroes? They's ALL a bunch of fucking trolls. Even the those just -pretending- to be from the Company are trolls. Wtf!
Made it to unlocking the Cheese quest dungeon. Enough. ENOUGH. Lol.
The "Company of Heroes" are a bunch of frauds, the whole lot of them. Who needs a company anyway when you've got the Warrior of Light?
I'm pretty sure Ishgard would be considered part of Aldenard.No. Aldenard, Ishard and Orthard is part of the same main land but I can't seem to figure out what the name of the main land is.
I wasn't talking about Ishgard which is part of Coerthas which is part of Eorzea which is part of Aldenard.I'm pretty sure Ishgard would be considered part of Aldenard.
I don't think there is a proper name yet for the entire landmass besides "The Three Great Continents".
Yeah that'll have to do. I hope they give the land mass a name at some point though.Three Great Continents? That's all I can think of
Oh shit I hope this won't turn me away from the game. I already think it's getting bad enough in the 40s. I hate it when I have to grind like 10 million experience points or even the two million you mention between levels.The Company of Heroes arc made Y'shtola my favorite Scion. It was great how she was getting tired of all their bullshit.
I hit 55 last night. I'm already dreading the grind from 60 to 70. It's over two million experience points from 55 to 56. It will probably be over ten million per level from 60 to 70.
Oh shit I hope this won't turn me away from the game. I already think it's getting bad enough in the 40s. I hate it when I have to grind like 10 million experience points or even the two million you mention between levels.
I've always had it hard with a single level taking tons of exp because it creates the illusion of no progress and no "instant" satisfaction. You might not understand that, but that is how it is with me.But like, are you playing the game for the game and story or just to grind levels? As long as the story, quests, bosses, and events are interesting and remain challenging, why does it matter if it takes longer to gain a single level? It's just numbers in the end. If you want to sense of fast leveling, you could always just start on other classes and jobs later? Or just play more PotD lol.
Okay, I cleared the Manor, which was a neat dungeon. But. After that I got sucked into the vortex of the Titan quest. Oh my God. Seriously. What the hell. Are they trying to give the worst impression ever of the Company of Heroes? They's ALL a bunch of fucking trolls. Even the those just -pretending- to be from the Company are trolls. Wtf!
Made it to unlocking the Cheese quest dungeon. Enough. ENOUGH. Lol.
In the early days it was a slog, but since then they've increased exp gains, added beast tribe dailies and Palace of the Dead. People in a rush might think the patch 2.0-3.0 story quests might be more of a slog than the leveling experience lol.I'm looking forward to see how the lvl 46>49 is gonna be since there's been a lot of criticism toward it. I'm actually surprised at how easy it's been levelling up to lvl 45 so far. I didn't have to do much PotD.
Very nice to hear. I haven't tried the beast tribe dailies, don't think I've unlocked it.In the early days it was a slog, but since then they've increased exp gains, added beast tribe dailies and Palace of the Dead. People in a rush might think the patch 2.0-3.0 story quests might be more of a slog than the leveling experience lol.
3 A1S windows in a row on Sunday ez 1-day relic
Yoshi give more content pls
And I missed all of them because my internet is shititng itself3 A1S windows in a row on Sunday ez 1-day relic
Yoshi give more content pls
What Frumix is talking about is a "window" of time in which Alexander 1 Savage had bonus points for a weapon quest thing.What is a A1s window?
No underwater combat, thank god. It was bad in Guild Wars 2, it was bad in MH3U. I never want to see realtime underwater combat ever again.Do we know if there will be underwater combat? Because that would be fucking sweet. There could be so many callbacks and nods to FFX.
What Frumix is talking about is a "window" of time in which Alexander 1 Savage had bonus points for a weapon quest thing.
Don't worry about it.
Do any quests marked with a + symbol you find while out in the world, as they generally unlock something gameplay related. Do the hall of the novice stuff as well as it gives a +30% experience ring.So I picked this up last week and have been playing a bit. Level 22 Lancer right now. I've done three dungeons and have been completing quests.
Any advice you guys can offer for a beginner?
Well I'm on the umbrite step waiting for the next patch to drop and hopefully a reduction but it doesn't hurt to look ahead and find the optimal progression scheme.
Yeah I'm doing that quest line right now - its killing me haha. Hopefully the story gets better after this.
Ran into another GAFer while doing some of the quests in the Titan quest line this morning so that was fun.
Well, I know I said it but I keep thinking about coming back. I thinking of playing a tank role again but maybe not a Paladin. I got the Paladin job at 50 but it was, I dunno a bit boring maybe? Maybe I wanted a big two hander instead of sword ad board? Hehe.
So Warrior or Dark Knight...I don't really know much about Dark Knight since I've stopped playing before Heavensward came out.
Also, is there some sort of exp boost if you have a high level characters... I don't remember now...
Haha I had no idea. Just started playing this again after a long absence.Oh... you didn't know...
That was me! Maybe I should have had my chocobo fighting with me, since I named him duckroll lol!
Tank mains keep telling me DRK is more involved (aka more work) but some people like that so idk your preference.
Also any class below your max level class gets an automatic exp boost, ya.
I've always had it hard with a single level taking tons of exp because it creates the illusion of no progress and no "instant" satisfaction. You might not understand that, but that is how it is with me.
I'm playing this game for the story, lore and experience which is why I've bought two of the encyclopedias to begin with. I love this world and the lore in it.
As long as it gives me something interesting to do between levels that'll give me exp then fine, but PotD all the way through won't cut it. Although it hopefully improves through Heavensward. At least the story does, so there's that to motivate me.
That said, maybe I'm being caught in the "race to be ready for Stormblood" that I am hurrying a little too much for my own enjoyment, so I am planning on slowing down a little with the post-game content and get up to speed with unlocking all the side content.
If I was at lvl 80 and had to do way too many side quests or repeating the same floors in the PotD to progress in level in order to get access to new MSQs and having to repeat it again and again , then that surely could be something to turn away some type of players. But I won't give you a more in depth explanation or discuss with you as I've had my issues with you before.I mean, it's that that I don't understand the gratification issue, I was just wondering how it would make you lose interest in the game if you're playing it for everything else. I mean, this is a game with a level cap that gets incrementally bumped every expansion, which means that all the pre-expansion patch content are meant to be played without having to actually level, assuming you hit the max level by the endgame of the main content package. Progression then shifts to gear instead. I expect each expansion to have a ton of story content and quests, but scaled for a 10 level progression curve rather than 50. So leveling's going to be much slower, but again, gear should play a much larger role by then.
Would someone who is really enjoying the story and playing a new expansion, doing dungeons and raids with friends, really lose interest and drop out of the game just because after a bunch of that... there's still no "level up" pop up? Lol.
If I was at lvl 80 and had to do way too many side quests or repeating the same floors in the PotD to progress in level in order to get access to new MSQs and having to repeat it again and again , then that surely could be something to turn away some type of players.
But I won't give you a more in depth explanation or discuss with you as I've had issues with you before.
I'm not here to debate with you though. I never was.But... that's not how FFXIV works? The MSQ unlocks the MSQ and nothing else. There are side quests which require other side quests or certain MSQ quests to be cleared to be unlocked, but I don't think there is a single MSQ that's locked behind anything else.
Lmao, best debater ever. Lemme give you a star.
There's one ARR quest that's locked behind clearing HM Primals once. That's about it.But... that's not how FFXIV works? The MSQ unlocks the MSQ and nothing else. There are side quests which require other side quests or certain MSQ quests to be cleared to be unlocked, but I don't think there is a single MSQ that's locked behind anything else.
I'm not here to debate with you though. I never was.
I feel like you are the one being passive aggressive here.Yeah but if you can't have a conversation about a videogame without being all passive aggressive you must be real nice.![]()
I feel like you are the one being passive aggressive here.
This is all I meant basically. That this xp grind in order to progress could scare me and others away. Thankfully I'm investing a lot in this game and expect to stay in it for the long haul anyway, but with me saying "hopefully this doesn't scare me away" was more of a "hopefully they don't repeat those grinds." Thankfully as this guy says, they seem to have taken care of it somewhat.Both the 46-49 deadzone in ARR and the mid-50s "oh my god I hate Moogles" span in HW are spots where FFXIV's MSQ did basically abandon players to go grind for a while. They've been more or less spackled over at this point by XP buffs and alternate XP routes (PotD is great now but let us not forget that Challenge Log exp stopped scaling at 50; there's no indicator yet that PotD XP is going to scale on Stormblood launch and so it may end up being relatively useless if the XP curve post-60 stays up), but XIV definitely has fallen prone to the "screw you, level grind" issue before. It wouldn't be super surprising to see one pop up in Stormblood, too; a lot hinges on how they pace dungeon experience, since part of the problem at HW launch was dungeons providing relatively little XP, but at HW launch it would get pretty depressing to finish off the MSQ available and realize you needed to generate millions of XP before you could progress further.
I got no problem with leveling alone. Not even the grind so far, but if it is as bad as what everyone experienced before the post-game content, then I could see it becoming a drag to me. It was literally one of the biggest gripes before post-content came out.How so? I'm just talking about the game. I thought the idea of being turned off by leveling alone is a bit of an odd concern, given how XIV is designed, so I was talking about it.
Centurio daily bills was also there to help alleviate some of the grind (rank 1 is 115k exp a day, doing all 3 once you've hit 57 is like 355k exp or something) but let's not forget one of the sidequest aether currents was also locked behind a moogle sidequest chain. (I think it's at the start of that chain now)Both the 46-49 deadzone in ARR and the mid-50s "oh my god I hate Moogles" span in HW are spots where FFXIV's MSQ did basically abandon players to go grind for a while. They've been more or less spackled over at this point by XP buffs and alternate XP routes (PotD is great now but let us not forget that Challenge Log exp stopped scaling at 50; there's no indicator yet that PotD XP is going to scale on Stormblood launch and so it may end up being relatively useless if the XP curve post-60 stays up), but XIV definitely has fallen prone to the "screw you, level grind" issue before. It wouldn't be super surprising to see one pop up in Stormblood, too; a lot hinges on how they pace dungeon experience, since part of the problem at HW launch was dungeons providing relatively little XP, but at HW launch it would get pretty depressing to finish off the MSQ available and realize you needed to generate millions of XP before you could progress further because they stuck totally arbitrary deadzones in the leveling experience that served no purpose.
XP gaps aside, the Heavensward leveling tick/tock of new job skills alternating with new dungeons was a pretty good way to make every level feel meaningful (unless your job skill was garbage, hi Rend Mind)l, so it'd be nice to see them stick with that.
I got no problem with leveling alone. Not even the grind so far, but if it is as bad as what everyone experienced before the post-game content, then I could see it becoming a drag to me. It was literally one of the biggest gripes before post-content came out.