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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT2| RIP Bowmage 2015-2017.

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Posting hints for Sophia because arithmetics is the last thing I want to do
You can probably simplify this into:

1) odd number of tethers is a light tilt, even number of tethers is a heavy tilt
2) always go towards the side that doesn't have a blue meteor (or towards the side that has the most tethers if applicable)


You can probably simplify this into:

1) odd number of tethers: light tilt
2) even number of tethers: heavy tilt
3) always go towards the side that doesn't have blue (or towards the side that has the most tethers if applicable)

I know some of these words


Cleared Sophia ex earlier! Fun fight. Enjoy it much more than Seph ex. Think it's probably harder too. Just more forgiving.


So what job is Alisaie? Rune fencer / spell blade? Red mage? :O

I think Rune Knight or Rune Fencer or w/e, since she one or two of her moves have Runie or Runic in the name. Others have said Red Mage but I don't see much resemblance to one myself

Pretty happy with the patch outside some (very random) lag and or crashing here and there which might be more windows 10 anniversary than anything else. Plenty of stuff to do. Pretty thirsty for expansion info though. Soon...


All the posts about Sophia and random strat tidbits make me anxious about trying it. Which I can't because I'm still a 228 scrub, but still.

Also this Alexander-sized guide for it I found on reddit. I can't even.

I wish I could find a learning party for it, but my FC isn't very active and party finder is filled with the usual "no bonus/30% exp required", even though it came out two days ago.


All the posts about Sophia and random strat tidbits make me anxious about trying it. Which I can't because I'm still a 228 scrub, but still.

Also this Alexander-sized guide for it I found on reddit. I can't even.

I wish I could find a learning party for it, but my FC isn't very active and party finder is filled with the usual "no bonus/30% exp required", even though it came out two days ago.
Try it ASAP if you want to clear it in a timely manner.

It's not a difficult fight, it's just very busy which is why such large guides exist. None of the 10 clears I did was clean, sometimes we even had 10+ deaths throughout and still succedeed. It's that easy.


Anyone else on PS4 getting HUGE frame rate problems while in Idyllshire, since the patch?

I'm guessing like 15-20fps. Honestly it feels completely unplayable at times.
Not unplayable, but on the PC even with a 980 Ti, Idyllshire drops my framerate a considerable amount. I think it's people.
Yeah I've been noticing a lot of frame drops since the patch myself, not even just at Idyllshire. I had some during the A12 fight which is weird because even Weeping City and other larger fights never had that bad of frame drops before (on my PC)


Unconfirmed Member
Hmm 3.4's story was okay I guess but it had some problems I wonder what the Official forums has to say about i-

In a future patch, let me see Minfilia again, and--in a dialogue selection branch like the one you've implemented here, let me say that I love her. Let me select the actual words "I love you Minfilia" on a dialogue tree, and let her react to it. I've been waiting to say these words since 1.0, devs, don't let my character be that guy who never says those words and they turn out to never get spoken. Don't make me just 'imagine' I said it to myself with a knowing head-nod + smile, don't make me resort to fanfiction.

I will never be clean again.
So what job is Alisaie? Rune fencer / spell blade? Red mage? :O

As soon as I saw her summon that blade I thought that it might be a hint for the next expansion. Perhaps Alisaie will teach us or at least point us in the direction of who can teach us about her class like Yugiri does for Rogue/Ninja.

I did notice that she still uses the Gladiator auto attack animations so it could be the case that they didn't use new animations because it would be too big of a hint or something.

Still, that ending fight was hype as fuck.


Heh. Grats to Angered I guess. A12 being cleared quickly is good news for regular groups, especially if we don't have to wait forever for 4.0.
Is Sophia 's double Aoe attack actually avoidable or is it just raid wide damage to heal through?
If you're talking about the attack called Cintamani, it's unavoidable raidwide damage. Its tell is a yellow aura around Sophia in the Ex fight.


Crystal Bearer
Fast A12S clear isn't due to the crafting changes?

Yoshida said he wants more people doing the Savage raid, so they've made it easier. Listening to the .00000001% for Gordias killed the raid scene and Midas didn't allow it to recover enough.


Having it be defeated this early isn't good for longevity though, especially in that community. This is pretty much all they have until the expansion and it's down in 2 days.

Honestly, the end game community might never recover. Many of the people capable of clearing have moved on or will likely move on due to being bored, and Square is insistent on not challenging newcomers in such ways that allow them to hone skills easier. Nerfing everything isn't the answer. They need gradual challenges so they can excel to these higher levels. However, I will say it's pretty clear what they did with the first savage in Alex wasn't good balance.
I doubt Yoshi wants to make savage to just be completely out of 99% of the community's league though.

Though their harder version of encounters with primals and bosses seem much harder than your Titan, Garuda and Ifrit ones were. So much so I refuse to do savage/Ex stuff anymore. Last one I really had fun with was Bismarck Ex.
Having it be defeated this early isn't good for longevity though, especially in that community. This is pretty much all they have until the expansion and it's down in 2 days.

Honestly, the end game community might never recover. Many of the people capable of clearing have moved on or will likely move on due to being bored, and Square is insistent on not challenging newcomers in such ways that allow them to hone skills easier. Nerfing everything isn't the answer. They need gradual challenges so they can excel to these higher levels. However, I will say it's pretty clear what they did with the first savage in Alex wasn't good balance.
Nothing was "nerfed", the raid was designed that way. If you have limited resources to work with, making your endgame something only the top players can enjoy to its fullest is insane.

A5 and A6 had high clear rates, it's obvious there's people willing to raid but are stopped by what is needed to clear these fights.


I'm not concerned about Creator's longevity at all as long as we're not stuck with 5+ months between 3.5 and 4.0 again.


Nothing was "nerfed", the raid was designed that way.

It's hella simple, if you have limited resources to work with, making your endgame something only the top players can enjoy to its fullest is insane.

I didn't mean in terms of Savage here when I said nerfing. I meant in general with other content. You can't expect people to work up to the tip top stuff if the stepping stones before it aren't even close in challenge.
Hell, Angered's MCH even said he really liked this tier.
I didn't mean in terms of Savage here when I said nerfing. I meant in general with other content. You can't expect people to work up to the tip top stuff if the stepping stones before it aren't even close in challenge.
The problem is some people just don't care and won't ever care, so if you try to challenge them too much they'll stop playing. Something like Weeping City is as much as we can expect in that end.

Midcore players already have the skills to tackle endgame fights, but the gap between what is expected from something like Nidhogg EX and A7 is massive - and the solution isn't making EX Trials harder.


cleared sophia ex after about 2 hours+
did not know what to do at all regarding the clones and the scales shits, just follow the crowd lol
very lenient dps wise, i feel this fight is a lot harder on healers, especially if your party kept getting the vulnerability debuffs
For those of you who play Tank jobs what do you want to see from a new tank class?

I'd like to see it utilize tank stances in a way similar to WAR, in that the stances affect what abilities you can use or change the effects like WAR's Inner Beast/Fell Cleave, Steel Cyclone/Decimate and Equilibrium. This compared to something like PLD where its stances have zero interaction with any abilities.

I just think WAR's stances and how it changes how their kit is used is more interesting because flat 20% damage reduction tank stances are lame imo mechanics wise.

An example would be Samurai if it ends up being a tank class. DPS stance could be an iaijutsu stance that changes how its weapon skills or other abilities function in some way instead of just a flat percentage increase to damage, while its tank stance would be a sword drawn pose that has does something different that I don't have a more concrete idea for at the moment. EDIT: Maybe the tank stance lets it use counters or something that create personal shields, just anything other than a % damage reduction.


For those of you who play Tank jobs what do you want to see from a new tank class?

I like stack mechanics.

Tank Stance: At four stacks you're granted a linear AoE counter which goes off after activation but only if you take damage from the target, counter stance canceled with use of a weaponskill. Decent damage, high enmity generation, medium damage mitigation. Stacks gained from parries.

DPS Stance: At four stacks you're granted a single target attack with a cast bar that does low to medium damage but places a damage down debuff on target. Stacks gained from completion of a three hit combo.

Tank Stance: At five stacks gain a buff that grants high parry rate with a chance to proc a counter attack low cool down oGCD. Includes increased damage reduction from parries for duration of buff.

DPS Stance: At five stacks you're granted a circular AoE Dot with a cast bar centered on the player. Stacks gained from completions of a three hit combo.

Tank Stance: Defense and Parry rate increase.

DPS stance: Damage increase.

Basically I want a real parry tank that builds up to bigger attacks as it parries (studies) their opponent. Could use some work but it's something I've been playing with a board game I've been designing in my head.

Could use a ton of work.
For those of you who play Tank jobs what do you want to see from a new tank class?

I'd like to see it utilize tank stances in a way similar to WAR, in that the stances affect what abilities you can use or change the effects like WAR's Inner Beast/Fell Cleave, Steel Cyclone/Decimate and Equilibrium. This compared to something like PLD where its stances have zero interaction with any abilities.

I just think WAR's stances and how it changes how their kit is used is more interesting because flat 20% damage reduction tank stances are lame imo mechanics wise.

An example would be Samurai if it ends up being a tank class. DPS stance could be an iaijutsu stance that changes how its weapon skills or other abilities function in some way instead of just a flat percentage increase to damage, while its tank stance would be a sword drawn pose that has does something different that I don't have a more concrete idea for at the moment. EDIT: Maybe the tank stance lets it use counters or something that create personal shields, just anything other than a % damage reduction.
I think a more combo focused tank could be a lot of fun. Like Monk, but without the positional requirements. Just different sets of abilities that can flow into each other for buffs and debuffs. I haven't played Warrior 50-60 yet, so maybe that has an element of it, but Paladin and Dark Knight don't really have it, though Dark Knight is much more fun to play.

I really want Samurai or Red Mage to be a tank. Red Mage would be fun if it was 1hander plus magic just because it would be very different visually. And Samurai would just be cool, but probably too similar to Dark Knight. I'm just scared that SE will fold into making all the cool classes DPS just because many people think a class is only good if it does damage.


Suffering From Success

One of the best bardings they've done, I might actually use the chocobo now.


The Alexandrian gear looks really lazy compared to Midan or even Gordias gear.

Tank visor just disappears with no animation, healer hat looks like cleric artifact 2 and Gordian BRD / NIN head, healer chest looks like a god damn gatherer chestpiece. Healer / BRD and BLM / NIN are reskins which is weird but kinda okay when I think about it, better than BRD / NIN reskins again.

Not a fan of the design either, cursing the fact that I got 2 lenses this week as a SCH.


Kills Photobucket
Well, I am back from my trip and getting started with new content.

Is there a nice quick way to get that 4th squad member to start those up? I assume that's tied to getting the new rank promotion.
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