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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT2| RIP Bowmage 2015-2017.

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Thank you very much for your input Stone Ocean and Frumix.

We downed A9S last night for the first time, right before the hard enrage, after 3 weeks of tries (2 sessions of 2 hours per week). We killed it in 9:02. Our speed ranking, at the time of this post, is 1169/1173.
We all use food (not the best ones, arguably, but level 59 to 60 food, depending on the person; our NIN is using the best food available for the record, not sure about the others, and I use Baked Pipira Pira).
As far as I know, no one is using potions, me included, although I have taken steps into changing that with an alchemist friend.

DPS was as follow:
  • Nohar (SMN) - 2261.9 - 24.73% (ilvl 253, equipment fully melded)
  • Bard - 1670.0 - 18.27%
  • Ninja - 1614.8 - 17.66%
  • Bard (BLM replacement; our usual player couldn't come) - 1327.5 - 14.52%
  • Warrior - 1014.0 - 11.09%
  • Dark Knight - 799.7 - 8.74%
  • White Mage - 359.5 - 3.93%
  • Astrologian - 96.4 - 1.05%
While we are happy to have down it, I have serious concerns about the other challenges, thus why I am looking for comparisons and advices.
If people are willing to take a look at the logs (uploaded on FFlogs), I can share them, just send me a private message.
Overall, I want our static to improve, and I am not happy with our performance, thus why I am taking action. I am also willing to question myself and improve, as I am fairly certain I can do better.

I wouldn't worry too much. Your second bard was really low, maybe it's someone who doesn't play bard so much? If your BLM is in the ~2000 range as they should be you will be fine. Also, it's your first clear, dps is going to naturally be lower as people learn and get comfortable with the fight. Now that you have it cleared, I bet you will chop a minute or a minute and a half off that clear time in subsequent fights.


I wouldn't worry too much. Your second bard was really low, maybe it's someone who doesn't play bard so much? If your BLM is in the ~2000 range as they should be you will be fine. Also, it's your first clear, dps is going to naturally be lower as people learn and get comfortable with the fight. Now that you have it cleared, I bet you will chop a minute or a minute and a half off that clear time in subsequent fights.

I guess my initial post was an overeaction.

For the second Bard: Bard is his main job ever since 2.0 (aparté: I actually mained Bard in 2.0, and switched to Summoner in a "rage quit" fit; my mindset was pretty much "SE wants me to play a caster? Then I'll play a GODDAMN CASTER!" back then, and as it turns out switching to Summoner was the best idea I ever had, I love that job). He is slightly undergeared. Log analysis showed that he overused straight shot (72 casts, whereas he casted Heavy Shot 39 times) and completely forgot to refresh his DoTs towards the end of the fight (he was in charge of the spider, so I guess he kind of forgot about the boss).

Well, I guess I can't nitpick, since my performance was less than stellar on that boss fight too. Our BLM analysed the logs and pointed out I messed up Death Flare twice, overused Ruin II like crazy, and a few other things. My ego isn't pleased, but it seems I need to get off my high horse. In retrospection, I realize I may have acted just a little bit like an elitist jerk (although, I still want us to perform better).

On the other hand, we have been pleasantly surprised by our main Bard's performance, and by our WHM.

Analysing the logs revealed quite a few surprising things... But those things will be adressed privately with the players in question.

Next week will be interesting, once the usual team is reunited. Our BLM is currently switching to DRG, to give us a little flexibility.


Suffering From Success
On the other hand, we have been pleasantly surprised by our main Bard's performance, and by our WHM.

1670 deathless is very subpar 7 weeks into the patch. Perhaps a bit early for a pat on the back. Overall run length affects end number of course, but there's room to improve.
Yeah, 1600~ DPS on a BRD is what people were doing week one lol

But as said above, it's your first clear. DPS should increase with fight familiarity. If it stays like this in a couple week's time then you can begin to worry.


Welp, guess we need to tell him that.

... I may not be overeacting after all?

Anyhow, I guess I should just link the logs here. It will be better for the discussion.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I haven't gotten a very close look at the logs yet, but is your WAR experienced with the job? I used to main WAR so I understand that job the most out of your team, and your WAR has many huge, huge holes in his play.

At a glance, here's what I noticed:

- He's not using Berserk at all until several minutes into the fight.
- He didn't use Internal Release once. Does he even have it?
- He didn't use Brutal Swing for most of the fight, when it's an oGCD and effectively free damage.
- He is strangely slow in GCD usage. There are gaps between GCD skills that are much longer than the GCD itself, and that's already accounting for things like running around to grab generators. So he has a lot of downtime where he's doing nothing at all, or pausing before using the next skill for no reason.
- He's barely using Fell Cleave or Infuriate, which form the backbone of WAR DPS.

It feels like your WAR is forgetting half his skills and only using them when he remembers they are there, which makes me think he may be inexperienced with the job.
So uhh your BRD does some pretty bad things like using Straight Shot 3 times in a row, casting Sidewinder with just one dot running, using all buffs on CD even if it means quadruple weaving them, and so on. You guys should probably try doing some dummy parses to see how he performs without mechanics to try and work it out because at a first glance he seems to freak out and do random shit mid fight which is the biggest mistake damage-wise you can make with a DPS job based on prioritizing. See if he can get more comfortable with the number juggling and he should perform better overall.


I haven't gotten a very close look at the logs yet, but is your WAR experienced with the job? I used to main WAR so I understand that job the most out of your team, and your WAR has many huge, huge holes in his play.

At a glance, here's what I noticed:

- He's not using Berserk at all until several minutes into the fight.
- He didn't use Internal Release once. Does he even have it?
- He didn't use Brutal Swing for most of the fight, when it's an oGCD and effectively free damage.
- He is strangely slow in GCD usage. There are gaps between GCD skills that are much longer than the GCD itself, and that's already accounting for things like running around to grab generators. So he has a lot of downtime where he's doing nothing at all, or pausing before using the next skill for no reason.
- He's barely using Fell Cleave or Infuriate, which form the backbone of WAR DPS.

It feels like your WAR is forgetting half his skills and only using them when he remembers they are there, which makes me think he may be inexperienced with the job.

I believe he is using Berserk and War Cry right before the pull, although that will need to be checked. [Scratch that: if he did, he would have cast Fell Cleave at the beginning of the fight, but the logs don't show that].
He has Internal Release. He... just kinda never put it in his action bar until now. Our BLM pointed it out to him, that will be corrected for the next raid night.
Didn't know about Brutal Swing. I will tell him about it.
As for the slow GCD usage, I guess we will need to talk to understand where it is coming from.
Regarding Fell Cleave/Infuriate, I'll have a talk with him. I am as surprised as you that he doesn't use them more often.

So uhh your BRD does some pretty bad things like using Straight Shot 3 times in a row, casting Sidewinder with just one dot running, using all buffs on CD even if it means quadruple weaving them, and so on. You guys should probably try doing some dummy parses to see how he performs without mechanics to try and work it out because at a first glance he seems to freak out and do random shit mid fight which is the biggest mistake damage-wise you can make with a DPS job based on prioritizing. See if he can get more comfortable with the number juggling and he should perform better overall.

Regarding the BRD, I guess he needs to read/watch a guide. I'll ask him to try what you suggested Stone.

I take into account your suggestions and comments. Thank you very much for taking the time to help us! (That being said, I feel like we should have done log analysis ages ago... So many things done wrong, including by me...).


Looking for meaning in GAF
I believe he is using Berserk and War Cry right before the pull, although that will need to be checked. [Scratch that: if he did, he would have cast Fell Cleave at the beginning of the fight, but the logs don't show that].
He has Internal Release. He... just kinda never put it in his action bar until now. Our BLM pointed it out to him, that will be corrected for the next raid night.
Didn't know about Brutal Swing. I will tell him about it.
As for the slow GCD usage, I guess we will need to talk to understand where it is coming from.
Regarding Fell Cleave/Infuriate, I'll have a talk with him. I am as surprised as you that he doesn't use them more often.
He should look up warrior guides to learn openers and combos. At least one OT opener and one MT opener. Basic combo usage is probably also something he should look into, and practice on a dummy.

There's something called the triple cleave combo that all warriors should learn, because it fits three fell cleaves within each Berserk cast. Internal Release is always used at around the same time as Berserk to boost those same skills. It's the reason why warriors are known for their damage output.

The most basic version goes like this (with 1/2/3 being the basic heavy swing > something > something combo. The WAR should choose which combo to go with depending on situation):
Fight to 4 stacks > 1 (Internal Release, Berserk) > Fell Cleave (Infuriate) > Fell Cleave (Raw Intuition or Vengeance) > 2 > 3 > Fracture > 1 > 2 > 3 > Fell Cleave > pacified

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I noticed him using Fracture too much. Fracture is a skill that has a 30 second duration, but he was refreshing it way too early - sometimes every 10-15 seconds or so. That's also a DPS loss. Fracture should be used only when Storm's Eye is up (which he is doing), and only refreshed if there are around 3 seconds left on it. It's okay to let it fall off for a little while before refreshing it, if you're busy doing something else.


Welp, guess we need to tell him that.

... I may not be overeacting after all?

Anyhow, I guess I should just link the logs here. It will be better for the discussion.

I'm not gonna get too in the weeds on this because I'm pretty much garbage at 9, but I do want to point out that FFLogs' comparison feature is incredibly useful here. Go to the comparison tab, pick a party member, and search for fights of a similar length. You can then compare to various other people in that role whose fights take as long, so they see the same mechanics. Comparing the DPS between two players lets you zoom in on specific problem areas, differentiate between chronic issues (always low on everything) and specific issues (coming in low on burst phases, missing burst windows other people find, etc.) you can even compare cast-by-cast to see differences or compare total casts/casts per minute over the course of the fight to see if it's partially an issue or not riding the GCD hard enough. This is more for the fight-specific stuff than the general basic rotation, but it's one of the nicer features offered since fight length can change a lot.


Suffering From Success
I mean, it's pretty obvious that most players in the party just don't really know how to efficiently play their job. But for A9S in particular warrior (or whoever's offtanking) can get a lot of mileage out of the fact they're on add duty:


Alternatively you could look up PoVs of your job on youtube for each turn and see what people are doing differently.

When I interact with an Aetheryte, I can select three options: set home point, register favored destination and register free destination. What is the difference between the three?



When I interact with an Aetheryte, I can select three options: set home point, register favored destination and register free destination. What is the difference between the three?

Home Point is where you respawn when you die in the world, and where Return takes you to when you use it in the world.

Favored destination is a place you get a reduced fee when you teleport to; you can have up to three IIRC.

Free destination is an aetheryte you can teleport to for free with no cool down.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Yeah, I second the post where it just seems like a lot of people in this group need to brush up on general understanding of their job. It's not a simple "you're doing this or that" that needs to change, but it seems a lot of people in the group are just unfamiliar with how to max out damage output on a target.

Second, the healers seem to be cooperating poorly, and/or are spending a lot of time doing nothing - especially the AST. They seem to be either overhealing each other or not finding enough to do with their time. If they're not healing, they should be DPSing. If they trust the other healer to handle something, they should also be DPSing. The healers should pretty much never be standing idle.


Yeah, I second the post where it just seems like a lot of people in this group need to brush up on general understanding of their job. It's not a simple "you're doing this or that" that needs to change, but it seems a lot of people in the group are just unfamiliar with how to max out damage output on a target.

Second, the healers seem to be cooperating poorly, and/or are spending a lot of time doing nothing - especially the AST. They seem to be either overhealing each other or not finding enough to do with their time. If they're not healing, they should be DPSing. If they trust the other healer to handle something, they should also be DPSing. The healers should pretty much never be standing idle.

Why learn when you can just let the content get dumbed down further and further.


Home Point is where you respawn when you die in the world, and where Return takes you to when you use it in the world.

Favored destination is a place you get a reduced fee when you teleport to; you can have up to three IIRC.

Free destination is an aetheryte you can teleport to for free with no cool down.
Should add that you need a one time password to set a free destination.


Yeah, I second the post where it just seems like a lot of people in this group need to brush up on general understanding of their job. It's not a simple "you're doing this or that" that needs to change, but it seems a lot of people in the group are just unfamiliar with how to max out damage output on a target.

Second, the healers seem to be cooperating poorly, and/or are spending a lot of time doing nothing - especially the AST. They seem to be either overhealing each other or not finding enough to do with their time. If they're not healing, they should be DPSing. If they trust the other healer to handle something, they should also be DPSing. The healers should pretty much never be standing idle.
I think A9s is a bit of a weird one. For... every job really. There's almost no downtime in comparison to 10 and 11 which makes mana a real concern for main healers.

I don't do more than 200dps in there while on WHM and at the end of the fight I'm usually scraping the floor for mana and hoping for free cure procs to keep the main tank alive. Of course in my situation I'm doing 90% of the healing. But it is something to be aware of. More than once I've had to stand there doing nothing for a bit of time because I know that I need to have x amount of mana otherwise we'll wipe.

If they're overhealing, that's one thing. But I don't really agree that the main healer should ALWAYS be doing something. Other times it just isn't worth entering cleric stance because of the cooldown. Or maybe it's an accuracy issue and they're not seeing DPS as a efficient use of resources because they're likely to miss.

I dunno. Worth talking to them at least xD


Looking for meaning in GAF
I think A9s is a bit of a weird one. For... every job really. There's almost no downtime in comparison to 10 and 11 which makes mana a real concern for main healers.

I don't do more than 200dps in there while on WHM and at the end of the fight I'm usually scraping the floor for mana and hoping for free cure procs to keep the main tank alive. Of course in my situation I'm doing 90% of the healing. But it is something to be aware of. More than once I've had to stand there doing nothing for a bit of time because I know that I need to have x amount of mana otherwise we'll wipe.

If they're overhealing, that's one thing. But I don't really agree that the main healer should ALWAYS be doing something. Other times it just isn't worth entering cleric stance because of the cooldown. Or maybe it's an accuracy issue and they're not seeing DPS as a efficient use of resources because they're likely to miss.

I dunno. Worth talking to them at least xD
There's actually a fair amount of downtime where no one but the MT should be taking damage. For the AoEs and such, the party does get hit hard, but there's often no immediate followup damage that will actually kill those people, so you're sometimes safe to let Medica II and Regen top them off instead of spot healing them.

I agree that the fight doesn't have much downtime for the DPS. There's almost always something to hit so yes, the fight is rough on TP. But all the more reason why the DPS should be doing more damage, as long as they're not running out of TP or something.

I showed this to my group's bard, and he mentioned that one of the bards in that group was playing TP song for about 60-70% of the fight, which is a huge DPS loss. Any TP song played during the fight shouldn't need to last more than 10-20 seconds to get people back up to speed, especially since you also have a ninja's goad to supplement the more TP-heavy jobs. Did he forget to turn it back off after playing it?

That, plus the fact that a lot of players seem to spend a fair amount of time not using a GCD as soon as it comes up, suggests a general level of unfamiliarity with playing their job, or possibly a control scheme issue such as manually clicking icons instead of using hotkeys.


Suffering From Success
I think A9s is a bit of a weird one. For... every job really. There's almost no downtime in comparison to 10 and 11 which makes mana a real concern for main healers. D

It's a skill question? I mean obviously if the fight lasts 9 minutes instead of 5-5:30 then yeah it'll become increasingly more straining but reasonably speaking A9S doesn't even need two healers. Sure enough by the time fight is over our AST will come close to OoMing but through careful planning it fails to become a problem. For the sake of the argument, if we take Alexander Prime, a more complex and lengthy fight, our healers are only inactive (i.e. not casting anything) 20% more of the fight than every other role. In A9S? Not any more at all.


Thank you all for your advices. I am preparing a rather long post full of tips for everyone. On that regard, which guides do you use as reference for your jobs? I use Hai Hai's guide as a Summoner, but I am not familiar enough with other jobs. I can find a couple of guides here and there, but some are a little outdated, so if you have updated guides to share, I'm very interested.


Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXIII

Date & Time

Friday, November 25, 2016 at 3:00 a.m. (PST)
* Starting time is subject to change.


Patch 3.5 Preview Part 1
Take a peek at the various challenges coming in Patch 3.5.
Miscellaneous Announcements
I just reached the Gold Saucer and played my first match of Triple Triad. So apparently the cards can be obtained from NPCs all around the world, just like in FFVIII?

Hooooly shit. I can see myself losing hours just doing this.

Is there any incentive to play the game? Can I obtain valuable items or equipment?
I just reached the Gold Saucer and played my first match of Triple Triad. So apparently the cards can be obtained from NPCs all around the world, just like in FFVIII?

Hooooly shit. I can see myself losing hours just doing this.

Is there any incentive to play the game? Can I obtain valuable items or equipment?

Besides winning more cards, winning at Triple Triad will earn you MGP, which can be exchanged at the Gold Saucer for various things: glamour equipment, minions, mounts, orchestration rolls, etc.
Besides winning more cards, winning at Triple Triad will earn you MGP, which can be exchanged at the Gold Saucer for various things: glamour equipment, minions, mounts, orchestration rolls, etc.

Cool, thanks.

Am I assured to get the obtainable card from the NPC holding it if I win, or is there some RNG going on?


Hey all, I have a question.
So right ow I'm level 55, and I was wondering when I should start trying the harder ARR content. Like Extreme, Odin, raids and all that? Should I wait to get to level 60, or does the level sync make it not matter? Also, is it absolutely imperative that I play with people I know?


It's a skill question? I mean obviously if the fight lasts 9 minutes instead of 5-5:30 then yeah it'll become increasingly more straining but reasonably speaking A9S doesn't even need two healers. Sure enough by the time fight is over our AST will come close to OoMing but through careful planning it fails to become a problem. For the sake of the argument, if we take Alexander Prime, a more complex and lengthy fight, our healers are only inactive (i.e. not casting anything) 20% more of the fight than every other role. In A9S? Not any more at all.
Yeah, you're right. I didn't look at his log before posting what I did o.o

Also I'm just a little jaded I suppose. We were running parse runs the other day and I was solo healing while the DRK main tank (seriously needs moar physical CDs) wasn't using grit and as such lost huge chunks of health at a time. I wasted one GCD during adds to heal the offtank and the MT died from almost full health. Crazy. Burnt through 60% of my mana before the first stockpile (usually plenty of time to DPS there but if you're burning through resources I can understand why a main healer might just take that time to apply a DoT or two and just idle for a couple of seconds for the next part to start)
RNG. Some drops are very rare.


Does the expansion offer more voiced dialogues or simply more elaborate cutscenes? I just met Milfina for the first time, and the cutscene started voiceless, then transitioned to voices, and then back to voiceless. It's weird. I'm wondering if Heavensward improved on that front.

Does the expansion offer more voiced dialogues or simply more elaborate cutscenes? I just met Milfina for the first time, and the cutscene started voiceless, then transitioned to voices, and then back to voiceless. It's weird. I'm wondering if Heavensward improved on that front.

There's more voiced cutscenes in the expansion and beyond. I also can't remember many/any scenes that switched suddenly like that (at least without transition to a black screen aka a 'new scene')



Does the expansion offer more voiced dialogues or simply more elaborate cutscenes? I just met Milfina for the first time, and the cutscene started voiceless, then transitioned to voices, and then back to voiceless. It's weird. I'm wondering if Heavensward improved on that front.
I'm pretty sure there's more voiced dialogue in the first hour of Heavensward than the entirety of 2.0, which is the base release of A Realm Reborn.
There's more voiced cutscenes in the expansion and beyond. I also can't remember many/any scenes that switched suddenly like that (at least without transition to a black screen aka a 'new scene')

I'm pretty sure there's more voiced dialogue in the first hour of Heavensward than the entirety of 2.0, which is the base release of A Realm Reborn.


edit: another question

How do I do Dungeons? I used Duty Finder to do the Copperbell Mines dungeon. I found another one in Central Thanalan, called Cutter's Cry. The NPC positioned at the dungeon's entrance told me to go right in, but there is in invisible wall blocking me. And the dungeon is not found in Duty Finder. What gives?



edit: another question

How do I do Dungeons? I used Duty Finder to do the Copperbell Mines dungeon. I found another one in Central Thanalan, called Cutter's Cry. The NPC positioned at the dungeon's entrance told me to go right in, but there is in invisible wall blocking me. And the dungeon is not found in Duty Finder. What gives?

Dungeons are unlocked via either MSQ's or side quests. Cutters Cry in particullar is unlocked after a LVL 38 side quest.
It's usually a good Idea to accept blue quests whenever you see them, as they unlock more content.

Edit: this is a fantastic guide to what you unlock through the game and the one most people use.
Odin showed up on our server in the shroud tonight (Shiva server). I don't know how rare or big a deal he is nowadays (probably nothing), but I loved it. Just minding my own business near Quarrymill, fate grinding my 2nd job (archer), and suddenly chat gets all excited. People ride over there en-mass, must've been more than a hundred turnout. We beat him. Whole thing was stupidly fun, and I PS4 captured it as well for posterity.


Odin showed up on our server in the shroud tonight (Shiva server). I don't know how rare or big a deal he is nowadays (probably nothing), but I loved it. Just minding my own business near Quarrymill, fate grinding my 2nd job (archer), and suddenly chat gets all excited. People ride over there en-mass, must've been more than a hundred turnout. We beat him. Whole thing was stupidly fun, and I PS4 captured it as well for posterity.

Fun bit of trivia :

Odin takes the appearance and name of the players character who delivered the killing blow last time he appeared due to lore reasons.


After not playing for two years: i finally hopped back in. Only lasted a few hours before i realized this game has gone right by me. Although, fishing at Limson Lamosa is still as relaxing as ever.


After not playing for two years: i finally hopped back in. Only lasted a few hours before i realized this game has gone right by me. Although, fishing at Limson Lamosa is still as relaxing as ever.

This is my worry.

Me and my buddy might come back to this for a month or two. I won't ask what I've missed because the answer is a shit load but; am I still gonna have a good time without Heavensward in that time?
After not playing for two years: i finally hopped back in. Only lasted a few hours before i realized this game has gone right by me. Although, fishing at Limson Lamosa is still as relaxing as ever.

I'm going to do a RttP eventually, because for me, it's the complete opposite. I got to level 30 the last time I played, and quit because I was bored. Now, after getting back to it this week, I'm hooked.


This is my worry.

Me and my buddy might come back to this for a month or two. I won't ask what I've missed because the answer is a shit load but; am I still gonna have a good time without Heavensward in that time?
You'll be fine. There's plenty to do even without Heavensward, quite a lot was added in the 2.0 to 3.0 patches.


This is my worry.

Me and my buddy might come back to this for a month or two. I won't ask what I've missed because the answer is a shit load but; am I still gonna have a good time without Heavensward in that time?

Aymeric shows up in the later story quests so a good time is guaranteed
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