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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Can you guys see the helm and armguards in your account or do they just appear on your char when you create him?

I'm installing have the patches downlaoded and Is till don't have a name, shit. :lol


Eeny Meenie Penis
demosthenes said:
Can you guys see the helm and armguards in your account or do they just appear on your char when you create him?

I'm installing have the patches downlaoded and Is till don't have a name, shit. :lol

Well, if you don't fuck up when registering your FFXIV code they will show up in your inventory.
Emenis said:
Well, if you don't fuck up when registering your FFXIV code they will show up in your inventory.

Ok, I registered them, will be pissed if I messed it up somehow :lol

Anyone in Gridania have the LS yet? Will be on when this finishes installing/patching.



Kangaboo said:
So how do we get our Hermes Sandals?

FF11 people get those too, right!?! Are we going to be emailed some separate code?

Anyone figured that out yet? (read back a few pages but didn't see anything!)

it goes into your bag automatically
as long as you have your FF11 account linked to the same account as FF14


Neo Member
Well... I finally got everything set up and ready to play, but when I open the game it shuts down. Says FFXIV encountered a problem and must close and windows is looking for a solution. Think I might just cry. Any ideas of what could be wrong?


Eeny Meenie Penis
tenderoni said:
Well... I finally got everything set up and ready to play, but when I open the game it shuts down. Says FFXIV encountered a problem and must close and windows is looking for a solution. Think I might just cry. Any ideas of what could be wrong?

This happens when you double click the Final Fantasy XIV icon and the patcher starts?


Those were awesome? They had basically no interaction or mechanics whatsoever, you just stumbled around and watched low budget cutscenes, as if it's some kind of actual carrot. I was pretty disappointed in the ones I did.

There's barely any of them as well, even I, being the doubting thomas I am, figured they were holding quest content back to a large degree. That's really sad, and in conjunction with the really barren world, bad economy systems stunting crafting and complete lack of other content, really makes me question what on Earth folks are doing in the early stages of this game.

Did they at least reduce the cooldown on their randomly generated leves like they said? I mean, those are still basically grinding, calling them quests would be a insane stretch. Grinding FFXI (which was very fun under the right conditions and as you went on), doesn't really work in XIV at all, you'd have to be a total masochist to want to progress like that.

I enjoyed the Cutscenes, they are in no way as awesome as FFXI's ones but they are still competant and I think well directed. Content is another issue entirely but I didn't go into them expecting epic fights right away (They said they were holding back during beta, it was the one thing they said without a shadow of doubt they were holding back). Secondly they supposedly added a TON of new nation mission quests, but no one is high enough to even trigger them right now to see how good they are or for that matter just how plentiful they are, but the .dat miners out there discovered enough that makes up for the parse amount we had in beta.

Cooldown was lowered by 12 hours, it now resets every 36 hours. Still too long, but much more manageable then it was before. Also I specifically went out of my way to not call them quests :p I said the only quests in this game are the storylines and class quests (which once again, no one is high enough yet to trigger). There is also behest but that is only once every 1 hour. This game is a grind, a grind you either put up with or don't. It is a core part of the game. Basically if you think the Core design has potential, either get the game or wait till the PS3 version to get it. You don't like the core design of the game, it probably isn't going to change into something better for you even down the road.


Neo Member

Okay, I'm still in update hell. Just wasn't sure if it would be automatic or if there would be another code like with the armets and the helm. :)

POL Account is linked so I should be good to go! :D :D :D


Damn shame about Linblum. I'm still setting things up... I wonder if we should all move to a less congested server :/ You think it'll even out after a bit?


careksims said:
Damn shame about Linblum. I'm still setting things up... I wonder if we should all move to a less congested server :/ You think it'll even out after a bit?
The congestion will die down in about...38 days. :lol
Alex said:
Those were awesome? They had basically no interaction or mechanics whatsoever, you just stumbled around and watched low budget cutscenes, as if it's some kind of actual carrot. I was pretty disappointed in the ones I did.
Eh? What games in the main Final Fantasy series have you played in the past where every storyline cutscene was interactive? A major point of games in the main FF series (including XI and XIV) are to tell noninteractive stories; the series pretty much defines 'JRPG'.

How far did you play FFXI? Once you got into the main storyline of that, the cutscenes were far from what I'd call "low budget", and the story got pretty darn cool.


so is the whole able to redo leve thing a lie or what?
i forced DC during a leve to test
and i don't see an option to redo the leve at camp nor in town?


jiggle said:
so is the whole able to redo leve thing a lie or what?
i forced DC during a leve to test
and i don't see an option to redo the leve at camp nor in town?
I think by redo they meant you can pick them again when they reset, like same objetive/rewards:lol

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
We can still change servers, but my guess is that since players dictate the market, you want a populated server in order to have actual stuff to buy


so is the whole able to redo leve thing a lie or what?
i forced DC during a leve to test
and i don't see an option to redo the leve at camp nor in town?

Wasn't a lie, but the translation left much to be desired.

You can redo leves... when the lock out timer resets. The thing they said was "Our issue" with the failures was that they thought we cared more about the reward then the fact we lost a leve for the day. In otherwords if you liked the rewards on a leve that you failed on (either due to crash, or just flat out failing) you can retry it again when the timer resets by just going back to the NPC you got it from. I know... not exactly very rewarding 'fix'.


come to rabanastre! it's empty here :eek:

oh what a fucked up translation then
so we're still screwed when the game crashes on random =.=


They should have a fixed skill/exp amount reward at the end when you finish a leve, just like FoV in FFXI, that way you really cant exploit by force dcing :/


for the buddy pass does anyone know if there is a client to download anywhere because my buddy doesn't live near me and there has got to be a way for him to get it without using my discs


Has anyone done a bunch of leves at all? Is it confirmed that we only get 8 total of battle+crafting leves during a cooldown period or are they separate?


Bugs that are still there:

1) You go to engage a mob with full stamina and all of the sudden you have no stamina when you start to attack.

2) Fight dozens of the same mob, then there is this odd one out that won't yield any exp.(I've checked the log and checked my exp bar. It happens though)

New bugs:

1) "That enemey is already engaged." Or something like that. Doing a leve solo, and I can't fight the monsters but they can beat me up. I had to disengage, run, and come back to be able to fight. Sometimes this will trigger close to the end of their health, so you basically waste all that time trying to kill it.

* I should note this only occured on 2 leves. On mobs I've grinded it has not happened yet.

2) Door in Gridania to the archer/quiver shop is off its hinges and sorta floating in space.

Other things worth mentioning is it seems exp accumulation has been decreased a good chunk. I haven't noticed any low level notorious monsters. Oh and the NPC in Ul'dah who used to sell that really nice level 1 jerkin with +dex, etc no longer sells it. :( Anyone know where it's being sold now ?

Edit: Also worth noting is. A) Puks when they do back flip is now avoidable 9/10 times if you move to its side. It won't just turn when it does it so it hits you which is great. B) Pugilist evade much more often now so they can use haymaker more frequently.


Dreamwriter said:
You have to wait the 36 hours

That's an absolute dealbreaker right there. I can't believe they would let that crap in to retail. I pretty much stopped playing the beta because of this.


Neo Member
Emenis said:
This happens when you double click the Final Fantasy XIV icon and the patcher starts?

Nope. After I click Play and it switches to full screen. I have tried it both in windowed and full screen.


Well, I'm still knee deep in work for at least the next two days, but I managed to play a bit during lunch.

- Crafting seems harder. You can still spam rapid synth and get a majority of successful synths, but it doesn't seem as effective. I don't have the time or gil to test things right now, but I definitely feel this has been adjusted since the beta.

- XP/SP comes much faster. In the short time I played I'm CON 6, CPN 5 (carpenter) and TAN 4, Physical 9.

- Wear on weapons and armor seems slower. For the amount of xping I've done, it feels like my wear should be more. This may be a side effect of lower gil rewards since players won't have as much gil to fix gear.

- Lower gil rewards is really a shock from the OB gil rewards. After completing half the Ul'dah storyline, 5 battleleves and 4 crafting leves, then buying tools for TAN, CPN and ALC (alchemist), I only have just over 2000 gil. I haven't even tried to buy mats for crafting yet, although I haven't sold any of the misc items in my inventory either. Still, at first, the market is going to be very slow while people raise the money to buy items.

- Overall lag has been decreased, but it's still present. This is especially so during crafting leves.

- The game crashed once during character creation and one time while I played, so about average compared to the OB (at least for me).

- Game ran very smoothly for me. I'd say slightly smoother than the OB.

- I did not get into a party as my CON, but spamming cure on myself did not give me any SP, so I'm still skeptical about the party mechanics.

- People seem much more friendly than in the OB. I actually had a THA try to heal me (with regen no less) while fighting a tough mob. I was doing far more healing myself, but still, this did not happen at all during the OB.

- People also seem far too reliant on guildleves... even in this thread. I still have 7 leves to do and I haven't even started crafting outside of leves.


Has anyone done a bunch of leves at all? Is it confirmed that we only get 8 total of battle+crafting leves during a cooldown period or are they separate?

I can confirm its the same as Beta except on a 36 hour cool down. The Lodestone is a mistranslation. Local and Regional Leves are still separate. You can do a total of 16 leves still before Leve reset, (8 Each). They didn't suddenly become combined.
So my game shipped to my parents' address this morning, which is 2 hours away and I won't be able to get it until the weekend.

I'm guessing there's no way I could install the game without the disc(s)? If I could just do that and then get my codes from someone I could be playing tonight.


This is very annoying. When I get the update and when it hits 100% I get the Error 20524. I never installed the hardware mouse patch or anything. Never encountered it in Close or Open beta. :/ Googling for answers.


Allard said:
I can confirm its the same as Beta except on a 36 hour cool down. The Lodestone is a mistranslation. Local and Regional Leves are still separate. You can do a total of 16 leves still before Leve reset, (8 Each). They didn't suddenly become combined.
Awesome! Well this is good news at least!


how does craft leve work?
i've never done it during both betas i was in :X

Depends on the crafting Leve. Any of the crafting leves with Roegadyn on the front require you to procure the mats from a certain NPC before you can start, while the other low level one just gives you the mats at the start. When you got the materials you need, put on the appropriate class tools and then start synthesis. Pull Down "Requested" tab at the start, goto local and find your leve, it will then implement the materials to begin synthesis. Make the amount needed (Quality only affects your appraisal and thus how much reward you get back, so if you are under leveled, just spam rapid and get the synth done) and then turn it into the NPC they ask you to give it to, either from the person that gave you the mats, or the person the Guild tells you to go to.

One thing to note on crafting leves from beta to retail... they upped the amount of chances to finish it by 1. If a leve requires 12 wired rings and each synth gives you 6... you now have 4 mats to make it work. Same for things with 3 synthesis, they now give you 5 mats to work with. Nice change, but its probably to make up for how much harder they made it synth (Failure means even less progress or none now, but I am hearing stories of people not losing materials if they fail at 100% now).
Allard said:
I can confirm its the same as Beta except on a 36 hour cool down. The Lodestone is a mistranslation. Local and Regional Leves are still separate. You can do a total of 16 leves still before Leve reset, (8 Each). They didn't suddenly become combined.
Can't you then to 16 more by going to another town and getting some there? And of course you can do more if you party with someone else and participate in theirs.


Wow, how did I completely forget this was released today? I should probably get around to picking up my preorder..
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