It hardly matters when you have a tanking stance and a DPS stance
I should have been more clear. I'm talking in the context of tanking and trying to do max damage possible, which means you want to use your tank stance as little as possible. Aggro combo being your best combo means WAR for example basically never has to enter Defiance again because Butcher's Block combo will keep you ahead because of the enmity modifier even in Deliverance. Where as Dark Knight and Paladin (to a lesser extent I suppose because of Savage Blade I suppose) will eventually have to go back into their tank stance to build enmity lead again (this is assuming your DPS are good).
The reason I brought up the question is because I have been running into Power Slash spamming Dark Knights and Warrior's who use BB and don't watch threat so if I'm playing Dark Knight and have built up an enmity lead I'll eventually have to turn on Grit to build an enmity lead again.
If I'm playing Warrior then it doesn't matter what the other tank does because they can't catch up since I'm frequently using my aggro combo since it does the most damage (after putting up slashing obviously) (even if it's another Warrior).
I don't think FFXIV has a coherent enough approach to tanking for there to be a good answer to this. The WAR approach seems fairly sound--enmity and max DPS come from the same combo, but Eye and Path exist and have reasons to be used so it's not like you can just Block every single combo and call it good--but also feels like it comes from an entirely different school of thought from PLD and DRK, where you're basically only using your threat combo when you absolutely have to because your threat build comes from a skill you wouldn't use otherwise.
It also depends on if they want threat struggle to be an actual long-term tank mechanic, and I'd argue if the goal is to narrow the gap between the skill floor and skill ceiling you'd want balancing damage and threat to be easier. Right now the gap for PLD and DRK is stupid because the floor is going to be people who spam low-damage enmity combos in tank stance, while the ceiling is the people riding the enmity line to minimize threat combo and treating tank stance like a slightly more annoying cool down to be put up for as short as humanly possible. You can move the two ends closer together by either justifying more tank stance usage for everyone, or slapping more damage onto the 1-2-3.
Alright then, I really just wanted to know if people thought WAR style was good or bad. I personally think it's good design so it's reassuring to see that I'm not completely off the mark.
Like I mentioned above, the reason I brought this up is because of how Warrior doesn't have problems with enmity outside of tank stance because of BB where as Dark Knight and Paladin get fucked by any Warrior doing Eye > BBxinfinity or PLD/Dark spamming their enmity combo.
I don't think it's a good idea for PLD and DRK best enmity generation being tied to lower damage skills. I would not mind at all if they made Rage of Halone and Soulstealer do most damage and enmity while making Royal Authority and Power Slash do something else.
Looking at Warrior, Royal Authority and Power Slash just seem like wastes of space that could instead do something more interesting. I don't have any particular ideas in mind for them though. I feel like Warrior handles enmity in the best way, so if they could do the same with Paladin and Dark Knight that would free up a combo to do something other than what they do now.